/ The Battle (Publiahe»! Hymn by of the Republic Ke<|U*«t) Mine eye« have seen the glory of the coming of the bird; lie ia tramping out the vintage where the grape« of wrath are «tore«!; lie hath looacd the fateful lightning« of hi* terrible «wift «word; Hi« truth ia marching on. Chorua (¡lory, («lory, Hallelujah, etc. I have seen Him in the watchflre« of a hundred circling camp«; They have budded him an altar in the evening dewa and damp«; I can read hi« righteoun aentence by the dim and Haring larnpa; Hi« day i« marching on. Chorus. I have read a fiery goapsl, writ in burnished rowa of «teel; . “ A h ye deal with my contemner« with you my grace «hall deal; la-t the Hero, born of woman, cru«h the werpent with hi« heel. Since God i« marching on ." Chorua. He haa aounded forth the truni|a*t that ahall never call retreat; He i« aifting out the heart« of men before hia judgment aeat; Oh, be awift, my aoul, to anawer him. be jubilant, my feet! Our God ia marching on. Chorua. In the beauty of the lilliea Cbriat waa born aero»« the aea, With a glory in hia bottom th at tranafigure« you and me; Aa he died to make men holy, let ua die to make men free. While God ia marching on. Chorua. ho J ulia W akd H owb . CONDENSED NEWS NOTES I- Scene dlvialonul heailguurtera of tlie Brltiah during one of the big battle» on the we«t front. 2—Mem- tier» of nn American college girl»' trench candle brigade making candle« of rolled paper boiled in paraffin. 3— Gen. Herbert C. o. I'lumer, appointed commander of the Brltiah forces sent to aid the Italian.«. III II Knitt«d S»*ts for Infants; very pretty and useful article for Xmas The Hoffman block is nearing An Interesting Meeting gifts. A. (». Hoffman & Co completion Job printing phone 821. Gale Grange held another good John T Fletcher Buy a pair of gloves for Christ The Koval Neighbors will elect and Mr. Mrs and Eli Mrs Smith meeting Saturday. A class of five w»-re Thanks­ mas, Anderson has ’em. officers tomorrow night. candidates were initialed and two dinner guests at the Sam The city cout cil meets this ev­ Under jthe leadership 'of Mrs. John Anderson has all kinds of giving applications fo member-hip were Ridgiey home. ening to take final action on the C. E. Walker, Washington coun rec- ived. Election , oiled clothing for wet weather. of officers re­ Men's Hats and Caps, latest 1918 budget. ty secretary for the Oregon As­ sulted in the re-election • Ask him. of Master, and colors. Be sure to Excellent Xmas Gifts for Men, sociation for the Prevention of The Rebekah district convenj styles Overseer, Lecturer, Treasurer. buy your hat here. A. G. Hoff­ tion will be held at Tigard on man & Co. Women and Children at A G. S*cretaryand L. A. S., the new Saturday of this week. Hoffman & Co. officers b e in g Chaplain, Mrs. Huy HER a pair of nice shoes L M Graham is living on Paul Abraham of Yancouv*r Zenor; Assistant S., F. J. Lewis; his wife and oth»r relariffs for Xmas. UP-TO-DATE styles. gruel an»i soft foods these days, visit'd C., Miss Lewton; P , 'Mrs. Ayde- having given up his home-grown in this section Thank giving A G Hoffman & Co loti; F , Mrs Thompson. Rev. R. E. Dunlap is at New- Mr. and Mrs. R. (’. Hill Satur­ teeth to a dentist hist week. The hall was well filled with berg today *and w.ll preach at a Grangers and farmers with Heir day visited Mrs. Lendell Foster The regular meeting of the revival meeting this evening. wives at the afternoon meeting, and daughter, in Portland. Woman’s club will be on Monday, when County Ag icultu al Agent A fine fine of Xmas tie» for Willis Cady of Beaverton, who Dec 10, at 2:30, in Langley hail. men and boys and an excellent Jam.son gave an outline of the Executive board meeting at 2. has enlisted for radio service, vis work done at the Hillsboro meet­ line of h »n tkerchi* fs for men, ited friends at P. U. yesterday. Abbie J Whi’ehouse, Sec ing a month ago and what plans women and children, at John An­ It is reported that the ranks of Mrs. (\ A Lurz and daughter, derson’s. were laid to benefit the farmer, the male students at I*. U are to Mrs. Irene Schultz, of Portland Fay W Shearer and Miss May such as helping to get rid of Can­ be fur her depleted by enlistment«. spent the week-end a* the F>ank ada thistle; rodents, such as moles home, in Diley. ThejNorthrup we e united in marr age and gopher-, exchange list to John F. Carroll, publisher of Sutford ladi* s are sister and niece lo Mrs by Rev. Dunlap last Thu’sday,' Tuberculosis, dozens of the good be published an monthly, learning the Portland Telegram, died at Sutford. the marriage taking plac<- at the women of this county are selling cost of production of farm pro­ his home in Portland Tuesday, of the groom’s mother, in Red Cross Christmas Seals to ducts and how to charge for s^me: Lieutenant Haskell F*jrrin. wife home after a lingering illness. child arrived Tuesday from the Eairview district. many other go» d things. A raise funds to combat the “white and The Woman’s Missionary so­ 'and The officers of the local I. O. 0. California ami will visit friends meeting will be held soon when ciety will put on the pageant, h»jre until tomo-row night, when F. lodge last night look C!ar< nee plague.” While the seals cost but the representatives the various “The Call of Christ to Me,” n*xt they leave for New York, Lieut. Ortman to Hill b»»ro to have the one cent each, the women of county Granges and of farmers’ Sunday night at the Christian Ferrin having b»en ordered to first degree conferred by Hills­ Oregon hope to sell $10,000.00 ganizations will be present. or­ F. church, at 7:30 Everybody wel­ that port. worth, the proceeds to be used in Thatcher is Gale Grange delegate. boro’s crack degree team, cone» d- come. Admission free;silver of­ to be the best in the county on Oregon. Bill Good, the real esta'er, is ed fering. Don’t send away a letter or a Methodist Church Services carrying his right arm in a sling the fir-t degree. package without affixing one or Sunday The boys and girls of the Banks and at t»:45 a. m. next Mrs. Will Schultz, jr , has re- one of his meanest rival sug- of these seals. If the can­ Sunday and schcxfl public school coll» cted and shipped gests that Bill broke hi-» arm try- jeeivj-d from her husband one of more at 11 Nellie vassers fail to find you. call at Curtis, superintendent a. of m. the Miss Portland tO I h<* Boys' and (til Is' Aid so ir.g to lead a customer thru a 1 fhe finest Christmas present- the Express office, where you Deaconess Home will give an address ciety, of Portland, 40 quarts of piece of stump land, but that isn’t imaginable—being a three - fuel can buy which will be of interest and profit to from 1 to 100. fruit and jelly, a sack of potatoes, true, for Mr. Good slipped, fell i Round Oak range, wh»ch will burn all who hear her. In the evening the a sack of apples and a crate of and fractured his arm right on the coal, w»>od or gas. The range is Mr. an»l Mrs. C W. Creel and pastor will preach from the subject, pumpkins and squa hes as a streets of Forest Grove, “ The Messenger the D esert.” said to have cost $135. b iby wi I leave in a few days for Junior League at 3 froi" p. m. Intermediate Thanksgiving offering. Epworth League at 6:30 and class­ visit at Wa hington, D. C.. and and Corporal Encel T-dd of Port- i There wifi be a meeting of the; a other Kid Gloves for Ladies' and land meeting at 7 p. m. sou h rn points. Mr. Creel and Musician Tom Todd of directors of the Red Cross Friday is called to the na' ional capital for The regular Gentlemen — New lot just re­ Bremerton monthly meeting of the yard visited ih»-ir ®Vt,n,nf: *)'c- ‘.’I?’ at the office o' a conference withe head of his de­ Woman’s Home Missionary society ceived, very nice for Xmas pres­ parents, Mr navy an*i Mrs. A. B. Todd, Judge Hollis I his is the regular portment. will be held next Wednesday afternoon ents. A. G. Hoffman & Co. at the parsonage. in this city Thanksgiving. EnceP mun.t 1 v .meetiri(i anand the Forest Grove Express Ray T. Williams took her friends Regular meeting of Riverside fur on|y $6.00 per year, if paid in to her home and entertained them Grange, Dil ey, Ore., Dec. 14, j advance. For Oregonian seven at a sewing parly. The lucky 1917. Open meeting in the after- days a Week. add $2. 0 ladies w ere Mesdames O. W.| noon when Mr. Jamison will ex-! Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton Jones, C. T. Richardson, C. E j plain and discuss the plan f«T have received word that their for next y»*ar. . All W , ke . E B. Brookhank, C W.j county a; agent iu. a . • son-in-law, Dr. , V „ fii R. , Abraham, cordially „ invited to attend in j has . been granted . . from, , ’i Cre-1, K eb a Seeour and Alvce are ,i___r.___ a furlough Todd and Miss Manche Langley i the afternoon. Ft. Riley, Kas., and will v sit his The war department has sent family at Hood River and rela- to various newspapers, including tives in this section soon. If You Expect the Exp ess, a circular letter stat- Mr. ar,d Mrs. John And rson to Buy ing that people who do not hear i entertained Rev. Father Buck of from thei n atives in foreign war , Salem, Dr. ai d Mrs. Phoebe service should not worry, as no Ward and family and Mr. and news means they are all right. In Mrs. John McNamer at dinner A Ford Car case of injury or death, re atives j Thanksgiving. Father Buck re- will be informed promptly. ports that he is well pleased wilh next Spring, we advise The locJ school football hi-surroundings at Salem. you to place your order squad was so high handicapped by th e! Mrs. M. S. Allen entertained with us now. Come in weight of the Salem squads on Satuiday evening at dinner in Thank-giving day that they w. re honor of Mr. A ten’s birthday and let us explain. defeated by a score of 34 to 0. Twenty three guests w» repr»sent The game was played on a very and a sumptuous dinner wa- Special Prices on wet grid, and the boys fiomthis served. The dining room was city made a gallant struggle, but beautifully decoraten with carna­ to no avail. tions and ferns with a row of candles following the plat et ail Charles Robinson, around three during the remainder who Lieutenent We are Especially proud of our immense sides of the room. was commissioned at the Pre­ of this month. line of fine Stationery. sidio, arrived on Wednesday of Congregational Church last week to visit his parents, Mr Rev Patten will preach Sunday and Mrs. H. N . Robinson He morning on “The Impassioned and if- arrived in time to eat Thanksgiv- luminating Church.” In the evening ing dinner with his parents, broth- hr w .i11 cont,I?ue th,e, *erj i 9 .to young K. of P. Building r «nd .»ter, ,nd « p « t , lo Phone, Main 426 Main Street Forest Grove leave early next week for Camp ,,r “ Votes and Voice.” Lewis.. I A. B. PATTEN. Pastor. Help in the Fight Against Tuberculosis Santa Claus TIRES Stout Auto Co. has designated our store as his headquarters for Forest Grove. Many of his most beautiful Toys, Dolls, gift Books, Leather and Ivory Novelties and other appropriate gift articles here await your in­ spection. Never before have we carried so large and beautiful a line of American-made Holiday goods. The Book Store