Come Get Your Bonds The Second Liberty Bonds are now ready for delivery. Come and get yours, if you ordered thru this bank. The Ronds of the first issue are not yet here, but are expected in a few days. KEEP YOI R PAPERS SAFE We have fire-proof safe deposit boxes for rent by the year, at very reasonable rates; ask us for particulars. The First National Bank dition o f some butter gives the butter 1 flavor and makes the taste m ore agree | able as above. Apple Sauce Cake I 1 cup apple sauee 1 eup raisins 1 eup sugar 1 eup flour 1-4 eup shortening 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 2 table- : spoons hot w a te r Pinch o f salt F lav o r to ta s te W ear- *11 For ONLY 89c A Patriotic Duty Word comes directly from the of Forest Grove, Oregon Food Administration that it is the imperative duty of the nation MEMOIR Safe Deposit to reduce the consumption of A Strong Bank ami the c o u p o n M D IH A L RESERVE sugar one-third for the remainder if p i c r i i t c d on Boxes for Bent of in a Good Town SYSTEM the year o r b etöre N O V ­ EMBER 17. 1917 It is unpatriotic and unfair to buy sugar in larger amounts than People Who Know How needed for immediate use. Hoard­ ing sugar at this time nfiy deprive (live Directions for Sav­ people of limited means of their ing Food Need«! by the fair share and may force the price Army and Navy ; : ; to an exorbitant level. The threatened sugar famine P e a n u t B u tte r L oaf makes it necessary that individuals • Conservation Recipes “ Wear-Ever” utensils are made from only the host metal. 1 cup o f [leanut b u tte r cream (thin and families begin to conserve at Following are the recipes for Again niiaf was 12c. The sugar to increase to the point Tom ato Sauce bread crum bs may be added or not as where it has passed extravagance 1 3-4 cup of tom ato pulp and juice one desires. Also m ore m oisture may and become actual waste. Our F a t present supply is sufficient to last 3 tablespoons flour be added to su it individual taste only until the first of January, 3 tablespoons b u tte r or su b stitu te used was V egetole and Kaola. when the new crop will be avail- _ S alt and pepper to ta s te C a rro t P u d d in g able. After that the situation! "" ^ 1 slice onion 1 cup raw c a rro t M elt b u tte r and brown slig h tly ; add 1 cup raw potatoes (m easured after probably will he !ess ten e. It ! would seem as if m rely placing Prof F. C. Taylor and W L. Lora! Branch Complimented flour, then strain ed hot to m ato pulp grinding th ro u g h food chopper) these facts before the people ' Cady have improved so they are which has been heated w ith the onion. 1 cup shortening The officers of the Portland would he 'ufficient to call for h a | able to he about again, Cook until thickened. I f tom ato es a re j 1 cup brow n su g ar chapter of the Red Cross have hearty response. L *t us -how our very acid, add a little soda. j 1 cup flour Dr. Darland, the Chiropractor written the local branch that their patriotism The f a t used in above recipes was and Natureopath, will occupy the work stands at the head of the 1 cup raisins EDNA L. MILLS, K ream K risp. The cost o f L oaf was 20c. ’r<>f. Bean property, at the cor- list, both in quality and quantity 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 2 table- Packed eggs w ere used. The L oaf sp»x>ns w arm w ater. Em< rgency Home Demonstration ner of A street and First avenue, and that this branch is being con- serv es six people. north, ns office and residence. It* ducted more economically than Agent. 1 teaspoon cinnam on The cost of th e tom ato sauce is about 1 teaspoon cloves Me d lines C. o Roe A. A mo f "f ,fl" branches. 2c. unless to m atoes are bought a t the NOTKS AND PERSONALS Hall, 1-2 teaspoon salt 0 . N. Johnson and W A. Eleven more boxes of camp and sto re. Mix sh o rten in g and sugar, add c arro ts, Ross gave a silver tea at the Con- hospital supplies were shipped out Salm on L oaf potatoes, raisins, soda, flour, etc. P u t Money to loan Valley Realty r gat ional church parlors Tues-,hy the local branch last week. 1 can salm on (large) in suitable, oiled vessels for steam in g Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. l!>-tf 'day that w s v e r y enjoyable and 1 cup fine sta le b read crum bs .. r „ , and steam tw o to th re e hours, accord- 1 egg n e t t e d a nice sum for the church * a ^or ” ° n< * Schultz winter delivery schedule 3 tablespoons m elted b u tte r, d rippings ’nif s 'zt‘- H baking pow der cans are 1 funds M-s. F. W. Jones sang a N ’otir*** is hereby given that goes into effict next Monday, or s u b stitu te / used in which to steam the pudding, solo, Miss Pearl Hall gave a read- Bonds Not. 66 and 57, dated Nov. 1!) 9 a. m. and 3 p. in. S alt, pepper and minced parsley to l«83 tim e is used th an if vessel is la rg e r. ing and the audience, led by Mrs. N’ov- ir>. 191L face value $500.00 A double boiler is sa tisfa c to ry as pud This is the season when sweater- Jones, -ang ‘•America” by way of ‘ a,’h< an* for ta s te f(,r ding m ay be easily w arm ed over in it. are a comfort. John Anderson Interest stops on Nov 15,191V. 1-2 cup milk a program v v ' ,r‘ 1,1,7 The original recipe called for su e t but has a fine line at reasonable I that date D rain off liquor, mash fish finely and Special Snaps mix a lto g e th e r. Form into loaf and co tta -su e t w as used as a su b stitu te . prices. Bond No. 6, dated Nov. 1. bake ab o u t 20 m inutes. F a t used was In using c o tta-su et, use 1-3 less. Mrs. Peter Peterson, who left Outing flannel nicht shirts and 1913, face value $500.00, is called In th e place o f raisins, dried ch erries this city some thr* e years ago for pajama - $1.25 to $2.00. C o tta S uet. I for payment Nov. 15,1917. In­ w ere used and the resu lt was very s a t ­ Serve w ith cream sauce or to m ato isfactory. E ith er orunes, d a te s or Alaska, is visiting at the Huirh Men’s wool and wool mix d terest stops on that date. sauce. ch erries may be used in place o f raisins Smith home this week. She will over shirts $1.00 to $3.50 E d w in s S p a r k s , C ream o r W hite Sauce in any recipe o f this kind. spend the w nter in Oregon and It City Treasurer. Men’s wooi sox, the kind that 1 tablespoon flour The above recipe will serve from ten return to her home at Juneau in wears, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c. 1 tablespoon b u tte r or su b stitu te to tw elve people and th e cost is about the spring. Call for W arrant 35c. Heavy sw. aters, coat style, big 1 cup milk is h<•reby given that 'Notice Glen Morgan has stood the life The H ard Sauce for th e Pudding is collar, $1 00 to $2.00. S alt and pepper to ta s te (»rove , Oregon. City of Forest o! a civilian as long as he could, M elt b u tte r, add flour and s tir in as f°H °W8: Wool and wool-mixed sweaters. Street Warrant. No. 77, dated when most of his college friends 2-3 cup b u tte r slowly th e cup of hot m ilk. Cook u n­ Oct 15, 1913, face value $500 00. are in training camps, so he re­ They are great, $2.50 to $6.60. 1-3 cup Kaola til thickened. C. E ROY & CO. is called for pavment Nov. 15, signed his position at the conden­ Enough brow n su g a r to stiffen Cost of above L oaf was 34c. Recipe 1917. Interest stops on that ser, invested hix savings in Liberty A little m aplein serves six. More milk m ay be added Christian Church date. Bonds and applied for enlistment A dash o f n u tm eg as desired. Also lo af m ay be steam ed Unified services, 9:45-11:30 a. m. E d w in S . S p a r k s , Kaola m ay he used as a b u tte r su b ­ in the navy. instead o f baked. Many p re fe r it th a t P ro g ram Bible school, processional, It City Treasurer. w ay. Any fish m ay be used. s titu te in cooking. W here it is not j com m union, o h ild ren ’s serm on, serm on, Cost o f W hite Sauee is about 4c. heated and eaten as b u tte r, th e ad- Job printing phone 821. j A m essage o f vital in te re s t to every — i m em ber o f the co n g regation will be de- Helping Hoover Save the Food Goff Bros. Forest Grove We Want to Drive Home the fact that, although Shoes have advanced nearly 60 per cent, we have a large stock on hand and the advance will in no way interfere with our giving you a price much lower than any other house in Washington coun­ ty. We have ALL t h e m o n e y w e N EED and do not care a rap for big profits—just a reasonable amount to pay overhead expens­ es and cash down when you buy, and you will feel better and soon forget the price. Come to the FOREST GROVE SHOE STORE C. V. B. Russell. FACTS A bout O ur Coupon Books: We give 3 per cent on ‘‘cash and carry” plan, $15 and $20 books only; 2 per cent on the “cash and deliver” plan, $5 and $20 books. Two per cent redemp­ tion on ca . ^register re­ ceipts on "pay as you go” purchases. No discount on flour, su g a r by the sack or any a rticle on which a special price is made. SCHULTZ MARKET Phone 061 I livered. It is im p o rta n t th a t every | m em ber be th e re . J u n io r E ndeavor 3 1». m. E v ery child n o t a tte n d in g any ! Ju n io r society invited. Song service and serm on 7:30 p. m .; su b ject, ‘‘Je su s o f N azareth the God- m a n .” Young people a re urged to a tte n d the C h ristian E ndeavor m eeting a t 0:30 p. rn. a t th e C ongregational church. Your p a sto r is to lead. Topic, “ O ur De­ nom inational Foreign M ission, Boards; T heir H istory and A ch iev em en ts.” L et us co-operate and m ake of this the beat society in th e s ta te union. ft. L. IMJTNAM. Minister. Congregational Church Sunday, Nov. IS, 11 a. m ., serm on, “ T h o u g h ts o f God in Tim e o f W a r;” 7:30 p. rn., “ The Choice Y oung Man; His Education ami His C a re e r.” An o rc h e stra o f Choice Young Men will help w ith the music. A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. Apron and Bakery Sale By t he Catholic ladies, at Roe & Co.’s furniture store, Saturday Nov 21th, all day. 2t If You Expect to Buy A Ford Car next Spring, we advise you to place your order with us now. Come in and let us explain. Special Prices on TIRES during the remainder* of this month. Stout Auto Co. K. of P. Building Phone, Main 426 '