I (J^Aj^cijJ^ Vtt'UV'V-» Site JHarcot Ofcmtf imnraa AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 Open Meeting Was Very Interesting I FOREST (»ROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 29. 1917 No. 47 New Organization Born Tuesday Night Nichols-Long Thirty-two representative citi­ The open m< eiinRof the Fure*t A very pretty wedding was zens of Forest Grove met at the Grove Woman’« club, held at the solemnized in Portland Wednes­ Congregational church parlors Star Theater Monday afternoon,! day afternoon, Nov. 21, when Tuesday evening, enjoyed a very was not so heavi y attended a- j Miss Alma I.ong, the daugh'er of palatable and nutricious meat! ss some of the previous meet in«« of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long of Cor and wheatless dinner, p repaid by a similar character, hut it was ev- nclius became the bride of Archie some of the ladies of the chu: ch i ry hit as interesting a meeting as R. Nichols, the youngest son of and served by men from the var­ thecluh had held in many months. Mr. and Mrs, James Nichols of ious churches, after which they Piesident Mrs. White presided this city. They received many proceeded to discuss the advisa­ and the first numb. r was a vocal beautiful p es- nts. bility of organizing a Brother­ solo by Mrs Fred W. Jones, the Mr. and Mrs. Nichols will make hood, designed to promote fellow­ number being so pleasing that the their home in Portland, where the ship and the moral and civic well- linger was encored. groom is employed in the city fare of the community. Prof. H. Mrs. Hazel Carmack’s piano j posloffice. They h a v e many E. inlow, Rev. R. E. Dunlap, solo was received in the same friends in Forest Grove who ex­ Rev. A. B. Patten, L*. M Gra­ manner, as was the vocal solo of tend congratulation-. ham, B. J. Simpson, W. P. Dyke, Mrs R M. Eiwin of Hillsboro, W. H. Hollis and others spoke in who took for her selections very Davidson Hermsen favor of the organization, after difficult compositions. Fred Lesler Davidson and Miss which Thomas E. Isaacs led the The speaking number on the Ivoretta P. Hermsen, two of the crowd in singing some of the old program had been assigned to, most popular of th - city’s young songs familiar to all. B. J. Simp­ Rev. A. H. Fatten, who demon- j people, slipped over to the Gretna son then read the constitution strated that he was the right man MKS. M ARTHA K. W A T K IN S Green of our neighboring sta'e on and the same was adopted, with­ Who died in thin city November 19, 1917 for the job, taking for his subject, the north on Nov. 21st and were out a dissenting voice. The doc­ “ Woman's Part in the New In-, united in marriage by Rev Father ument provides that the name of ternalionalism.” T h e speaker, to the end that the boys “over Swain s, a Cutho tc priest of Van­ the organization s h a l l be the there” might not go hungry into N O BL E R. LLOYD, characterized Woodrow Wilson as couver. Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lloyd, who Brotherhood of Forest Grove; its “ the premier potentate of the the trenches. They returned home the fo’low- w as killed Nov. 17th, in F rance, while officers shall be a president, vice world” and declared it was des­ “America belongs to the wo-Id! ing evening and are now living at in action a g a in st the H uns. He was president, secretary and treasurer; tined that the United States was Knit on, you good women; help the I>aFrane home. a Canadian infa ntrym a n. that it shall hold meetings on the throw around this bleeding world to have a determining influence in Blum-Morgan the war, with woman nobly hold­ the robe of Christ,” wa* the clos­ They will reside on the groom’s last Tuesday evening of each At his office in the court house, place, in the Verboort settlement. month; fifteen members shall con­ ing up her part of the work. | ing thought of the speaker. The address was one of the most elo at Hillsboro, Couniy Judge Rea-- Speaking of the wave of patriot­ There was a big dance and stitute a quorum. The dues are ism that swept America when war quent and most patriotic delivered oner last Thursday united in mar­ wedding dinner at the Verboort but 50c per year, but special as­ was forced on her, the speaker in this city since the war started riage Mi>s Emma Manchester hall, the dancing starting at 1 sessments may be levied, when declared hr* did not “raise his boy and will, no doubt, put new en­ Morgan of Gaston and Mr. Arthur o’clock Tuesday afternoon and needed, by a two-thirds vote of to be a soldier,” but when the thusiasm into many who heard it. Blum of Cherry Grove. The continuing until 7 o’clock S. A. all the members. Officers elected bride is the daughter of Mr. and Walker arid Clarence Lenneville were: gn at need for soldiers came, his Conservation Meeting H E. Inlow, President. hoy was ready to fight for uni-1 The open “Conservation” meet Mrs. Steven Morgan of this city of this city and Mrs. F McBride W. P. Dyke, Vice President. and ha- a host of friends in this ver.-al democracy and neither ing of the club will be held a ’ of DiWvy furnished the music for B. J. Simpson, Secretary. father nor mother were inclined Langley hall at 3 o’clock next city and vicinity who will wish the festivities M. R. Johnson, Treasurer. to h o l d h i m back. A great, Monday afternoon and all women her well in her marital venture. Local Boys Win Out Thirty-one persons signed the She made her home for the past courage has possessed the people are i n v i t e d . There will be j membership roll and all who sign A dispatch from the Presidio, of the United States, military and I samples of wheatless war breads, year with Mr. and Mrs. H. D civil, and the more courage dis-, with an explanation of their in­ Bryant of Gaston. The groom is San Francisco, under date of Nov. before the next meeting (Christ­ played by those at home, the bet- j gredients and manner of mixing engaged in furni-hing Uncle Sam 26th, reports that two Forest mas night) will be considered ter the fighting spirit of the boys and baking, Mrs. Richardson be- with ship “ knees” and is known Grove boys—Chas. L. Robinson charter members. One hundred as an honorable and industrious and H. E. Ferrin—have won com- men is the mark of the officers. who have gone abroad. Rev. | the lecturer in this department. Pat ten spoke of the many loving , Miss Minnie Myers will give a young man. They will live near m s-ions in the second officers’ Gone to Mother’s Funeral training camp. Mr. Robinson, words for mother being written talk on “The Use of Available Cherry Grove. Edward L. Sayres, wife and who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. home by the boys “over there,” , Materials,” and there will be a Krieger-Lyda N. Robinson of this city, is now a youngest child departed Tuesday and rejoiced that the mothers review of the “ Meatless Program” At 9 o’clock Tuesday morning first lieutenant of infantry, while evening for Dayton, Wash., to a t­ were never out of the minds of which was given the first Monday Nov. 27, Father Spranger united Mr. Ferrin is a second lieutenant tend the funeral of Mr. Sayres’ the boys in the trenches “ Knit in this month. mother, Mrs. John W. Sayres, in marriage Miss Katherine Lyda on! Pray on! Your sons are fight-1 The ladies are invited to bring of the Thatcher district and Theo­ of field artillery. If the same pro­ who passed away Monday last at ing for a new day," he declared; pencil and paper to take notes. dore J. Kritger of Verboort, the cedure i- followed as in the first the home of her son, W’illiam, at training camp, the boys will go to "a day of universal democracy, Mrs. C T. Richardson. ceremony taking place at the Camp I>ewis for further training. Reubens, Idaho. Deceased visit­ such as the world has never seen Chairman. Catholic church at Roy. ed her son, Ed, in this city during and scarcely hoped for.” Both these young people are Mr-. S. G Hughes has been at the summer and departed several S. A. Walker went to Portland In paying a tribute to Clara Sunday and brought home his favorably known in this part of Pori land the greater part of the weeks ago for Reubens, to visit Barton, founder of the Red Cross,1 wife, who was operated on Oct. Washington county, having been past ten days, assisting in the the family of her son, William. Rev. Patten declared that,through 23. She is still rather weak and rea ed from childhood in this sec­ care of her mother, Mrs. T. R. While there she became ill and the Red Cross, the women of j sore, but expects to be in better tion. The bride is the daughter Turnbull, who is critically ill with passed away at the age of 74 America were knitting humanity health as a result of the operation. of Mr. and Mrs. William Lyda. a blood clot on the brain. years. Deceased came west in into the bloody and titanic strug-1 the early days, crossing the plains gle going on in Europe. The with her husband in a wagon women of America were knitting drawn by oxen. Besides her hus­ their love into garments for the band she is survived by four sons, boys at the front. Frand of Alaska, R. D. of Pendle- The speaker said he had heard Artful : ton, Will of Reubens, Ida., and that when a British soldier asked Edward L. of this city. an American S a m m y if he “wouldn’t be awed in the presence Union Church Services txu»~n of the king,” the American re­ The Methodist. Christian and plied, “ Not if I held the Ace.” i Congregational churches will hold The speaker was positive America union -ervicesat the M. E. church Jff ’7\ 6st*a held all the aces in the deck, if a this (Thursday) evening, at 7:30 BAXTl£FlELb minister of the gospel might be ¡o’clock. Rev. R. L. Putnam will pardoned for using the compari­ preach the sermon. The public is son. In cannon and munitions invited. she held the ace of clubs; in money Frank Burlingham, who is at­ and food supplies she held the ace tending U. of W., is spending his 'iso M ME of diamonds, in tools for (intrench­ Thankgiving vacation with his ing her armies, she held the ace folks in this city. I tqucntii of spades and in the loyal-hearted women of America she held the Orpha Parker will ri present the greatest ace of all—th