fC\ *\f ’ fr~ * C i * f — IfiUTst (irmtp Express A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Voi. 2 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y . NOV. 22, 1917 Red Cross Show Made a Big Hit 46 Finds Many Knights Forest Grove Family Among Soldiers ^ 1!}acd(. ^ b,ind ,ür more lhan Hit By the Huns E. H. Parker of St. Johns, She Kebekahs Klect and Frolic was a widow, without children, The members of Forest Rebekah lodge last night elected Missl Jeanette Little as noble grand, I ... , , An audience that jammed the Mrs. Ida McGill vice grand, Miss While no native sons of Forest Chas. I). Staley recently re-j A Good Family Leaves Star Theatre to it« doors wan the Marchia Thatcher secretary and reived another letter from his son,, Grove have been killed by the answer to the appeal of the Red Miss May Cooper treasurer. Chas. (»., who went to France Mr. and Mrs. C. R. I^asham Huns, so far as is known, at least Cross workers for a good attend­ After the business Mrs Aldrich ^ e 18th Engineers several and daughter, Esther, who have one local family circle has been ance at their entertainment lust and Mbs Darling played' a piano months ago sincerely warm broken, for on Tuesday Mr. and The young soldier’s made m a n y night, and the program was well duet, Newton Shipley favored the ^Uer is dated Somewhere in friends during their four years’ Mrs. E .S . Lloyd, living west of received hy everyone present. audience with a violin solo, W. F. *‘ ranc(i; ' j c t- . l*to , an d all residence in this city, departed the city, received a message in­ The first number was a film show­ Johnson sang a solo and recited a through the mis ive runs th< in­ Tuesday for their new home at forming them that their son, ing Atlantic City, the great, water­ selection from Burns and six of vitation to “ write often,” indicat­ Tacoma. Mr. Lasham h a s a Noble Richardson Lloyd, had been ing place and pleasure resort of the "h e " members instituted a ing that the boys want to hear plumbing job with the govern- killed in action in France, the New Yorkers. Fifty thousand new order, which they called “ The from home. (This sentiment runs ment at Camp Lewis and his son, casualty taking place last Satur- bathers sporting in the breakers , Sons and Daughters of Roaring through all the letters the editor Clayton, has a job in a govern- day. Noble was 33 years of age and playing on the sand at one River.” The initiation ceremony of the Express has seen from ment warehouse at the same and enlisted in a Canadian regi- time, and countless thousands was as damp 'for the candidate) as abroad.) place. Billy, the eldest son, is at- ment of infantry in 1914, the Charley says his clothes are tending the artificers’ school at family at that time living in Cal- parading up and down the cight- the name of the lodge would sug­ getting too tight for him, so he Mare Island, so all the male mem- gary, Alberta He was not known mile board walk is a sight that gest. must be getting fat. The other hers of the family are serving in this city, his parents having makes us all resolve to visit this Washington county boys with Uncle Sam. great show place some day when come here from Canada in July, him are well and happy, he says, our ship comes in. Some idea of the popularity of 1915. In addition to his father but anxious to get letters from this family may be sensed from and mother, deceased is survived The next film was a laugb-get- home oftener. He says Emery I^a- by four sisters and two brothers. ter, showing "Lonesome Luke” on Mrs. Martha E. Watkins, be­ Mont is standing near and wish­ the fact that a half-dozen parties One sister, Mrs. Martha Kir^tein, his honeymoon. The millionaire loved wife of Philip W Watkins were given Mrs. Lasham and ing he could “ stand in front of the daughter during the last week of resides in this vicinity; all the went broke, or thought he did, j of this city, passed away at the and he wanted his daughter to: family home in Caples Addition First National bank and see their stay in this city. Friday other brothers and sisters residing Charley Staley com» up the hill afternoon Mesdames M . S. Allen, in Washington and Canada. M r. marry the Count, but she ran at 7 o ’clock Monday evening as with his milk cart.” J. E. Loomis and J. H. McFeet- and Mrs. Lloyd departed Tuesday away and married Luke, who was. the result of paralytic stroke sus­ There are a numl>er of K. of P. ers entertained forty of Mrs *or a visit at f'algary. a helper on an ice wagon. Go tained while returning home from men in the regiment and Charley seethe picture tonight. a visit at Newberg Sunday even­ ■-ays he never fully appreciated Lasham’s lady friends in her honor, the afternoon being spent in sew­ The next number was a stirring ing, having b e e n unconscious the meaning of "F . C. B.” until ing, knitting, ‘ v i s i t i n g and reading by Fred Jones, who told | , twenty-four hours. Mrs. Wat- he got so far away from a lodge luncheon. about the way Uncle Sam s boys kins and her daughter, Mrs. Elma room It rains where he is “ just | Frid even5ng fortv of the boy wid round up the Roches and put Kopplin of Laurelwood, had visited Rev. R. E. Dunlap, for the the brand l S. A. «>n them. Frtd the former’s sister, Mrs. Her ha * ° n’ r hB “ P *nd girl friends of Miss Lasham and adds “ This keeps us from get guve a skating party at the rink past four years pastor of the local responded with a humoroua jo k e 1 Barnes, at Newberg Saturday ting very homesick. A little u,._ u „v„_ „.:.u *r_ M . E. church and for 22 years about well, go tonight and get • an(j Sunday afternoon, on her further along he says: “ Gee! You in her honor, with Mr. and Mrs pastor and presiding elder in Ore­ the laugh yourself. way home, Mr-. Watkins stopped ought to se your soldier i>oy now; E. D. Stout as chaperones. Fri­ gon, last night informed the of­ day evening the Royal Neighbors Something new to the natives tat Wapato to visit friends. The he looks more like a ’arrner than ficial board of his church that he of Forest Grove was the whistling1 train she expected to take ran a soldier, for we are wearing over­ held a social session after the reg­ had decided to ask Bishop Hughes of Peter Vanoudenhagen, of Ver- j past the depot and she ran to alls, slickers, rubber boots and ular meeting in honor of Mrs. to relieve him of his charge, that boort, who appeared next on the catch it,'stum bled and fell to her buckskin gloves. Pretty well fixed Lasham, who has been one of the he might go to New York and as­ program. He can imitate the call I knees After she caught the train, for wet weather. Old Uncle Sam most active members of the lodge sist in the five-year drive for $80,- and songs of birds, the cry o f ! he complained of a pain in her is a pretty good fellow to fix us There was a fine musical and 000,000 for home and foreign program and a lunch. barnyard fowls, and whistles tunes i head and by the time the train up so well. And there is a rumor literary „ ^ missions. T h e mission boards, in perfect time with the orchestra | reached this city she was quite ill, that we are to get some kind of Sunday evening D r.^W . D. having heard of the hustling abil- He was recalled several times by crying out with pain several times. oiled suits— s h o r t c o a t s and Ward e n t e r t a i n e d Mr. and ¡ty 0f tbe pastor, have asked the audience. His whistling is a Mrs. Lasham and daughter at him to take charge of one of the Mr, Watkins was notified and pants." real treat and you don’t want to came to the dc|>ot for her, finding A later U tter, of a more per­ dinner and Monday evening the money - raising departments and miss it. her very ilt, but still able to talk. sonal nature, states that Charley members of the Eastern Star j Rev. Dunlap feels that he can do Thomas Isaacs next gave a pat­ Shortly after reaching home, the and Emery La Mont have been Chapter held a social session in just as good work for the church riotic solo and res|>ondcd to a unfortunate woman became un­ transferred to headquarters com­ honor of these three members of I in the business office as in the well-deserved encore. ---------- — ------------- „ Russell . ---- -,conscious and remained in that (K„ pany, . . T, „ but „„ v... bunk the family, ail being rn^rn^ers.0^ pulpit and says he believes a new they are „ still Morgan of Hillsboro, sung in his condition until death came to her mates and their friends call them the Chapter. There was a nice pastor might do more effective !unch and pleasant social session. work in this city than one who always delightful way, and those j relief. She had never before been ’ ‘The Gold Dust Twins.” Surely these people will not has been on the job four years. pre-ent would not tie satisfied i seriously ill. An Unlucky Brigade soon forget that they have friends He asks to be relieved not later until he came back. ! Deceased was the daughter of Miss Manche Langley , who has in Forest Grove. “ Under the Stars and Stripes in Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Thomas and than Jan. 1st. for the past three years been cor­ was horn in the state of Iowa on France” was a film showing our The resignation has rather up­ boys "over there,” receiving in­ May 20, 1868. With her parents responding with Capt. Hugh M or­ set the local congregation, for tensive training, with their French she came to Oregon when a child timer formerly of Astoria, hut Rev. Dunlap has become very allies as instructors. Tiench dig and in 1886 was united in mar­ now of the 123d battery. 28th a large majority of the ging, bomb throwing, machine riage with Philip W. Watkins, the field artillery, B. E. F., has re­ By a vote of 20 yeas and 9 members, and many citizens not gun instruction and all the meth- marriage taking place in Scoggin’s ceived a- letter from the captain. nays, the taxpayers of School members of the church w illjegret ods of modern warfare are being valley. For the past ten years Tht^writer'expuinVlhat DisWct'.Nc,.1 5 I S t ' & t u r f a y ' v S : | t h i . m a t. leave Forest taught the Sammies, and when Mr. and Mrs. Watkins have re- he has been “ outed,” which means i ° . ask the county court to levy Crove. -------------------- i hey go “over the top," Berlin elded in this city, where they service sufficient that he has been out of service, “ « “ l e « * . millage to raise ! CONDENSED NEWS NOTES will be their first stopping place, have made a host of warm friends He has been | 780.00 by special taxation to run probably wounded, The program closed with the Deceased is survived by her hus- the schools of the district. Frank - t .. d •, a j j singing of “ The Star-Sj>angled band, one son, John Watkins of in the service since September, Hinman and others asked that . Th,e. uRejucve" af t"i d? " c.ers elv Banner” by Mrs. Fred Jones in near Banks, and one daughter. 1914, and at one time wrot • that $3,000 of this mount he rut off Joyed their firet hop of the pres. .OI ims a™ °unt e .v r OIJ ent season ; ------- at K. of P. hall last her inimitable way, the audience Mrs.Elma Kopplin of Uiurelwood; he was the only member of the also her mother, M r s . H elen177th brigade. Royal Field A n il- lhe budget as the law did not night standing. The high school or­ f o .S S ! Guy M cN McNutt, son of Mr. and chestra gave numbers throughout Thomas of Forest. Grove; two lery who had not been either brothers, W . E. Thomas of Pen- killed, captured or wounded; now year, but others contended that, the entertainment, and this con­ sum must eventually be CL S. M cNutt, went to Port- that any escaped tributed in no small measure to diet on and J. E. Thomas of this he cannot say “ v for ^e^half been £ id it w a f teuer L . « , navv 'and yesterday and enlisted in the city; three sisters—Mrs Georgia this distinction, he has been - the success and enjoyment of the of it each vear than to havp a hia navy. program. Those who were un­ Matteson of Gaston, Mrs. Aimee twice in the hospital. Speaking ° A1 ea< * t h a n to have a big naJ£* Dr. Darland and family are now Wahl of Watts and Mrs. Bertha of the recent battle, he says: " I lump fall due in any one >ear, Dr. able lo attend last night will have Barnes of Newbe-g, and three thought I had seen SOME fighting an.d the major.ty of the voters domiciled in the Bean property, an opportunity to go tonight and grandchildren. at the Somme, but this caps all evidently took this view of the corner A street and First avenue, enjoy this melange of good things. Mrs. Watkins will be mourned and if one survives, the good God ™att*‘r - It was estimaU'd by the n°rih . by many citizens outside the fa m -. only knows what the next will be. d,rec.to1? that $30 310 00 will be Word comes from Camp Kelley, ilv circle, friends who had learned Desolation is no name for the re£.ul.re* , J 2 J t h e schools, of .^n Antonio, Tex., than Enoch I. to love and respect her on ac- country and the noise goes on which $-0,<80.00 must be raised Will, late of this city, has been count of her many good qualities from morn till morn; sometimes by a special levy, estimated to be made a sergeant of aviation. Forest Grove raised $1,337 50 and her passing will leave a void it’s increased, but it never stops. in the neighborhood of 18 mills Mr. and Mrs. J S. Buxton last and the west half of Washington in the community where she has Am writing this in a dugout,' Under the old law, the taxpay- Thursday took their daughter, county, including this city, a total spent the past decade of her life, hastily constructed from such de- ers, at the budget meeting, fixed Mrs. Jessie Covert, to Dr. Pierce’s of $2.809.21 for the fund of $35, - 1 Funeral services were held in bris as is handy. Its dimensions the millage, but the law has been sanitarium, at Portland, where OOOOOObeing raised for the Army the Christian church at 10:30 yes- j are 12x5 feet and about 5 feet so amended that the taxpayers she shows signs of improvement, Y. M . C. A., according to figures p av p i p „ f _ high in the center Th ee of us decide how much they need and Fre(j Davidson and Miss Lo­ compiled by Secretary R. E. Dun­ nam official ing, and ’ the remafns : share it during the day and if it j the county court fixes the levy, retta Hermsen informed some of lap. Fully seventy percent of the were interred in Forest View i^ 0!®8 nothing else, it keeps off the v ! the*r friends on leaving yesterday Dr. and Mrs. :;urn mentioned is in cash, the re­ ' ‘ for Portland that they would be cemetery. The funeral was largely | rair?j _ |uuck^ .“ d! a^ „0_u.tl.:” ! leave tomorrow for an extended mainder in p'edges that fall due attended bv sorrowing relatives (he’s a Britisher) another month’s tomorrow sorrovv,nf!! relat,ves fine weather and the Hun would ^ 'P east. They will first go to maAr',ied before ) hey returned; not later than February. This is and friends Rochester, Minn., where Dr. A fat steer that was auctioned $1,200 more than was required, — , have been miles back of where he Hawke will enter a clinic at the stock show in Portland but the oversubscription through­ ( ard or Thanks i ¡a today. The mud now varies Mayo hospital, then to New York, yesterday brought 80c per pound, out the nation will defer the next We desire to thank the many from four inches to four feet in tota* ° f $904. The reason drive until late next fall, it is es­ friends and neighbors who so depth. I feel very proud that I where the doctor will make fur- t,r a 1 ther studies in surgery. They ex- , ^ae. price was that the timated. kindly assisted us during the last ¡have always stuck up for Presi- pect to be absent until some time ^ *e price was to be given to the Mrs John Anderson and Mrs. ! illness and death of our wife and : dent Wilson, for I think he has in January. Mrs. Hansen of Port-1 Cross. John McNamer visited at Tilla­ mother, and for the many beauti- done wonders.” Everett Burnworth and Wilbur land, sister to Mrs. Hawke, will mook and Barview from Friday to ful floral offerings. Mrs Martha W ood rum, aged look after Malcolm and his sister, L. Thomas of this city, James H. P. W. Watkins, Tuesday, Mrs. Anderson having 80 years, passed away at Portland Helen, in this city. Jacobsen of Hillsboro and Alfred J. W. Watkins, gone to inspect the Tillamook Friday and the remains were in­ Greenburg of Beaverton are the Mrs. Arthur Kopplin. Relief Corps. A t Barview they terred at Gaston Monday, Rev. Mrs. S. A. Walker writes her four men selected by the county were the guests of Captain Farley Humphry N o. 4 hand bone Johnson of Portland officiating husband from a Portland hospital conscription board to fill Wash and family at the life-saving sta­ mill, good as new, for $8. Pacific Deceased had made her home for that she is able to walk a little ington county’s vacancy at Camp tion. some years with her sister, Mrs. ¡and will soon return home. ¡Lewis. Market. A Sudden Death From Paralysis Popular M. E. Pastor Will Resign Charge i lLi°VTS i School Patrons Adopt Budget for 1918 £¿7 ¡1 “ “¿'25? Drive for Army “Y” Was Great Success Jr?’-'