KAZAN The Story of a D og That Turned Wolf By J A M E S OLIVER C V R W O O D Caexright Ih tb b j-S terrili C'rx WEYMAN. THE NATURALIST. AND HENRI. THE HUNTER. MAKE THE STRANGE DISCOVERY THAT A DOG AND A BLIND WOLF ARE M ATES— THEY MARVEL i faring dire punishment after killing a man who attacks his mis­ tress, Kazan, an Alaskan dog. one-quarter wolf, takes to wild life and mates with Gray Wolf. Weeks Inter, drawn by memory o f woman's kindness, Kazan saves the life o f Joan and her baby, and with Gray W olf establishes a lair on Suu Rock, near Joan's home. Gray W olf Is blinded and her pups are killed by a lynx. Joan, her husband and her baby leave the country, so Kazan and Gray W olf go northward. CHAPTER X III— Continued. I Then it was that one o f Henri's hid- — 13— den traps saved him from a second at- Weyman was with him when they tack—and death. Steel jaws suapis-d struck fresh signs of lynx. There was over one of his forefeet, and when he a great windfall ten or fifteen feet leaped, the chain stopped him. Once high, and in one place the logs had or twice before, blind Gray W olf had formed a sort of cavern, with almost leaped In, when she knew that Kazan solid walls on three sides. The snow | was in great danger. For an Instant was beaten down by trucks, and the ' she forgot her caution now, and us she fur of rabbit was scattered about, j heard Kazan's snarl of pain, she llenri was Jubilunt. ¡sprung lu under the wlndfull Five “ We got heem—sure!” he said. traps Henri had hidden In the space He built the bait-house, set a trap In front of the bait-house, and Gray and looked about him shrewdly. Then Wolf's feet found two o f these. She he explained his scheme to Weyrnau. fell on her side, snapping and snarl- | lings, and when It was tlnlshcd, the cutlrcly from thè show and wlnd. Gray Wolf look posHomiloti of It Immodlatoly. two prisoners were placed In It. Itefore the dog was put In with Gray Sho tlatteiied berseli oul on ber belly, Wolf, Wcyuiau closely examined the and punteti lo show Kiizan her con- worn and tootli-iuurked cellar about teulment and sallsfiuilon. Rimiti kepi dose ut her side. A Vision carne lo his neck. liini, uiirciil and dreainllke, of lime On the brass plate he found en­ graved the one word, ''Kazan," and woliderful night under thè stara ago« and Iiges ago. Il scomod wheu he had with a strange thrill made note of It funghi ilio leader of thè wolf.pack, and in his diary. young Gray Wolf had crcpi lo hls siile A lter this Weymnu often remained after bis victory and limi glven ber- at the cabin when llcurl went out ou stif to hi in for mate. the trap-line. A fter the second day he The luilr had now hogun to gmw dared to put his hand between the sap­ over Gray Wolf's slghtloss eyes. Sin* ling bars and touch Kazau, and the had cessoli to grlevo. to rub her eyint wn. became moro and mor* nient, the channels often get sore und that the trapped lynx could not spring pleasure and excitement. When they was un ax. Weyman seized It. and hU „„„I Kazan They wer* happy Irritated, obliging you to seek relief them in his struggles. reached the shelter under the mass of ' " ■ » , » » ........... "*■ « ' " v u to- th.'tr ....... T h -r . . . . .'ir ? X L “ When they tight, w olf jump this fallen timber, both stood speechless way an' that— an' sure get in,” said for a moment, astounded by what they two of the sapling burs were knocked Unr„ lv , hoy e „ beyond the limits urlnou„ WMt0 ^ four Henri. “ He miss one, two. t’ree— but saw. Even Henri had seen nothing out. Then Weyniun drew hack. Gray ounces of Jad Salts from nny phar­ of the swamp to hunt. he sure get in trap somewhere.” like this before— two wolves and « W olf found the opening first, and she macy here; take a tablcspnonful In a That same morning u light snow fell, lynx, ull In traps, and almost within "dipped out Into the starlight like a glass of w ater before breakfast for a Once more III fortune comes making the work more complete, for reach o f one another’s fungs. Rut sur­ 1 shadow. But she did not tlee. Out few days and your kidneys will then to Kazan and Gray W olf— they act fine. This famous Halts I h made it covered up all footprints and buried prise could not'long delay the business in the open space she waited for come Into contact with brutal from the add of grapes and lemon the telltale scent of man. That night of Henri's hunters instinct. The Kazan, and for n moment the two Juice, combined with lit »la. and I ibn men, those of the mining coun­ Kazan and Gray W olf passed within a wolves lay first in hls path, and he stood there, looking at the cabin. Then been used for generations to flush and try In the Northwest. Read of hundred feet of the windfall, and Gray was raising his rifle to put a steel- they set off Into freedom, Gray W o lfs stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to important developments In the W olf’s keen scent detected something capped bullet through the base of shoulder at Kazan's tlnnk. neutralize the acids In urine, so It no next Installment. strange and disquieting in the air. She Kazan s brain, when Weyman caught In the swamp Kazan and Gray W olf longer Irritates, thus ending bladder informed Kazan by pressing her shoul­ him eagerly by the arm. weakness. found u home under a windfall. It der against his, and they swung off Jad Halts Is Inexpensive: cannot in­ “ H a lt !” he cried. “ It’s not a wolf. was a small, comfortable neat, shut In 1 (TO lit: CONTINUED.) jure, and makes a delightful efferves­ at right angles, keeping to windward It’s a d o g!” cent llthia water drink. o f the trap-line. Henri lowered his rifle, staring at A Humble Worker. For two days and three cold starlit the collar. Weyman’s eyes shot to WASHINGTON’S WILL POWER He does not h»ok like u very linpor- The Retort. nights nothing happened at the wind­ Gray Wolf. She was facing them, fall. Henri understood, and explained snarling, her white fangs bared to Kept His Pugnacity In Subjection, but I,art of “ automobile organl- "T w o wrongs don't make a right. to Weyman. The lynx was a hunter, the foes she could not see. Her blind Occaslonally He Allowed Pas- zutlon. this stooped, grizzled man, hut Still----- " sion to Have Sway. the president of a great motorcar com* like himself, and also had its huot-line, eyes were closed. Where there should A senator was discussing the food ____ pnny, according to Popular Helene* control bill. which it covered about once a week. have been eyes there was only hair, "W h ile the hill has Its drawbacks," On the fifth night the lynx returned, and an exclamation broke from Wey­ It Is related of John Adams that ^ "'ith ly . says that Magnet Rill save, he went on, “ there would he worse went to the windfall, was lured man’s lips. when Stuart exhibited hls portrait of h*s Hal'iry “ do*‘‘" tl,ne* ov, r '‘v'‘rjr drawbacks without it, and so we can straight to the bait, and the shurp- General Washington. Mr. Adams went dB* ,‘f* works- KhI'* or • uramer “ L ook !” he commanded of Henri. face our opponents like the lady.” toothed steel trap closed relentlessly “ What In the name of heaven— " to see It. A fter gazing at It for sev- or " » » * " • **“ * « « * ^ may he seen ‘" M y love,’ her husband said to this over its right hindfoot. Kazan and ‘One is dog— wild dog that has run ernl minutes he exclaimed. “ That's the w« lk,nf i «low ly about the automobile lady, 'you spend all your money get­ Gray W olf were traveling a quarter of to the wolves," said Henri. “ And the portrait of a man who knew how to hl" * * ' ' * " * ‘*d ,,n ‘fro" nd: ^ ting your palm read.' " 'And you, dear,’ she retorted, hold hls tongue, whirl) this old fool If« hI" nickname from the fact u mile deeper In the forest when they other Is— wolf.” that hls tools consist solely o f a tin 'spend all yours getting your nose heard the clanking of the steel chain never d id !” “ And blind!” gasped Weyman. bucket nnd n Mg steel magnet, red.’ " — Exchange, as the lynx fought to free itself. Ten The portrait does Indicate that the “ Oul, blind, m’sleur,” added Henri, strapped to the end o f a shovel handle. minutes later they stood in the door falling partly Into French In hls amaze­ original could he reticent, but It nlso It Is hls duly to save nutomobll« t in « Dr. I ’ierce’s Pellets are best for liver, o f the windfall cavern. ment. He was raising hls rifle ugain. shows that h<* could control himself. by removing from the rondwny every bowels and stomach. One little Pellet It was a white clear night, so filled Weyman seized It firmly. The square, massive Jaw, the full, nntl nnd piece o f metal that might for a **xative three for a cathartic, with brilliant stars that Henri himself broad-based nose, nnd the compressed cause a tire puncture. Thousands of “ Don’t kill them, Ilenrl,” he snld. could have hunted by the light of them. “ Give them to me— alive. Figure up lips express pugnacity and passion, cars are run over this roadway to Another Look. The lynx bud exhausted itself, and the value o f the lynx they have de­ such as require a strong will to keep the testing place, and without the pro- i n i,,<»k for work,” a man one# aaid lay crouched on its belly as Kazan stroyed, and add to that the wolf them In subjection. cautions taken by Magnet Bill the cost A Jolt came around Ills way and Gray W olf appeared. As usual. Sometimes even Washington allowed for cut nnd punctured tires would { lie gave one look and turned Lis head bounty, and I will pay. Alive, they Gray W olf held back while Kazan be­ amount to ninny thousands o f dollars And looked the other way. are worth to me u great deal. Heav­ his passion to have swny. gan the battle. In the first or second When Glover's Marblehead fisher­ yearly. — Washington Star. ens, u dog— and a blind w olf— mates !” o f these fights on the trap-line, Kazan men and Morgan’s Virginia riflemen He still held Henri's rifle, and Henri would probably have been disembow­ were engaged in n rough and tumble Glass Plates Replace Films. ° n the Quiet. eled or had his jugular vein cut open, was staring at him, as If he did not fight, Washington leaped from hls Glass plates, readily printed from "Gh, G eorge!" exclaimed the bride yet quite understand. had the fierce cats been free. They Weyman continued speakieg, Ids horse over the bars of the camp fence, negatives, are being used In place o f of six short months, looking up from were more than his match in open dashed among the rioters, seized two j expensive films, In producing motion ’ I " ’ paper she was perusing, “ here is fight, though the biggest o f them fell eyes and face blazing. brawny riflemen by the throat nnd pictures for the home. In the Ih-ttlnl Bn »'cou n t of a woman who was sud- “ A dog— and a blind w olf— mates I” shaking them at arms' length, subdued uppnrntus, about GOO small views are d,n,y »trlcken dumb du rin g.a thun- ten pounds under his weight. Chance had saved him on the Sun Rock. Gruy he repeated. “ It Is wonderful, Ilenrl. not only them, but the whole band. rontnlned In rows on a single plnte 11 derstorm. I)o you suppose her bus­ W olf and the porcupine had both add­ Down there, they will say I have gone It was the victory due to command­ hy 8 Inches In size, and such n plate hand will love her still?” ed to the defeat of the lynx on the beyond reason, when my hook comes ing strength, presence and manner. replaces 70 or 80 feet o f film. The “ Sure thing,” replied George. "Any sand-bar. And along Henri’s hunting out. Rut I shall have proof. I shall The men saw that they must obey, and lens Is moved mechanically along the | d™ erven ’ the'1 ' h a p p y ''T a ti'"o f"1 a n " old’ line it was the trap that was hls ally take twenty photographs here, before they obeyed. row», nt each end that change from bachelor, -Exchange*, Even with his enemy thus shackled you kill the lynx, I shall keep the one row to the next Is made without he took bigger chances than ever with dog and the wolf alive. And I shnll flicker. A continuous succession of City of Many Names. the lynx under the windfall. pay you, Ilenrl, a hundred dollnrs W O M E N A R E NEED ED TO No capital city lias changed Its name plates tnny he passed through, and the The cat was an old warrior, six or upleee for the two. May I have them?” so often as Constantinople, which was change from plate to plnte Is made au­ H E L P IN W A R seven years old. His claws were an Ilenrl nodded. lie held his rifle in originally known as Lygos. In B. C. tomatically without Interruption of the inch and a quarter long, and fu rred readiness, while Weyman unpacked his G.'8 this name was discarded for that scenes thrown upon the screen. In a Women can be usefully employed In like scimitars. Ilis forefeet and hls left camera and got to work. Snarling of Byzantium, which remained In use still simpler apparatus, the views nre ' T m 1" “ - ’Jl? >» making up the • . i t it * - ho WI cth kit», And it thoiiNiifir] other wiivb Mndfoot were free, and as Kazan ad­ fangs greeted the click of the camera- until the capture o f the city by Septi­ printed HP rally up..n nonlnflnn.mahle Many American womenaro weak, pah! or vanced, he drew hack, so that the trap- shutter— the fungs of wolf and lynx. mus Severus, who rechristened It disks o f cellulnidllke mnterlnl, each se> [anemic from woman’s Ills. For young chain was sluck under his body. Here Rut Kazan lay cringing, not through Itoraa Nova. On making It hls cap- j rles being limited to the capacity o f girl. Just entering womanhood; for women Kuzun could not follow hls old tactics fear, hut because he still recognized ital, Constantin»* the Oreut endowed It one disk or record, nt »lie erltlenl time; nursing mothers; nnd every woman who Is “ run-down," tired o f circling about his trapped foe, until the mastery of man. with Ills own name, nnd It is still Con­ or over worked — Hr. I ’leren’s Favorite it had become tangled in the chain, or Henri shot the lynx, and when Kazan stantinople among western nations. Truly Superior. Prescription Is a special, safe, and certain hod so shortened and twisted it that understood this, he tore ut the end of This nurno, however, Is Ignored by the Speaking of American superiority, help. It can now be had In tablet form there was no chunce for a leap. He his trap-chains and snarled at the Turks, who since they obtained pos­ Princeton Is reported to hnve an un- Nothing stands so high, as n remedy had to attack face to fuce, nnd sud­ writhing body of his forest enemy. session o f Constantinople have pre­ klssed senior, because he has never for every womanly nllment. ns “ Favorite denly he lunged in. They met shoul­ Ry means of a pole and a bablche ferred to call It Stnmboul. seen n woman worthy of hls lips. Every Prescription " It's the only medicine for women put up without alcohol. der to shoulder. Kazan's fungs noose, Kuzan wus brought out from un­ man can't be a hermit.— Pittsburgh I>r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is an «napped at the other’s throat, and der the windfall and taken to Henri's Dispatch. Picnic in a Tree. Invigorating, restorative tonic, n sooth­ (missed. Before he could strike again, cabin. The two men then returned ing nnd strengthening nervine and a posi­ In n public park o f Tacoma, Wash., fthe lynx flung out its free hindfoot. with a thick sack and more bablche, the stump of n huge cedar tree hits tive remedy for the functional derange­ For Use In Hls Church? painful disorders, nnd chronic And even Gray W olf heard the ripping and blind Gray Wolf, still fettered by been hollowed out to form n shelter A clergyman Is th< Inventor o f a ments, weakness peculiar to the sex Wound that It made. With a snarl the traps, was made prisoner. All the for picnickers; the top o f the stump light bar to he held against the tipper Write Or. Pierce. Pres. Invalids' Hotel ¡Kazan was flung back, hls zhouid«r rest of that day Weyman and Ilenrl Is capped by n platform which Is now lip by clamps fastened In the nostrils and Surgical Inst. Ruffalo, N. Y.. In full confidence or send 10c for trial package (torn to the bone. worked to build a stout cuge o f sap- used as a bandstand. tablets. to prevent snoring.— Houston P o et