THERE IS A RUSH OF GOLD HUNTERS ALONG SLAVE RIVtR. AND AMONG THOSE PRESENT IS SANDY Mc- TRIGGER, PROSPECTOR AND BAD M A N -SA N D Y FINDS TRACES OF KAZAN AND HIS MATE. Fearing dire punishment after klllng a man who had attacked his mistress, Kanin, nn Alaskan sledge dog, one-quarter wolf, takes to wild life und mates with Gray Wolf. Weeks later, drawn by mem­ ory of woman's kindness, Kazan saves the life o f Joan and her buby, and with Gray W olf establishes u lair at Sun Hock, near Joan's home. Gray W olf is blinded and her pups ure killed by a lynx. Joan, her husband und her baby leuve the country, so Kazan and Gray W olf go northward. They are captured by u naturalist, but release«! out of sympathy. CoprTl*ht by the Bobbi-ilerrll) Company. rabbit and caribou trulls. Then he ra- A (¡H KA T D IS C O V K H Y tu rued to the creek and cookad his sup « Ity J. It. Watson, M 1>) per. Swollen hunils, ankles, feel srs due lo The uext morning he wus up early, a dropsical condition, often caused by and off to the polsou balls. The first disordered kidneys. Naluiully when the bait was uilt«>uchc«l. The second wasj kidneys are dsranaed ths M o o d Is flllt d as he had pluutisl It. Thu third was wllli intlaoiioilN «vitato Ululici-, svlili lí net­ gone. A thrill shot through Kandy as tici! la (lie feet, IIllklen mul mi luta, or un­ der file eyes In bug-like fut limi Inns liu looked about him. Komuwbcre with­ As u remedy for Iboee easily recognised in a radius of two or flirt*«* huudr«*«l symptoms of liiflaminnllon mused by aria yards lie would Uud Ills game. Then add as scalding urine, liuckadie ami fré­ tils glance fell to the ground under tillent ill imitimi, as well as sediment In the bush where lie bad bung the poison ■ lie urine, or If uric seid In the blood has capsule and an oath broke from Ids mused rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, goni, It Is simply wonderful how ipih kly lips. The bait bad not been eaten. The An-u-rlu ails; the pains and sllffnesa caribou fut lay scattered under the rapidly dlsappenr, for Anurie (doolils bush and still Imbedded In the largest strength), Is many times more potent portion of It was tin* little white nip- than Hilda nini often eliminates urla seid «tutor nulls sugar. sul«*— unbroken. It wus Kuudy's tlrst as I > hot r. Iren e's I'leasulit Pellets for the experlenc«* with a wild creature whose liver und bowels have been favorably Instincts were sharpened by Idludneua, known for marly DO yours Anurie Is u rerent scientific disi nvery and be was puzzled. He hud never by Id Pierce, I ’blef of Htuff ul lb« In vallila' Hotel and Nutgbal Inst , In llnf- known this to happen before. If a fox fulo, N. Y Send lue there for u trial or u wolf could be lured to the point of pkg uf Anurie. touching a ball, It followed that the halt was eaten. Sandy went on to the Knew Hls Table Manners. fourth and the fifth hulls. They were The suggestion of the food Conner- untouched. The sixth was torn to vers that we cat whale recalls Ihn pieces, like the third. In lids Instance story of the schoolboy who was helng the capsule was broken aud the white <|UCNtloiicf Ids poison SOOTHES it c h in g s c a l p s balls lie accepted as a sort of climax to Ids general bad luck. Everything And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cuti was against him. In* bcllevtsl, and be cura Soap and Ointment. mnde up Ids mind In return to lt«*d On retiring, gently rut) spots of Gold rity. Early In the afternoon h* launched Ids canoe nnd drifted down­ dandruff uml Itching with t'utieura Next morning shumpoo stream with Mu* current. He was con­ Ointment. with Cuticura Soap and hot water tent to let the current do all o f the using plenty of Soup, t'ultlvato tho work today, and he used hls paddle use of Cuticura Soup and Ointment Just enough to ke«*p Ids slender craft for every day toilet purposes. head on. lie leaned back comfortably Free sample each by mull with and smoked Ids pipe, with Hie old rifle Book. Address postcard, Cutlcuru, Sold everywhere. between Ills knees. The wind was In Dept. I,, Boston. Ills face nnd he kept a sharp watch for — Adv. gnme. Pater PuintlluM (describing a speech) — The audience was thut absorbed you could have heard u pin drop. Comes the beginning of the Curious Hopeful— Did anybody drop most critical period In the life ono?— Exchange. of Kazan and Gray Wolf. The story Is developed to an Impor­ "Mamma, what does it mean when tant point In the next install­ you're wined and dined?” ment. "That's an obsolete term, Harold. Now you ure only grapejulced and cornbreaded.” — Life. whined and rublxai her- — 14— headwaters were fifty or sixty miles to s«*lf against Kazan aud trotted u few A Shot on the Sand Bar. the south and east. Hero uud there he steps to the southwes^ July and August of 1911 wore months found fairly good placer gold. He of great tiros In the Northland. The might have punned six or eight dollars' At times such as this Kazau seldom swamp homo of Kazan and Urey Wolf, worth u day. With this much he was refused to tuke guidance from her. and tho green valley between the two I disgusted. Week after week he i*on- They trotted awuy side by side aud by ridges, hud escaped the seas of devas- ] tlnued to work his way up-streaiu, aud the Ulne Sandy was creeping up suukt*- fating flame; hut now, as they set forth 1 the farther he went the poorer his pans like with the wind In his face, Kuzuu on their wandering adventures uguin. it ' became. At last only occasionally did was peering from the fringe of river was not long before their padded feet 1 he find colors. After such disgusting brush down upon the canot* ou the came in contact with the seared nnd ; weeks as these Sandy was dangerous-- white strip of sand. When Kandy re- blackened desolation. Kazan led his I when In the company of others. Alone turued, after un hour of futile stalking, blind mate first Into the south. Twenty ' he was harmless. two fresh tracks led straight down to miles beyond the ridge they struck the j the i'unn on the wet sules. in each little capsule were live “ sand. What he saw were the f«>otprints grains o f strychnine. There were dnrk All of her wonderful Instincts, sharp- o t animals. Two had come down to hints that once upon a time Sandy Mc- ened and developed by her blindness, tirink. They had stood side by side. Trlgger had tried one of these capsules told her that to the north—nnd not And the footprints were fresh—mnde by dropping It in a cup o f coffee und south—lay the hunting-grounds they not*moire "than an hour or two b«*forë! I <» « »>“ «■ '»>•' I**»«'* *1Ht* proved It. lie was expert In the ..... of Interest .... never shot prove«! lie w were seeking. The strain of dog that A „ gleam Into It. Sandy's was in Kazan still pull«*d him south. It eyes. He lookt'd behind him, and up use of poison. Probably he bad klll«*d a thousand foxes in bis time, and he was not because he sought man. It was and down the stream. chuckled again as he counted out n simply dog Instinct to travel south­ “ Wolves,” he grunted. "Wish I could ward ; in the face of fire it was wolf ’a’ shot nt ’em with that old minute-gun dozen of the capsules and thought how instinct to travel northward. At the back there. Gawd—listen to that I And easy It would be to get this Inquisitive pair o f wolves. Two or thri-e days be­ end of the third day Gray W olf won. in broad daylight, too!” fore he had killed a caribou, nnd each They recrossed the little valley be­ He jumpetl to his feet, staring off o f the capsules he now rolled up In a tween the two ridges, and swung north into the bush. little bull of deer fat. doing the work and west into the Athabasca country, A quurter of a mile away Gray W olf j with short sticks In place o f hls fin- striking a course that would ultimately bring them to the headwaters of the had caught the dreaded scent of man , t,ors. w, that there would he no man­ ia the wind, and was giving voice to smell clinging to the death-baits. B«*- McFarlane river. 1 her warning. It was a long walling fore sundown Snndy set ont nt right- Late in the preceding nutumn a pros­ howl, and not until Its last echo«*s had pector had come up to Fort Smith, on died away did Sandy MeTrigger move. angles over the plain, planting the the Slave river, with a pickle bottle Then he returned to the canoe, took halts. Most of them he hung to low filled with gold dust aud nuggets. He out his old gun. put n fresh cap on the bushes. Others he dropped In worn had made the find on the McFurlune. nipple and disappeared quickly over The first mails had taken the news to the edge of the bank. MANY CREEDS IN ONE CHURCH GOOD FARMERS ARE NEEDEO the outside world, nnd by midwinter For a week Kazan nnd Gray W olf the earliest members of a treasure- had been wandering about the hendwa- Big Problem Solved In One Town But It Might Be Po**lble for Too Many hunting horde were rushing into the People to Go Back to the Land, Where Eighteen Denomination* country by snow-shoes and dog-sledge. Saye Writer. Worship Together. Other finds came thick and fast. The McFarlane was rich in fr«?e gold, and To Jump from the frying pnn Into A federated church, In which IS de- miners by the score staked out their 1 nominations are worshiping harmoni­ the fire Is said to afford slight relief. Here's ( à rand mother's Recipe to claims along it and began work. Late­ ously, seems to he solving the small­ Were half of the city population to comers swung to new fields farther Darken and iteautify town problem in Atascadero, San Luis “ go hack to the land," I funry that the north and east, and to Fort Smith came Faded Hair. Obispo county, California. In other second estate of man would he quite rumors of "finds” richer than those of as unhappy ns the first, Girard ob­ places a federated chureh means the the Yukon. A score of men at first— uniting of bodies already orgai-ized, serves In the Phlladtdphln Ledger. That beautiful, even shade of dark, then a hundred, five hundred, a thou­ A succession of more crops than we glossy hair can only be hail by brew­ while here Mie plan came In response sand—rushed into the new country. to the popular wish of the people that «•ould <*at would reduce prices so low ing a mixture of Sage T e a ami Sul­ Most of these were from the prairie tliere be. from Mi»* beginning, but one that there would ensue an exodus of phur. Your hair l i your charm. It countries to the south, and from the When It : church. Atascadero, It should he said, disgust«*«! newly made farmers luck to makes or mars the fa«-e. placer beds of the Saskatchewan nnd fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an the towns. For If half the population j is a colony, ten miles long and seven the Frazer. From the far North, trav­ application or two of Mage and Sul­ miles wide, founded a few years ago began to practice ni«*dU*lne, or made phur enhances its appearance a hun­ eling by way of the Mackenzie and the huts, or weave carpets, those vocations dredfold. Liard, came a smaller number of sea­ by E. O. Lewis. would offer no more attractions for soned prospectors and adventurers Don’t bother to prepare tho mix­ The church was organized In July, ntnhlHous men. ture; you cun g«;t this famous old re- from the Yukon— men who knew what l!>ir>, by the pastor. Dr. Edward A. So with fanning. Tliey know In the clp<* Improved by the addition o f other it meant to starve and freeze and die Berry, a brother of Bishop F. Berry Mouth what too much cotton means. Ingredients for 60 cents a large bottle, by inches. o f the Methodist church. Doctor They once burned corn In Kunsns be­ all ready for use. It Is called W yeth’s One of these late comers was Sandy Berry made a systematic eampnlgn of Sago and Sulphur Compound. This cause It cost less Minn wood. MeTrigger. There were several reasons I the colonists and found hut one who can always bo depended upon to lining Farming Is a goo«! game now—for back the natural color and lustre of why Sandy had left the Yukon. He 1 opposed the idea. W h«*n the hook was “ in bad” with the police who pa­ of the chii h was opened for signa­ the man who knows how to farm. It your hair. trolled the country west o f Dawson Everybody usoh "W yeth ’s" Sage and tures, 120 members were enrolled. In Is riot so go«»i for the shoemaker, black­ Sulphur Compound now because It and he was “ broke.” In spite of these less than a year the membership went smith. store el«*rk or typewriter. Mr. Morgan, I understand, finds darkens so naturally and evenly that facts he was one o f the best prospec­ to 250. bunking n good occupation, hut the nob°dy ran t«*ll It has been applied. tors that had ever followed the shores The following denominations are rep- of the Klondike. He had made discov­ farmer who set up In trade alongside You simply dampen a sponge or soft resented: Baptist, Congregational, eries running up to a million or two, of him wouldn't. We «I«i need more brush with It and draw this through Episcopal, Evangelical association, | tho hair, taking one omr-ll strand at and had promptly lost them through goo'l farmers, nnd the agricultural a time; by morning the gray hair has Freewill Baptist, Friends, Disciples o f gambling and drink. lie had no con­ j schools are making In four y«*ars as disappeared, and after another nppll- Christ, Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal, science, and little fear. Brutality was Methodist Episcopal South, I’resbyte- « xp«-rt tiller*« of the s.dl as those folks catUin It becomes beautifully dark and the chief thing written in his face. His This rian, Presbyterian South, United I’ res- In Lancaster whose ancestors tilled the appears glossy and lustrous. undershot Jaw, his wide eyes, low fore­ Brutality Was the Chief Thing Writ­ soli for a thousand yeurs. r«*a«ly-to-uso preparation Is a delight- byterlnn, United Brethren, Unlversai- ten in His Face. ------------------------ ful toilet requisite for those who de- head and grizzly mop of red hair pro- Ist, Unitarian, Spiritualist, Houian ■lalmed him at once as a man not to Appreciatlon of Authors. ----- sire dark hair and a youthful appear- ters of the McFarlane and this was the Catholic. ance. It Is not Intended for the cure, be trusted beyond one’s own vision or That Americans are not without ap- n)UlKation or prevention of disease, first time since the preceding winter The benevolences of the church are the reach of a bullet. It was suspected that Gray W olf had caught the scent of all directed toward helping the needy p red atio n Of Muir great authors— that he had killed a couple of men, and man in the air. When the wind brought in the lands suffering from war.— uffer the greut authors are «lend— was robbed others, but as yet the police had demonstrated nt a sale In New York the danger-signal to her she was alone. Christian Herald. b» C U TTIR S B LA C K IE Q P I U S failed to get anything “ on” him. But city, where a collection of ,T! holograph I 019 r 1« 9 «1, Tw o or three minutes before the scent along with this bad side of him, Sandy Ir ll. fell.i» ■ . | l«*tters of Nathaniel Hawthorne, with came to her Kazan had left her side in p * * t * r r * «I l*y ' Discovering Columbus. MeTrigger possessed a coolness and a w r% fern $»«>• k- engraved portraits, brought $2,000 from swift pursuit of a snow-shoe rabbit, tuen, hru i i v t h « y ' During u recent campaign a Tam­ W. II, James. In Mie collection were courage which even his worst enemies p r o l«e t und she lay flat on her belly under a ✓ 3 «a c c lR M f a ll. many leader on the East side, a s«*lf- JettiTs to Hawthorne and hls family could not but admire, and also certain W r lfr f»)f booklet an«! w i m o n h K bush, waiting for him. In these mo­ mental depths which hls unpleasant mude man und one not entirely com­ from Emerson, Whittier, Ilret llurte, 10 das* *k(. Bin h ilf Pili«, } t 00 ments when she wns alone Gray W olf SO-tftts pkf. Blscklcc Pllli. ) « (0 feutures did not proclaim. pleted yet In some parts, was address­ Browning, Eugene Field and Irving. was constantly sniffing the air. Blind­ 1 J a * sny ln)e» tot, but C u tttr'» «lm |ilrf( an«! stroagrst. T auptrlorlty o f C'uflef pr-nfti« t* ta »!uc to over I I Inside of six months Bed Gold City ness had developed her scent and ing a mass meeting o f Italian-born Tw o thousand dollars Is a good, ypart o l ape« Hr ficient to buy himself grub and half an swinging In a half-circle until he should knee I was taught to sing thnt Inspirin’ neratlon sometimes no more than $60 «»• * ««.., ........*z>. r-r“!iw* S/iftV.v. **««• ! outfit. A feature o f this outfit was an come up in the face of the wind. Ka­ song, ‘Columbus, tho Jim o f the a volume. Ask M urine Eye lie me fly Co., Chlcaao j old muzzle-loading rifle. Sandy, who zan caught a single whiff o f the man- Ocean 1* ” always carried the latest Savage on the tainted nlr and hls spine grew stiff. Wh«*reupon there was loud applause. 8lgn of the Times. market, laughed at It. But It was the But blind Gray W olf was keener than — Saturday Evening Host. "la It true thnt the monnrchlnl form may be cheeked, and more aerlona condi­ best his finances would allow of. He the little red-eyed fox o f the north. Her of government Is on Its last legs?” tion* o f the throat w ill be often avoided started south— up the McFarlane. Be­ pointed nose slowly followed Sandy’s Their Class. by promptly «iv ln c the child a d o «» of “ Perhaps so. At any rate, you will yond a certain point on the river pros­ progress. She heard a dry stick crack "The submarines can’t ram a ves­ notice thnt press agents no longer lay pectors had found no gold. Sandy under hls feet three hundred yards sel, can they?” “ O f course, they particular stress on the fact that their pushed confidently beyond this point away. She caught the metallic click of can’t be rnrns while they’re ewe-boats, stars have played before the crowned Not until be was in new country did he hls gun-barrel as It struck a birch Bap- can they?” beads o f Buropa." CHAPTER XIV. IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAV, USE SAGE TEA BLACKl0SSK SÜRElí nmm LEG •*/J7JURfNEt CHILDREN’S COUGHS PISO’S