SLENDER LINES IN LINGERIE This is a Duplex KIDNEYS, USE SALTS If your Muck luirla or Mludder bother«, drink lots of wuter. When your kidneys hurt »ml your hack feel« »ore, don't get neared and proceed to load your Ntouiach with a lot of driiKM that excite tho kidneys and Irrltut» tho entire urinary tract. Keep your kidney» clean like you keep your bowel* clean, by flushing them with u mild, haruiicHH nalt» which re­ move* the body'» urlnoun wanle and ■tlmulatoa them to their normal actlv-' Ity. The function of the kidney* 1* to filter the blood. In 24 hour* they *truln from It 600 Kraln* of acid and waatc, no wo can readily understand the vital Imiiortanco of keeping the kidney* active. Drink lot* of water you can’t drink too much; al*o get from any pharma- clat about four ounce» of Jad Halt»; take a tahlcMpoonful In a glan* of water before breakfa*t each morning for a few day* anil your kidney* will | net fine. Thl* famou* Halt* I* made j from the acid of grape* und b-inon It linn been always the aim of large Juice, combined with llthla, and ha* been used for generation* to clean Women to appear slender and graceful, and Htlmulato clogged kidney*; al*o but sail to say they have seldom sue- to neutralize tho acid* In urine ao It reeded. The large woman with that no longer I* a aource of Irritation, tbua ambition nowadays will receive some ending bladder weakne»». sld In her efforts from the new svelt- Jad Halt* 1* Inexpensive; cannot In­ llno sysiein of designing. jure; make* a delightful effervescent This new feature o f lute bus been llthla water drink which everyone applied to dainty lingerie for the large Nhould take now and then to keep their kidney* clean and active. Try woman. The sveltllne system of de­ thl*. al*o keep up the water drinking, signing clothes to produce a slender und no doubt you will wonder what appearance has been extended even to became of your kidney trouble and undergarments. As a result, this pret­ backache. ty sveltllne model In lingerie, gives to the large figure new lines o f slimness The Bird Being an Ostrich. und youth, without the inconvenience “ Out of mere curiosity," *ay* an exchange, "we would like to read Mr. j of dieting to achieve toe same effect. Hoover’s own dally menu.” Judging from Herbert’s lantern Jaw-H und emaciated phy*!quc, ho doe* CARRY-YOUR-PURCHASE BAGS not eat any more tnuu a bird.—Ex- change. Leather Bags Taboo With Women Patriots— An Apron Knitting Bag. ♦ THE F O U R -W H E E L Here’s the truck that was built to meet the conditions under which Y O U ’ must do your hauling. Here’s the truck you don’t have to lay up in Winter—the truck that fgoes through plowed fields and up un-roaded hills like stock take to the range. READ THIS! W r have been very «uccessful with the Duplex under the condition that the truck must w ork in this territory, due to the fact that it is exclusively a FARM ING district and most o f the w ork is d on e in the FIELDS, in W H E A T STUBBLE^or P L O W E D GROU N D . M. A. W o o d s put his W H E A T in the warehouse for 2 3-4 cents a sack. Last year it cost him 7 cents a sack with teams. He hauled 11,000 sacks in 23 days, ALL O U T OF TH E FIELD; never got stuck and never had to unload during the entire season. His farm is an average hilly one. Excerpt from a letter from a Duplex ow n er. On another occasion the DUPLEX negotiated a 45 per cent grade with 50 sacks o f wheat where a T W O - W H E EL D R IV E TRU CK C O U LD NO T G E T UP EM PTY . 4500 sacks were hauled over this road. The hill is three miles long. : Laugh When People i Step On Your Feet Now that patriotic women are help­ ing release men from delivery service for war, designers are tal>oolng leather of prohibitive price and developing some quit»- wonderful Idea* In economy Try this yourself then pass hags. These are not ns largo as were It along to others. thv knitting tiags. but they are mad* with the td*-n of convenience In ear- rylng pneknge*. and huve adjustable snaps so that much «pure ts given to It w ork s! the hag. The t«ags do not carry ont any wm- ouch ! T I ? ! I This kind of rough lK>r Idea or common thing which talk will be heard lea* J ere In town If people troubled with corns win follow , might he termed a "shopping" hog, hut the simple advice of this Cincinnati are fetching shni***, In bright or sub­ authority, who claims that a few drops dued colors. of a drug called freexonu when applied A novel Idea has b**en worked out to a tender, aching corn or hardened in knitting bag* by adding to one side callous stops coreness at once, and of the hug an extended portion no cut soon the corn or callou* dries up and as to form an apron. lift* right off Without pain. When one ts working on wool It is He aayn freezono dries Immediately and never Inflames or even Irritates a simple matter to tie on the apron, the aurrotindlng akin. A small bottle as the (mg Is also attached, and the of freezono will cost very little at any work I n all in one's lap with no dan­ drug store, but will positively remove ger of falling to the floor. Th* apron every hard or aoft corn or callous portion folds Into a bug Itself, and from one's feet. Million* of American such u plan gives n woman two neces­ women will welcome thl* announce­ ment since the Inauguration of the sary articles for work, all In on* piece. For wear otlwr than shopping the high beele. If your druggist doesn’t have freezone tell him to order a small leather hug Is fnst giving pluc* to the velvet hugs. In funcy shapes with gay bottle Salted for you. With Fine Words. "W here did you get that gold mine linings, and some of the velvets Itaving you are promoting? Who did the pros­ leather as trimmings. pecting?" "No one; but wo have a first-class man doing tho prospectusing.”— Bos- CARE IN FURNISHING ROOM ton Transcript. Let’s hear from you N O W . Give us the chance to show you how we can save you big money. I SICK WOMAN HAD CRYING SPELLS R estored to H ealth b y L ydia E. Pinkham ’s V egetable C om p ou n d. Enhaut, Pa. — “ I was all run down and weak inwardly. I had female troubles and nervous feeling* and my head Irntr. ered me. 1 would often hav** crying f»I>e!ls and feel as if 1 was not safe*. If I heard anyone com­ ing 1 would run and lock the door so they would not ace me. I tried several doc­ tors and they did not help me so I said to my mother ‘ 1 guess I will have to die ns there is no helt> for me. ’ She got me one o f your little hooks and my husband said i should try one hottle. I sto p p e d the doctor’s medicine and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vej?«table Compound. It soon made a change in me and now I am strong ami do all my work.” Mrs. AUGUSTUS UAtMUiM an , Box Hi», Enhaut, Pa. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half hearted existence, missing three- fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound ? If you would like free confidential ad­ vice address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lyon, Mass. Hard to Realize How Much Color and Detail One Bookcase Will Give Room. D R IV E D U P L E X . DEALERS! There’s a little territory still open on the D U P LE X. Live agents, here’s your chance to get hooked up with a winner—and with one of the oldest, largest and fastest growing auto­ mobile concerns in the Northwest. Mail the coupon today. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., F *O R T L A N D , Factory Distributors, “ The Line Complete.” NORTHW EST A U TO COM PANY, Gentlemen: OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON Please send me information about the Duplex four-wheel drive truck: NAM E ............................................................................. A D D R E S S ................................................................................................. TYPHOID I* no BKirr n fcrutfy t h s n S m a l l p o x . Army experience has demonstrates the almost miraculous effl- esev. sad harmless™-«, of Antityphoid Vscclnstloa. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and fou r fann y. It is more vital thsn house Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or lend for "Hava you had Typhoid?” telling of T y p h o id Vaccine, results from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE d i m » LABOSATOtY, BClftELCY, CAL rxosscina vaccmxa s •■•uas unsta s. s. sox. u casst CUTICURA IS SO SOOTHING To Itching, Burning Skins— It not Only Soothes, but Heals— Trial Free. COMB SAGE TEA IN H I TO DARKEN IT Treatment: Bathe the affected sur­ face with Cuticura Soap and hot wa­ Ik) not make the mistake of over-: ter, dry gently and apply Cuticura Ointment. Repeat morning and night. furnishing u room that Is to hold a This method affords immediate relief, It's Grandm other’s Recipe to large number of books. It Is hard to Granulated Eyelids, and points to speedy healment They realize bow much color anil detail just keep her Locks Dark, J Sore Eves, Eyes Intlamr J by 1 are ideal for every-day toilet uses. one bookcase full of hooks will give a 3 S u n . D u st and W i n d quickly Free sample each by mail with Glossy, Beautiful. relieved by Murine. Try it in | room, ami If we Intend having many Address postcard, Cuticura, your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. ! Book. *u«ii cas»*s In a room It Is well to le t , Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. NoSmirtisg, Just EjreConfort o ir them tie the main point of Interest and! —Adv. The old-time mixture of Sage Tea Marine Eye Remedy color around which the other farntsh- Cy. Salve, in Tube* 2.V. For H o o k o f t k s l ' y s — V r ... | To keep clean and healthy take Dr. and Sulphur for darkening gray, Ings revolve. Ask M a r i n e E y e R e m e d y C « . , C h i c a g o a Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They re g u -! streaked and faded hair is grand- One beautifully proportioned room' late liver, bowels and stomach. mother's recipe, and folks are again contained many lovely things, hut the A l.l.E V S FOOT-EASE FOR TH E TROOPS. "Is this a dry town?” using it to keep their hair a good, effect was sixiHed by too much d o -1 Shaken into the shoes and sprinkledlin the foot hath it gives rest and com fort, takes the friction “ Are you a stranger here?” even coior, which is quite sensible, as tall. from the shoe and prevents blisters and sore spots. "I am.” we are living in an age when a youth­ In tlte first place the walls were Make* walking easy. A ccep t no substitute-«. Sold "It is.’’— Exchange. covered with a Inrgu patterned paper, everyw here, tt*. ful appearance is of the greatest ad- which would hove looked very well In vantage. some other kind of a room, but which Nowaday«, though, we don’t have was not the thing ut all for thU par- j the troublesome task of gathering the tieular one. The long, hard school term drains the vitality of growing sage and the mussy mixing at home. Then there wsre tiookcfiseH. They children and you wonder why they are listless, puny and pale. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use were very large and covered almost product, improved by the addition of three stiles of the room, so you esu other Ingredients, called "W yeth's Every school child will show marked improvement Sage and Sulphur Compound” for imagine how many books were In sight. in health and growth if given about 60 cents a bottle. It is very Their bindings made u soft glow o f 1 popular because nobody can discover color on the walls, nnd that, with th# i it has berti applied. Simply moisten lovely rug, would have boon almost your comb or a soft brush with it and enough detail for that room. ' draw this through your hair, taking It would have been much more | ! one small strand at a time; by morn­ beautiful nnd reetful If tlte books ing the gray hair disappears, but what couhl have been seen against a plain i delights the ladies with Wyeth’s Sage neutral wnll. j and Sulphur Compound. Is that, be­ side« beautifully darkening the hair Its rich, uniform cod liver oil gets into their blood and gives them vim, I after a few application«. It also pro­ snap and zest. It creates strength to resist school sicknesses, Some Popular Colors. duce« that soft lustre and appearance overcome pinched faces, sallow complexions and dull eyes. of abundance which is so attractive. Turquoise nnd orange are two shade* whleh are considered very stroug for This ready-to-use preparation 1« a de­ High authorities have established again and again that cod lightful toilet requisite for those who dressy wear this winter. All woodsy liver oil promotes growth and energizes the body and brain. desire a more youthful appearance. It greens with touche« of dull green aro T he im ported N orw egian co d liv er o il alw ayv used in S c o ff's E m u lsion is n ow is not lnteaded for the cure, mitigation refined in our o w n A m erican laturatorie* w hich gnarantees it free from impurities. also favored, while wine, In satin and Scott & liowuc. B loom field. N . J . 17-LS •r prevention of disease. Y & S PresSeestirtg You MOTTS ENtllilON S h iS »« # J Q tl