STRENGTH OF THE WARRING POWERS “ Japan ha* not yet been an active factor In the (European theater of the war,” comment* the pamphlet. “ It has, however, effectually guarded the Mediation in Telephone Ktrike Hum Money Hpent for Sweets in fine Year 1'uclflc ocean. It ha* enrolled In lla ful and Recognition o f Union in in United Staten Would Feed army about 1,000,000 men, out of an effective man power of 10,.500,000. The Firat Clauae Increase Pay. Belgium for Two Year*. entire army and navy, a* well a* the The comhlned nutlonnl wealth of unenrolled man power, may be said to Statistics Show Hugo Preponder­ San Francisco— Complete agreement The sugar used for making candy in thè alile* Is estimai ed ut »553,000.000,- bo *t111 In reserve. “ While Kusslu has nominally about ) between the Pacific Telephone & T el­ the United States, according to the ance in Favor of the 0m m . . . » I ............... ................. I | 25,000,000,000 ............................... 85,000.000,000 »21.500,000.000 Bunker* Trust company. tat employes and by agreement between United States in the past year is C a n a d a ............ ............................... ( 1,100.000/K» \ “Tho world ha* a grent tn*k *tlll them and government representatives nearly double the amount o f money N ew fou n dla n d .................................... I I 15.000.000 I before It In order to nullify tho jilnn* A u s t r a l i a ........ ................................................ L «5.000,000.000 5 7*5 000.000 > 14 the government is given the final vote needed to keep Belgium supplied with N e w Z e a l a n d . ..................................... f I *30.000,000 I j in such disputes in the event that the food for a year. o f tho ilohenzollerns,” *ny* tho Intro­ U n io n o f Buuth Africa.......................... J ' 500,000.000 ’ 1 two other parties are unable to reach O f the total sugar consumption o f duction. “The tuNk must not bo belit­ an agreement on any question o f the United States, according to the tled, but It I* lit least InteroKtlng to T o t a l l l r l l l a h Colo n ic s . I,, WO wages or working conditions that may best estimates obtainable, about one- aeo resource* existing successfully to Prance « *0,000.000.000 third goes into the manufacturing o f I S t | arise during the war. accomplish this tusk, provided Hint I t a l y ... . 26.000. 000.000 6.000. 000.WO 24.0 various foodstuffs, including confec­ Following are the six vital features tho nation* of the world now opposed Japan #.000,000,000 1 . 500 . 000 . 000 4 4 Portugal to tlermnny continue to co-operate In­ 5.000. 000.000 1.100.000. 00# 22 0 o f the settlement as communicated by tionery, while the remainder is con­ U niteti Hta tes ................................................. t25.000.000.000 4.W.1,000,000 to Secretary of Labor Wilson, head o f sumed as sugar. The amount o f sugar telligently and loyally until Germany It usala ( e x c l u d i n g P o l a n d ) . . . 65,000,000,000 * 4 . 000 , 000.000 41.4 the Mediation commission, to Presi- employed in the making o f confection­ and her allies have been absolutely de­ ery is variously estimated from 150,- dent Wilson: feated and their plans of world domin­ Total ............................................ . «553 .000,000.000 117 There 1. Recognition o f operators’ unions 000 to 500,000 tons per year. ion rendered permanently Ineffective." Teutonics A l l i e s : has been compiled no absolute data and treating them as a part o f the In­ Figures showing, for both sides, the I 52.000.000 000 G e r m a n y ............. »4 4 ternational Brotherhood o f Electrical from which the exact amount may be combined urea, Income and Interest K u etrla -llu n gary 11 . 000 , 000.000 40 0 determined, but a conservative esti­ T u r k e y ................. 5.000. 000.000 1,600.000.000 UT Workers. charge, and coat of tho war In treasure B u l g a r i a .............. mate would place this at somewhere 2. Wage increases for operators. 4.000. 000.000 1.0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 B.0 and men, are presented with the expla­ 3. Wage increases for men em- about 400,000 tons per annum nation that they have been gathered T o t a l .............................................................. U4.000.000.000 »**,500,000,000 The confectionery business o f the ployes. PcL with great care from tho “ heat avail­ P et 4. Provision for negotiations upon country, measured by the value o f its *0.6 65.6 able sources" and are believed to “ re­ E n t e n t e A l l i e s and U n it e d S t a t e s ................ IS 6 any further increases between com­ product, is about two-thirds as large T e u t o n i c A l l i e s ................................................... SL6 flect with substantia! correctness the Tho aggregate natlonnl Income of mnlned thereafter simply neutral. It pany and employes and arbitration by as the butter business; a little less relntlvo economic strength of the op­ a representative to be appoinetd hy than one-third as large as the wheat posing groups of nations.” although It the allies Is placed at »82,100.000.000 would be possible for Germany to draw the secretary o f Labor as a last resort. flour business; slightly larger than the and tho Interest rlinrgi-s each year at therefrom an enormous quantity of Is Impossible to vouch for their abso­ 5. Provision for machinery to dis­ canning and preserving o f fruits; and $3,891,000.000, which Is 4.0 per cent of foodstuffs and the raw material for lute accuracy. pose o f all grievances peacefully with about two-fifths as large as the bakery tho Income, while the combined In- munitions o f war. On the other hand, Controlled by Allies. the Federal arbitrators the court o f business. The allies. Including the United coine of the Teutonic ulllnnee Is esti­ If Russia can be kept In line with the last resort. mated to he » 10,000,000,000, and Inter­ entente allies, It would seem that the States, are shown, by this tabulation, 6. That the President’s mediation to control in,r.2fl,(¥)0 square miles of est charges » 1,070,000,000, which la Teutonic allies must he compelled to commission is a party to the agree­ capitulate, at n reasonably early date, tho earth's surface, or M l per cent of 11.8 tier cent of the Income. ment, which is tri-parti. Ui-gardlng the cost of the war a ta­ from sheer exhaustion. tho total area held by tho nations nt An advance o f 12 j per cent for men t "W hile considering the danger becomes effective as from November war, ns compared with 1,222.000 square ttle I* presented showing that the nl­ miles, or only 8.0 t>er cent held hy lles have spent $72.200,000.000. or 04.1 points we must not overlook the fact 1, 1917. The minimum wage for oper­ Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: tho Teutonic combination. The ag­ per cent of the totul cost of all warring of the virulence of the Teutonic sub­ ators in the large cities o f the Pacific Hard white — Bluestem, Early Bart, gregate population of the allies, exclu­ nations, while Germany and her uHtos marine cnmpalgn. It Is Impossible, Coast is set at $9 a week, an increase Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, »2.05. sive of the large Asiatic population have spent »109,500.000,000, or 35.0 per however, to present figures In this con­ o f $1.40 for day work and a similar in­ Soft white — Palouse bluestem, fo rty ­ nection which hnve statistical value. tributary to the British empire, reaches cent. crease for evening and night. Propor­ fold, W hite valley. Gold Coin, White In killed, wounded and missing the tho huge total o f 473.250.000, or 70.3 White club— L ittle “The fact shouh not he lost sight of tionate increases are provided for Russian, $2.03. per cent of the total of warring peo­ conflict has cost the allies 8.092,9. >0 ¡ (jlnj ( ;errnnny now controls Belgium. workers in all other cities and towns, club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ ples. while that of the ceutrnl powers men, or 58.7 per cent of the total hu­ northern France, Serbia, Itoumanla. with a minimum wage set in all cases. nora, $2.01. Red Walla W alla— Red man losses, while It has cost the cen­ Montenegro, and n lurge portion of ts hut 147,000,000, or 23.7 per cent. The lowest minimum fixed is $8 a Russian, red hybrids, Jones F ife , cop- Without counting Asiatics and A fri­ tral powers 0.301.773, or 41.3 per cent Poland, having n combined population week. pei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. cans, tho allies have available for mili­ o f the total of 15,204.729 for lust Sep- (jf nl)out 30300900 j t )s true that 3 grade, 6c less. Other grades handled tary service 01.700.000 men, or 78.5 per tomber. men o f all these nations are serving cent of the total p o s s i b l e (Ightlug men, In the Introduction to the balance In the armies of the entente allies, SEATTLE CLOSED TO TROOPS " ' r « . * , . no. M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $32 while the Teutonic powers can com­ sheet It Is pointed out that, while the nn(j (j,nt ]t0lKluru Is maintaining an In- mand hut 28,050,000, or 21.8 per cent exuet figures are not avalluble. It Is dependent nrroy of moderate size. The General Makes Good Threat When CRy per ton; shorts, $35; middlings, $43; rolled barley, $56(3 58; rolled oats, $56. The number o f men actuully enrolled n well-known fact that tho surplus control of these countries, especially Fails to Clean Out Vice. In the armies and navies o f the allies food producing sections of the world Belgium and northern France, has Com— Whole, $83 ton; cracked, $84. Tacoma, Wash.- -Seattle was barred Hay — Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­ ts 21,400,000, or 00 per cent of tho to­ are practically controlled by the en­ given Germany n great advantage be­ tal, while tho enrolled military tente allies, either directly or through cause of the supplies o f coal and Iron to officers and men o f the 91st divis- land: Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 ! per ton; valley timothy, $23(8.25; al- strength of tho Teutonic allies I* 11,- thelr control o f the sens. The same Is ore thus made avalluble, and also be­ ion Thursday. General orders No. 52, posted at » 22. 50(7124; valley grain hay, 000,000, or 34 per cent, a* shown by true, to n great extent, of territories cause of the ability thus obtained to the following table: producing uietuls nud coal. turn to use the factories o f the manu­ noon, forbids all men and officers to ’ jg 'o ^ lo v e r " $20; straw, $8 Butter — Cubes, extras, 43@43|c facturing sections In muklng muni­ visit the Queen City unless given spe­ cific permission to do so. Permission | per pound; prime firsts, 42£c. Job­ F IG H T IN G S TR E N G TH . tions o f war. ; w ill be granted only to those men vis- A r m y - N a v y . Pet. "Just nt the critical moment, when ; iting relatives in Seattle, and then b in g prices: Prints, extras, 45@48c; Present Present O rigin al Man cartons, lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, the senles were almost evenly bal­ only under most severe restrictions. M an Pow er P resen t Man E stim ated 51c shipping point; 52c delivered. anced between the entente allies and Strength. Puwer. Power. 1» to 46. Permission to go to Seattle w ill be Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ E n t e n t e A l l i e s nnd th e U n i t e d B t st ee : the Teutonic nllles, the United States, granted by their commanding officers 6,000.000 I ceipts, 51(352c per dozen; candled, 53 U n i t e d K i n g d o m ........................................... 12.000.000 » with Its great wealth nnd resources, and officers by headquarters only after 49 71 11,900,000 Cnnadn. N e w f o u n d l a n d , A u s t r a l i a . N e w @55c; selects, 57(3 58c. ) 800,000 1 entered the conflict, with a possible gjjrne