The Little Tots’ Favorite FIGHT PU«T DISEASES f o r HOME WORKER Campaign Planned Against De­ Attractive Hats May Be Made by structive Maladies. the Amateur. T H E ONLY STEAM-COOKED O A TM EA L"- Special Work W i l l B e Undertaken to Brad and Jet Ornamenta In a Wide Va Reduce Epidemics of Black Rust rlety, Are Belng Uacd by Mulin­ In Spring W h e a t Areaa— To erà Thla Seaaon. Improve Storage Method*. The children prefer “ H. 0 ” be­ cause it is the oatmeal with he tempting flavor. It makes sturdy little bodies and keen quick-thinking brains— as it contains the properties that make energy and tissue in just the right proportions. “ H . 0 ” (From the United Stntee Uepartment ot T " '* chiirmln« hiita, either of Which Aariruiturr t might be fii*hloii«*d by the home mil- IVstruotlve plant diseases which an-1 liner, ar«» lllualrated here. The larger Dually tnuke heavy Inroads Into the .f the two hats has a brim of velvet crops of the country, are to he at anil crown o f soft felt embroidered In tacked with renewed energy by the chenille In contrasting color*. The brim l lilted States department of agricul- might bo of black or dark brown and Hire. Tin- extend. d work is made possible by appropriations carried In the food production bill which has Just been enacted by congress. Special work will be undertaken by tho bureau o f plant Industry with n is nourishing than meat ¡ X J L ' t f ’S E i £«**1. u T S S or eggs, and can be prepared Wheat areas and reduction o f the In- in only 20 minutes. Do not ac- £ cept ordinary oatmeal or rolled re hu h I ho will pluec In the Held ad- ....,, dltlonnl expert pathologist* to advise Oats, \\ l l t l l N t U can cbtain o o u u t r y. n>.,.nt8 eapoclally In the con- trol o f destructive diseases of pota­ * ‘ H. 0. ” A t all grocers. ¡SSZSZZZSZV: toes, beaus and truck crops, and will ■ I undertake special surveys to deter­ mine the causes of Injury In region* suffering heavy losses from plant dis­ eases In order that control tneusures Cuts 20.Cords in 10 Hours may be undertaken promptly. T H E O R IG IN A L T H E L IG H T E S T TH E In ndilltlou to Its work for the con­ STRO NG EST H A S M A N Y IM IT A T O R S . trol o f plant diseases, the bureau of BLT NO EQUALS. Writ« for h fcn iitii« VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW V aug han Motor W orks, 475 e . plant Industry win seek to stimulate the conservation o f fois! products by demonstrating proper method* o f stor- Ing such crops as may be stored In common Storage, by Improving the m a in PORTLAND. OREGON. -------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------- - THANKSGIVING POULTRY. W e g e t our * h ,p p « r* T O P P R I C E S fo r T U R K E Y S . D U C K S . G E E S E and C H 1C K E N S la s t season, a n a w e a re g o in g to do so a g a in t n .s y e a r . If yo u h a v e n o t a lr e a d y sh ip p e d to us. do so n o w and be c o n v in c e d . W e w ill g e t yo u r e s u lts y o u h a v e been loo k.n g fc r. S h ,p liv e T u r k e y s . D u c k s . G ee se and C h ic k e n s a t o nce T h e r e w II be a good d em an d f o r c h ic k e n s . A ll p o u ltry w ill sell a t h g h e r p r e e s th a n e v e r b efo re , S h ip dressed t u r k e y s , d u ck s, geese and c h ic k e n s to a r r iv e h e re N o v e m b e r 24th to 27th In c lu s iv e . S h ip us y o u r V e a l, H o g s . B e e f, M u tto n , E g g s , B u t t e r , W o o l, M o h a ir, H id e s , e tc . W e w ill p le a se y o u . 109 F R O N T S T R E E T GULLICKSON & COM PANY PO R T LA N D . O REGO N Hotel Rowland New Houston Hotel / --------------------------------------------- " One hundred *nJ sixty-five Rooms, all Modern improvements: free phones on every floor. Rates: Il I* screwed In In ibi' center, near tin! tup at the back. Till* little tir ite le w o u ld lie ll* e flll also u p o n th e w r it in g ta b le , and lin t tray In front could then lie u * e d fo r h o ld in g o d d * a n d e n d * liiM lead o f hair­ pin*. 75c to $1.50 per dajr. $2.50 to $5.00 per week. Sixth and Everett Sts.. Portland. Ore. Four biocks from Union Depot. T w o block«« from N ew Poeteffiee. Modern and fireproof. Over luu outside rooms. Rate« 75c to Opposite Courthouse. 2 blocks from Foetaffice. F ire Proof. S. P and Oregon Electric pass door. W e W ant Your BEANS CHA&.G H O P IM i N m « » . D p ' AT TTTFI TI l? I •-**-*£*• 1. •I'l' «-4 I v l u V J v J Are made from your OLD CAR PETS. Rag Ruga woven all sizes. W e Pay Cash. No Commissions Mail orders receive prompt and care­ ful attention. Send for booklet HEIDENREICH CO. 74 Front St., Portland, Ore NORTHWEST RL'G CO. E. 8th and Taylor SU. Portland. Or. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought. Sold. Rented anti R epair*! W A L K E R ELECTRIC WORKS Bum iide. cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. Bigger Pay for You. B«hnke~W alker Busin«®« Coll«*'*. Portland, Ore., largest in Northw«®t. trains you in ail buai- ness courses. Enroll any time. Free Catalog. m e th o d s o f s t r id in g th e p i » iu iL - A lX r fin lU n AND NOW THE PETTIBOCKER New Undergarment Drslgned for Womrn Who Dance, Skate or En­ gagé in Actlv* Work. A new inidergiirinent of Milk Jeracy, doNlgned for wuinen who Nknto, dime* or «In urtivi* wur work, Ini* heen lililiied thè IVttlboeker lllld Combini** Ilo* felli uri'* of botti pettlcoilt limi knlckerlKieker*. The bloomer* lire gnthereil nn un rinvile ut thè wnl*t. cut extra full, and wlth Cliff* lll*o glllhered oli eltiMlle band*. They are long eimugh to reiieh below thè cult of Ilo* Icg, bill sbolli«! l>e woril dlreetly below tlle kllee. Severill Incile* above Ilo* euff of elicli leg a Moline«' I* Mttliclied. Nllglltly gatbcreil, bill %■> pili oli a* n<>t to In terfere ultli thè wldth of thè bloom era ut tinsi polnt. The Mounee* are d«‘*lgiu*l to reaet tlle tieni of Ilo* OUter sklrt iiiid «‘litui nate th«* neci**alty o f a pcttlcoat, evel* when thè outer garment I* of abeer material*. A* thè flouncea are ni- tuched aliove thè elusile*, tliey wlll ho pulled up Just a* tlo* outer *klrt I* plllled Up when (he weurer I* slttllig, liiHtend of Nhowlug Ix'lleath a* dld ili« Mounee* of tlo* old “ tango gurtera.“ DAINTY AND SIMPLE s t o r a g e , a n d b y «lem on- d r y in g o f fa r m p ro d u c ts, r ip p ilC R U U rn tn TRAPPING Hats That May Be Made at Home. I n H r r I1 YU the crown a gray or soft tan, with 1 Most Effective “ Set" for Trap Is In « « ««‘-colored chenille for the necessary c o lo r c o iit m * t . Main Runway— Twelve-Inch Iron The smaller lint, mail«’ <>f black or Spoon Is Useful. navy hi ut» I h hii mof tin* serge pher trap Is In the main runway. A. or gaberdine *tr**'t dresses *o fnshlon- and not In the luterai run H. that »hie now. Tin* soft crown I* surround- leads to the surface mound, Tbl* n«*- «‘‘ I hy a rolled brim which W covered resáltate* the u*e o f two traps per over with Jet nail head*. Null heads were extensively used as *«*tting, one In each direction; but the result* a n *o much more certain and millinery and dress trimming several quicker that tin* catch per trap per years ago, and they have never been day ls greater than where hut one trap entirely relegat«*’ In millinery. I'ractlcnlly every *«'a- often Mlh-d full o f dirt by the gopher, son some Ingenious milliner develop* A common stiff-handled 1l!-lnch Iron » few models with mill head trimming, sjHwjn I* of great assistance In Unding unci for the fall und winter o f 1P17-18 the main run. util In properly placing they are generously exploited. *he trap. This *j>oon hud better be Head and Jet ornaments In a wide supplemented by n light, short-bundled variety ur<- being us.-d this season, und shovel, for th** mun that I* afraid to applique embroidery I* also u millinery dig will never get rid o f bis gophers, feature. Tin* service bat o f the American sol «Her I* shown made up In velvet und In tuffetti for sport wear. For the tlrst fall wear many wom­ en wisely si'lect a simili fenile r loque, ! and unusually good looking ones uri- to be Imd this season. R a t h e r t a ll lin ts a r e to h e p o p u la r fo r f a ll a n d w in t e r ; b u t m o re o fte n Gopher Trapping. t h a n n o t t h is to w e r in g eff«*et I* th e The fr* -Je-sf mound should b<* select- r«'*ult o f t r im m in g a r r a n g e m e n t r a l l i ­ e r I lia n n c t u u l h e ig h t o f th e c ro w n . W ill Kurm ntM 700 to * market prices at all tim « “ 'I “ ««I t f ‘ «- p r o b a b le d ir e c t io n o f th e f*r v«*!. H o t *. Poultry. E k k *. HuttCT. Hide*, m a in r u n d e t e r m in e d b y n o t in g th e THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO.j -w J6Ú-JC5S62U angle of the dirt-plugged hole. Tin FOR THE DRESSING TABLE If this mod«-! !.. a fair 1 -rilerloii. tin 113 Front, PORTLAND, OR. mounds ar<* u-unllv situated one or two feet distant from, and nearly at Combined Pincushion, Watchstand and f,,M M>. " " " '‘JI,1“ ''1 HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK. right angles to the main run. Hairpin Tray ' l,J 1,1,1 •»ft«’- 1 •'«• simplicity It T ray Is Found to Be A Poor Substitute. not extreme, though, fur tin* dlsllnctlv« Useful Article. WOOL’AND MGHAI*. “ What have you in your local zoo?” collar anti bell contrast well with tin “ W ell, for one thing, we have one INFERTILE EGG IS FAVORED We taut ell ji - lure. Write far prices »til slit»»t*t tigs dominant note In the d r e s s . They 11 r< ---------- This Is a useful article for the drew- | frl|nniw| w|th on,..lncll llun,,K ,,f n„ v> T he H. F. NaRTflW CO. Ore; seine, We. of the largest collections of snake* you ever saw.’’ Proper Handling and Marketing by 'hK table In the shut.....f a combined . (.rK,. whll, the n « ■ re , 1 1 L. . . r,u* matter and uric a * 1 ri accumulate rial being turned over at the edges vising That Herd* Be Immuned w*thin th« b*xly In great abundance, by Vaccination. ovei-worklr!» the sick kidney«; hence the ' ongestlon of blood causes backache In ! the same manner as a similar congestion In all section « of the United States they are adopting ns the best fried out in ,h,( nervous, h'* '' 1«*ad.a' sick, 1*. feverish J "u come despondent, ,__ , - , . , __ . _________, - „ , Irritable, have spots appearing before the " r proter-tln* the herd from eyes, bags under the lids, and lack arnbl- I|f)g cholera, irnmiinlng with the double Oon to do things. procesa; and Hie officials of the gov- T h e latest a n d most effective means ernment connected with the live-stock of overcoming this trouble, Is to eat spar- Interest arc universally advising and irig ly of m eat, d rin k p le n ty of w ater be­ Insisting that th«* herds o f swine be tw een m e a ls a n d ta k e a sin g le A n - u - r i c Immuned by vncrlnntlon. ta b le t before e ach m e al fo r a w hile. S im p ly a s k yo u r fa v o rite d ru g g ist for A n u r ic , double stre n g th . If you have Save Everything. lum bag o , rh e u m a tis m , gout, dro p sy, b e ­ Save everything In the garden g in Im m e d ia te ly w ith th is new est d is c o v ­ e ry of D r. P ie rc e , who Is C h ie j M ed ical orchard. If there Is no sale for D ire c to r of In v a lid s ’ H o tel and S u r g b a l , ,, , , . , „ In s titu te In B u ffa lo , N . Y Hend 10