Plan to Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and thus assist your home merchant, for surely the Christmas season will prompt most especially the “ Trade-with-Your-Hom e-M erchant” plan--the plan which is best for all of us. Do you plan to make someone a real live, life-size g ift this year? If so, we have it in denominations to suit—$50*, $100 and $500. LIBERTY BONDS. The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Oregon Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent A Strong Bank in a Good Town CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Money to loan Valley Realty Co.. Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf The Pure Food News A Week-End Shopping Guido, published by the Schultz Pure Food Store Vol. 1 Have No. 11 Forest Grove, Oregon, December 0, 11)17 Liberty Bonds the Same as Cash Hoover’s Oatmeal Flour, Barley Flour, Rice Flour, Corn Meal, Rye Flour, Graham and Whole Wheat, Soy Beans and Lentils. FACTS Aland Our Coupon Hooks: We give .'I j>er cent on “cash and carry’’ plan, $15 and $20 books only; 2 per cent on the “cash and deliver’’ plan, $5, $10, $15 and $20 books. Two per cent redemp­ tion on cash register re­ ceipts on “ pay as you go’’ purchases. Paramount Flour is a W inner—Try it. Ask about our Paramount Con­ test. $100 in Prizes I No discount on llour, sugar by the sack or any article on which a sia-ciul price in maiic. Schultz given away to Forest Grove’s Humphry X o 4 hand bone George Ortman visited friends mill, good as new, for $8. Pacific most (Htpular women. at Salem and Dallas Sunday. Market. See our Window Display and Phone (Mil The Express prints butter wrap­ Miss Martha M cIntyre depart­ Prizes, pers with non-poisonous ink. ed Sunday for a trip that will take Geo Littlehates is attending her as far east as New York. the poultry show in Portland to­ Bob Eastwood is carrying the day. Wells Fargo express and the mail Mrs. Reba Secour. who has had since the death of H. _D. Ott Sheriff'* Sale Crafts, hi* w ife; F. B. Craft* ami Jane a serious attack of the grippe, is M. T. Sherrett returned this In the Circuit Court o f the State of Doe (fir*t name unknown) Craft*, hi* Oregon for Washington County. now back in the Hoffman store. wife. John Swartz, and Elsie Swartz, morning to his work in Southern if you need the money you have tied up in that Liberty Bond, we will accept the bond at face val­ ue in exchange for merchandise or in payment of un account. Buy IJ. S. Thrift Stamps and War-Savings Certificate» Now! Your poatmoater has them and will give you full particulars. W e Are Getting Ready for CHRISTMAS Busy Every Day. Only 15 more shopping days left. SH O P E A R L Y ! Winter Delivery Schedule now in effect leaving the store promptly at 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. U. S. LI CENS ED FOOD D I S T RI B UT OR Roy Hesseltine anil Dora Be sure to leave your name at Oregon, after a short visit tvith Hesseltine, plaintiff.*, va. Littler’s Pharmacy for a 1918 Mrs. Sherett. B. K. Craft*, Jane I)oe (first name un­ Oregon Weather Chart Calendar. The neaten, and pursuant to said execution, decree ami order o f sale, I will on the 7th day o f January, 191H, at the south door o f the court house in llill*lMiro, Washing J. C. A P P L E G A T E , ton County, Oregon, at the hour o f 10 Sheriff o f Washington County, O re­ o'clock in the forenoon o f said day, sell gon. at public auction to the highest bidder By GEO. A L E X A N D E R . Deputy. for cash all the following described 4S-5t