NOTES AND PERSONALS Dr. I»w e , Dec. 14. J. H. Kilgore of Cornelius, a VV. P. Scheetz is home from brother to Mrs James Ritchey of Wheeler for a 'I'liunks^ivinjf va­ this city, visited his relatives here cation. Tuesday. T h r e e pigs and a milch cow for * 1 For men’s shoes that fit well Hale. Prices right. Phone Main and wear long, talk to John An 0354. 45-3 * derson. l i e especially recom­ Mrs. S. .1. Sparks has been mends the William Marvin shoe. ill for some days with bronchial On page 7 of this issue will be I rouble. found a very interesting table of Leo Perkins, a county seat at­ figures, showing the strength of torney, had business in the city, the Herman armies and those of Tuesday. Fngiand, Franc • and their alii s. LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats Quality, Style, Fit and I,anting Satisfaction The long-standing dependability o f this concern is back o f everything you buy for men and boys wear Two Store« in Portland 166 Ihird str#rt. S & H STA M PS "T h e K u porn helm *r llnuwe hi Portland.” K. G. K * .( I1-21M7 MM KI MS. President. given with all pur­ chases. T h e s e are good for cash dis­ counts. (¡rant Hailey of David’s Mill is The Fon st (¡rove High football Building, Portland. Those de­ Cook With Coal suffering severely from at attack squad went to Hillsboro last Fri­ siring information may also com­ The Forest Grove Planing Mill of sciatic rheumatism. day afternoon and gave tin* team municate with A L. Mi Is, Presi­ has laid in a supply of good fuel dent of the First National Bank. coal and is prepared to supply Charley VanDoren is now the of that town a drubbing, the score Bet ween I ) e c e m b e r 1 and being 38 to 3. Vancouver was to Portland, who is president of the consumers at a reasonable price. proud owner of a Chevrolet deliv­ Christmas. Oregon will fire 1,000,- Order by telephone N o 0232. association, or with the State ery car, bought from Wiles & have played Hillsboro, but failed 000 bullets at the kaiser’s ally, to show up, so the management Board of Health, w'hich is utiliz­ It must have frosted quite se­ Solder. tuberculosis. of that team took certain defeat ing the research and survey work verely in the vicinity of Dilley Lieutenant Kay 'I'. Williams is Business men, housewives and rather than di appoint the fans. being d o n e comprehensively during the past week, judging by expected home from Camp l4.65 and the further sum of $891.15, with During the week it is intended of these rnen can be cured and costs Wm. VanAntwerp, the reali es-j»erviee. Officers a n d im n are interest thereon from the 30th day of a lowed to enlist. October. 1917, at the rate of 7 per cent later, recently sold to John John­ more intimate than in the old r e g ­ that every man, woman and per annum, and for the further sum of A Good Woman Dies $100.00 attorney fees, to me directed son of 'Tillamook an acre tract, ular army and, in spite of this, child in Oregon shall learn of the campaign and the absolute neces­ Mrs. Sarah Caroline Linken- and delivered, commanding me to make near the race track, owned by discipline is very good sale of the real property hereinafter sity of carrying i' on as a means felter, living one and one-half described, I have levied upon and pur­ Like all the soldiers who have (¡us Abraham. Mr. Johnson has left home, the Lieutenant advises of increasing the efficiency both m les east of thn city, died at her suant to said execution and decree I taken possesion of his property. will, on Monday, the 24th day of De­ Chief of Police Watkins Tues- those at home to “ keep the home of soldiers and those who (Jo their home Thursday evening, Nov. 22, cember, 1917. at the south door of the bit at home. after a short illm-ss. She was born Courthouse, in Hillsboro, Washington day sold for a feed bill a white fin * burning," and to write to the j county, Oregon, at the hour of ten Three special days will be ob­ at Somerville, Missouri, May 12, o'clock pony that had been in the city b o y * v e r y regularly. a. m. of said day, sell at public serve i. Medical Examination 18o9, and was married to George auction to the highest bidder for cash pound the prescribed ten days, j (¡range Meeting in hand, all of the following described day c o m e s on December 6. Linkenfelter Sept. 18, 1878. | real property, lying, being and situate The animal was knocked down to ! Gale (¡range No. 292, will me-t “ Never before in the history of Mrs. Linkenfelter w a s t h e in Washington County, Oregon, and Frank Smith for $5. all it was Jat the I. O. O. F. hall, Saturday, more particularly described as follows, the world,” reads the association’s mother of seven children, five of to-wit:— w° r , h. Dec. 1st. Grangers are urged to statement, ‘ has the importance whom, with her husband, survive Lots nine (9) and ten (10) in Block ( ’ has. H. Norris of Cornelius be at the hall before 10:30 a.m . of the physical fitness been so her. Services were held at the Seven, South Park Addition to the City o f Forest Grove, Washington County, left yesterday for Jefferson, Ind., | Candidates for 3rd and 4th d e -: clearly revealed by thorough med­ Adventist church in Cornelius, a Oregon, to take up his duties as harness grees please be present at 11 ical examination as in the-edays large number of friends being to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses o f sale inspector for Uncle Sam. Jim o ’clock arid those for 1st and 2nd of war and army mobilization.” present. Eld>r Cotterell of Port- and said writ. Richey says he knew Mr. Norris degrees be at the hall in time for Said sale will be made subject to re­ Modern Health Cru-ade Day (and conducted the services. Mrs. demption as per statute o f Oregon. well in Umatilla county, that he dinner. Routine work, conferring! comes Dec. 7. It will be devoted Linkenfelter was a woman of kind Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 20th is an A1 mechanic and will give ; of 3rd and 1th degrees and elec -1 to interesting theehildren through and loving character, and will day of November, 1917. the government good service. tion of officers will be followed by J. C. A P P L E G A T E , the schools in the tuberculosis and long be mourned by her friends. Sheriff of Washington County, Ore­ I>ee, Hugh- and Will Sparks, the social dinner hour. Begin­ public health movements. gon. Joe A. Wiles would like to By GEO. A L E X A N D E R . who are building a modern coun­ ning at 1:30 the 1st and 2nd de- Tuberculosis Sunday, the cul­ write your insurance. Will give Deputy. g ers will be conferred. The pio-i try home for John Bernards in mination of the week, is an un­ you service that will be to your L. M. G R A H A M , the Roy district, visited their gram following will be in the denominational and non sectarian advantage. West side Main S t„ Attorney for Plaintiff. homes in this city Sunday. Mr nature o f roll ca ll,« ach one giving observance. It has in past years north of Tucker’s garage. First pub. Nov. 22; last Dec. 20,1917. Bernards is putting up one of the what he has gained from his ex­ and will this year reach Jew and finest country homes in Washing­ perience during the dry season. Gentile, Protestant and Catholic, All having (¡range manuals in j and all possible religious groups ton county, the s a m e being equipped with modern heating ¡1 heir possession be sure to bring within the»e organizations. It plant, electric lights, sanitary j them and report to the Steward. has received the endorsement of The chai man of the W. W. plumbing, etc. I ading church dignitaries, of al­ committee will consult with the most every creed and denomina­ Fruits and Vegetables in Season ! Matrons about Red Cross work. tion. SKURETARY. Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar, Secre­ own be secured from uh for Fall o r ; Spring planting. Large Prune Trees ; P H O N E TO 1 tary of the Oregon Association for Stars Enjoy Visit are very scarce this year on account of | Twenty-five members of Forest the Prevention of Tuberculosis, the late spring and l Cberwina Plug 4- L I V' j W-» X > Kt II» V (V-Wy program in honor of the visit, DR. H. C. FORTNER D fore the Invention o ' cup Patent A ir P -o o f Pouch j there being an excellent program Successor to M s -iy P -.i le r i Could N o t K eep I )|{. H. W . V O L L M E R of music, recitations, monologues the Flavor and Frealm s»* In R EA L G RAVELY PLUG TO B A C C O . i and “ eats.” The male members J N o w the Potent Pouch Keeps it ; t O F F IC E Freeh and C 'e a n and G ood. Ml of the Portland chapter furnished • A L lttln C h e w o.’ & .tvely le Enough In First National Hank Building and La e 's Longer than a big ch ew the program and the eats, show- Telehones cf ordinary plug. l>ng a remarkable aptitude for An oi-,1 i “ UWr* Residence 332 Office 333 ! thï i r vari irious parts, as though they ' had done it before. Red Cross Seals and Tuberculosis H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Large Prune Trees ? D. D. & M. B. BUM P Attorneys at Law Odd Fellows Elect The members of Washington lodge No. 48, I. O. O. F , last I). I). B U M P , M. B. B U M P , Residence Hillsboro Monday night elected officers, as Residence \ Forest (¡rove. follows: Offices H IL L S B O R O Phone 444 Carl C. Curtis, noble grand; George Oilman, vice grand; H. I N .H O F F M A N fl* R. Bernard, secretary; R. C Hill, Attorney A t I^tw treasurer. These officers will be Patent Office Business Solicited installed the last meeting in De- Forest Grove, - Oregon cetnber. Loans and Real Estate I •» . LOOK FOR THg rROreCTION : se al ms not ne al GRAWCIV WITHOUT THIS s e A L . v p-s-A) f f i l H