The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 15, 1917, Image 7

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ly, und the hent grew less. HUM, It wns
a lung tim e before Kuzan und Gray
Wolf could draw forth their b rad s und
breathe more freely. Then they found
thut the linger of sautl reuchlug out In­
to the river had saved them. Every­
w here In thut triangle between the two
rivers the w orld had turned black, und
wus hot uuderfoot.
The »moke cleared uwny. The wind
changed again, and swung down cool
and fresh from the west und north. The
fisher-cat wus the first to move cau­
tiously back to the forests that had
been, but the porcupine» were »till
rolled Into balls when Gray Wolf nnd
K azan left the sund bur. They began
to travel up-stream , and before night
cam e, th eir feet were sore from hot
ash and burning em bers.
The moon was strange nnd forebod­
ing th at night, like a sputter of blood
In the sky, nnd through the long silent
hours there was not even the hoot of
an owl to give u sign that life still ex­
isted w here yesterduy hud been u para-
Fearing dire punishm ent, a fte r killing u m an who Mttn«-kn bis
dise of wild things. K azan knew th at
inlstrcaa, K»7.nn, un Aluakun sledge dog. one-quarter wolf, tukes to
there was nothing to hunt, and they
wild life and m ates with Gruy Wolf. W eeks later, draw n by memory of
to travel ull that night. W ith
u woman'» klndiieNM, K aran Haven the ||f» of Joan and her baby, and
'law n they struck a narrow sw am p
with tlrny W olf establishes a lair on Hun Rock. n ear Joan'» home. G ray
| along the edge of the stream . H ere
Wolf I n blinded and her pupa a re killed by a lynx. Joan and her baby
beavers bud built a dam, and they
and huaband leave the country, ao K aran, w ith Ida blind and de­
were uhle to cross over Into the green
pendent mute, goea northw ard.
1 country on the opposite side. For an-
i other day nnd an o th er night they trav-
| eted w estw ard, and this brought them
CHAPTER X II—Continued.
a tree or a w indfall that might bridge Into the thick country of swump und
— 12—
the w ater for them ; the lynx snarled tim ber ulong the W aterfound.
One day he found a little baby m iie nnd fuced the tire; und Gray W olf's And us K azan nnd Gray Wolf carne
eaaln under one of the cloned win­ own trib e- the wolves-—dured tuke no from the W est, there came from the
dow». It waa old, und worn out, und deeper step than she.
H udson's buy post to the Hast a slim
blackened by »now and ruin, but be G ripping und punting, nnd half dark-faced French half-breed by the
lay down hm ldv It. and nuualned there choked by b est und smoke, K azan cume nam e of H enri Loti, the most fam ous
for a long time, while the Imby Jo an — t" G ray W o lfs fid s T here w u but lynx h u nter In ull the Hudson's bay
a thouaand mllea aw ay waa pluylng one refuge left near them, nnd th at country.
with the Htrange toya of clvlllrutIon. waa the sum! bar. It reached out for And up from the Soutn, a t this same
Then he returned to tlruy W olf among fifty
feet Into the stream , gulckly he time, there was slowly working his
the apruce und balaum.
led hla blind m ate tow ard It. As they way by canoe nnd trail n young uni­
The eubln waa the one place to cam e through the low brush to the versity zoologist who was gathering
which Gruy W olf would not follow river-bed. som ething stopped them m aterial for a hook on “The IteaHon­
him. At all o ther time» ahe waa ut Ida both. To th eir nostrils had come the ing of the W ild.” His nam e wus Haul
aide. Now that ahe had become uc- scent of a deadlier enem y than fire. A W eyman, nnd he m ade arrangem ents
cuatom ed to Idlndneaa, ahe even ac­ lynx had taken possession of the snnd to spend u p art of the w inter with
com panied him on Ida hunt», until he bur, and wus crouching ut the end of
»truck game, and begun the chase. It. T hree porcupines had dragged
Then ahe would w ait for him. K aran them selves Into the edge of the w ater,
usually hunted the big anow-ahoe rab ­ and lay there like balls, their quills
bit». llut one night he run down und ulert and quivering. A fisher-cat was
killed a young doe. The kill waa too snarling at the lynx. And the lynx,
heavy to drag to Gray Wolf, ao be re­ with ears laid hack, w atched Kazan
turned to w here »he waa wultlng for nnd Gray W olf as they begun the Inva­
him and guided her to the feast. In sion of the snnd bar.
many waya they becam e more and Faithful Gruy W olf wus full of fight,
m ore Inseparable as the aum m er and she sprang shoulder to shoulder
lengthened, until at last, through ull with Kuzan, her fangs hared. W ith un
the w ilderness, th eir footprint» were angry snup, K azan drove her buck, und
alw ays two by tw o und never one by she stood quivering und w hining while
he advanced. Light-footed, his pointed
T hen cam e the great fire.
ears forw ard, no m enace or th reat In
G ray W olf caught the scent of It his uttltude, he advunced. It w as the
when It was still tw o duya to the west. deadly advance of the husky trained In
The moon, drifting Into the west, be- battle, skilled in the art of killing. A
ram e blood rod. When It dropped b»*- man from civilization would have snld
hiud the w ilderness In this m anner, that the dog was approaching the lynx
the Indiana called It the bleeding moon, w ith friendly Intentions. Hut the lynx
und the air wus tilled w ith omens.
understood. It was the old feud of
All the next day Gruy W olf was many generations— m ade deudller now
nervous, and tow ard noon Kazan by K azan's memory of that night a t the
caught In the ulr the w arning that she top of the Sun Hock.
had sensed many hours ahead of him
lustlnct told the fisher-cat w hat was
Steadily the scent grew stronger, and coming, and It crouched low and H at;
by the m iddle of the ufturnoon the sun th e porcupines, scolding like little chil­
was veiled by u Him of smoke.
dren a t th e presence of enem ies and
The (light of the wild things from the the thickening clouds of smoke, thrust
triangle* of forest betw een the Junc­ their quills still m ore erect. The lynx
tions of the Pipestone and f r e e rivers lay on Its belly, like a cut, Its hiud- Gray Wolf Drew Back, Shrinking.
would have begun then, but the wind qdurters tw itching, nnd gathered for
Loti, the half-breed. He brought
shifted. It was a fatal shift. The lire the spring. K azan's feet seem ed scarce­ w Ilonrl
ith bln) plenty of paper, a cam era
wus raging from the west and south. ly to touch the sand as lie circled light­ nuil
the photograph of n girl. H is only
Then the wind sw ept straight east­ ly nrotind It. T h e lynx pivoted as he weapon
w as a pocketknlfe.
w ard, carrying th e sm oke with It, and circled, and then It shot In a round
eanw hile K azan nnd Gray
during this breathing spell all the wild snarling hall over the eight feet of
W olf found the home they w ere seek­
tre a t urea In the triangle betw een the space that separated them .
two rivers w aited. T his gave the tire Kuzan did not leap aside. lie m ade ing In a thick sw am p five or six miles
tim e to »weep com pletely across the no effort to escape the attack, hut met ! from the cabin th at Ilenrl Loti had
base of the forest triangle, cutting off It fairly w ith the full force of his shoul­ built.
the Inst trulls of escape.
ders, as sledge-dog m eets sledge-dog.
Then the wind shifted again, and the He w as ten pounds heavier than the
lire sw ept north. T he head of the tri­ lynx, nnd for n m om ent the hlg loose-
Two by Two.
angle becam e a death-trap. All through jointed ent w ith Its tw enty knlfellke It w as Always
n guide from
the night the southern sky wns filled clnws was throw n on Its side. Like a the post brought when
eym an to
w ith u lurid glow, and by m orning the flnsh K azan took advantage of the mo­ H enri In ti's cabin on the W
h eat and sm oke nnd ash w ere suffocat­
H enri.
cat’s neck.
Panic-stricken, Kaznn searched vnln- In thut snme m om ent blind G ray torn to pieces like they w ere no traps,
ly for a m eans of escape. Not for an W olf leaped In w ith n snarling cry, and than rabbits that the foxes had killed.
Instant did he leave G ray Wolf. It
No thing—not even bear—have ever
would huve been easy for him to swim tened her Jnws In one of the cat's hind tackled
lynx In a trap before. It Is
across either of the tw o stream s, for
tim e I ever see It.”
lie was three-quarters dog. Hut at the tw ice outw eighed, lenped bnckwnrd, T his nroused
W eyman. lie wns one
llrst touch of w ater on her paws, Grny
ber of thoughtful
W olf drew bnek, shrinking. Like nil It fell bnck down on one of the porcu­ m en who believed num
m an's egoism,
her breed, she would face Are and
many of the
death before w ater. Kazan urged. A Its hotly. A nother leap anti It w as free m ore w onderful facts of creation.
dozen tiroes he leaped In, and swnm
out Into the stream . Hut G ray W olf K azan did not pursue. Grny W olf “T here Is one big wolf nil’ one sm al­
would come no fn rth er than she coubl enme to his side nnd licked his neck, ler,” snld H enri. “An’ it Is alw ays
w here fresh blond was crim soning his the big wolf who goes In an ’ tights
I see th at by the snow.
They could hear the distant m urm ur­ taw ny hide. The fisher-cat lay us If the hile lynx.
he’s lighting, the sm aller wolf
ing roar of the lire now. Ahend of It dead, w atching them w ith fierce little m W akes
many trucks In the snow Just
eyes. Tin? porcupines continued
cam e the wild things. Moose, caribou black
chatter, as If begging for mercy. out of reach, an ’ then when the lynx
nnd door plunged Into the w ater of the to
then a thick black suffocating pnll is down, or dead. It Jum ps In an' helps
stream s and swam to the safety of the Anil smoke
tlrovq low over the sand bar tear It Into pieces. All th a t I know
opposite side. O ut upon u w hite linger of
nnd w ith It cam e ulr thnt wns furnace- by the snow.”
of sand lum bered a big black bear with hot.
During Ihe two weeks thnt followed.
two culm, nnd even the cubs took to
the w ater, and swnm across easily. K a­ At the utterm ost end of the snnd bnr W eym an found much to add to the
zan w atched them , nnd whln<*d to Gray K azan and Grny W olf rolled them ­ m aterial of his book. Not a day passed
selves Into balls nnd th ru st their heads thnt som ew here along H enri's trap-line
And then out upon thn t w hite finger under their bodies. The tire wns very they did not see the trails of the two
of snnd cam e o ther things that dreaded n ear now. T he ro ar of It w as like thnt wolves, and W eyman observed th a t—
the water ns G ray W olf dreaded It: a of n great cataract, w ith now nnd then ns H enri had told him—the footprints
big fat porcupine, n sleek little innrten, n loader crush of falling trees. The w ere alw ays two by two, and never
n llsher-cnt thn t sniffed the a ir nnd nlr w as tilled w ith nsli nnd burning one by one. On the third day they
w alled like n child. Those things thnt spnrks, anti tw ice K azan drew forth his entne to a trap that had held a lynx,
could not or would not swim outnum ­ heml to snap at hluzing em bers thnt nnd a t sight of w hat rem ained H enri
bered the others three to one. H un­ fell upon and seared him like hot cursed In both French und English
until he w as purple In the face. The
dreds of little erm ine scurried along Irons.
the shore like rats, th eir squeaking lit­ Close along the edge of the »trenra lynx had been torn until its pelt was
tle voices sounding In cessan tly ; foie» grew thick green bush, nnd when the practically w orthless.
ran sw iftly along the banks, seeking tire reached this, It burned inure slow ­ W eyman saw where the suuiiler wolf
ou ver
had w aited on Its haunches, while Its
com panion hud killed the lynx. He
did not tell H enri all be thought. Hut
the days thut followed convinced him
m ore and m ore th at he hud found the
m ost dram atic exem plification of his
theory. Hack of this m ysterious trag ­
edy of the trap-line there was a rea­
Why did the two wolve» not destroy
the fisher-cat, the erm ine and the m ar­
ten? W hy waa th e ir feud w ith the
lynx alone?
W eym an was strangely thrilled. He
was a lover of wild things, and for
th at reason he never carried a gun.
And when he saw H enri placing poison
halts for the two m arauders, be shnd-
dered, and when, day after dsy, he
saw th a t these poison baits were un­
touched, he rejoiced. Som ething In his
own n atu re went out In sym pathy to
the heroic outlaw of the trap-line who
never failed to give b attle to the lynx.
N ights In the cabin he w rote down his
thoughts and discoveries of the day.
One day the hlg Idea cam e to H enri.
Many walnut growers from Oregon
and adjoining states are attending the
third annual session of the Western
Walnut association, which convened in
McMinnville Wednesday.
The board of directors of the Astoria
chamber of commerce, has engaged C.
R. Barr, city ticket agent of the O.-
W. R. & N. company, as secretary and
manager of the chamber. Barr will
assume his new duties on December 1.
Christmas like activity pervaded the
headquarters of the Hood River Red
Cross chapter Saturday. Patriotic wo­
men, who have been devoting every
Wednesday to Red Cross work, passed
the day packing 100 Christmas boxes
destined to enlisted men in France.
Rains are causing discontinuance of
state highway work in several parts of
Oregon, according to reports reaching
the State Highway department, al­
Kazan and G ray Wolf ones
though it is probable that on Eastern
again come into contact with
Oregon work and in some of the west­
hum an beinga and have fu rth er
ern parts of the state the work will
stran ge experiencea — a* de­
continue through most of the winter.
scribed in the next installm ent.
The Martin Brothers, of Klamath
Falls, have definitely decided to re­
build their mill which was destroyed
fire July 15. The new mill will be
absolutely the last word in the ar­
and equipment of flour
Bankera Removed $250,000 Because of rangement
have a capacity of 125
It, and Building Caught Fire
T hat N igh t
Representative Hawley attended a
“I hnve a prem onition that som ething session of the Commercial club in Til­
Is going to happen during the night,” lamook Thursday evening to secure in­
miid the cashier of the banking firm of formation on the Tillamook harbor. It
C. B. R ichards & Co., agents of the was the opinion of those at the meet­
Lloyd Italiurio Steam ship line, at 31-33 ing that in the future the club should
work for improvement up to the mouth
Broadw ay, one recent afternoon.
So the firm im m ediately moved $250,* of Tillamook river rather than on the
000 In cash and securities to the vuulta Hoquarten slough.
of the E quitable T ru st company.
Charles Galloway, state tax commis­
Som ething did happen. F ire started sioner,
Friday for Atlanta, Ga.,
In the building, nnd early the next day where he left
sessions of the
firemen were fighting a stubborn bluz* National Tax attend
and also a
40 feet beneath the s tre e t
states on
Dense volumes of suffocating smoke taxation. Delegates from 42
poured out of the building, perm eating will attend the congress, which has
the pressroom s of the Journal of Com­ its object the adjustment of differen­
merce, which also occupied the build­ ces between tax laws of the various
ing. The loss w as $20.000.—New York states and also between the state and
Telegram .
Federal tax laws.
Shotaro Otani, a Japanese, arrested
Why He Needed Her.
by the Federal authorities at Astoria,
John M cIntosh and his daughter, Thursday
for failing to regis­
Jan et, from C anada, visited relatives ter for the evening
draft, has been released on
in D etroit recently. Day a fte r day this own recogniaznce
appear for
Jan et and her fath er w ent sightseeing, hearing when wanted by to Federal
alw ays together.
jury. George Miller, a German,
T he girl’s aunt, noticing this one grand
arrested on the same charge, is being
day, suggested th at she let her father held
in the county jail. He was com­
go downtown alone occasionally, and mitted
jail, as he informed the offi­
added. Jokingly, “Men do not like to cers he to intended
leave town as soon
have women alw ays tagging along.” as released from to
“Ay, uhntie, but he w ahnts me,” ex­
plained Jan et, earnestly. “H e canna Soldiers of Oregon are not to go
thole to stir oot o’ the hoose his lane. without regular correspondents from
Ye w adna believe hoc fash t he Is ony- home, according to a plan outlined by
w here wi’oot me. Y'e see, faither Superintendent Churchill, of the de­
ta a 'k s sic braid Scoatch th at stran ger partment of public instruction. Each
folk dinnn ken w hat it’s aboot, an ’ I city superintendent is asked to make
hae tae gang wl him tae the con- up a list of the soldiers from his town
verrsin’.”—H arp er’s M agazine.
and pupils will be request«!, as a part
of their regular work in English, to
write letters to the soldiers, these let­
Small but Notable Kingdom.
Sm allest In population am ong the ters to tell the news of the community
kingdom s of the world, “H edjaz” car­ at home and to include an account of
ries to the A rabic brain the Idea of each patriotic undertaking which the
“separation.” T he newly m ade king community is joining in to help win
rules Indeed over a desolate land, and the war.
about as m any subjects as could be A severe earthquake shock was felt
accom m odated In Bristol. But hla throughout
the Lakeview district Sat­
“kingdom ” is nevertheless the richest urday at 5:45
In the w orld, from the Moslem point
of view, since It holds the cities of The reappearance on Coos Bay of ac­
Mecca nnd M edina. O ur Illustrious tive I. W. W. members is giving rise
ally, lately a shereef. Is in the way of to much speculation as mills and ship­
dignity ; for he not only controls the yards at North Bend are filling govern­
holy pluces, but being a direct de­ ment contracts with spruce for air­
scendant of M ohammed, his position plane and hulls for several ships.
as the new caliph should become un­ After reaching the lowest point it
challengeable.—London Chronicle.
has attained for 15 years, the Wil­
lamette river at Albany is beginning
The Pacifist Sword-Cane.
to rise slowly as a result of the recent
T he loaded cane has gone out of rains. The river has been stationary
fashion, principally for the reason that at 0.8 feet above low-water mark.
such a thing is a source of danger ly­ Throught the office of the Wheeler
ing around loose, ns a cane Is ap t to county agricultural agent, a carload of
do; but u w histling cane has been In­ rye has been distributed among the
vented by which help may be sum ­ farmers near Fossil. A shortage of
moned by one who Is attacked and for rye seed necessitated a shipment from
any reason unable to m ake an outcry. outside points. All available rye in
T he ap p aratu s Is entirely hidden In the county was sold at $2.50 a bushel,
the handle of the cane, but yet exposed but this carload brought $1.90, a sav­
sufficiently to be quickly reached by ing of $720 to the farmers.
the hand of the person carrying it, and Railroad and public service commis­
tw o or three hard com pressions will sions are advised to administer the
a ttra c t Instantly the atten tio n of any­ laws with due regard to the security
one w ithin a distance of several hun­ of
investors as well as of the consum­
dred yards.
ers of such utility, in a report received
by the Public Service Commission
Glass Gardens.
from the committee on capitalization
A few square feet of sunny ground and intercorporate relations of Nation­
nnd a hotbed or cold fram e, large or al Association of Railway commisssion-
sm all, will produce vegetables and ers.
flowers weeks ahead of those who gnr-
den w ithout glass. A little glass adds 1 Twelve British merchant vessels
a w onderful am ount of Interest to the sunk by mines or submarines last week
garden and prolongs the season for marks the minimum losses for any
many weeks In the spring and In the week since Germany began her unre­
autum n. A good fram e w ith sash will stricted campaign last February.
last for yenrs, and this Is to be con-1
slderod In buying good m nterinl at the Telegraphic appeals from officials
of the Electricians’ union in San Fran­
cisco Friday to Tacoma and other
Some G iant Cuttleflah.
Northwestern locals asking that dele­
Some cuttlefish are so large th a t the gates again be detailed to California
suckers, when stretched to th eir full for conference met with prompt rejec­
length, can encom pnss the girth of a tion at a special joint meeting called
half-dozen hum an
in the Labor Temple at Tacoma.