Furiai Okmu' IE xjhthh I A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R v«i. 2 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, TH U R S D A Y , DEC. 13. 1917 RED CROSS TO BEGIN, MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONDENSED NEWS NOTES A Sunday Recital 49 Agricultural Council Meets Next Thursday Miss Wilma Waggener will give! Miss Pearl Hall is quite ill with an organ recital in the Christian , stomach trouble. Science church, Sunday Dec. 16th,1 A meeting of the County Agri­ Father Ruck of Salem visited ; at 3:30 p. m. This recital is free cultural Council is called by Pres­ If you are not asked to join the' 191M for $1.00. friends in this city yesterday. and the public is cordially invited Fifty cents of ident William Schulmerich, to be to be present. American Rermancnt headquarters at Judge ment, Fort Stevens, thanking the Mrs. A. R Todd is very ill, but fund is $10,000 and Forest. Grove Council are urged to select one Hollis’ office; Prof. R . F Clark before this meeting in Hillsboro. fs showing signs of improvment,1 is chairman of the committee on ladies for dish towels, dish rags, has been asked to raise $75.00 of I from an abcess in the ear. Her N E A L C. J A M IS O N speakers. Rev. A. R. Patten is gun wipes, etc. daughter, Mrs. Wanda Turner, is the amount.____________ head of the publicity department After some discussion, it was here from Gladstone to look after j City Business Firemen Elect Officers and M. R. Johnson is treasurer; decided not to take up the mak­ her mother. M a y o r Paterson, Recorder Thomas Isaacs, H. E. Inlow, Miss The annual election of officers ing of surgical dressings at this and Councilmen Todd, Mc- '1 he regents of O. A. C . have of the Forest Grove tire depart- Dyke Manche I«ingley and Mrs. Rrady Cready and Hines met at the time, as so/ne of the larger chap­ ( ’ howning were elected captains of ] raised the salary of Dr. Kerr, ment was held last night and re- * chamber last Thursday four teams of ten members each ters an- better equipped for this ¡president, from $7,000 to $8,400 suited in the election of Chief evening to hear objections to the to keep him from going to Kan- Lenneville for the fifteenth time, to solicit Forest G ro ve and W. work than the local branch. 1918 budget of expenses. N o ob­ J. M et ’ready. W. P. Dyke. I, M Rev. R. E. Dunlap resigned as sas, where he was offered $9,000. a splendid tribute to his worth. jectors appearing, t h e budget ¡Other officers are Frank Saunders, Graham and Walter Chalmers a director, on account of leaving Dr. Kerr will remain. (calling for the raising of $10,- will captain the four teams who Mrs. F. A. Moore was th e ! assistant chief, secretary and 603.00 by special tax) was de- the city soon and, on M r Dun­ look after the smaller town. lucky recipient of a birthday sur- treasurer; W . A. Long, captain of Mrs. Abbie J. Whitehou-e will lap’s suggestion, Thos. FT Issacs prise party at her home last even- hose company; Ed W irtz, captain Tuesday evening of this week have charge of the booths to be was elected to fill the vacancy. b hy f numbers of the A ^ l e a , o h ^ a n d ladder « o m g j j y . o d rZ rd e r a ^ a U c Z , - set up in the city for the housing The chairman was instructed, by Club. who brought » h « r kmtMn*. £ b o y f d o c M ■ c « ™ " ™ e p t Hawke appeared of membership solicitors. R. J. vote, to w’rite Mr. Dunlap a letter sewing and lunch and spent a Simpson is general manager for amount'n g . to pleasant evening with the Moores. give their annual ball this year, anc* but they may conclude to hold about $1,(00, passed a resolution the west half of the county and expressing regret at his resigna­ Following a program at their their annual New Year reception. raising salaries of employes as Dr. R. M Erwin of Hillsboro is tion and thanking him for the previously announced, authorized manager for the eastern half of very efficient aid given the Red hall, the members of the P. U. Gamma Sigma society last Satur­ Insurance of Soldiers the city treasurer to take up three the county. Cross movement in the past. day night enjoyed a banquet at Washington, D. C., Dec. 12 ,; *911 street improvement’.bond« in W. C. Renfer, Mrs. Dorothy the Hotel Laughlin, there being 1917 — The act which provides the sun^ Join the Red Cross today; do $500 each and a 1913 Seymour and H. F. Wilson were an attendance of about twenty. for Government life insurance for street improvement warrant in your Dollar Duty— Now . elected a committee to arrange The affair was in honor of the soldiers and sailors has now been the same amount. A warrant was for a lunch, to be given at the Addressed Woman’s Club members who have enlisted, sev­ in operation a little more than a p eered $446.38 to pay Christian church at (1:30 next eral of whom were present. Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, secre­ month. The Secretary of the mterest on 1913 bonds. Monday tvening for the pur­ Mrs. Armentrout’s claim of Ed. Sparks, city treasurer, has Treasury announced on Novem- pose of explaining to the people tary of the Oregon Association for ber 17th that up to that date $2.00 for damages done her out- been confined to his bed for the of the city just why and how this the Prevention of Tuberculosis, drive is being made. Tickets are addressed the members of the past five days with a cold that 64,168 applications under the new house by Hallowe’en prankers was bordered on pneumonia. Ed law had been received, represent- referred to the night marshal, t>eing sold at 35c and only 100 Forest G r o v e Woman’s club Street commissioner was auth- Sayres is looking after City Hall ing insurance in the sum of $552,- w ill he sold, us this is all the ladies Monday afternoon, impressing on From four to six thous- orized to put in walks near the ¡during the treasurer’s illness. Mr. 093.000 of the church can accommodate. the ladies the great need of selling Sayres returned Friday from I’en- and applications are received each Free Methodist church and just However, the public is invited to all the Christmas Seals possible. j dleton. where he attended the day at the Treasury Department, south of the S. P. depot, attend the speaking which will The legislature has repeatedly re­ the amount of insurance applied Councilman Todd was instruct- I funeral of his mother. follow in the auditorium immed­ fused to make sufficient appropri­ for sometimes reaching a total of ed to bring in a draft of a new iately after the l u n c h . Good ations to care for the tubercular Mrs. Mary A. Dickson is very fifty million dollars in a single day. light rate ordinance. s|K*akors from Portland will be citizens of the state and the so­ proud of a delicious birthday cake . . ~ M ayor Paterson reported hav- present to tell of the great need ciety which Mrs. Dunbar repre­ I sent her by her daughter, Mrs. j of more members for the R e d : H e lp HI t h e r i g h t ing spent, so far, $855.68 in pay- sents is doing all it can along this ’ Adams of New York City, who r . ° 1 • expenses and wages of wit- Cross. always sends her mother a cake! line. The Red Cross authorities at for her birthday. Mrs Dickson1 While Oregon is known as one TT 0 and a resolution was passed auth- Portland have notified Manager of the healthiest states in the has many friends who have tasted m e M rs- orizing the mayor to employ legal Simpson that the west half of Union, it has hundreds of tuber­ 1 these cakes and they will wish her q i — E- Walker, Washington coun -> talent is necessary to fight the Washington county was the first cular patients who should be re­ ( many happy returns of the day. ty secretary for the Oregon As- case to a finish. district to report a complete or­ ceiving treatment outside their The Red C r o s s Membership , soeiation for the Prevention o f Report of nbrary board showed ganization. homes, to say nothing of the Drive will be whipped into line at The membership campaign will great number of soldiers who will $65.71 on hand. be brought to a close with a com- j be returning from the battle fronts ! a bauquet next Monday night, at j It was 11:30 when council ad­ munity “ Sing,” to be held at one; suffering from the “ white plague.” ¡6:30 at the Christian church.1 journed. ! Two speakers are coming out of the churches or Marsh Hall on Mrs. Dunbar’s visit will, no from Portland, Mr Stanfield Me- j Christmas night, the Rrotherhood doubt, spur the seal sellers on to Donald and Mr. Elmer Mandon, to have charge of this feature, j greater effort. editor of the Republican Radiator, When you buy a Chevrolet you Everybody who can sing in chorus buy a “ Known Quantity.” This j Get your tickets early. is invited to at tend and lend his I Otto Parsons Married is much better than purchasing W. J. R. Reach has received a or her voice to the glad hozan- '• This morning’s Oregonian con­ an “ unknown quantity” claiming nahs. Thomas E. Isaacs is now j letter from his grandson. Enoch 1.1 tained a surprise for many Forest Quality. preparing the program, which will Will, formerly of this city, who is The Chevrolet is built for the Grove people in the announce­ now second in command of a ! be announced in next week’s man who likes to feel proud of ment that Otto Parsons had taken squadron of 150 aero men at papers. his purchase without paying ex­ out a license to wed Elsie Ahl- ! Kelly Field, San Antonia. Texas. cessively for it. Meeting o f Directors beck. The groom is a well-known ¡Sergeant Will says he is kept The Chevrolet car is made with The directors of the local branch farmer, living on upper Gales busy from 5 in the morning until Tuberculosis, dozens o f the good extreme care The car always of the Red Cross met at the of­ Creek, and has been a widower midnight, but likes the work tine, women o f this county are selling makes a good impression. as it gives him a chance for fice of Chairman Hollis Friday for about ten years. He is a good Red Cross Christmas Seals to A Chevrolet reflects favorably further promotion. He believes night, audited and allowed bills citizen and deserves a wife. The he is booked to remain at Camp raise funds to combat the “ white on the good judgment of its own­ plague.” While the seals cost but er. (for m a t e r i a l ) amounting to bride has been living at the Im ­ Kelly for some time. % one cent each, the women o f In the Chevrolet you get qual­ perial Hotel, Portland, and is not $ 211 . 09 . Oregon hope to sell $10,000.00 ity plus t h e known quantity. C H R ISTM AS D IN N E R The officers and members are known to many Forest Grove peo­ worth, the proceeds to be used in You purchase a certainty— “ The getting ready for a big member­ ple. The Hotel I^aughlin will serve Oregon. Product of Experience.” Invitations are out for the mar­ Turkey Dinner on Christmas day, ship drive, to be started next Don’t send away a letter or a Yours very truly, Monday. The drive is to be riage of Miss Helois Phillips of from 12:30 to 2 p. m., at 75c per package without affixing one or W IL E S & SO H LER. this city and Mr. Lester N. Ren- plate. Persons desiring dinner more o f these seals. I f the can­ started simultaneously all over nett, the marriage to take place should place their orders on or be­ vassers fail to find you, call at i W hite Cat U n i o n S u i t s for the United States. Those who at Rockaway at high noon Christ­ fore Saturday, Dec. 22d. Family the Express office, where you Men, Boys and Girls, best in join will be given membership for mas day. parties desired. can buy from 1 to 100. town, at LaCourse’s Store. It Against Tuberculosisnesses in the Elliott sewer lawsuit The Product of Experience