HUNGER GETS TROOPS KILLED 8Ï BOMB Russian Commandfru at Front Con­ tinu? to Send Orninoli* Report* on Condition* Many Die. k A A A A a ^ a a A A A A A A A a A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y STATE N EW S IN RAILROADS UNIFIED Revolutionary Move Affecting Eastern Lines Announced by War Hoard and Emergency l>eelared. For the first time since the National Apple Show was inaugurated at S( h >- l.ondon A belated dispatch to Reu­ kane. Hood River will fail to have a ter’s, Ltd., from Potrograd, dated No­ representative at the horticultural Milwaukee Police Station Scene vember 21. says: i event. "T he commanders at the front con­ The first shipment of lime from the of Tragedy. ' tinue to send in moat ominous dis­ Portland Reaver Cement company’a patches concerning the exhaustion of Gold Hill plant was made recently, which consisted o f a 40-ton shipment supplies and reports of forthcoming consigned to Medford. Large ship­ hungry hordes o f soldiers invading the ments will lie made to other |ooled regardless of ownership or the railroads’ individual interests. This almost revolutionary move was announced after an all-day conference 1 between member* o f the War Board j and govrnment officials, at whirh many In Heavy Storm and Without Artillery remedies were offered for the freight Preparation, Britons Tear Gap« congestion that has paralyzed trans­ portation in the East. It was adopted in German Entanglements. as the beat and readiest means of meeting a situation that has threat- ened the production and dispatch According to this dispatch, the* Rus­ Milwaukee, W is.— Ten persons were Although expressing faith in the abroad o f war materials. Ixindon By the most (lowerful blow killed and several injured Saturday sian newspaj'er Volka Narodna assert* ultimate success o f the Tumalo proj­ The roads will be o|>erated by a com­ delivered this year on the Western night when a bomb, designed to de­ that the Russian armies on the north­ ect, the Rend Commercial club, in ac­ mittee o f vice presidents o f the lines, front, British forces Wednesday broke stroy the Italian Evangelical church in cepting the report of a special investi­ under the general direction o f the War the Hindenliurg line on a 32-mile front ern frogt have for several days been the heart of the Italian settlement, gating committee, went on record Board, itself comprising five o f the from Ht. Quentin north to the Scar|io without food and that soldeirs daily exploded in Central Police station, against petitioning for the appropria­ country’s railway heads. The commit­ river and penetrated Gorman |*>sitioris where it had been carried for examina­ are leaving the front in hundreds or tion of funds with which to make a tee of vice presidents will be given tion. Seven detectives, two policemen are dying in the trenches from cold survey for a canal from the Deschutes 1 full authority to adopt any measures to a depth o f from four to five miles. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and one woman were killed. river to the Tumalo creek. found necessary to accomplish a unified Wednesday night re|*>rtod that the at­ The bomb, which was of scientific and hunger. Coquille men, Leo J. Cary, Joh n ! operation. tack was unchecked anil that in excess The newspaper adds that mutinies construction and evidently with a time The operation program calls for the Yoakum and I„ P. Rarnstetter have of 8000 prisoners, including 180 off! fuse attached, was found in the base­ due to hunger have broken out on sev­ following; shipped seven carloads o f cattle and cers, had been captured. The nurnt>er ment of the church. Police headquar­ eral parts of the line. Diversion o f locomotives, employes sheep from the county. The Coquille of guns and booty taken has not been ters were called and Detective Mc­ General Kaledines, hetman of the valley has contributed several, train­ and machine tools from Western to ascertained. Many village« have been Kinney was sent to get the bomb. On Don Cassocks, according to the Petro- loads of cattle during the past summer Eastern railroads. captured. his way he met an Italian named Utilization o f repair sho|Mi on West­ grad correspondent o f the Morning and the recent shipment is among the The great forward smash whirh was Mazuinni, who was taking the bomb to Post, is the master o f the Russian sit­ last that will go out for some time. 1 ern lines for repairing Eastern equip­ conducted by the British Third Army, headquarters. McKinney accompanied uation. With a trustworthy and disci­ The price o f cattle is expected to be ! ment. commanded by Sir Julian Kyng, re­ him back to the station. Pooling o f all tracks and equipment plined army he is reported to control lower. ports from headquarters say, is going While Mazuinni was being taken in the East wherever practicable. the bulk of the grain-growing terri­ on despite a heavy storm which began into the office of Lieutenant Flood for At a meeting of the Oregon State Pro-rata distribution among Eastern tory, and is rapidly capturing the re­ questioning. Desk Sergeant Henry fair board in Portland this week, Sec­ roads of open cars on a basis of ton­ just as the British launched their at­ mainder. The Russian gold reserve, Deckart took the bomb into the patrol­ retary Lea filed his annual report and nage carrying capacity o f the equip- tack. which the correspondent says was re­ British troops have penetrated to men’s room. turned over to the board $19,297.44. ment in the pool moved to the interior o f Russia in ... - . . . . . th* Mareoing-Masnieres line, and other Meanwhile detectives were answer­ as cash on hand after payng all ex- , Diversion from congested lines o f hnvo r„ H1.hed Noye„ ^ 3j ing rollcall on the second floor and just 1913, is now held by General Kale­ penses o f the 1917 fair. This repre- j all freight that can be handled by nn* miles from t’ambrai. before dismissal they were informed dines. sents twice the amount of cash turned open route. The British infantry and tanks, re- that the bomb had been found. On over after the 191G fair, and the turn­ London—Grand Duke Michael Alex- |iorta continue, have captured and going downstairs they grouped about androvitch, brother o f the former em­ over at that time exceeded any in the LAW V I O L A T E D BY C I T I Z E N S (tressed over a mile beyond the s«*cond the missile. Without warning it ex­ peror, according to a Petrograd dis­ previous history o f the institution. _______ _ line o f German defenses, which is ploded, killing seven of the number patch has been imprisoned in Smolny Actual construction of the state ma­ known as the Hindenburg support line. instantly. Institute, the headquarters of the Bol- chinery for the second draft got under («mmisaion Severely Criticise« Impor­ The British have captured Benavis, It is the belief of the police that the sheviki. tations at Bisher, Arizona. way Wednesday when Governor Withy- Lcmnu wood. La Vacquerie, the de- bomb was placed in the Evangelical combe appointed the members of the 1 Washington, I). C.— Severe criti­ fensc known as Welsh ridge and Kibe- church by ancarhists friendly to the Italians recently arrested for breaking MISS R O M A N O F F IS F L E E I N G central advisory board to handle the cism o f the person* res|>on*ible for the court village. legal phases of the conscription act. de|H>rtation o f 1186 striking copper The entire German line west of the up a patriotic meeting being held by a missionary from the church. A meet­ Daughter o f Ex-Czar Escapes and Will The personnel of the board includes workers from Bisbee, Ariz., and tho Canal du Non! to the Haupame-('am- George M. Brown, attorney general, Warren mining district, last July 12, brai roads is in British hands. Couil- ing was to be held in the edifice Satur­ Land at Pacific Port. chairman; J. N. Teal, Portland; Colo- is contained in a report to I’resident let wood also has been taken. day night and it is believed that the 1 nel Sam White, Portland, and Richard Wilson’s special labor commissioner, The attack began without the cus­ bomb was so timed that it would have Denver— Mrs. Margaret Barry Car­ W. Montague, Portland. tomary artillery preparation, and the exploded during the meeting. made public by the President Monday. ver, wife of an American banker’ with The deportation was carried out by Germans were completely surprised. An oil excitement is reported at Petrograd interests, was here Tuesday the sheriff of Cochise county and about There is every evidence that the Ger­ Powers, in Coos county. * In some of RUSSIA MAY B E C O M E E N E M Y on her way to a Pacific port, where, the wells there oil has been [found, and 2000 armed men, “ presuming to act a* mans fled or surrendered without mak­ she admitted, she is to meet Miss Ta­ it is believed it may mean a big dis- deputies under the sheriff’s author­ ing any serious attempt to hold the Bolsheviki Peace Move Regarded Ap- defenses, which were o f enormous tiana RomanofT, daughter o f the de­ covery. There will be an investiga­ ity ,” the report said, “ and was whol­ prehensively by Washington. strength. ly illegal and without authority in law, tion to ascertain whether there is oil posed emperor of Russia. in commercial quantities. Powers is either state or federal.” Washington, D. C.— Officials o f this Tatiana Nicolaevna RomanofT es­ the headquarters o f the Smlth-PowerH After extensive investigation o f the A L L Y V IC TORY government regard the Bolsheviki ST IR S U. S. move for an armistice between Russia caped from Siberia and will arrive at Logging company, and is located in causes and circumstances surrounding a Pacific port in a few days to make and her enemies and the opening of the southern part of the county on the j the copper miners’ strike, the commis­ sion found that the deportations were Washington Cautious in Commenting immediate peace negotiations as an her home in America, according to an South Fork of the Coquille river. on British Smash. announcement made here by the Rus­ planned by a number of Bisbee citi­ act that would place Russia almost in Blackleg and rabies among cattk- sian Civilian Relief society, o f New zens, including officials of the Phelps- the list of unfreindly nations. Washington, I). C. Official Wash­ are still making their appearance on Dodge and Calumet & Arizona mining ington wa* deeply stirred Wednesday Press dispatches telling of the peace York, with whom the former grand the ranges of Crook and Deschutes interests, although no disorder or vio­ as press bulletins began to unfold the movement were confirmed by a cable duchess will become connected. The story of the young woman’s es­ counties. The past week 20 head of lence had been threatened by the scope o f the smashing victory on the from Ambassador Francis received range cattle died from blackleg and miner strikers. Monday at the State department. It cape reads like a fairy tale. She ex- western front. rabies. The latter disease is being Most o f the men forcibly herded to­ said that Leon Trotzky, national com- eeuted her plan by first going through While army officer* were cautious in disseminated among livestock by dogs gether and sent out o f the state on a commenting on the significance o f the missioner for foreign affairs in the with a mock marriage, after which she Bolsheviki to diplomats at Petrograd made her way from Tobolsk, where the *ndc0y0,te8’ Practical|y a,1k «‘ «^»nen special train o f boxcars were law-abid­ drive in the absence o f official re(x>rts, ¡m™.«-.i i. having stock on the range where black­ the report it was evident that officials regarded that his government had proposed an exiled former imperial family is held, leg is prevalent are vaccinating young ing American citizens, said, and few were Germans or Aus­ this as the greatest blow dealt the to Harbin, Manchuria and thence to armistice with a view to immeidate cattle against the disease. In co-oper­ trians. Japan, whence she sailed for America peace negotiations. Germans since the war started. They ation with the United States biological under the chaperonage o f an English No reference was made in the re­ were especially inspired by the dash It was pointed out that should these survey, federal predatory-animal hunt- negotiations be successful, it would be woman. Her guardian in this country \ era are being placed in sections where port to the question o f whether any an 1 power displayed by Field Marshal were members or leaders o f the Indus­ Haig’s great war machine. most difficult to deal with Russia as a will be Mrs. Carver. i coyotes are most numerous in order to trial Workers of the World. neutral country in view of the position There were hints in some quarters | destroy rabies carriers. The commission reported that the o f previous information indicating that she has held as an ally o f the nations V I L L A MAIN F O R C E IN HIDING United States Senator McNary, upon deportation interfered with operation a shortage o f ammunition contributed fighting Germany and the marked ad­ his return to Salem from a trip | o f the selective draft law and suggest­ to the German defeat. According to vantage in the war that such a course Juarez Military Authorities Uneasy through Eastern Oregon announced ed the President refer the evidence to this view, the German western line might give the latter country. that at the next session o f congress he . Attorney General Gregory. It was hHH been stripped o f ammunition re­ Ambassador Francis has received no Over Move o f Bandit. will offer an amendment to the food also found that the leaders in the en­ serve and men from the Htragetic re­ instructions to deal with the Bolshevi­ Juarez— A train left here late Tues­ control bill specifying definitely one or terprise utilized the local office o f the ki government. In reporting to the serves to build up the machine which State department on the peace move, day carrying the 500 troops from the more points on the Pacific Coast as Bell Telephone company and attempted rolled back the Italian line. to exercise a censorship over (tarts of he made it clear that he had not for­ Ojinaga garrison who will be incor­ primary markets for wheat. The German high command, it was interstate telephone and telegraph said in this connection, had counted mally acknowledged receipt of the porated into General Eduardo Hernan­ Attorney General Brown has been lines to prevent information concern­ Trotzky note. He said he had been dez’ forces as “ shock troops,” in the asked by the State Fish and Game ing the deportations from reaching the absolutely upon Winter and French advised that the Soviet congress had and British force* transferred to sup- \ commission for information as to adopted a resolution instructing gen­ campaign against Villa in the north­ whether it can legally sell about 200 outside world. This situation should (K>rt the shaken Italian lines as mak­ erals at the front to enter into negot- eastern zone o f Chihuahua state. deer hides which are alleged to have be referred to the Interstate Com­ ing impossible any major offensvic on iations at once with the German com­ These troops were brought here Satur­ been illegally shipped into the state merce commission for investigation, the western front at this time. j the commission suggested. manders relative to a three month’s day from Marfa, Tex., having been in- I The daring displayed by the British from Montana by G. W. Ross and a armistice, with instructions to report terned there after escaping across the \ number o f associates. Ross was ar­ in launching their assault without ar­ to the congress. Rio Grande from Ojinaga when Villa ! rested a few days ago at Albany. A M E R IC A N S T E A M E R IS SUNK tillery preparation was commented on Reports that Russia was seeking captured the town November 14. They j by the officers. It is the first time an peace created apprehension in official were equipped with new uniforms and Bean growers in the Upper Coquille assault upon thoroughly organized Schuylkill i* Torpedoed in Mediterra- circles and every dispatch from Petro­ were reissued their rifles, ammunition valley who had out extra acreage this trench lines has ever been made ex­ nean; 10 o f Crew Landed. grad was analyzed with the hope that and field equipment, which were taken season and garnered heavy crops, do cept after the guns have blasted away some promise might be found that Rus­ from them by American soldiers when not find a ready market for their prod­ Washington, D. C.— The American through for the infantry. The use o f sia would continue the fight. Ambas­ they were interned and sent here in uct, since the buyers who in other steamer Schuylkill has been torpe­ the tanks to clear away barbed wire sador Francis’ dispatch dated Novem­ bond. years absorbed the offerings in this doed and sunk in the Mediterranean. entanglements and other strong points ber 21, apparently dispelled any hope The suc­ No reports were received regarding vicinity are not purchasing freely. The Navy department was advised also was a novel procedure. o f a strengthening of Russia’s resist­ the persent whereabouts o f Villa’s The slowness o f the market is attrib­ Monday that 40 men o f her crew had cess o f the movement probably depends ance unless the Bolsheviki government main column and this is causing the uted to the uncertainty o f the food been landed at a Mediterranean (>ort. wholly upon the complete surprise should be quickly overthrown by a local military authorities much uneasi­ control propaganda and buyers are ex­ There was no naval armed guard which was possible only by moving counter revolution. pecting price-setting to be announced. aboard. ness. forward without the usual artillery fire. A NAR CHI ST S B L A ME D Quarters Are Questioned. Washington, D. C.— New quarters in circulation since August have caused such a multitude of queries as to their genuineness that Director of the Mint Baker explained that a slight change in the design had been made to im - 1 prove the beauty and stacking qualities o f the coins. Draperies o f the Goddess o f Liberty on the face and the flying eagle on the the reversed side has been placed higher on the coin, with three stars beneath. . Seattle Clean-Up Likely. Seattle, Wash.— After a prolonged conference between the executive com­ mittee of the Seattle Minute Men, a patriotic organization, and Mayor Gill, Sunday, it was announced by the Min- ute Men that a plan had been agreed upon for a clean-up of Seattle that would undoubtedly remove the ban placed on this city by Major-General Greene, commander o f Camp I^ewis, who has forbidden soldiers to visit here because o f alleged vice conditions. J. A. Turner, representing the Pa­ Sailors Will Get Medals. cific Potato Starch factory, has been Washington, D. C.— A special medal in Gresham for the past few days in­ probably will be provided for awards teresting farmers in raising potatoes. to men o f the United States naval Nineteen road districts, created service who distinguished themselves from the old, unwieldly districts have in the warfare against submarines. applied for special elections for road Secretary Daniels, it was learned Mon­ funds, and the County court named day, has taken preliminary steps to November 24 as election day in all this end. The action of the depart­ precincts within the 19 districts. Ten ment is prompted by the fact that un­ o f the new districts are on the Coos der the law no member o f America’s Bay side of the county and nine in the armed forces can accept decorations from foreign governments. Coquille valley. TEUTONS SURPRISED Near Mutiny is Reported. A Pacific Port— The steam schooner Pasadena turned back into this port Wednesday as a result of what mem­ bers of the crew said had been a near mutiny. Charles Johnson, a sailor, charged that Captain M. S. McGovern, master o f the ship, had attacked him and other members o f the crew without provocation and said he and others had refused to continue the proposed voy­ age of the ship.