Slip JFnrrst (Srmtp iExjirpaa A New Query Some people were nude to be xoldiera Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon, But the Irish were nude tube Cop*. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. Sauerkraut was made for (¡ermana. And spaghetti was made for Wops. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12. 1918, at the poetofflce at Forest Grove, Fish was made to drink water. Oregon, under the Act o f March It, 1ST;» Bums were made to drink Booxe. Banks were made for money, Subscription Kates And money was made for the Jews. Paid in advance On Credit Everything was nude for something i 1.00 One year One year Mivst everything but a Miser. Six months .50 Six months God made Wilson for President Three Months .25 Three months But who in the h nude the Kaiser. T H U R S D A Y , DEC. ti. 1017 Oregon Rooky. •‘I am sorry that you do not wear a flan every day and 1 can only ask you if you lose the physical emblem to t>e sure that you wear it in YOl'K HK. akt : the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the world.” President Wilson. N O T E S A N 1) C O M M E N T S By doing your Christmas shop- ping early, >ou get first pick of the merchandise and save the nerves of the clerks who will wait on you. breaking as the uncertainty of ocean travel. The hoys have a fighting chance on land, hut the submarines of the Huns give them no chance to fight hack. Very few “ made in Germany" toys will be sold this y ta r— here or elsewhere. Americans won’t buy them and few Europeans can afford to buy toys. United States engineers home from France on furlough report that the Huns have discovered a new plan of frightfulness, carried out by covering toy balloons with Even if the food profiteer, rob d»*eMf and « « d i n g them us on cornmeal and graham Hour, ° ' er a*bed trenches. Sold:ers we are giving dvspepsia a solar are forbidden to touch these bal- plexus blow when we eschew white loons More Cerman kultur- fiour for a time. Hooverize! Louise Olivereau; w h o wa- Unde Sam may not be able to|fou,Dd on nine counts reach and punish a!! those who raL-e prices unreasonable because of the war, but if old Satan hasn’t left hell to join the Hun war cab inet, he may even up with the j food speculators one of these days From Beaverton the new road to Bertha will be followed, and the letter announces that from that j>oint a new’ survey has been made into Portland in which no grade greater than 5 per cent is encountered. The announcement of final de cision rescinds the former ordi r of the Commission designing the Canyon route by way of Orenco for the highway. The question was reopened on petition of peo­ ple in the south district As final'y adopted the route is that designated by the former State Highway Commission when state highways w e r e named throughout the state. Military Registrants Must Keep in Touch East Through CALIFORNIA Costs but Little More Whyn you go East via California, you may visit San Francisco, all the resorts along "th e Road o f a Thousand W onders," Los Angeles and Sunny Southern California, The Apache Trail o f Arizona. Liberal stopovers are permitted at various points enroule. Four trains a »lay from Portland offer ample accommodations. Inquire o f any S. P. agency or address John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland Southern Pacific Lines m et‘era court at Seattle of ob- The following men were called s,ruJc,,nK ,he draft’ was a former Teacher’s Examination A Monologue by the local board to report at rvsld’?nt of H,,Uboro- wht’r**- Teacher’s examination will be Did you ever think the office of the local board for fc,ur -vears a^’0’ she wa* in an abs'ra--t office. A ’ the time transportation to American L ik e held m Hillsboro, Dec. 19, 20, 21 As the nice new hearse passed by That some day or other the I. W. W marched from Port­ on I)ecember 5th, 1917 Said and 22, 1917. Each one of us must die? Wednesday A. M U. S. History, Writ land to Salem she joined them at men to report at 10 a. in. of sa d Then w e’ll take a ride ing. Music, Drawing. |yl:i return for a life annuity.: Hillsboro and made p eches in In that lovely new hack day, viz: Wednesday 1’. M. Physiology, Read­ ! Mrs Anna Farley of Dallas has their behalf Miss Olivereau is ing, Manual Training, Composition. Out to the cemetery Edward Henry Kaufman, Hills­ donated to the M . E church said to be unusually intelligent Domestic S c i e n c e . Ma-thisls in And never w-ill come hack. boro, Ore. It. 1. board a ranch in Polk county- but she has allowed ht’r intel­ Reading, Course of Study for Did you ever think. Lawrence Judson Bacon, Cor­ As you strive so hard for gold valued at $20,000; Other wealthy- ligence to run rior at a time when Drawing, Method* in Arithmetic. nelius, Ore. Thursday A. M. Arithmetic. History , peroon’s hand from tnis this i UrK.Ie Sam needs brains as well as people are not barred Darrea irom James S. Brandaw, Hill-boro, o f Education. Psychology, Methods * an * " dollar hold ' method of helping their favorite brawn. Her bail is is tix-d fixed at $7.- Ore. So you might as well be buried. in Geography, Mechanical D raw ­ churches. For don’t you know, on earth. 500, in default of which she is in These men will take the place ing. iJomeatir Art, Course of Study If you huven't g pa rejected by examining of- Yes, your dollars or your dimes? they get them done, if they have tifleate. doeth all things well, has removed , r> at Uamp Lewis, \iz. But, listen! we ought to be so thankful a little time they might knit that Friduy A. M, Theory and Practice, from our midst our belov»d broth- Ernest franklin I hompson, That w e ’er left here yet, ()rthographyl Physical Geography, editor some blinds to cover his In this troublesome time er, Henry D. Ott, who passed Timber, Or-*, English Lipiruture, Chemistry, eyes. That we^iever shall forget. A!be t F. Nackers, Cornelius, away Dec. 2d, 1917, and ; Albe Physical Culture. ‘ ‘ Mary, where in h----- is that Whereas, Our broth’-r has f >r fire shovel?” asked a Hillsboro many years been a faithful and man to his wife recently. “ I ’ ll b>e consistent Odd Fellow, willing to d if I know, dear,’ she re- bear at all times a portion of the plied sweetly, and Bill hasn’ t |oad 0f his brothers and neigh- been heard to use a naughty word 'hors; therefore, be it since. The lesson evidently went Resolved, T h a t Washington home. lodge No. 48, I. O O. F., extend The police of Portland have started a crusade against the punchboards, used to promote the sale of candy, cigars and other luxuries. It is contended that they are a form of gambling and tend to cause people to increa-e the consumption of sugar, which is needed for other purposes. On Saturday, Dec 22, at 10 a. m., the taxpayers of Washington county are invited by the county court to meet at Hillsboro and consider the budget of expenses for 1918. The budget calls for an expenditure of $429,705.67 and if you think it too much, go and show how this amount can be cut down. The editor of the Express doesn’t mind eating corn bread and hoe cake in order that the soldiers fighting the Huns may have the white bread, but he hates like sin to pay more for cornmeal and graham flour than is charged for wheat flour, just so some hog of a miller may wear diamonds. M r. Hoover should muzzle some more of the profiteers. People who have relatives in T, . , n „ . , the J bird Oregon must be relieved to learn that the regiment is in France. Whatever the danger of trench warfare, it is not so heart- t0 r‘- atlve o f our deceased brotb,‘r our deepest sympathy and tbaf we ma'r:e known to their. our sorrow in the loss of one of our mo^t worthy brothers. Be it further Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother and a copy be spread upon the minutes I of this lodge. W . C B E N FE R , JA M E S F M C G ILL, S. A. W A L K E R , Committee. Highway Commission Has Changed Front Ore. Friday P. M. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Otto Hamel, Portland, Ore. Saturday A. M. Geometry, Botany. Out of a total of .‘18 men sent Saturday P. M G e n e r a l History, by Washington coun'y only J Book Keeping. were rejected physically N. A. FROST. The district board ha affirmed Washington County Transfers the decision of the local board on Olive V Hawke et virto Joseph Keif- the following cas**s, which were enrath, lots 7, 8 and 9, block 1, Hawke's add to Gaston. appealed by th • government: G W Bordurnnt et ux to M B. Bump, Charles E A darns ‘ S 1-3 of lots 7, 8 and 9, block 2, Sim- Arthur R. Hundley ' moris’ add, $I0<)0. . . ... Frank J. Hansen Anton Gnoa to Margaret Gnos, W 1-2 The d a r e of mailing of the N E 1-2 S 27, T 1 It 3, 80 ac, $10. James McEarlane et al to Lloyd G Questionnaire to 5 per cent of the Self ridge et al, 20 ac in S 2. T 2 R 4. registrants within Washington A M Buggies et ux to Earl I) Good­ county begins on December 15th. man et ux, 13.78 ac, lot 5, S 1, T 2, It The Questionnaire is to be mailed 4. to every regi-trant whose registra- Fred Davis et ux to I, I Davis etu x, tion card is within the juri diction 85 ac, s 24, T l, It 3, $ 7000 . F. H. Maul-ling et ux to Carrie Jack, of this board, regardless of wheth ! 10 ac, being part of R. S. Tupp’d I) L er or not the registrant ha- been I C 42, T I, It 4, *10. inducted into the service by draft or voluntary enlistment. All reg­ istrants who have changed their places of abode must communi­ cate immediately with their local board and furnish their present address so that the Questionnaire will reach such registrants with out delay. Failure to do so may lose them their right to claim ex- In a letter to the Washington County Court dated November 27, but only made public Mon­ day, Chairman Ben-on, of the State Highway Commission, an- ,imi>t,on or dischar* e ’ nounces the unanimous decision Ijast Thur day evening Miss of the Commission to locate the Dee Darling enteitaimd thirty- state highway through Washing- five of her music pupils from ton county by way of the so-called Hillsboro. They were chaperoned Reedville- Beaverton route. This by Mesdames Nelson and Cave. route parallels the north side of The jolly crowd came down on the Southern Pacific tracks be­ the 6:-‘10 car and returned on the] tween Hillsboro a n d Beaverton ten-o’clock. T h e evening was and while utilizing existing roads spent in games and later a gypsy als0 ¡ncludes new road for which ma{]e ht.r appearance and delight- ri{?ht of way has been donated ed the young people by reading aruj eliminates all railroad cross- their palms, Ice cream and cake ¡ngs between the two towns, were served. Did you ever think We should be us careful us we could Economical in all things. Especially with our food? Ami always remember the old saying. “ Life is what you make it,” Then put the sorrows and cares away, Ami the happiness I k * ready to take it. Contributor, Mesdames II A. Hatfield, W. A. R ohm ami W. C . Ilenfer and Miss Amy Pechin attended a m< el ing of the G. L. R. club at , , . , . , \ the home of Mrs. Martha Sutford, Dilley, last Saturday night and brought home three of the prizes awarded They report a very en­ joyable evening. O. C. Jackson came down from his farm in Yamhill county and visited with his family in this city last week. WE SELL Lumber 1 » Cement W e Buy fo r C ash : Q L ltl A *1 AC1 ; ijilinglCo a n d S e ll \ C -H -E -A -P ; Roofing ; The M a i n Street | jn Tiber Yard ; i : : Copeland & McCready