I notes AND personals Home Kconomics Council Meeting M. S. Alton had husini-Ms in , Portland Monday. Thro«* pigs und a milch cow for Saturday, Nov. 24, 1917, is the sale. Prices right. Phone Main date set. for the organization of a (KIM. 46*3 Woman’s County Council in order LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats Quality, Style, Fit and LaHtinj? Satisfaction The long-standing dependability of this concern is back of everything you buy for men arid boys wear Kulph Oglesby of the Seavey to promote the scope of activity m Hi • >, , Morrison at Fourth and hop yards had business in town for women; to in m .as4. their use- Two Stores in Portland )Wi Thlrd strM.t. Monday. 1 . , ’ , . , fulness as citizens and in the home; S & H STA M PS High-grade guaranteed h o t |to u ,Uer conditionil of home life; given with all pur­ water bottles at reasonable prices ^amJ to „slat in the great move- chases. T h e s e are “ The Kuppcnlirimrr U H KITIN'. good for cash dis­ at Lit tier s Pharmacy. ment of conservation of the var-1 H o u s e In P o r t l a n d . " Pr*^»idenl. count«. F «. K « . II 22-17 I*.astern lluckwheat and maple jous u-eful commodities. ^yrup for winter breakfasts at j The demands made upon women dared the first lien upon said real Schultz Pure Food Store. at the pre ent time are so new Cook With Coal Helping the Blind T u r, , r,, . property; and that such decree, order Remember the apron and bak- and different that all must make Mrs. Cora Die lericks of New- I he rore.->t Crove Planing Mill sail! real premises and the whole there- ery sale at Roe & Co. s store, Hj>«.r-ial «-ffort totiVail th m elves berg was in th*- citv Tuesday has laid in a supply of good fuel of sold in the manner prescribed by law Nov. 24th. 2t j of opportunities to learn more ef- ... ’ coal and is prepared to supply aml t*)at , ,*^e ^Kht, title, interest, soliciting financia aid l o r a i n a ( i - - mr|Sljm|,rs at a reasonable orice ‘TV*1*; and ,lemarMl which any of the Ceorge (i. Hancock. real e*. C\S- fective and economical methods azine put out for the blind of the Order by telephone No 'i)232. ‘ ¡rem tsor Tuy ¿ n Z Z t X for-1 tale, farm loans an . ,t“1 . r, . • » . ■ ‘ h«.; • peo- the various lu T . • v . 1" '.h“1 8UMMON8 bff then that plaintiff have a deficiency pie ,ble, hie ^ sed w.'h with eyesight eye-ight will will not Warner T. Davis of Dilley and rUHH and make plans for definite «,le m th- f*îr,.,iit r. ,.,t #h a,., / judgment againat the defendant. W. T. re in 1, *U' t'a C. Anderson of Caston work m the county. AH organi , " « f e In the ( ircuit C>urt of the State of Simmons, for such deficiency; that any ty are 300 in Oregon and 100,000 in Oregon, for Washington County. , person party to this suit or other­ were united in marriage at Van­ zalions of (î r a n g e s , Farmer's wise may become the purchaser of said couver, Wash., one day last week. Unions, Women’s Clubs, Civic 1 he United Stiles. Only 1 per B. A. Kliks, plaintiff, premises at such sale and that such cent of 1 he blind have the bihie, vs. Kenneth Irle, a P. U. student Clubs, Societies of Equity, Coun- which cost- from $20 to $30 on purchaser be let into the immediate of last year, is now in China as try Clubs, Parent-1 eachcr Circles, account of th * high co t of print- W.I T Simmons George Mather and £ £ £ £ , of such premies “ The ierrM r> f a.rn.et sheriff of Washington County, Oregon private secretary t<> International • an* urged to permanent send a woman M. Levinger; Sarah Williams; G. L. 1 and and for for such 8Urh oth r„, rIlr, J : relief as ’ o r , inK the blind alphabet The other * and further Secretary Harvey of the V. M. representative Lindsley. administrator of the estate j p, the court may seem meet and proper ^postal department is aiding by temporary o that all comn ‘ C. A. B k’ dece“ ed* defend- ,in the premises. making the mails fiee to all liter­ ant^ * ¡ties may be equally represented To*Sarah Williams, one of the the .hov* . .-TA i9 8_U,mrnc to your (Voss Rooms, Hillsboro, Oregon in, which date of first publication is Oregon advantage. West side sail Main St,, E D N A L . M IL L S ! pests, and just at this time when October 18th. 1917, and you are hereby Date o f first publication, October ,, , it is imperative to conserve to the required to answer on or before Fri- 18th, 1917. Date o f last publication. north of Tucker’s garage. Emergency Hume Dem. Agt. , , J , , day, November 30th, 1917: and if you Nov. 22nd, 1917. U ' m i i ' t the leserve food supply Dr. Darland, the Chiropractor . . . of . fail fail SO so to to appear appear or or answer, answer, the the plain- plain- CHAS J TAFF and Natureopath, will occupy the t h e nation, n a t i o n , it i t is especially impor- tlff * apply 0. A. C. Notes the t,ff wi* will apply to to the the alwve above entitled entitled Attornev for nlainiifT r— «idinir p ... rv xt oa a -- 1 , . , ; I court for the relief demanded in plain- Attorney lor plaintiff, residing at Prof. Mean property, at the cor­ Corvallis. Ure , ISOV. 2U —Agri- tant to prey, nl the work of these tiff s complaint, which relief briefly McMinnville. Oregon. 41-6t. work of th e s e tiff's ner of A street and First avenue, cultu al agents of Raker, Wallowa, pests. stated is as follows: For a judgment — ^ — north, as office and residence. 2t.• . • , »* • ; „ . . ... , . . . and decree that plaintiff recover from 11 Fumigation of Stored Grains, Peas and Beans D r. and M rs h M R enton, W ashington, l.r o c k e tt. C lack am as and D ou glas M arion, F u m igation with carbon bisui- the defendant, w. T. Simmons, the sum m et last phide i-> the m ost im portan t treat- «f ?tfi-r*o. with interest from January DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W . VOLLMER Mrs. Welch, Mr and Mrs. Jack L, . . , „ , , -,u c*. . m nt of grains, according to F 26th. 1917. at the rate of eight per cent Willis and son Mr. and Mrs. Will hn<,ay and Saturday with State ... ..t ... K........ w . per annum uatil paid, the sum of $150. Rowell -md sons Kermit and Leader Paul V. Maris at the Ag- H- Lathi op, assistant Fniomolo- to be allowed as plaintiff’s reasonable 'CSUT u ,,f " •;,,nnTvW:?,Cri,.ul,ural .0 ........... Jo OFFICE In First National Bank Building Telehones *• % M: Albert Ahlgren, ' r e Al Dll- ^workin f" r l!’ e ,comini: ^ Ed and year. After the projects for each i ***»?*■ may L»e obtain'd in liquid form i plaintiff. B. A. Kliks, and which is z r e - 1 Residence 332 Office 333 ley» Rill Kappel und Irving Railey county had been determined the from the drugged, and should he corded July 29th, 1915, in Vol. 74. page returned Sunday from their fish- Kxperiment Station and Exten applied at the rale of four pounds C^nt^8O r L J fn ^ ^ in iI D. D. & M. B. BUMP miiMIXNlmra. to the Wll-on river. sju^ outlin,.,| thl. M. W every 1000 cubic feet of s p a « . m„ r, / K , I I hey got a few fish, mostly trout, ; ' . , . : to he fumigated. The material real premises, to-wit: All of Tract: Attorneys at Law and had a very enjoyable outing, s ta n ce 'mri can oe ptovlded ,sb(»uld be plac'd in shallow pans Four, and Tract Nine, and the East, Loans and Real Estate Th- II q Department of Atm- from ° ' A' C aK‘‘nLs of lhe var-' on top of the grain, and the bin ^ flf of Tract T h r e e of Chehalem ; M. B. BUMP, cultuw re^rts ¿^gmT’s Vrinci^a.! 'ous counties in order of foregoing immediately co-ed. The liquid S ^ o r ? ^ m%to“ l l t X ^ " n o ^ I ^ T ” ' Residence Hillsboro crops for 1917 as follows: Wheat, list are Henry E Tweed, Max evaporate, forming a gas of record in the office of the recorder' ForestnGrove >ve. l 1 ashington County, 12,9(13,000 bu-hels oats, I1.TOK. Offices -HILLSBORO Hoke., W .Kahlc.V ddm * 'dow nw ard - h o u g h the g a i n T h e Oregon and as particularly described Phone 444 ('00 bushels; barley, 5,278,000 ¡s()n p- Ivow n R. J. Wer ner hin shnnlri Ho -illnw. H In renviin in deed from Paul Reimers and wife to i , i t ' i i ___ i aii ..... „ Din should be allowed to re m a in , MagnU8 Block> and wife recorded in N. HOFFMAN hu-hels; potat(H*s, 7,7()0.000 hush-1 and J. I-, l i urd. All were np-|closed for at least twenty- f our Vol. 91 page 36, records of deeds of els; hay, all kinds. 1,809,000 tons. ane foreclosed and said mortgage be de- Forest Grove, - Oregon city handling its product«. Spec­ to help win ihe war for democracy .in,j should not be attempted. ially good displays are to be seen Recause more Oregon farmers j Corbon bisulphide is highly in at the Schultz . . . and . . . Cliltner , stores, • ^ than ever b e f o r e are miking flammable and lights and flames of where elcotr.ca ly-dnven devices money especially m scentific and al, kinds must be kept away from advertise the Albers cereals. organized farming. Farmers week d The editor of the Tues- j and the W int«'Sh ort Course at | T heir treatment is effective for Staple and Fancy Groceries day received from Mrs. Wdliam | A. C. ate * ^Pectld { 1 ^ . , ^ dried fruits as well as for seeds of (L McAdoo, wife of the secretary much thehi '- p:esF . ^ ' ^ " h U i I kinds. It does not affect the Fruits and Vegetables in Season ... , . . . of the treasury and chairman of in their history farmers and germination of seeds or the food (he Woman’s Liberty I/>an Com- Home-Makers VV. ek will be held i { , ue of the products fumiga-ed. mittee, a card in which the paper *),c - -H to Jan. 5, and the short ore detailed information re- is thanked for the great amount course Jan. < to Feb. 2 Fully a ; PH ON E 701 ond I ih- «core of state and local associa- i warding these pests and their con- of publicity given the sec tions will hold their conventions j may he obtained from the South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore erty Loan. at the college during this time. ¡department of Entomology. Ore- Charley Roe has taken the How to put run down orchards KOn A» ncul,uraI Co,lt^e‘ Washington and Yamhill county on their feet, spur prune the trees, agency for the I). & M. Steam control apple scab and codling I WONDER WHY THEY AREl_ TH E POINT IS! NOV TELUNG MEN WHAT EVERYBODY] YOU CAN GET T H E , Tire Vulcanizer a verjt. simple mnth. keep the trees in bearing a j HAS KNOWN FOR 8 5 YEA 1 - G R A Y E L Y S little dc\ u e u fH m m longtime, and clean up and trim AROUND HERE I tires without removing them from uo .... % (inimerpial and |ami y or CELEBRATED the wheel. The contrivance is no chard-, will he answered at the _ Chewing Plu£ larger than a big man’s fist, hut Pruning School to tie held at O. B E F O R E T H E IN V E N T IO N it does the work as well and as A. C. Dec. 10 to 15. Orchard O F O U R P A TE N T A IR -P R O O F P O U C H quickly as a machine three times men attending art* asked to bring G R A V E L Y P L U G TOBACCO as big, and can be carried about M A D E S T R IC T L Y FO R IT S C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y their old clothes for they will much more easily. W O U LD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H I S S E C T IO N . spend every afternoon pruning un­ N O W T H E P A T E N T P O U C H K E E P S IT Mr. and Mrs Webb Hughes der exiH*rt direction either apple, FR ESH AND C LE A N AND GOOD. Tuesday received a letter from pear, prune, cherry or walnu A L IT T L E CH EW O F G RAVELY ENOUGH their son, Cecil, who is with the trees, as they prefer. Forenoons A N D LA S TS LO N G ER TH A N A IG C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G 18th Engineers, “ Somewhere in will he devoted to lectures on the 9rai*elu jo fa c c c Co. D w iu .V a ___ . ** j JOI W ‘"J*" France." Cecil says he and the principles of pruning, spraying and T 7 T --------- ~ 777 other Washington county boys are cultivation. well, hut he is disturbed because he is not receiving many letters and has only received one of more Large Prune Trees E V E R Y B O D Y IS FALLING than a dozen packages sent him. can be secured from us for Fall or ( INTO STEP - BILL FOSTER'S planting. Large Prune Trees A s Mr. and Mrs. Hughes write Spring . . BILLBOARDS ARE BEING him weekly and the children as •>«** Very this year on account of READ/'------- --------------------------- ,. ,, J . _ i | the late spring ami dry summer, there- often, they are at a ^ fore to insure getting the best trees what becomes of both the pack­ money can buy do not fail to write us ages and letters and if they do before buying SMALL trees elsewhere. Buy early and save money. not receive word soon that Cecil has received the missing mail.they OREGON NURSERY CO., TV •»,. will take up the matter with the Orenco, Ore. war department. J H. T. GILTNER