The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 22, 1917, Image 2

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N o Thought of Coming Fate
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
To Editor, Who Keep C h firfu l In Spite o f Holiday!«:
Hear Sir: While annual yearly date o f Thanksglve approach tip, I enjoy
pain In connection with tny memory. I tell you what collapsed to me last
Thanksglve Thursday:
I was employed for Gen. Cookery at domestic kitchen of Mr. A Mrs
Romeo Goober, East O'Rorn, III.
“ Togo,” say Hon. Mrs., approaching up to me. “ tomorrow shall be Thanks­
glve Day. W e expects to celebrate as usual," she report for sweetly stalling.
“ There will he 8 to dinner, to include my fattlsh Uncle Seth who equal 3
more. All my relatives Is most sneerful particular about foods. So now «111
you please elope Immediately to market for buy one turkey-chicken of 2d ll>s.
Kvrnta of Not«<d People, Government!
complete tenderness, 4 qrts. cranberries o f delicious sourness, 0 bunches
and I’sriflc Northwrat and Other
celery-weed, and sufficient punkens to construct 2V* pies?"
I go. At Gouge Bros. Market where was I observe sign, “ F A T TU R K E Y
Thing« Worth Knowing.
35c." To see this, I feel very humorous about that High Cost of Life.
“ Such delicious cheapness of b ird !” I negotiate to Hon. Butcher who was
there. "A t such rates, how much would 2 turkles cost?"
To provide additional rutile feed«.
“ $22.80," he report for Immediate arlthmatlc.
Internal Revenue Commissioner Ro|ter
“ Do you not promise fat turkey for 85c?" I rake off.
has ordered distilleries producing non-
“ 35c per lb," he «nagger financially.
beverage Mpirita to nave the grain re«i-
“ I should like (1) lb., please!" This from me.
“ W e do not sell broken sections. You must purchase complete bird, price
j due.
$0.80." This from him.
I’ariit children in orphan asylum« o f
"A t such rates, folks can get rich by starving,” I snugger.
noldiern who were decorated with the
No response from him. lie go to Ice-box and fetch forth one enlarged
military medal have received a dona­
Jewel without uny clothing on.
tion of 2 »,o»0 francs from Marshal
“ This are nice fresh turkey,” he satisfy.
J off re.
"H ow you know he fresh?" 1 snuggest.
Thirty-six additional contracts for
“ Have he not been constantly on ice for 2 yrs.? Nothing could be more
the construction o f steel merchant
fresher than that." depose Hon. Butch. I buy.
shi[>s will be let by the Shipping Hoard
He sell me expensive celery-bouquet, price 75c per cluster. It seem dls-
this week. This w ill bring the total
respecful to eat such valuation. Also precious cranberries, price $1 fop sel­
number signed to about 550. Wooden
dom quantities, added to $2.50 worth punkens for pie. I promenade home­
ships building number more than 450.
wards, carrying this valuable butchery.
While I «'as thusly straggling along with burdened back, one assorted
An explosion in the government
dog. name o f Hon. Fldo, snux up behind of turkey and made sliming sniff-
(Miwder bouse at Heaton, M. C., Tues­
day, killed August G. Fraser, Heaton’s
“ Shoo!” I report. lion. Fldo stood waggishly saying nothing, but looking
postmaster and road superintendent.
at Hon. Turkey «'1th flirting eye.
World the heroic Puritans struggled Fraser hail charge o f the powder house.
through the relentless «In ter, battling Officials think u spark from hia pi|te
Date o f Thanksful Thursday arrive up. By early a. m. o f dawntime I
with snow and wind, savage foes, hun­ caused the explosion.
arose up and commenced. AH a. m. that assorted dog, Hon. Fldo, set outside
screen door. I permit him.
ger, sickness, and death Itself.
Investigation o f charges that waitera
three months their number «a s almost
About time of afternoon p. in.. I could hear several thanksglvers scraping
employed in first-class Chi ago hotela
o f the entire company. But
their footprints on rug. Hon. Turkey now send forth smiling smell of bakery,
are alien enemies, agents o f foreign
A/hen the
Pilgrims •>ne-hnlf
with the spring time life looked more
and I «'as glad to assist his Importance.
espionage corps, eager to glean infor­
Pretty soonly all take set-down to table.
<>n their corn fields, and autumn mation from the men o f affairs they
“ We got much to be thanksgiving for,” report Hon. Goober with sharp
Their Blessings.
brought abundant harvest. A few little served, was ordered Tuesday by the
knife. “ Dinner Is late as usual."
dwellings had been built, and prepa­ Chicago Federation o f laibor.
“ It were not thusly when I was a boy," report Uncle Seth with grone.
rations bad b e e n nuido for others, mak­
Premier Uleinenceau and his asso­
“ Please pass the celery.”
ford] sent four men on foul­ ing a tiny oasis o f homes on the desert ciates in the new Paris cabinet decided
He made smaek-tuste of this foods, then flop It back with snubbed ex­
ing, so that we might after a o f the New World. Then It «a s thnt Tuesday upon the terms o f the declara­
more speclnl manner rejoice together Governor Bradford Issued his first tion with which they w ill go before
" I have tasted no respectable celery since 1S41!” he holla baffubly.
ifte r we had gathered the fruit of our proclamation, and the Pilgrims and parliament. It is described ns a sim­
All enjoy depression by this report.
labors. They four lti one day killed as their Indian guests partook of thnt ple, straight forward and almost la­
I go to kitchen for bring in delicious mulllgan-tnwny soup what I bought.
much foule as, with a little help beside, first and now historic American feast. conic document o f about 500 words. J
While I were pouring this hot beverldge In plates, I notice slight smell of
served the company almost a weeke. j
burn. It was Hon. Turkey in oven, becoming too feverish. So I took him out
The sale o f the Boston Advertiser
At which time, amongst other recrea­
The Farmer's Thank*.
and put him by wlndo«- «'here he be more comfortable.
to William Randolph Hearst was an­
tion, we exercised our arms, many of T h e fa r m e r rose a grizz led man
I fetch soup In plates to all those thanksglvers.
nounced Tuesday by Charles Sumner
O f kindly tnlen « n s he,
the Indians coming amongst us. nnd
“ Canned!" they yellup together with voice o f sad chorus girls, uhlle
Htlll str nlgld for all tils th rreseore years Bird, president o f
imong the rest their greatest king.
As any poplar tree.
thrusting away plates.
sale does
Mnssnsolt, with some ninety men. Beside him sut his gentle wife,
"Nothing is real any m ore!” narrate Uncle Seth with dyspepsia. “ Even whom for three days we entertained
not include the Boston Evening Rec­
A withered rose In Kray,
turkles Is deceptive. When boyhood days elapsed. I can remember how we and fensted. and they went out and And all hls Kiris and hoys were there
ord, published by the same company.
T o spend T h a n k sg iv in g day.
was accustomed, on Thanksglve morning, to salute lion. Turkey by chopping killed fine deer, which they brought
Lassen peak, in recent years the
him in kneck with ax. We knew he was good to ent, because we seen how to the plantation nnd bestowed on our T h e farm e r spoke: " I thank thee. Lord.
only active volcano in the United
fresh he acted. But no more. Today, turkles lives like Eskimos— spending governor nnd upon the captain [Miles
F o r all my golden gruln.
States, is dying, according to a report
T h e fruit thu’ tient my orehard boughs,
their old age on ice before meeting civilized persons. No respectable bird dog Standlsh] and others.”
brought to Redding, Cal., by three
T h e sunshine and the rain,
would eat them.”
Such Is the historic record of the But most I thank thee fo r the cro wn
men who have just made the ascent o f
I enjoy considerable alarm for this thanksgiving speech. Then, courageous Irst Thanksgiving In Plymouth colony
A n d g lory o f my life,
the mountain.
Its cauldron, which
like a Samurai. I retreat to kitchen for fetch forth Hon. Turkey. Hope 201 years ago. Less than a year before T h e ew<-etheart o f m y youth nnd age,
for three years had ejected steam and
M y true and fa ith fu l w ife .”
thrilled my wrists and elbows as I entered kitchen for escort that sublime •he Mayflower, bearing Its little band
sulphurous smoke, was turning into a
— Minna Ir v i n e
turkey— but O ! ! ! ! I stand gast. I look to wlndo«' where I left that sacred •>f 102 Pilgrims, anchored off the rock- j
cavern o f ice, they said, adding that
bird. Such things could not! And It «ns. Empty pan stood there, seeming bound New England coast. Alone In
Sympathy Is the only chnrltnble gift anyone may now walk safely through
entirely vacuum. Hon. Turkey had flewed a w a y !!
the boundless wilderness o f the New ’ of some people.
the main chamber o f the crater.
I rosh by window and look earnestly to back yard. Y e s !! With thankful
The Ixindon prize court has con­
expression of tail, there stood Hon. Fldo abducting Hon. Turkey across alley
demned as lawful prizes large quanti­
by wing.
ties o f foodstuffs nnd black walnuts
“ Come backwards!” I yellup. Hon. Fldo show no Impression from my
seized in 1915 on seven Scandinavian
talk. I lep through window 7 ’ -2 feet to outside. Quickly reassuring my legs,
steamships. The consignees in every
I retreat after that slyly doggish annlmle, but he scromble up fence with
case were Crossman & Silceken, of
hooked claws resembling cat«. Too late for me! Turkey had escaped from
New York.
The court condemned
my rear attack.
Japanese imperial bonds valued at
Mr. Editor, heroes Is most brave «h en reporting failures. So I drng
$79,000 found in a suitcase on a Nor­
together my soul and encroach toward dining room, wh< re I could hear those
wegian steamship bound from Bergen
8 thanksglvers complaining about everything. I walk In there carrying empty
for N ew York, and which were o f
German origin.
“ Bunzai!” I holla, poking forth vacant dish. “ Your digestion shall avoid
Plans for
war savings
this agony.”
stamps on sale in at least a million
"What Is?” all exclaim while leapfirig to their feetware.
establishments for the campaign open­
^‘You should all be very thanksgiving," I snuggest. “ You have been res- 1
ing December 3 have been made by
cued front considerable preserved poison by one patriotic dog what sacrifice j
Treasury officials and the war savings
himself by eloping with Hon. Turkey before he could be ate."
Schools and groceries,
“ You mean we shall have no turkey?” «nagger all.
cigar stands and other retail stores
“ How can we fill his vacant platter?" sobh Hon. Mrs. “ I should be thank­
w ill not be requested to buy
ful for Hon. Turkey, however tough!”
stamps, but may obtain them on con­
R A TITU D E ta a virtue too often in ad equ ately e x ­
Just while she say this— crashy!! Loud sound o f approaching dog heard
signment for sale.
This is expected
pressed. H ow ever, It does not follow that w e are
from kitchen window, nrid Hon. Fldo with waggish tall trott into dining room,
to result in participation in the move­
carrying that enormalous bird In his careful teeth. He lay that absent fowel 1
w h o lly or e v e n seriously deficient in apprecia*
ment o f thousands'of small dealers.
reverently at my feets.
tion b e c a u se o f failure to b e continually o p e n ly
A dispatch from Tornea, Finland,
“ Hon. Fido do not care for this enlarged chicken, so he bring him back,” j
achnow ledgtng in d eb ted n ess for a multitude of blessings.
states that Siberia has declared its in­
I report.
A n individual to o quicK or to o profuse in exp ressio dependence
Hnd called ex-Empcror
“ Dinner are now spoilt!” decry Hon. Mrs.
o f th an h s runs th e rich o f boing regarded with a bit o f
Nicholas as emperor.
. '>»-2
“ How could you speak It?” I research. "When turkey go, you say, ‘Dinner
A petition urging Federal author­
ruined!’ When he come back, you, ‘Dinner spoilt!’ I am Impossible to 1
ities to cloHe the German school that
In its inner tabernacle the hum ble soul m a y d aily
understand about American customs.
_ 1
is conducted at Sheridan, Or., is being
“ You have Thanksglve dinner so you can set nround making bewails. So '
signed by many Sheridan residents.
dom inance of su c h thoughts develop a b e a u ty an d rich­
foolish to do! Why you no choose this date to kick out Misfortune?”
The signers take the stand that the
ness w h ich will thrill and inspire w h en occasion dem ands
“ I shall do so!” abrupt Hon. Goober, nrlslng upwards. “ First Misfortune
conduct o f the school tendH towards
that it should b e heard. The nobility of our thoughts
to kick will be In your direction.”
clannishness, secrecy and prejudice in
Next he rejected me through window by force of Swedish Jiu-Jitsu. Hon.
and not the m ultitude o f our w ords determ ines our
favor o f Germany.
The school has
Fido arrive by next kick, nnd lion. Turkey flew afterward, striking me on
ch aracter. ThanK sgtving is m ore a m atter of attitude
been regularly conducted in the Ger­
hair so earnestly he left me quite brainless.
than of speahtng. It is spiritual.
man Lutheranjchurch o f Sheridan for
Hoping you the same.
Yours truly,
several years and is quite largely at­
This d o e s n o t m ean that w e should b e dum b In the
p resen ce 0/ an eb u ^ d a n ce of good things sh o w e red u p ­
(Copyright. 7316. by Inte rnational Press Bureau.)
Give Happiness to Others.
Some people complain that they can­
not get ns much Joy out of the holidays
as they could when they were young.
Perhaps It Is because they have been
selfish, instead o f having learned that
the best way to be happy nnd satisfied
Is to make others happy.
Let those who want a real Thanks­
giving make the day one o f thanks­
giving to some who are In need of the
things that are essential to living.
Purpose of Day Broadened.
History recites that Thanksgiving
was not originally a feast o f gas-
tronomy. It was more particularly a
religious celebration. The trend of the
times has broadened the prime pur-
Now It 1« a day not only of
family reunions, but a period when
prayerfulness Is essentially Justified;
when near and far away prodigals re­
turn to greet again the familiar and
affectionate faces of folks at hone.
on us b y P rovidence and b y friends. O ut of the a b u n d ­
a n c e of a grateful h eart the mouth should speaK. A
virtue well d evelo p ed cannot b e stifled—true ch a ra cter
sp eah s through e v e r y act, w h e n words are scant.
ThanKsgtving should b e a d aily devotion, unm arred b y
m ocK ery or insincerity. Such devotion w a s m ore pre­
dominant am o n g our pious N ew England foreb ears than
with us today. C om p aratively sca n t as w are their blesa-
tngs and grievous a s w are their prtvatlona. t h e y sin cere ly
professed to And m u ch o c c a sio n for d aily thanhsgtvtng.
E ven with th ese devotions a d a y o f special thanKsgtvtng
and praise w a s d e em e d m eat. A n d thus w as b o m the
beautiful custom of our annual ThanKsgtvtng.
Confuting news dispatches from
Petrograd make it impossible to deter
mine whether Kerensky or the M axi­
malists are in control, v
The Germans met] with a complete
defeat at the hands o f the British
Wednesday in Flanders.
upon the increased activity o f artillery
already noted, the Germans attacked
the positions held by British troops on
the high ground north o f Passchen-
daele. The'attack was repulsed com­