WE SELL L C : o R um ber em ent n in g ie s o o fin g * We Buy for Cash and Soli \ C-H-E-A-P ; m ber Y ard i Copeland & McCready ; ; The Main Street | n : friends when so many thousands tatocs, l ' i cups of soft, stale of hungering women and children bread crumb», 2 tablespoons of in the lands of our allies will butter, ’ -¿cup of chopped celery, *— »itH-Kuge o r tw o G t-rm uu a irp la n e s an il bm llen o f th e p ilo ts, hrm nclit ilow ii on ilio w e st fro n t. 2- tie n . S ir I starve unless America can send 1 •_> cup of walnut meats and 1 egg K ihnunii A llenliy, eom niunilor o f th e B ritis h fo rc e s in P a le stin e , w ho h a s ta k e n H ee rsh e h a unii G uzu. » C a p tu re d ¡them food. Patriotic housewives well beaten. Add enough hot G erm a n tla in n io n w e rfe r o r liq u id tire p o jo cto r. 4— llr ltls h e n g in e e rs laylntt a w ire rouil a c ro s s th e S in ai d e s e rt for th e ad v a n c e on G aza anil J e ru s a le m . j will take pleasure in confining the water to make of the right con- i national feast to “made in Ann r- sistency and season with salt, pep- humani'y than by neglecting our ica” foods, nor will they m ike the per and sage. mistake of crowding the table with Make the brownbread of 1 cup usual Thanksgiving gorging. Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. Thank God and treat your moredelicac.es than can possib'y each of rye (lour, cornmeal and W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. stomach as if it wi re a sane part : I k * eaten at one meal. A u.’ges- graham (lour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 rounded teaspoon of soda «iven hm>: Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916. at the postoffice at Forest Grove, of you, on Thanksgiving Day - Itive m,‘nu Baked Chicken PoUto Stuffing Sift together and add l* cup of Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Port land News. Boston Brownbread molasses and 2 CUp-t of sour milk. Subscription Rates WHAT STARTED Candied Sweet Potato«-» Mashed I uniips Stir until Well mixed, then pour Paid in advance On Credit Pickles THE WAR i A a n n i i e N Salad o a l , t u Jelly ,l! l *** the batter into buttered molds 1 t t h n u i/ i* and a n d Apple $1.00 One year One year ................... $1.50 Cabbage In the first place a Servian So clean baking powder cans are ex- Six months ............ ..........50 Six months .75 Pumpkin Pudding Coffee .25 Three months Three Months .40 cialist got drunk and killed an 'cellent—put on th».* covers and Austrian Nobleman and his es­ This dinner comes near to >e- THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1917 cort ior maybe it was his consort, j ing a wheatless one, and yet none st,*am lf one do'*H not cart* for the anyway it was some sort. Aus­ of the guests will be likely to miss pumpkin “ 1 am sorry that you do not wear a flag every pudding, a cornmeal day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical tria then got hot under the collar that grain so badly nome of the tight wads erybody and everything to carry give up. But he may have to i ’ll bite your leg off." “Ouch,” on the war, but they were sure . tart with some of the congress- says Germany, I’ll get ofT when I get ready......... I’hat’s not fair’.’ not to tax their own saiaries. And men. says Fiance.” “Take that you it was a nervy and unpatriotic SAFE AND SANE snob,” handing G rmany a hot piece of business in exempting THANKSGIVING one in the snoot. “ I hate a scrap” their own salaries, especially in And maybe war will give us a says England, “but I can smash this trying hour. safe and sane Thankgiving. the jaw of the guy that slaps my Wives, poor things, have little There has been much extra- frienrj ” “You don’t hate it enough fun in the world. So, af- ordinary stuffing o f ourselves worse than I do,” says Japan as To all Southern Pacific Stations in ter you have laboriously obtained mixed up with our thanking of she squares off a for hand in the Oregon, sale dates Nov. 28 and 29. her consent to stay down town God, on Thanksgiving Day. We game> “ w elli I gUess you started Return limit December 3, 1917. until 11 o’clock, and the game is will have, on the coming national ¡t anyhow,” says William to Nick, called off and you get home before day, more than ever to be gen- j ust then everybody begins to 9, you can’t blame her for laugh­ uine'y thankful to God for, and y(,||j “ You start'd it yourself;” To all Southern Pacific Stations ing at you. nw ivlhan ever will it be sinful and'each one sticks out hi. tongue and senseless to stuff ourselves. at the other fellow and they in California, sale dates No­ Mr. Hoover has directed that If we continue our u-ual gastro­ clinch and the little fellows begin vember 24, 25, 20 and 27. Re­ no turkeys be killed for Thanks nomic policy, we are likely to to dance around watching for a . turn limit Dec. 15, 1917. giving this year. We really hadn’t waste more in one day than all chance to get in a punch and run, expected to kill any, recalling how the campaigning for food conser- and there you are.—N. Y. Sun. many storage turkeys the house­ a h . wives refused to buy last year, vation can save in a week. ASK YOUR FOCAL AGENT FOR INFORMATION President Wilson, in his procla- HOOVCriZBil and knowing the same turkeys would be waiting this year. V K : Thanksgiving Dinner John M. Scott, “Shall we be more tender with world. The world as a whole is Remember your Food Admin- General Passenger Agent, our dollars than with our sons?” going to be almighty hungry on j istration pledge card when you Portland asks President Wi l s o n . We Thanksgiving Day, with frightful p|an the Thanksgiving dinner. It shouldn’t be, but the editor of the shortage of food in very many would not be in keeping'with the Express knows an old tight-wad parts. There is no better way o f. spirit of the day to serve a need­ in this city who would tear up ten arriving at such unity and per I lessly bountiful and extravagant blocks of our Warrenite pavement forming such service to hungry feast to our o w n families and ¡Tit? jF itrrst (Srmtr S x p r e s a NOTES AND COMMENTS T h a n k s g iv in g park s to all Stations in Oregon and California Oregon California A Southern Pacific Lines