\ W H E N IN DAIRY CAMPAIGN PLAN Make Fullest Use of Every Drop of Milk Produced. I the F R Y E S E A T T L E ’S LARGEST HOTEL Only U ir«« M,*-k . from Is-pnl. ami I kirk a. Oo- n t y Hall i'a/k anil Cnurt llnuaa. T IIK KINKHT H O L L A R KOO K IN A M E R IC A With dotar had Iwlh, I prr-in, l i no 11.(0 I persona. Wlll< privata lath. I parami. I I (0 U ill t i ill IS Mi tt.OQ I par amia. | l 00 H Ut N * « r Both A tM o lu ta lr K irtp ro o if I >*po4g IOO It Ml h« j Hotel Hoyt ( o ra a r S l i l h am i H o y t S t*.. P o rtla n d , O ra . t.MII IIIMKH. Manauar. H ATE R 7te tn KI. S P E C IA L Wank or Month SHEKIDAN-BECKLEY COMP'V, Inc. Produce Brokers. <‘**h ljujrc*rM In U*'*l and m r lots. HOGS l Writ*» fur Hhlppinir T*** l APPLES VEAL N„ l ul 1 Potato«* EGGS tommiNU*. ^ ONIONS 126 Front Street, PORTLAND. li arrive. To|i mar kt t p rir«« at strations before groups of farm men all lima*. Sr ml for tn*r»*. and women. WANTED, TURKEYS P ro d u ce W a n te d ! S T A N D A R D PRODUCT. CO. fr o n t ami A U irr .Straet* Portland, O r r fo n PLAN TO SAVE CLOVER SEED S h o u ld Be O n e o f R e g u l a r R o u t in e D u t i e s on F a r m — H i g h Price J u stifies the L abor. Raving clover seed should be one of the regular routine duties on every farm. The high price and the uncer­ tainty o f being able to secure gd seed more than Justifies the labor und expense of saving seed for home use If nothing more. It Is only an Item In a well-organized system of diversified farming. A gatherer In the shape o f u Bigger Pay for You. Hohnkr W alker Hunin«*** Oill«*ir»\ Portland. O r«.. largest in Northweat. traina you in ull busi* ntmit muriMK. Knroll any timo. Fr**a Catalog. comb or stripper, which any farmer can make for himself, will enable bim T h e G r e a t Feat. to easily save seed sufficient for his Of many ways for canning now own use. Other methods will suggest Necessity's deviser; Hut the way Hint's needed worse than themselves to you when the time comes, only do not fnll to save the all Is one to ran the kaiser. seed. P leasant Thought. POTATO DON’TS • « • ■ (1) Don’t Injure the selling and storing quality of your (s> tutoes by careless digging. (2) Don't glut the fall mar ket and Injure your winter mar­ ket by placing large quantities of ungraded stock on the mar- ket at harvesting time. (.’!) Don’t ship uqy frost-dam­ aged potatoes. It Is disastrous. (4) Don’t demoralize the al­ ready overburdened transporta­ tion facilities by shipping cull potatoes. Unless (iotatoes are extremely high In price culls will not bring transportation charges. (8 ) Don't overlook the udvun- tuges o f '‘machine sizers.” They uro proving of grout value In muuy shipping sections. (fl) Don't expect machine sizers to grade for quality— only huuiHri hands cun grade out the defective tubers. ( 7) Don't mix No. 1 and No. 2 grade potatoes. There are customers who desire each sep­ arately, but do not want them G re a te st A m o u n t o f N e t P o w e r P r o ­ du ced F r o m Feed a n d C a r e — In c re a s e the Load. P R O M IT RETURNS HENNINGSEN PRODUCE CO. Portland, Ore. D I R E C T 4 ® wm « i , [D o Your Own Plumbing | By buying dln»ct from n* at w h o M f l pricoa and rbv »' tho plumber’« profit*. Write uh to­ day your need*. W e will give you our rock- bottom “direct-to-you" price«, f. o. b. rail or boat. We actually nave you from 10 to 36 per cent. All goodB guaranteed. North went headquarters foi Leader Water System* and Fuller A Johnaon Knginea. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street. P. N. U. Portland. O r.son No. 47, 1917. “ F o rc e ” — th e Remember that the horse produces the greatest amount of net power from the feed and care provided when driv­ ing n load at a moderate gait, hence greater and more efficient power and energy can be secured by Increasing the load rather than the speed o f the work horse. s e le c te d w h o le w h e a t and th e c h o ic e s t b a r­ le y m a lt— N o u r is h in g , s tr e n g th e n ­ in g , d ig e s tib le , d eliciou s. [Sunny Jim] T H A N K S G IV IN G PLAN FOR CATCHING RABBITS POULTRY. W * so t o u r »h i p p e r . T O P P R I C E S fo r T U R K E Y S , D U C K S , G E E S E and C H I C K E N S la *t tea son, and w e are go in g to do *o a g a in this y e a r. If you have not a lre a d y shipped to us, do so n o w and be convinced. W e w ill g e t you resu lts you h ave been for. Strip live T u r k e y s i D u cks, G eese and C h ick en s at once. — T h e re w ill be Illu s t r a t i o n Shows Schem e R e c o m ­ looking a g o o d dem and fo r chickens. A ll po u ltry w ill sell at h ig h e r prices th an e v e r before. m en ded by D e p a r t m e n t of A g r l- Ship d ressed tu rk e y s , ducks, geese and ch ick en s to a rriv e here N o v e m b e r 24th to 27th inclusive. Ship us y o u r V e a l, H o g s, B eef, M utton, E g g s , B u tter, W o o l, M o h a ir, H ides, c u ltu r e — T i le Is Used. etc. W e w ill please you. A clever plan for catching rabbits is recommended by the department o f agriculture. It Is a trap which catches the rabbits alive, and almost any boy can construct one quickly. The materials required consist o f a twelve-inch sewer tile with a slx-lneh G U L L IC K S O N C O M P A N Y PO R TLAND . ORECON E Don’t Stay Gray! Here’s an Old-time Recipe that Any­ body can Apply. T i le & 109 F R O N T S T R E E T D r a i n T ra p. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re­ dde outlet, and two lengths o f six- I storing faded, gray hair to Its natural rich tiles. The long end of the larger color dates back to grandmother's tile Is set downward In the ground so time. She used it to keep her hair that the small side outlet Is below the j beautifully dark, glossy and attractive surface, ns shown. The two small tiles | W henever her hair took on that dull, ire connected with the side outlet so faded or streaked appearance, this that the opening will extend out to simple mixture was applied with won­ derful e ffe c t the stirfnee. But brewing at home is m o s s y and The tiles ure well covered with soil to exclude all light, and a close-fitting cut-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of -over Is placed over the upper end of 'W ye th 's Sage and Sulphur Com the large tile. The open end o f the pound,” you will get this famous old small tile may be surrounded with a preparation, improved by the addition few small stones and brush to make it of other ingredients, which can be de­ Inviting to the rabbits. pended upon to restore natural color The rabbits are free to pass In and and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist m t o f the dens thus made. When they are located in one of them it Is an says it darkens tho hair so naturally easy matter to close up the entrance and evenly that nobody can tell it has nnd take them out of the large tile by been applied. You simply dampen a raising the cover. Such traps are es sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one pecially suited to open places or on strand at a time. By morning the prairie lands, where rabbits cannot find gray hair disappears, and after an­ natural hiding places.— Populnr Sci- other application or two, it becomes •nco Monthly. beautifully dark and glossy. W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite WEED SEED VERY PROLIFIC for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the G iv e n C r o p D o e s N o t G e r m i n a t e F ir s t cure, mitigation or prevention of dis S ea so n , B u t D i s t r i b u t e s G e r m i n a ­ ease. V A B S O R b i n e TbAPf MARK JUó. U. V PAT. OFF. ? I 1.1 I j R educes B u r s a l E n la r g e m e n t s . T h ic k e n e d , S w o lle n T is s u e s , C u r b s , F ille d T e n d o n s , S o r e - A I stops S p a v in L a m e n e s s , a lla y s pain. V M ness from Bruises o r Strains; a D o e s n o t b lis t e r, r e m o v e th e h air o r la y o p th e h o rs e . 1 2 .0 0 a b o ttle at d ru g g is ts o r d e liv e re d . B o o k 1 M f r e e . A B S O R B I N E , J R . , f o r m a n k in d — an antiseptic lin im en t f o r b ru ise s, c u ts , w o u n d s , strains, p a in fu l, s w o lle n v e in s o r g la n d s . It heals an d soothes. $1.00 a b o t t le at d r u g ­ g ists o r postpaid. W i l l te ll y o u m o r e if y o u w rite . M a d e in th e U . S. A . b y W. F. YCUKC, P.Q.F, 403 Terrple St.. Springfield, Hass. YOU MAY TRY CUTICURA FREE That's the Rule— Free Samples Anyone Anywhere. to W e have so much confidence in the wonderful soothing and healing prop­ erties o f Cuticura Ointment for all skin troubles supplemented by hot baths with Cuticura Soap that we are ready to send samples on request. They are ideal for the to ile t Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. — Adv. And Then— “ Have another piece of cake,” said Johnny's mother to a friend who was taking tea with her. "No, don’t you do it,” put in Johnny, "it w ill make you ill.” “ Why, Johnny, are you not ashamed of yourself to talk in that w ay?” said his mother. “ W ell, mother, that is what you al­ ways tell me when I want another piece, and I'm sure I can eat four A L a c k of R e s t r a i n t times as much as Mrs. Green can,” an­ Senator Chamberlain, defending the swered Johnny.— Exchange. food control bill, said in Washington the other day: "H ow unmeasured the attacks on this excellent bill have been! Now I like measure and restraint. “ Tw o boys at the movies saw a tragic picture-play, and one of them was overcome. He took out his hand­ kerchief and wept and sobbed. “ Why, Bill, ye’re blubberin’ ! ’ said the other boy. “ ‘W ell,’ sobbed Bill, ‘I like to see foo III to Walk Upright. Operation a person show a little feelin’.’ Saved by Lydia E. “ 'F e elin '!' said the first boy. ‘Feel- Advised. in's all right, but ye don't need to Pickham’s Vegetable Compound. wash yer face in iL ’ ’’— Philadelphia Bulletin. CLIMBED STAIRS ON HER HANDS Rode R ig h t Through. This woman now raises chickens and does manual labor. Read her story: “ What's the matter, general.” Feed G iv en C o lt fo r F i r s t E igh te e n Richmond. Ind.— ‘ ‘For two years I “ No glory in entering a village of M o n t h s D e cid e s to G r e a t E x t e n t that size. No sootier had I made my was so sick and weak with troubles Size at M a t u r i t y . from my age that triumphal entry than I was out of when g o i n g u p town.” — Louisville Courier Journal. stairs I had to go The feed n colt gets the first 18 very slowly with “ Is Bluabs a slacker?” months, and especially the first winter, my hands on the “ Yes. Ordinarily he’s fearless. He'd determines to a great extent the size steps, then sit down >f the colt at maturity. The size o f a rather ride in a canoe or speed a at the top to rest. liorse determines Its value very Inrge- motor car than risk his life for his The doctor said he country.”— Exchange. y. Good breeding gives wonderful pos- thought I should «Ibllltles. hut it takes feeding If these have an operation, possibilities are to be fully realized. and my f r i e n d s Granulated Eyelids, thought I would not live to move into I FO«Y> our new house. My '''»V-:/,- C your Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes. daughter asked me R LlL^NoSmirtlng, Jurt EjreComlorl to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Marine Eye Remedy Compound as she had taken it with good Kye S alva, in Tube* 25c. For Hook o f the t ue — Fre«*. results. I did so, my weakness dis­ Ask M a rin e E ye R em ed y C o .. C h icago c appeared, I gained in strength, moved into our new home, did all kinds of garden work, shoveled dirt, did build­ ing and cement work, and raised hun­ I can­ annoy* others «net hnrts you. R e I ¡ere throat I dreds of chickens and ducks. irritation and t ieklina. and get rid of cough*, not say enough in praise of Lydia E. colds and hoarseness by taking at once I Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and if these facts are useful you may pub­ lish them for the benefit of other women.’ ’- M r s . M. O. J o h n s t o n , Rout« D, Box 190, Richmond, lad. 1 4- G r e a t N eed o f Silos. u n iv e rs a l [b r e a k fa s t fo o d — is a c o m b in a tio n o f EFFICIENT POWER OF HORSE DETERMINE VALUE Or HORSE NO COMMISSION B U Y w h e a t is b e s t f o r th e hum an [b od y. (H) Don’t overlook the potato grades recommended by the United States department o f og- rU-ulture and the United Stutes food commission. tion O v e r Period. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE 18-20 Front St. D o c to rs g e n e r a lly a g r e e th a t w h o le mixed. “ I love to hold tho ten o f diamonds.” FARMER SHOULD KEEP BOOKS "T h e ace Is a much bettor card.” “ One year of seed, seven years of "I like the ten. Think of u cluster M a n y C a n n o t T e ll at E n d o f Y e a r weeds.” Weed seeds are produced In W h e t h e r B u s i n e s s H a s Been of diamonds that s t z a ! ” great abundance. A given crop of Pro fita ble o r Not. Many a man who will object to car­ weed seed does not germinate the first rying lime milk homo in a bottle does I ’robnbly the most expensive error •season, but distributes Its germination not object to carrying other liquids usually made by our farmers is the over a period of years. home In bottles or to paying much Seeds deep In the soli do not germi­ failure to keep books that will enable more than a dime for each bottle. them, at any time, to tell whether nate readily because of lack o f oxygen, they are doing business at a profit or and those that do grow exhaust the loss. Many o f our farmers can’t tell stored food In the seed before reaching W E W ANT YOUR at the end o f the year whether they the surface. Seeds may He burled in have made money or lost money. the soil for years without losing their Should any other business bo con­ power o f germinating. Such seeds may ducted In this manner, nothing but germinate readily when brought to the surface. failure would be expected. Poultry,Veal and Hogs Whole Wheat the Best Food S u b st it u t e fo r W h e a t. It Is essential to feed n Considerable I f you have no silo nml need one, Its construction ought not to be put proportion o f beef scrap In the mash I f off. Silos were never needed so much » wheat less ration is used for egg pro- luetlon. ns they will ho this coming winter. S a v e G r a in fo r B ird*. Apples to Keep Well. Store a few bundles o f grain to Apples, to keep well, must be pick­ ed nnd handled In such n wuy as not put out during the winter for the birds. to bruise them. P a p e r B a g s fo r G rapes. Help Next Year's Crop. Late spading or plowing of the Grapes are sometimes kept In paper gnrden is excellent for next year’s lags, a ling over each bunch, In a stor- crop. tge room. i Sore Eves, Exes Inltanu-d bv T Sun. Z7u>t amt W ind quickly * i V T * relieved by Murine. Try it In s You COUGHING PISO’S