The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 15, 1917, Image 6

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    The S to r y o f
a D og T h a t
Turned W olf
In nnother wny, and otte thnt wus
destinoti lo serve them mnny tlmes In
thè future, she bccaine of greti ter liclp
I Ginn over to Kuzttn. Scout nnd hour-
Ing ontlroly look thè tilace of night
Mach day developed tin se sonses more
and more, and ut Ilio sanie lime tItere
i developed botween them thè duttili lun-
gutigc whcrehy she could Impresa u | m > u
Kuznu w hat she litui dlscovered by
scent or sound. It became u curlous
Inibii of Kiiztin's ulwuys to look ut
Gruy Wolf whon tliey stopped to llsten,
or to scent thè ttlr.
After thè tight un thè Sun Hook, Ka-
zan Inni tukon bis bllml mute to ti thlck
d u m p of spruce nnd balaniti In thè
rlver bottoni, where they remalued un-
tll ettrly sumuier. Kvery day for weeks
Kuznu wont to thè cubiti w here Jouli
and thè baby —and thè m a n —hud been.
For a long tinte he wont hopefully,
looklng each duy or night to see some
slgu of Ufo thore. But thè door w m
nevor open. The hourda und supllngs
ut thè Windows ulwuys reuiulned.
Nevor a spirai of smoke rose freni thè
d a y chlmncy. Grana and vinca be-
gun to grow In thè putii. And fulnter
and fulnter grow that scout whlch Ha­
zon could stili Unti about It—thè scent
of man, of thè wontnu. thè buby.
Tukc n k I iiss of Suits if your
Buck Imrts or Bladder
T he A m erican men and women muat
guard con sta n tly a g a in st Kidney tro u ­
ble, because we e a t too much and all
our food la rich. O ur blood la filled
with urlo achl which the kidneys
raised h e r head to the t;uu which she
striv e to filter out, they w eaken from
could not see and gave her lust long
overwork, become sluggish; the elim ­
inative tissues clog and the re sult Is
walling cry for Kazan.
kidney trouble. M adder w eakness and
T he canoe lurched. A (uwuy body
a general decline In health.
shot through the a ir —und Kazuu was
W hen yuur kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your hack h u rts or the urine
T he m an reached forward for his
Is cloudy, full of sedim ent or you are
rifle. Jouu's bund stopped 1dm. H er
obliged to aeek relief two or th re e
fuce was white.
tim es du rin g tho nig h t; If you auffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
“Let him go buck to her I Let him
Kuznu, u vicious Alaskan sledge dog, one-quurter wolf, saves the
spells, acid stom ach, or you have rh e u ­
go—let him go I” she cried. "It Is his
life of Thorpe, his muster, and Is taken along when the m aster goes to
m atism when the w e a th e r Is had. get
place— w ith her."
civilization to meet his bride and r e tu r n with her to the frozeu coun­
from your p h a rm a c ist about four
And Kazan reaching the shore, shook
ounces of Ja d Malta; ta k e u table­
try. Isobel, K azan's new mistress, wlus his Instant affection by her
the w a te r from Ids shaggy hair, uud
spoonful In a glass of w a te r before
kiudness. Hack In the wilderness. McCready, a guide, beats Thorpe
looked for the last time tow ard the
bre a k fa st for a few days and your kid­
senseless and attacks the bride. K azan kills the assailant, flees to
woman. T he canoe was drifting slow­
neys will then a c t fine. T his famous
the woods, joins a wolf paek, whips the leader, tukes a young mate.
ly uround the Urst bend. A moment
Going farther Into the north
salts Is mndo from the acid of grapes
Gray Wolf, and a few nights la te r drives off the pack which had a t ­
nnd lemon Juice, combined with llthla,
more und it hud disappeared. Gruy
woods, Kazan and Gray Wolf
tacked I’ierre, a sick man, his daughter. Joan, and her baby. Then, held
und has been uaed for g e nerations to
Wolf hud wou.
have other stirring adventures
by Jo a n 's klndess, Kazan stays w ith her when I'ierre dies and helps
flush and stim u la te clogged kidneys;
— a thrilling episode is described
her drag the sledge to a settler's cabin, saving the lives of m other and
in neutralize the a d d s In the urine so
in the next Installment
daughter. With Gray Wolf, he establishes a lair on Sun Hock, n ear
It no longer la a source of Irrltutlon,
thus ending Madder disorders.
Joan's home. Gray Wolf has pups. She Is atta c k e d by a lynx, which
The Day* of Fire.
J a d Malts Is Inexpensive; c a nnot In­
permanently Injures her und kills th e pups before Kazan kills the lynx.
I TO u t; COM T IN UJCLt.l
From the night of the terrible fight j
jure, m akes a delightful effervescent
with the big gray lynx on the top of :
llthla w a te r beverage, and belongs In
the Sun Hock, Kazan remembered less MUST STAND GREAT PRESSURE every home, because nobody can m ake
CHAPTER XI—Continued.
| on th e edge of her dress, with his nose uud less vividly the old days when he
a m istake hy having a good kidney
I touching her foot, while she worked on had been a sledge-dog, and the leader Steel In Modern Gune le Subjected to flushing any time.
Gray Wolf w as uo longer In the buby things. T hen she rose to pre p a re of u pack. H e would never quite for­
Strain Which la Beyond Ordinary
moonlight. Close to the two rocks lay supper, uud Kazan got up— a little get them, and always there would
the limp lifeless little bodies of the wearily—and went to the door. Gray stand out certain memories from
M a s te r —W ha t! F orgotten your pen
th re e pups. T he lynx had torn them Wolf und the gloom of the night were among th e rest, like tires cutting the
ell again? W hat would you think of
Modern high-power guns could not be a soldier who w ent to w ar w ithout a
to pieces. With a whine of grief Ka- calling him, und he answ ered th a t call blackness of night. Hut as a mnn
built without steel strong enough to gun?
zan approached the two boulders and with a slouch of his shoulders anil a da te s events from his birth, his m a r­
resist the enormous pressure to which
T om m y—I'd think ho was an offi­
th ru st his head between them. Gray drooping lieud. Its old thrill wus gone. riage. his freedom from a bondage, or
they tire subjected. How grent these cer, air.— Passing Show.
Wolf was there, crying to herself In He watched Ids chance, uud weut out some foundation-step In Ills career, so
pressures are Is beyond comprehen­
th a t terrible sobbing way. He went through the door. The moon had risen all things seemed to Kazan to begin
sion, says the Wull Street Journal.
Flashed From the Star.
in, and began to lick h e r bleeding when he rejoined Gruy Wolf. She with two tragedies which had followed
At each discharge of a gun, lu the
"Ah. Miss Kthel, may I not dre a m
shoulders and head. Ail the rest of greeted his return with a low whine of one fust upon the other a fte r the birth case of field pieces, for lex* than tl ree-
th a t one day you will bo mine?"
tha t night she whimpered with puln. Joy, and muzzled him with her blind of Gray Wolf’s pups.
tenths of a second the pressure ex­
’’You may, but it w on't come truo."
With dawn she dragged herself out to face. In her helplessness she looked
T he first w as the fight on the Sun ceeds 20 tons to tile square Inch, nnd
the lifeless little bodies on the rock,
j happier than Kazan in all his strength. Rock,
when the big gray lynx hnd the speed of the projectile leaving the
And then Kazan saw the terrible j From now on, during the days th a t Minded his beautiful wolf mnte for all muzzle Is more than 2,!500 feet n sec­
work of the lynx. For Gruy Wolf was followed, it was a lust grent tight be- time, and had torn her pups Into pieces. ond. T h e energy developed is placed
blind—not for a day or a night, but tw een blind and faithful Gray Wolf He In turn had killed the lynx. Rut at about 500,000 foot-pounds. In other
blind for all time. A gloom th a t no and the woman. If Jo a n had known of Gray Wolf wns still blind. Vengeance words, considering the cannon a mo­
sun could break had become her w hat lay in the thicket, if she could had not been uhle to give her sight. tor working during an exceedingly
shroud. And perhaps again it was ! once have seen the poor c re a tu re to She could no longer hunt with him, ns short time. Its rating Is about 20,000,000
th a t instinct of animal creation, which whom Kazan w as now all life— the sun, they had hunted with the wild wolf- horse power.
often is more wonderful th a n mnn's the stars, the moon, nnd food—she packs out on the plain, and In the
Not only must the metal be nlde to
reason, th a t told Kazan w hat had hap- would have helped Gray Wolf. Hut as dark forests. So nt thought of thnt resist those stra ins time a f te r time, She mixed Sulphur with it to
pened. For he knew now th a t she was it was she tried to lure Kazan more night he nlwnys snarled, nnd his Ups but to do so under unfavorable con­
Restore Color, ( i I ohm ,
helpless—more helpless than the little and more to the cubln, nnd slowly she curled back to reveal his Inch-long ditions, such as high tem peratures
cre a tures that had gamboled in the won.
produced hy the explosives. And not
moonlight a few hours before. He re­
At last the great day came, eight
The oth e r tragedy was the going of only must the metal of the gun he
mained close beside her all th a t day.
days a f te r the fight on the Sun Rock. Joan, her baby nnd her husband. Some­ ns strong ns this, but it Is the same
Common garden aage brewed Into a
Vainly tha t day did Jo a n call for Kazan had taken Gray Wolf to a wood- thing more Infallible thnn reason told with that of the shell. The shell of heavy tea with su lp h u r edited, will
Kazan. H er voice rose to the Sun pd point on the river two days before. Knznn thnt they would not come back. a F rench “75" supports n pressure tu rn grey, s tre a k e d and faded hair
Hock, and Gray Wolf’s head snuggled an(1 there he had left her the preceding Hrlghtest of nil the pictures thnt r e ­ estim ated at 17 tons, the work beautifully (lark and luxuriant. J u s t
closer to Kazan, and K azan's ears night when he went to the cnbln. This mained with him wns thnt of the sunny of the device th a t takes up the recoil a few applications will prove a r e v e la ­
dropped back, and he licked her Gme a stout bablche thong was tied morning when the womnn and the baby re a d ie s about 12 tons to the square tion If your h a ir la fading, stre a k e d o r
gray. Mixing the Mage T e a and S u l­
wounds. Late in the afternoon Kazan t0 1 T 1 *» c°Hnr round his neck, nnd he he loved, nnd the mnn he endured be­ Inch, nnd the mount neutralizes at phur recipe a t home, though. Is tro u ­
left Gray Wolf long enough to run to was fastened to a staple In th e log cause of them, hnd gone nwny In the each discharge about two tons.
blesome. An e a sie r way la to get a 50-
the bottom of the trail und bring up wo^- >Tonn nnd her husband were up canoe, and often he would go to the
It has been possible to test In the c e n t bottle of W yeth's Sage and Sul­
the snow-shoe rabbit. Gray Wolf muz- before it was light next day. The sun point, nnd gnzn longingly down-stream, machine shop* the pieces of n battery phur Compound a t any drug store all
zled th e fur and flesh, but would not \ 'vf,s
r' s' n*' when they all went out. w here he had leaped from the canoe to tha t bus fired several thousand shots ready for use. T his Is tho old tim e
nnd to show thnt they have suffered recipe Improved by tho addition of
eat. Still a little later Kuzan urged j fbe man enrrying the buby, nnd Jonn return to his Mind mnte.
o th e r Ingredients.
her to follow him to the trail. He no j leading him. Jonn turned and locked
So K azan's life seemed now to he not the slightest deformation.
While wlapy. gray, faded hair Is not
longer wanted to stay a t the top of the *Tie cabin door, nnd Knznn henrd a sob made up chiefly of three things: his
sinful, we all desire to re ta in our
Sun Rock, and he no longer wanted *n ^ er Giront ns they followed the man hatred of everything thnt bore the
Printing Linoleum.
youthful a p p e a ra n ce and a ttr a c tiv e ­
Gray W aif to stay there. Step by step ‘T°"'n 1° G1** river. T he big canoe was scent or mark of the lynx, his grieving
Linoleums a re printed hy means of ness. Hy d a rk e n in g your h a ir with
he drew her down the winding path Packed and waiting. Joan got In first, for Joan nnd the baby, nnd Gray Wolf. n series of blocks, a block being neces­ W yeth's Sage and S u lp h u r Compound,
aw ay from her deud puppies.
She I wHh the baby. Then, still holding the It wns natural thnt the strongest pas­ sary for every color thnt Is shown In no ono can tell, because It does It so
would move only when he was very 1 bablche thong, she drew Knznn up sion In him should he his hatred of the the finished pnttern.
T he printing naturally, bo evenly. You Just dam pen
n ear h e r—so n e a r th a t she could touch j c' OSG
her, so thnt he lay with his lynx, for not only Gray Wolf’s blind­ machine contains devices for keeping a sponge or soft brush with It and
his scarred flank with her nose.
j WG,£ht against her.
ness nnd the death of the pups, but the blocks wet with liquid color ns the draw thla through your hair, taking
They came a t last to the point in the ;
Run T(‘H warmly on K azan’s even the loss of the womnn nnd the gotsls pass beneath them. It also has one sm all s tra n d a t a tim e; hy m o rn ­
trail w here they had to leap down a back as they shoved off, and he closed hnby he laid to thnt fntnl struggle on u long table on which the linoleum ing all gray hairs have disappeared,
distance of three or four feet from the i
eyps> f*nd rested his head on J o a n ’s the Sun Rock. From th a t hour he be­ moves forw ard a little bit a t a time, and, a f te r a n o th e r application or two,
your h a ir becomes beautifully dark,
edge of a rock, and here Kazan saw ' nP- Tier hand fell softly on his shoul- came the deadliest enemy of the lynx getting a new color at eneh step. Af­ glossy, soft and luxuriant.
how utterly helpless Gray Wolf hud ‘Tpr- Tie heard again that sound which tribe. W herever he struck the soent te r printing, the goods are again hung
T his pre pa ra tion Is a delightful toil­
become. She whined, and crouched fTie man could not hear, the broken sob of the big gray ent he was turned Into up In a wurni room to set the colors. e t re quisite and Is not Intended for
tw enty times before she dared make ,n Der throat, ns the canoe moved slow- a snarling demon, nnd his hatred grew Then they are ready for market. In the cure, m itigation o r prevention of
day by day, ns he became more com­ cutting the blocks for printing lln disease.
the spring, and then she Jumped stiff- 'Y down t0 the wooded point.
J o a n waved h e r hand back a t the pletely a part of the wild.
legged, and fell in a heap a t K azan’s
oleums, which Is a very complicated
Force of Circum stances.
feet. A fter this K azan did not have cabin, Just disappearing behind the
He found tha t Gray Wolf was more process, every line and dot Is worked
"A rtesian laborers a re more healthy
to urge her so hard, for the fall im­ trees.
necessnry to him now than she had out separately hy eleetric machinery
"Good-by!” she criedly sadly. "Good- ever been since the day she had left guided by hand. T he simplest design than o th e r people, I suppose.”
pinged on her the fact th a t she was
"W hy should they be?"
safe only when her muzzle touched her by—” And then she hurled h e r face the wolf-pack for him. He was three- of three or four colors Involves the
“A re n 't th e y all well d ig g e rs? ”—
m ate’s flank. She followed him obedl- : close down to Kazan and the baby, and q u a rte rs dog, und the dog-part of him ru ttin g out of thousands of distinct
demanded companionship. There was printing surfaces.
entl.v when they reached the plain, sobbed.
Dr. P ie rc e ’s Pelleta a re beat for liver,
only Gray Wolf to give him th a t now.
trotting with her foreshoulder to his
T he man stopped paddling.
bowels and stomach. One littlo Pellet
"You’re not sorry—Jonn?" he asked. They were alone. Civilization was four
for a laxative three for a cathartic.
Sounded Too Belligerent
Kazan was heading for a thicket in
They were drifting past the point hundred miles south of them. The
Seized with longing for the Phila­
the creek bottom half a mile away, now, and the scent of Gray Wolf came nearest H udson’s Hay post was sixty delphia scrapple of his youth, Henry
A Sure Way.
and a dozen times in th a t short dis­ to K azan’s nostrils, rousing him, nnd miles to the west. Often, In the days \V. Thornton, general m anager f the
"Old Miliyuna c a n 't please his young
of the woman und the hnby, Gray Wolf G reat Kustern railway, wrote from wife any way he tries, and yet ho
tance Gray Wolf stumbled and fell. bringing a low whine from his throat.
And each time th a t she fell Kazan
“You’re not sorry—we’re going?" hnd spent her nights alone out In the London to a friend ut home nnd naked lives only for her."
"T h e n let him try dying for har.”—
forest, waiting and calling for Knznn. for some. He got no answer. When
learned a little more of the limitations Jo a n shook her head.
of blindness. Once he sprang off In
Ills hunger a t last drove him to Inves­
No,” she replied. “Only I’ve— al
pursuit of a rabbit, hut he had not [ Wnys lived here— In the forests—nnd uneasy when he wns uway from her tigate, he found th a t the censor had
It takes stren gth and courage to nurse
taken tw enty leaps when he stopped they’re__home!”
refused to pass his letter because of
E very woman should
nnd looked hack. Gray Wolf had not ; T he point wIth )ts whIte
In her blindness Gray Wolf could the belligerent sound of the word the wounded.
m ake h erself fit for w ar’s call nt hom e
moved an inch.
sand, wns behind them now. And Kn-
or nbrond.
H ealth nnd strength are
All th a t day they remained In the - zan was standing rigid, facing It. The gradually a new code of understanding
w ithin the reneh of every woman. T hey
nre brought to you by Dr. I’lerce’s Fnv-
thicket. In the afternoon he visited mnn called to him, und Jonn lifted her grew up between them, anil through
Very Puzzling.
orlte Prescription. Tnke th is m edicine,
the cahln. Joan nnd her husband were ||on<l. She, too, snw the point, and her blindness they learned mnny
Eddie who hnd alw ays attended a nnd there'n a safe nnd certain rem edy
there, and both saw a t once K nzan’s suddenly the bablche leash slipped things th a t they hud not known be­ B aptist Sunday school, wns taken on
for the chronic w eakness, derange­
torn side nnd his lacerated head and from her fingers, nnd a strange light fore. Hy early sum m er Orny Wolf n visit to Sundny school nt n Metho­ m ents, and d isea ses peculiar to the sex.
leaped Into her blue eyes ns she snw
dist church. “Mamma, how Is that?" It w ill build up, strengthen, and in v ig ­
“P re tty near a finish fight for him,” w hat stood a t the end of th a t white tip move too swiftly. She ran nt his flnnk, he said. “I thought you snld this orate every "run-dow n" or delicate w o­
man. It regu lates and a ss is ts the n a t­
said the man, a fte r he had examined of sand. It wns Gray Wolf. H er blind with her shoulder or muzzle touching wns a Mefodlst Sunday school,”
ural functions.
him. “ It was either a lynx or n bear. eyes were turned tow ard Knznn. At him, and Kaznn learned not to leap,
“ So It Is, my dear.”
requires a special tonic and nervine.
A nother wolf could not do that.”
last Gray Wolf, the faithful, under­
“Well, but, mnmrna, the lesson waa
A t som e period In her life, a woman
F o r half an hour Jonn worked over stood. Scent told her w hat her eyes he must choose the easiest tra ils for nil about John the H a p t l i t ”—Chrla-
If you're a tired or afflicted womnn,
turn to "F avorite P rescription,” you will
¡him, talking to him all the time, and could not see. Knznn nnd the man-smell Gray Wolf’s feet. When they cam e to tlnn Herald.
find It never falls to benefit. Hold In
►fondling him with her soft hands. She were together. And they were going— a space to be bridged by n leap, he
tablet or liquid form. Send Dr. Pierce,
Pres. Invalids’ H otel and Surgical In sti­
would muzzle Gray Wolf and whine,
bathed his wounds In wnrm water, and going—going—
No Escape.
tute, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg.
then covered them with n healing salve,
nnd she would sta nd with ears a le rt—
“Look I” whispered Joan.
C raw ford—You
mnst have felt
will escape m any Ills and clear up
and K azan was filled again with that
T he man turned. Gray Wolf’s fore­ listening. Then K azan would ta k e the pleased when the family next door the You coated
tongue, the sallow com plex-
old restful desire to remain with her feet were in the water. And now, as leap, and she understood the distance with the phonograph moved out.
tlon, the dull headache, the lazy liver. If
you will take a la x a tiv e made up of the
always, and never to go back into the the canoe drifted fa r th e r and fa rth e r she had to cover. She a lw nyi over­
C rabahaw —I waa, a t first; hut the
ay-apple, leaves of aloes, root of Jalap,
forests. F o r an hour she let him lie away, she settled back on her haunches, leaped, which waa a good fault.
people who moved lu play the ukulele. and called " P I ------- t “ P e “ llets.”
C o p y rig h t
Bobb*-M«rTÌll C a .