WE SELL | Lumber Cement Shingles Roofing — • We Buy for Cash and Sell C-H-E-A-P ------------------------------------- — \ The Main S treet | m m hpr Y ard 1 Ooppiami & McCready I A: ra Frv Rr: r «.i | ■ ■ A - ' ®— ***- ■ ' l '- | ! "• r UlM R ’-> 'V r t i v i ' v . c u p a r r v s l o f w o u n d ed *t a hin.l th e th e A u s tr a li a n cam el co rp s t i n r 1« t a k i n g an lmj»ort»;i: t * r t in th e ington either grows or swells, ami CAN T IIK KAIHKN when I apiwint a man to office, I Th„ KlllM.r .¡m, thr w„rll, u, own> watch him carefully to see wheth- lied like u> it all alone, er he is swelling or growing. Ami rule the work! from tone to ton* President Wilson. But can the Kaiaer? . . Ile'«l like to ««tamp democracy I he editor of the Express is Fowver from land and m , the people of Germany are just very proud of a document he re­ Ami m ake e a r t h 's motto, "(5<»tt uml learning that the robber kaiser is m e ." Published e v e n T hursday a t F o rest G rove. O regon. not to come ho m e with his hands ceived last Friday a certificate h u t «‘Mil the K Kiser'’ of membership in th«* Northwest W. C Ber.fer. E d itor and Publisher. dripp ng foreign gold. "W hat! Patriotic P ress association, with Not much! Y our IJnrle S a m 's the niHti E ntered as secor-d-clas- m a tte r J a - . 12. 1S!*\ at the pv-totfice »t F o rest Grove, we must pay! Gott in himmel, To knock the tn r from such n plan. O rec under tr.e A ct i f M arch lsTv* what for a robber kaiser is this!” headquarters at Portland. Mark Ami so, in plum Ameri-run Woodruff is pre ¡dent and R. W I t ’s CAN the Kuiser! Buck up. America! stand fast, Subscription Rates Michael s e c r e t a r y The chief From the New I’urk. alii's! \ rt a little longer and they Paid ir. advar.ee On C redit function « > f th«* association is to f 1.00 One year One y e a r *1.50 w i 1 be h inging robber kaisers and George Hart, well known in the .50 Six m onths 8 I ■' : - . 75 robber kaFerlings in Germany. furnish home news to th<* Or«*v>«»n Gales Creek «listrict, was last T hree Months .25 T hree m onths .40 Oh, golly! What a ragfest there boys in th«* trenches and the Ex- week convicted of a statutory editor is commissioner cor- . , . , , TH U R SD A Y . NOV. 2S. IS1T will be in Germany when th«* peo­ „ press . i , for , this .. . section to the . crime involving a 12 , year re-pondent , , old gir ple learn the truth! and on Saturday Ju«lg«* Hagley “ I am sorry th a t you do not w ear a P.ag every Soldiers’ Weekly News le tte r day and I can only ask you if you lose th e physical imposed a entence of from two to THE GREAT which lette is furnished ire to emblem to he sure th a t you wear, it IN v o i r 20 years in the penitentiary and - HEART: the heart of A m erica shall in te rp re t the DANGER POLITICS all ()r*'gon boys who have gone h e a rt of the w o rld ." P resident Wilson. costs of the trial. Hillsboro In- 1 he allies, notably France, abroad. Rea«lers of th s item are dependent. se* m to be particularly accursed, hereby invited to !>*• assistants to N O T E S A N L) C 0 M M E N T S at this time, with a lot of am­ the ♦ ditor of the Express in fur- Edgar Mcrease was down from bitious rn-n who are puttmg them- ni-hing this news. Wh«*n you McMinnville Sunday for a visit the 41.000 had been put on the WORSE THAN se Vts first, before the great cause, h«a,‘ of any news you think would w*th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. market in Butte. TREASON by playing politics, and the gloom­ be of interest to th«* Sammies E. Merest«?. While here he en- In Butte last week 41,000 eg?' There are two drastic measur— iest new-, issuing from Eurojje in “over th«Te,” just write or tele- KaKfd Harvey Brown to take a were dumped into the city incin­ need-d in this country righ* now. many days is to the effect that a phone it to the Express and it position in the McMinnville news- erator and burned. They w-re Convict'd spies should I k - hanged the property of a warehouse firm, and food destroyers and h »arders s hLm between theallie ’ political will go to the News le tter. No- paper owned by Mr. Meresse. so the news dispatches stated, should be given long pri-on term-. and military leaders is nerating. bf improving and physicians «Jo not ber prices of 5 and 7} > cents each, to one f'>od-destroying commission ing for pow>r. Cadorna threat-ns n«*xt week, I )<*«•. 7th. Members anticipate a second stroke. Hills- it was a crime to have allowed firm will put more fear in the to go on strike. boro In«l«*p«*n«l**nt. On the oth' r side is the kaiser will pF a-e remember th«- date. this wholesale quantity of egg- to hearts of every commission house George G. Hancock, real es- High-grade guaranteed h o t spoil. In the face of the meat in America in one day than all w ith all his allies and all his aides’ tate, farm loans an«l fir** insur- wafer bottles at reasonable prices shortage, it was treason. the government detect ves can in­ resources in th<- hollow of his iron ance, n« w Ander-on hlock 50 at Lit tier's Pharmacy. hand. But the prices would never spire in a life time — Benton Full control as to diplomatic have reached this high mark if County Courier. and government management has been the kai-er’s strongest ad vantage fr< rri the start, and, from the start th" g.eatest danger to Ellis Parker Butler of the Vigi­ The day of what? Theday when. the alli-s ha-> been th e inability, if lantes: Make no mistake about Ik" the brutes of the middle ages, the German empire. Have no she would pounce on her neigh­ not the irnpo- ibility, to concen­ pity for it. It is not a modern bors, rob them of th*-ir land and trate '1 heir weakness in this par­ nation. It is a middle age bru'e. wealth, l e a v e t h e m wreck'd, ticular ba-i already been demon­ In the dark ages robber barons bleeding and ruined, “The day” strated by tons of sacrificed blood were the cur^e of Europe. From meant the day of the raid; the and billions of wasted munitions, the castles they sallied forth with day wh*-n the same old robber and, to promote t h i s internal bludgeons and battle axes, riding lust would have its same old glut weakne-s, it would seem, at this rough-shod over the lands of th«-ir of slaughter and rapine. Germany writing, that the selfish politician, friends, raiding and robbing their needed no war tax system! Her a creature more contemptible than Choice of 4 Trains Daily Portland to San Francisco, neighbors, holding captives for prostrate victims would pay for pacifist, pro German or any other internal foe of the cause, is coming ransom, stealing food, money and the war. Superb Scenery of Siskiy«>u and Shasta mountains, virgins, making the outraged land.-, Well, but -! Like a brute she to the front. Visit to d«.*ar old San Francisco. Politic and war mix as do gun pay the expenses of the raids that strode acro-s her friendly neigh­ Choice of ¡1 R«*ut«*s East, ruined them. bor, Belgium. When the day powder and friction matches, arid Through Ogden, with wonders of high Sierra Nevada«, England, France, Russia, Italy, came she put her foot on Bel­ no better. If there ever was a time when Through Southern California and Sunset Route. Canada, Australia and the United gium’s face and leaped at the States—all these, as they entered throat of F rance. She hoped to the whole people of the Uni ed Visit Los Angeles Tourist Center of the W«*st; this present war, planned great have France begging for mercy States, down to th«' infant who Visit the Apache Trail. systems of war finance, but Ger­ before England could raise her can knit, a s«x:k, should make war I.et um a rra n g e your t r ip to the heat advantage. many did not. You hear now and hand in help. She could turn and their s«>le bu in«- s, as a busim-ss, Ask any A g e n t for full particulars, or write then that the German war finance throttle Russia before England that tim«.* is now. We’ve got. t«i - - • plan was different. It was. The awoke, and France and Russia, supply Flurope not only with men, German chancellor has explainer! I bleeding and prostrate, would money are] mumti'rns, but with John M. Scott, it The cost of the war would be ■ empty their coffers. France and morale, nr the present advices G«*n«*ral Passenger Agent, from F.urope ar<* trernendou ly «!«•- met by indemnities exacted from Russia, prostrate, were Germany’s cep Portland live. Ari«l it. in a crime against Germany’s enemies. war tax system. Robber baron! God and all mankind not to help Put it in plain words thus: For The dark age cutthroat, come the Ameriean people understand matters. Portland News. years Germany sat hugging her | again! bludgeon, hoarding her money, But the foot slipped. The plan A fri«‘nd «