^ rH E officers of this Bank are thankful they are part of a nation rich enough and resourceful enough to send mil­ lions of men and billions of tons of food to Europe to assist in making the world safe for democracy. They are thankful they live in a commun­ ity that has always done more than its share of patriotic service. a The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Oregon A Strong Bank in a Good Town Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent Mrs. K. E. Williams, (who cer­ tainly did more than the com­ mit t»x> expected of her) and the five reels of pictures, the people got the worth of their money. "Under the Stars and Stripes in France," was alone worth 25c of an y red • blooded American’s money An Appreciation The Forest Grove Branch of the Portland Chapter of the American Red Cross expresses to those who so ably assisted in putting on “Under the Stars and Stupes in France” its very great apprecia­ tion of their services and esp«>c- ially do we appreciate the patriot­ ic spirit of Mr. Watrous, the manager of the Theater. The public must also be re­ membered for the generous pat ronage. W. II. HOLLIS. Chaii n an. /C hevrolet / J f f The Time Has Passed when a motorist finds it necessary to purchase a new car every year. The good motor car, used with care and given proper attention, will last for years. Longevity depends on the car first and the owner afterward. rot NTY SCHOOL NOTES Money to loan Valiey Realty The first meeting of the Wash­ CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf ington County Teacher’s Associa W. W. Goff had bu>:ness: in Wt are now receiving new tion was held at the HilLbo o merchandise suitable for Xmas High School budding, Xov. 24. I\>r:Land uesday. presents. A. G. Hoffman .£ Co. I here was a fair attendance and A fine lot of Ladies* and Men's Purses coming for Xmas >..f;s. The El iott suit against the city an inti resting and helpful pro­ finally got started Monday of this gram. A. G. Hoff mar. & Co. week and will probably last sev­ Prof. Fenonga gave a fine talk Mrs Jessir Covert has returned eral weeks. on the spirit of friendliness and from me sanitarium, considerably co-operation among teachers and, improved in health. The members of the \V. J. Me- incidentally, gave TH E CHEVROLET practical Paul Schultz is suffering from C eady family a re spending pointers on how to some make a teach­ a tameness :r one of k:> knees, the Thank-giving with relatives in ers’ association a success. standard of construction insures long life to an auto­ of bicycle accident. Portland. The discussion in the Rural mobile, for great care has been taken in the design, We catry a good line of Rain The “Estate" gas ranges and departrm nt brought out some in­ Coats. Pants and Hats: also the hot plates are famous the country , teresting and helplul ideas about in the selection of material and in the construction Soft Rubber Rain Hats. A. G. over fur their durability and ef­ seating arrangements, hot lunch s of the ear. discipl ne. Several schools in Hoffman & Cc. The chassis is accessible, making it easy to care ficiency. See th«m at Gordon’*: and the county are trying the hot The cance given Saturday n ght Hardware lunch plan. The Aloha • H u I x t for. This care, which every piece of machinery by the S. 0. S. club was quite Mrs. X. R. Morrow of River­ people feel that it is beyond the should have, will make the ear good for years, and largely attended and was very en­ ton, Xeb.. arrived Sunday in re- ’ xperimental stage with them. insure a high value at any time. joyable to those participating. sponse to a telegram informing The High school section dis her of the serious illness of her cu>-ed the handling of the library You should find out why the CHEVROLET is If Milady is in doubt as to the daughter, Mrs. A. H. Underwood, and organization so a> to provide one of proper style of stationery to u.-e the most popular cars in the country. There this holiday season, she should go|W,^u’ 0*e l-xPre;p ls P «eased to re- for supervised study. The next meeting will be held are good reasons, indeed, why it is necessary to to Bernard’s Book Store, where P°rt> ls greatly improved, the very latest is on display, in Mr. and Mrs. C. S. M cXutt: at Forest Grove in January. make upwards of two hundred thousand cars a year the most approved designs. It have received a letter from their ; T h e following officers were to meet the demand. Y'ours very truly, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen, son, Guy, who is in the naval elected: President, A P. Patton, IIill-j- Mesdames J. E. Loomis and H training station at ’Frisco. He is boro; 1st Vice Pre-ident, High J. McFeeters and Miss Aileen well and glad he enli-ted. A. B. sch' ol section, Cla-ence Phillips, Hoffman attended a school enter- Thomas today gave Mr. McXutt Beaverton; FOREST GROVE, ORE. 2nd Vice President, tainment given at the Hillsboro a pair of fine field gla.sses.with the Grade chools, C E. Barker, Theater Tuesday evening by the request that they be sent to Guy. Aloha-Huber: 3*d Vice President, Distributors for Washington and Columbia Counties pupils of Miss Gertrude Allen and Red Cross Workers Pleased P imary department, Hattie Ball, Miss Mahon. Hillsboro; Secretary, E lanore Ew­ The members of the various ing, Opens Pay Station Methodist Church Services Red Cross Committees and es­ Fiost. Hillsboro; Reporter, X. A. (ias For Company Sunday school at. !c4.r> a. m. next the convenience <4 its cus­ If You Expect pecially the members of the Mili­ The library hooks are sorted Sunday and preaching by tin- pastor at tomers ihf Portland Gas & Coke 11 a. m. Junior to Buy tary Relief committee, are highly and in bundles fur the various Company League m eets at It opened a local pay o'clock. Interm ediate pleased at the success of the en­ districts ready for distribution. station at his I.ittler’s and Epworth leag ues Ht 6:30, classmeeting at 7, and tertainment given at the Star It is desirable that as many dis­ Al! ga* and merchandise Pharmacy. hill may at 7:30 the choir wHI give a number of tricts as pos-ihle have someone! Theater last week to provide call A Ford Car funds at th*- O uniy School Super i be paid here or at the main office Hfa-cial selections and the pastor will Chri-tmas intendt-nts office to get them as it1 of the (¡as Company, 5lh & Yam-, give a short discourse. next Spring, we advise packages to for purchase the soldier boys. will save the county considerable hill Sts . Port land Next Wednesday afternoon the 11 Ladies' you to place your order The entertainments netted a profit in postage -Aid society will meet in the Bed Cross rooms over John Anderson's with us now. Come in of $105.47 and there are four very Ties, Ties, Ties! We will have! Local grocers have been re­ clothing store. good reasons for this handsome the largest ine of Xmas Ties in quested by the slate food conser­ and let us explain. profit—first, all who took part the city. Ties coming in every] vation commission not to selL Humphry No 4 hand born* Special Prices on donated their services; second, few days A. G. Hoffman & Co.! more than 11 pounds of sugar at mill, good as new, for $N. Pacific the Houor Guard Girls and Boy time to a town dweller and Market. Express prints butter wrap­ one not more than 25 pounds to re-i- A new line of fine box station­ Scouts did a good job of hustling pers The with non-poisonous ink. dent of the country. in the selling of tickets; third, ery just placed on display at during the remainder Manager Watrous of the theater Littler's Pharmacy. Job printing phone 821. of this month. gave the committee a very low ------ : rate, and, fourth, the people of ll Forest Grove came through mighy liberally in the purchase of tick­ K. of P. Building ets. However, the members of About Our Coupon Books; Phone, Main 426 the committee feel that in the ex cellent musical program put on by We give 3 per cent on “cash and carry” plan, $15 and $20 hooks only; 2 per cent on the “cash may not be the one here illustrated, but in one of the and deliver” plan, $5, $10, $15and $20 books. many styles we carry you’ll be sure to find one that Under the new management, this market has been Two per cent redemp­ stocked up with a tempting line of will be attractive on your head. tion on cash register re­ We pride ourselves that we are experts in hat­ ceipts on “pay as you fitting. The hat we sell you fits your head and gives go” purchases. i WILES & SOHLER TIRES Stout Auto Co. FACTS The Pacific Market Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . . Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, Fruits and Vegetables. COME AXD SEE OUR GOODS. Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal, 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Pork, Hides, Poultry Phone 0301 and Eggs No discount on flour, Hiigar by the Hark or any artirlc on which a Hpccial price in made. Schultz Phone 061 Your .. .HAT that finishing touch to your appearance. Try us for that new Fall Hat. Soft Hats, - - $3 and $3.50 Caps - 65c to $1.50 C. E. ROY & CO. Forest Grove 3Q e = t : t - ti a z r~ — _~mi p r_: - .. zu c