The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 13, 1917, Image 10

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    Methodist Church Services
Th«* regular services o f the church
will he held next Sunday, the pitMtor
preaching; both morning and evening
Sunday achool at 3:46 a. in.. Junior
League at 3, Intermediate and Senior
League at 6:30 ami claaameeting at 7,
The ladies o f the church will nerve a
family dinner in the church parlors at
6 o'clock next Wednesday evening in
honor o f Rev. and Mr*. Dunlap, who
expect noon to leave Forest Grove. All
the ladies arv invited to bring their
lunch ami the members of their family.
The Ladies' Aid Society will meet
Wednesday afternoon as usual in the
Red Cross rooms.
“Accommodation when needed
is double accommodation’ 9— Morton.
Hanking accommodations and the confidence of your
banker are valuable assets in most business transac­
tions. W e extend every accommodation consistent
with safe banking.
Capital Stock and Shareholders’ Liability
Join the Red Cross today; make
it your earnest Xmas thought.
$ 100 , 000.00
Congregational Church
The First National Bank
Tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 the Con­
gregation holds its annual Itudget ban­
of Forest Grove, Oregon
A Strong Bank
in a Good Town
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Rent
n im m »
’ r io H A L M $ i m
Sunday morning Dean Robert Clark
will conduct the worship and give an
address. Sunday evening. Rev. M. J.
Fenenga will give a Stereopticon lec­
ture on "T h e Defenses of the German
Rhine and of the Holland Canals." Join
the Red Cross today. All you need a
Heart and a Dollar.
A. B. F A T T E N . Pastor.
Join the Red Cross today;
Brace the Boys who Brave the
Hun for you .
Money to loan— Valley Realty,
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
•n ,.^7, i
Dr. Lowe, Friday.
R uv "h im ”
Huy mm
Anderson has em.
No. 4 hand bone I Notice bbrnby giver. that by virtue
a Dair of gloves for • ST Y.g ?0<*
a pair Ol gloves ior M arket.
aS neW’
>>« t he au tho rity vested in us as joint
executors of the last will and testa-
ment of Louia P. Kerman, deceased.
j h Anderson has a|| kinds Gf
George and Clarence Urtman oiled clothing for
were shopping in town yesterday. Ask him.
Notice of Sale
!* '
wet weather, ecutors. to sell all the real and personal
j property belonging to the estate of
Unnnm l- rn-|
said deceased at private sale, without
Groceries that are Right
For people who fight
The Battles of Life each day.
Is a practice we’ve made
In building up trade—
We find it the Better Way.
N those few lines you have the history of our
store during the years that we have served the
people o f this community.
We have made special arrangements for supplying
you with everything needed in the Grocery line for
your Christmas Dinner and your other holiday
meals, and all other meals throughout this and fu­
ture years.
In making your purchases for the holiday feast, just
remember that we make it our especial duty and
pleasure to see that you receive goods o f the highest
quality for every penny o f expenditure.
We cannot offer you "CHRISTMAS B A R G A IN S ” be­
cause our prices have already been reduced to the
point where there is hut little profit left. But we
C A N and W I L L give you such satisfactory service
and such pure and wholesome foodstuffs and at such
extremely low prices that you will feel that you are
getting a bargain, whether we give it that name or
Join the Red Cross today; speed George
G . Hancock, real
es- ;luthorjty 0f the County Court, said
on its Mission of Lite, farm loans and tire insur- will having been admitted to probate in
your Dollar
ance, new Anderson block. 50 ¡the County C o u r t of Washington
. ,
ICounty, Oregon, we will, from and
Fresh fish for Tuesdays (meat-
Conservation is the slogan now- after Monday, January u. 191 m , nro-
FridaysP . Pacific
....... adaVS, therefore, buy useful pres- feed to sell at private sale for cash in I
Xmas at
Market; phone 0301.
j i « ents
¿ f o for
r Xmas
at A. G. Hoffman j f t
V / fiS K
& Co.
Hillsboro, Oregon, all of the following
let us have your order for Turkey or other poultry.
A '.,G '
The Book Store has enjoyed ! described real property in Washington
you the highest market price for
h i k hoiid„ v , r»He that Countv> 0reK«»n. to-w.t; All of the
W e will have a full line of Cranberries, Oysters,
eggs in exchange for goods.
' ,
i -
t west hitlf of the northeast quarter of
M r . Bernard was forced to go to section 33, T. 2 N. R. 2 W. of the
Suet, etc., for special reservation. Our personal
The neatest, up-to-date Xmas Portland Tuesday and order a lo t ! Willamette Meridian, saving and ex-
attention will accompany your kind favor.
Post Cards and Booklets, Xmas more goods to till broken lines.
, opting » trai t o f a bo u t6 acres sold to
and owned by Waahingtdn County.
Tags and Seals are to be found at
B Grover of Morro„ counly,
Rids will lie received at the office of
Llttler s Pharmacy.
'Oregon, proprietor of the Red E. 1. Kuratli, located as aforesaid.
Dated this December 13, 1917.
For Sale— Pure bred R. C. R. Barn ranch, consisting of eight
E. I. K U R A T L I.
I. Red cockerel, a beautiful bird hundred a c r e s , is visiting his|
of good size. W. C. Benfer, at niece, Mrs. Ida M. Patrick
M r.;
Express office.
Grover thinks it rains very easy j
H. T. Bagley, Attorney.
Little Ruth Ross, who attends on. this si(ie of the Cascade monn-1
the Central school, fell on the talns-
3 C
alle ......ior....... j II czd U c ____iocz=7z>|fc
front steps of the school house
and had the misfortune to break
her arm, the bone protruding
I desire to acknowledge my ap-
through the skin.
predation of the liberal patronage
By the removal of W. 0. Jones. 2iven my store during the past
late manager of the local milk y ear ar*d to wish all my friend*
condenser, to a similar position at ancj customers a Merry ( hristmas
Idaho, Cornelius T. an'* a Happy New ^ ear. May
Richardson is promoted to man- y ° u[ CUPS of happiness overflow
ager at the local plant. M r . ; in tae coming A uletide.
Jones is now at Nampa and Mrs.
C. S. M c N U T T .
Jones expects to join him soon.
■ P. S. If you have neglected to
Miss M a r y L a u r a Myers,
a.H thu? Groceries you need for
daughter of Postmaster Frank t{iat Christmas Dinner, remember
Myers of Portland, and Miss ^ha^ wp have the very best and
Alice Evans, daughter of* the dis- ‘ pes>iest in the grocery line, as
trict attorney for Portland, visit- !*. as nuts an<* candies for the
ed at the home of the former’s kiddies.
G. S. M .
including the largest collection o f Q U E E N SW AR E ever shown in Forest
aunts, Misses Frances and Minnie
r. •
Myers, in this city over Sunday.
tnnstian inuren
Grove, either in sets or b> the piece.
Come in and let us show you our new
Ph o n e 061
Schultz Pure Food Store
Christmas Shopping
= = =
We have a nice assortment of Christmas Presents,
Call for Warrants
Notice is hereby given that
City of Forest Grove, Oregon,
Street Warrant N o 78, issue of
1913, face value $500.00, is called
for payment. Interest stops on
this date. Forest Grove, O r e ,
Dec. 20th, 1917.
E dw in S S park s ,
City Treasurer.
Bro. B. J. Simpson will fill the pul­
pit next Lord’s day morning in the ab-
| sence of the -pastor, who will be at
Kansas City. The subject: "C hrist­
ianity and the Red Cross.”
Song Service and Sermon 7:30 p. m.
Subject, "T h e Holy Spirit.”
Everybody welcome.
R. L. P U T N A M . Minister.
Join the Red Cross today; the
j Boys Overseas need your Help.
Dishes and Glassware display room.
We take this opportunity of thank­
ing our many patrons for the trade given us in the past and
at the same time hoping we may merit a continuance of
their friendship and patronage.
For this season we are prepared to give you excellent
values, even with leather and leather goods much higher
than in the past. We meet conditions by keeping expenses
down and working hard. Come in and see us. We will
save you money on your shoe bills. Remember, this is an
exclusive Shoe Store which sells nothing but shoes. We sell
no junk or job lots; nor do we give any credit; our terms
are cash to all. The best Shoes and Rubbers for the least
money. “ Buy useful gifts.”
The Forest Grove Shoe Store
We now have in stock PYR E X , the Transparent Ovenware about which
you have been reading. No need to go to Portland, as our prices are right.
Coffee Percolators and all kinds of “ Wear-Ever” Aluminum Come and
pick out what you want and we will deliver it any time you say. Ten per cent
discount on all Aluminum ware until Christmas.
Let Us Help You Make Your Christmas Selections
6 8 3
Goff Bros.
Forest Grove