---------------------------------------------- \ S N e w H o u sto n H o te l Hl.th n id K m i l l HI»., l ’uri Litui. O r». Kuur liliirk. from Union llvpot. I wo Murk, front Nuw l'oaloffie«. M . l . m at»l flr«i>ruof. Ovar IUU untalila ruoma. K aU * ite lo tï.ijn. Hotel Rowland Cov* ring 75c lo $1.50 per day: $2.50 to $5.00 per week. Stfâvv Vegetable* I>til*ia!lfl f ’aiurthouae, 2 lilock. from I’lm ln U c. M r « I’ riatf. M. I' ami Oroguti Klactrl paaa clour. B E A U T IF U L R U G S I’ortbuul, Or. Inches thick. The depth of the earth covering Is determined by the sever­ ity o f the winters In the particular be collty. It Is well to cover the pits with straw, corn fodder, or manure during severely cold weather. The amount of ventilation necessary will depend ui>on the size of the pit. Hmnll pits containing but a few bush­ els o f vegetables will receive stifli- cb-nt ventilation If tb<- straw between the vegetables und dirt Is ullowed to extend through the dirt ut the apex of the pile. This should be covered with a board or piece of tin held In place by n stone to protect It from rain. In large pits ventilation may tie secured by placing two or three pieces o f rough boards or stakes up through the center o f the pile of vege­ tables so that u flue Is formed. This Hue Is capped by a trough formed of O f ■ w TO IIH KAK IN NEW HIIOKM A L W A Y S USE two pieces o f board nulled together A H .ii'iH 'iiu l- la w . the nntiM-ptir |«jwd«*r. It at right angles. previ-rtlji tig h tn r«. *n,l Mint.-ring. Krh'-vn. Com «. Vegetables keep very well In such lluuSiri«. atul Swnillrn, Hwvatlng, A rh ln g K«t-t. t i i » « « r « .t t*ni| comfort. A 'n ip t no «uiiatilut«*. pits, tiut It Is difficult to get them out Kainplo K K L K . AildreM , A ll«n 8. Ultimo*!. l*e lu cold weather, so that when a pit Hoy. N . Y. ______________________ Is opened It Is desirable to remove Its A Wise Beggar. ••ntlre contents ut once. For this rea­ Deaf atul Dumb Beggar — Do you son It Is ndvlsable to construct sev­ think It looks like rain, Ham? eral small pits rather than one larger llllnd Beggar— I daren't look up to one, and Instead o f storing each crop set*. Here comes one of my best cus- \ In a pit by Itself, It Is better to place t tuners.— Kxchango. a sinnll quantity of several kinds of Pit Containing Sweet Potatoes. Qualified. vegetables In the same pit, so that It Husband.— Your extravagance is size and six or eight Inches deep, will be necessary to open only one awful. When I dlo you'll probably which may be lined with struw, leuves. bank to get a supply of all of them. have to beg. In storing several crops In the some Wife- -W«U, I should b- bott. r off or slmllur material and the vegetables than some poor women who never had placed on the litter In a conical pile. bunk It Is n good plan to separate The vegetables should then be cov­ them with straw, leaves, or other ma­ any practice.— London Opinion. ered with straw nr similar material terial. The vegetables from the small His Dire Threat. and Anally with earth to a depth of pit may be placed temporarily In the Ho was 4 and his older brother two or three Inches. As winter ap­ storuge room In the basement, where wasn't respecting his dignity. proaches, the dirt covering should they will tie euslly accessible as need­ "I'm going to grandmas for a night be Increased until It Is several ed for the table. and a day and then I'm going north," ho threatened.— Indianapolis News. VARIETIES OF SWEET CLOVER INCREASE IN GRAIN YIELDS HIDE8, PELTS. CASCARA BARK. WOOL AND MOHAIR. White Is Considered to Have Greatest Value for Hay and Pasture— We m l ill fw Is«. Write for pncti and xltippicg tags Plant la More Leafy. Tut H. F. N onton C o . nriu»«, on.; turtle, w» Lull In Farm Operations After Har­ vesting Is Best Time to Prepare for Next Season. (North Dakota Agricultural College Uul- (B y W. M 'F A R L A N E . Oklahoma Experi­ ment Station.) SHERIDAN BECKLEY COMP’Y, Inc. Tetln.) Just after harvesting the small grains there Is generally a lull In the farm operations. Then Is the time for the farmer to prepare for the next year. Disking up the stuhhle ns soon ns possible after harvesting has been found by experiment and common ex­ perience to be profitable. It prepares the soil to absorb and retain a maxi­ mum amount of moisture nnd also kills innny weeds. Just ns soon ns suffi­ cient moisture Is In the soil the fnrm- er should plow the land at least six to Inches deep. WHEN VEGETABLES ARE HIGH seven Both the Ok’ ahoma nnd the Kansas W e Pay Cash. No Commissions stations have found early and deep Surplus Truck In Home Gardena H E ID E N R O C H CO. plowing give profitable Increases in Cornea in Handy Later on If 74 fr o n t St., Portland, Ore yield. The Oklahoma experiment sta­ Canned and Preserved. tion found as an average of five years Surplus fruits, beans, tomatoes and with Fulcastor wheat, seeded Septem­ other vegetables produced In home gar­ ber 15 to October 1, the following re­ dens are allowed to spoil on the vines sults : or rot on the ground. A morning's Plowed 7 Inch*. deep. July 15, yield W ill irunrnnt«*i/you top market price* at all tim e« work would can and preservo such Plowed 7 I n c h e s d e e p . August 15, fur your Veal, I loir«. Poultry. Ksrtr*. Mutter, Hulun, yield surplusage for use when fruits and Etc. I f you have not nhipperi to un. try ua. Plowed 7 I n c h e s d e e p . September vegetables arc neutre and high in price. 15. yield Tw o kinds of sweet clover ore com­ monly grown, the white and the yellow. P ro d u ce B rokers. The white Is considered to have the (« u h buyer. In lira i ami rar loto. greatest value both for hay and pas­ HOGS i W rite O r Shipping T « * * i APPLI ture. It grows larger thnn the yellow VEAL n A n'LLr‘" I-U* P otato and Is more leafy. The seed of the N» C h «,. ) O N ,o i EGGS ) white sweet clover is of a bright olive green color and about the surne size as 126 Front Street, PORTLAND. - - OREGON alfalfa seed. The seed o f the yellow sweet clover Is m r h the snme size, Hefprnitce: H ib r m iA SavIngN Hank. shupw uud color, except thnt under the microscope It has n mottled appear­ W e W ant Your ance not unlike n turkey egg. BEANS THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. 113 Front, PORTLAND, OR. ERADICATE ALL LATE WEEDS SWARM CONTROL BIG FACTOR / " 1 \ W E W A N T YOU It Poultry,VeaI and Hogs P R O M IT RETURNS] NENNINGSEN PRODUCE CO. Portland, Ore. é No. 48 , 1017 Weeds that nre left In the com arc the ones that do the damage. A few cockleburrs or other weeds left at the last will grow up and. by going to seed, scatter over the whole field. This will make matters next year Just as bad as before. Every effort to get out the late woods from the corn ought to be made, even If It Is necessary to use the hoe on the worst spots In the Gold. Swarm control Is nn Important fac­ tor In beekeeping, asserts Dr. J. II. Merrill, assistant professor of ento­ mology In the Kansas State Agricul­ tural college. "The standard of successful bee­ keeping was formerly set by the num­ ber o f swarms thnt issued during the year,’* said Doctor Morrill. “ Now, however, it Is known thnt one colony will produce more honey thnn will a colony which by swarming has been separated Into two, or possibly more. Thus, while swarming may be the natural way for Increasing the num­ ber o f bees, It Is not desired by the beekeeper who Is keeping bees to pro­ duce honey. "Th e exact cause for swarming Is not kn7wn, nlthough there are several conditions which nre known to stimu­ late It. I f these conditions are reme­ died, a large proportion o f swarming will be controlled." Reason la That It Is Kept Uncovered In Warm Kitchens— Keep Cov­ ered In Cool Plao«. NO COMMISSION P. N. U. Swarming Is Not Desired by Beekeep­ er Who Is Keeping Bees for Production of Honey. MUCH MILK SPOILS QUICKLY HIGHEST M ARKET PRICE 18-20 Front St. Few Cockleburrs or Other Noxious Plants Left at Last Will Cause Trouble Next Year. Much milk spoils quickly because It Is kept uncovered In warm kitchens. CIoO* observance o f the doctrlno, “ Keep perlsbnhle food, especially milk, cool, clean and covered continuously,’* may aka a striking difference In tbs food Tla o f many families. T h e im ported N orw egian cod liver o il a lw a y » tued in S cott’« E in o h u a U now refined In our own Am erican laboratories which guarantee* it free from im purities. Scott a Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. 17-17 VAUGHAN’S PORTABLEJDRAG SAW C u t s 20 C o r d s ^ in 10 H o u r s 8TORAQE P IT CONTAINING IRISH POTATOES. (Prepared by the United S t a t e » Depart­ Bought. Sold. K siitw l and K s p tfrtd ment or Agriculture ) W A I.K K K II.K C T K IC W OltKH Outdoor bunks or pits are used very iiurnaid«*. cur. loth. I'orlland. Ora. generally for keeping vegetables. The conical pit Is used commonly for such B ig g e r P ay fo r Y o u . |!ahnk<* Walkwr Mimln«*« C!oll«*i*«\ Portlan«!, vegetables us potatoes, carrots, beets, Or«»., )n Nurtliwm i, train* you In nil bunl- turnips, snlslfy, parsnips, und heads o f noan oouraaa. I nroll any Urn«*. Vr*m Oataloir. cabbage and Is constructed as follows: A well-drained location should be Musical Camouflage. chosen and tho product plied on the Tho wuy tho piano amateur uh <- h the surface of tho ground; or a shallow loud pedal. excavation mny be made of suitable Tho ptuiilnt and tho conductor shak- Ink bunds after the finale of the con- < «Tin. Ihtnlzettl'a orchestration. A singer rising on his toon to project a high unto. A pianist hitching back In his chair Just before beginning the octavo part o f tho sixth rhapsody by Liszt. A music critic's dress suit.— From V * the Musical Courier. M you will find your whole system strengthened. It will fortify your lungs and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It is powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. Don’t neglect taking S cctt’a—o o m m o n c o to d a y . f Arr rrmilci from your 01.1) CAR­ PETS. Rag Illicit woven nil xizi-». Mt.il order* receive prompt and care­ ful attention. Send for Itonklct. NORTHWEST RUG CO. ELECTRIC MOTORS gcoiB 8o.rlionna on • vary (lin t,* E. Hth and Taylor St». Thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds every winter. A cough follows; they get rundown then stubborn sickness sets in. Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be cured and if you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of C il AM. C. IIO I'K IN S , Manag, r. Katas: WILL YOU BE ONE 7 STORING VEGETABLES IN BANKS OR PITS THE ORIGINAL THE LIGHTEST. THE STRONGEST. HAS M ANY IMITATORS. BUT NO EQUALS. W rit, foe Information. V aughan M o to r W o rk «, PORTLAND, OREGON. « IS FINE FOR Flush the Kidneys at once when Hack hurts or Bladder bothers. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forme uric acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou­ ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi­ ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders Her Skill. “ So, Mrs. Tart has that fierce-tem- pered husband of hers tamed, has she?" " I should say she had. She's got him that tame that she takes money out of his hand without him snapping at her."— Exchange. come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at­ tended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be­ fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys w ill then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus end­ ing bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can­ not injure; makes a delightful effer­ vescent lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Shiver My Timbers! With the coal situation so unsettled, the Mexican hairless dog that has been trying to like this climate has an anxious winter before him.—Chicago News. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ late liver, bowels and stomach. Not Exaggerated. Law yer— How large were the hoofs? Grateful. W ere they as large as my feet or my May— I don’t think much o f a man hands? who proposes to a girl by letter. Darky— No, Bah, they was Jus’ ordi- Carrie— My dear, you should feel nary-sized hoofs, sah.— The Harvard grateful to a man who proposes to you Lampoon. in any way.— Exchange. Sc XOcrh Many W om en in this Condition Re­ gain Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Convincing Proof of This Fact. Ridgway, Penn. — “I suffered from female trouble with backache and pain in my side for over seven months so I could not do any of my work. I was treated by three different doctors and was getting discouraged when my sister-in-law told me how Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound had helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my health, so I now do all o f my housework which is not light as I have a little boy three years old." — Mrs. O. M. R ulnks , Ridgway, Penn. Mrs. Lindsey Now Keeps House For Seven. Tennille,Ga.—“ I want to tell you how much I have been benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. About eight years ago I got in such a low state o f health I was unable to keep house for three in the family. I had dull, tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and hands nearly all tho timo and could scarcely sleep at all. The doctor said I had a severe case of ulceration and without an operation I would always I k ; an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist advised my husband to get Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and it has entirely cured me. N ow I keep house for seven and work in the garden some, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it saved my life and have recommended it to others and they have been benefited” .— Mrs. W . E. L i n d s e y , R. R. 3, Teunille, Ua. I f you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkhani Medi­ cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will I k * opened* read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence.