The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 15, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplement to forest Grove Express
Voi 2
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 15, 1917.
No. 45
Mrs. S. G. Hughes was calling
W. C. T . U. Notes
on friends in Portland Saturday.
The state W. C. T. U conven­
Willis Cady and Lester Jones ( W. H. Hay returned Tuesday tion was reported at the last reg­
visited friends in this city Sunday from a three weeks’ visit at Long ular meeting by Mrs. Marsilliott,
Beach, Wash.
Mrs Scott, Mrs. Smith and Miss
Remember th-* apron and bak­
J. A. Walrous is reported quite Jennie Armstrong.
ery sale at Roe & Co.’s store,
feeble at the home of his son, in
Nov. 24th.
The fir-t observance in Oregon
the west part of town.
in the public schools, of Frances
A new line of fine box station­
Eastern Buckwheat and maple E. Willard day took place Friday,
ery just placed on display at
syrup for winter breakfasts at Oct. 26th, (her birthday.) Com­
Li'.tier’s Pharmacy.
Schultz Pure Food Store.
mittees from the W. C. T. U. vis­
The schooli census has been
each school and at the Cen­
Andrew Dickson of Portland
completed and there are 720 child
tral and Lincoln schools framed
ren of school age, as ugaimft 706 a
Dickson, several days this week. portraits of Miss Willard were
year ago)
presented. At the former Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ekerson and Reeher and Mrs. Richa ds made
F. J. Greer, who vi ited several
days in this city with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse of Can- the presentation and at the latter,
W. H. Greer, left Tuesday for by visited the W. F. Stockman Mrs. Marsilliott and Mrs. Pen-
family Sunday.
Fkiuh, Calif.
field. At the high school a play
was presented under the direction
President Graham of the Com-
me-cial club informs the Express propriate for Xmas gifts at the of Miss Anna Taylor, the same be­
that the Washington county ex­ Book Store. A fine assortment; ing wri ten by Margaret Taylor.
A picture of Miss \Villard was al­
hibit at the Land Products Show come before it is broken.
ready in the building. Nine states
won an even $200 in premiums.
Mrs. A. B. Todd and son, A now observe this day in the
Word comes from Gales Creek B. Junior, left yesterday, with public ichools. K B. Penfield.
that a young buck deer tan into a their daughter and sister, Mrs.
fence rear th«' school house one M. E. Turner, for a vi<it at the
I’ncle Sam Will Help
day last week and broke his neck latter’s home at Gladstone.
Archie Bryant ha' received a
The teacher and scholars buried
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan
from Robert L Ringer, of
the carcass.
went to Gladstone yesterday to
Yakima, Wash., assistant
The members of the Rifle Club attend the golden wedding cele­ in market investigations for the
held a practice shoot at Verts hall
federal govtrnment, asking that
Tuesday evening and showed im­ Taber, former Iotfa neighbors of Mr. Bryant furnish him a list of
provement in their shooting. A the Morgans.
people in this section who have
Walter Watkins, who recently potatoes to sell. To these people
E. Scott set a new record for the
enlisted in the navy as a fireman, the government will send daily
writes from Goat Island that he
Rev. R. L. Putnam was called is in the detention camp, being quotations of the price of spuds,
to Slayton, his old home, Mon­ immunized against typhoid and so t h it they may know what to
ask for their products.
day to preach the funeral sermon other ailments.
If you want daily information
for Mathias Goodie, a member of
the Christian church and close r The members of the Boys’ club from Uncle Sam as to the con­
of the Congregational church, re­ ditions of the spud market, send
personal friend of Rev. Putnam.
cently organized by Rev. M. J. Mr Bryant your name on a postal
W. D. Clark of Salem, son-in- Fenenga, are busy constructing card.
law to John E. Bailey of this i themselves a home in the base­
city, has been comini sioned c ip ment of the church.
Grangers Are Invited
tain of the 23d regiment of high­
Howard Reeher, a member of
M. Dunne, president of
way engineers and is at present ¡the coast artillery, with head­
and Land Pro­
engaged in recruiting work fit quarters at Fort Flagler, near
held at Port­
Seat le
j Port Townsend, visited his mother, land until Nov. 24th has sent an
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck were brothers and sisters in this city invitation to all grangers and
in the city Tuesday and left with over Sunday, leaving for his post farmers in this vicinity to attend
the Express ten potatoes that Tuesday.
the show on Tuesday. Nov. 20th,
make nearly a peck. They arc | C. T. Richardson, C. D. Miller. which is “Country Life Day.” A
of the Gold Coin variety and Loi;en Watkins and John Wirtz program interesting to farmers
went at the rate of 200 sacks to returned Saturday from their fish­ will he given. Reduced rates on
the acre. See them in the Ex­ ing trip to the Wilson river. They the railroads and 10 per cent off
press window.
hail only slight success in fishing, on admission tickets for all who
Two dozen members of the S. as the water was too low, but en­ attend in crowds. Quite a num­
O. S. Swimming club enjoyed a joyed their outing very much. ber of Grangers from this city and
feast of sports at the P. U. gym Roy VanKirk, Harvey Wilson Dilley will attend.
Tuesday evening. The water was land Albert and Robert Kirkwood
Cook With Coal
just right and everybody seemed returned the same day from their
inclined to have a good time. The ! trip to the Nehalem They caught
The Forest Grove Planing Mill
next swim will be this evening, at ¡a lew jack salmon at the falls and has laid in a supply of good fuel
7:30 o’clock Members may bring i then went on to Wheeler, where ; coal and is prepared to supply
a guest on payment of 25c, if ! they bought a good supply of consumers at a reasonable price.
I Chinooks for their winter’s m eat. Order by telephone No 0232.
there is a vacancy.