NOTKH A N D PERSONALS Wrn. ICngels of Kennewick, Wash., visited the first of the Mrs. W. P. Scheetz visited week in the VV. II. Greer home. friends in Portland Saturday. Ed and Albert Ah'gren of this Three nigs an»l a milch row for city Bill Kapp I and living B-iil- Quality, Style, Fit and Lasting Satisfaction gale. Price« right. Phone Main cy of Itavid’s Hill and Al Ihlley of Gales Creek left Snnday morn­ 0354. 1 * The long-standing dependability o f this c»>ncern is Mrs. Walter Baldwin and child­ ing for a week’s frihing on the back o f everything you buy for m«-n and Isiys wear ren vented relatives at Kelso, Wilson river. m 0 . . n , | . Morrison at Fourth and Two Stores in Portland m Third Ktrret. Wash , during the week. As will be seen by a notice on George (» . Hancock, real es­ anotheppage, th • well known law S & H STAMPS tate, farm loans and lire insur­ firm of Hollis & Graham ha- been given with all pur­ chases. T h e s e are dissolved, but withou* anger, as ance, new Anderson block. 50 "The Kupprnhi'lmrr ».I S KUHN, good for cash dis­ both gentlemen will remain under If ou «r in Portland.*’ President. Henry Wahl, living near this the same roof counts. V. G. Ex., 1I-IA-I7 city, and Rose Maitland of (¡a - The starch factory at Beaver­ ton were united in marriage at such special or additional tax, n»»t to clared the first lien upon said real Another Stamp Tax ton is now buying cull potatoes at Vancouver one day last week. exceed ten mills on the dollar, on all property; and that such decree, order 50c per 100 (rounds, with a por Aft*-r I )>■<• 1 if you send a par­ taxable real and iiersonal property, in said real premises and the whole there­ For men’s shoes that tit well lion of the sale price of the starch road district, as a majority of such of sold in the manner prescribed by law and wear long, talk to John An­ added to the price of the spuds ed post package on which the said resident tax payers of si-id road dis­ and that all the right, title, interest, derson. H e especially recom­ Six hundred ton* are desired ai pfjstage is 25c you mu t ; ffix and tricts shall deem advisable for the pur­ estate, and demand which any of the mends the William Marvin shoe. cancel (with your initial- an»l date) pose of raising money with which to defendants may have in or to said once. defray the expense of such special premises or any part thereof, be for­ The new Round Oak combina­ L. Purcell, who was badly a one cent revenue stamp; if th improvement or improvements in said ever barred and forcloeed; that such tion tange hums gas, wood and bruised and shaken up a week p o t age is between 20 an»l 50c, Road Districts Nos. 2»), 24. 29, 56 and decree provide that the real premises be sold in order to satisfy the demands coal. It must he seen to he ap­ ago Sunday when an auto struck put on a two-ceut stamp. No tax 58, Washington County, Oregon. Dated this 3rd day of November, of the plaintiff as the court may find preciated. See it at the Gordon the bicycle on which he was rid­ on packages taking le-s than 25c. 1917. due and as above prayed for; that if Hardware store. * D. B. R E A S O N E R , said premises do not sell for a sum suf- ing, was around town again the P»>-tage s'a m p s are not revenue 44-2t County Judge. ficent to pay the demand of the plain­ Win. VanAntwerp report* Ha- first of th«* week, lb* is a veteran., stamps. Get the r»-venue stamps. tiff then that plaintiff have a deficiency sale of twenty acres belonging to of the civil war, even if he doesn’t SUM M ONS judgment against the defendant, W . T. Notice of Dissolution Chus. ('range of Cornelius gi look old enough, and made a In the Circuit Court of the State of Simmons, for such deficiency; that any person party to this suit or other­ Frank Cleveland, late of the quick recovery from his accident, j Notice is her» by given that the Oregon, for Washington County. wise may become the purchaser of said Thatcher district Hill boro’s Commercial club has undt rsigni-d have dissolved their B. A. Kliks, plaintiff, premises at such sale and that such partnership heretofore » xis'ing. vs. The loc;*t Odd Fellows will have gone (rut of existence and a few of purchaser be let into the immediate work in ihe initiatory degree next the old members and gome new Mr. Holli- will continue abstract­ W. T. Simmons, George Mather and possession of such premises by the LaVerna Mather, his wife; Harriet sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon, Monday night and all members ones have started a new organiza ing an»l law practice. M r. Gra­ M. Levinger; Sarah Williams; G. L. and for such other and further relief as are urged to attend, even if they ! tion, to be kn iwtia- the Hiil boro ham will continue in the practice Linds ley, administrator of the estate to the court may seem meet and proper of law. Each par'y will conduct do not take part in the ceremony. Carnation club, the name being i of Magnus Block, deceased,.defend­ in the premises. separate bu-imss. We will con­ ants. This summons is published by virtue Joe A. Wiles would like to selected as a compliment to i h* tinue to »(flic * in the same quar­ To Sarah Williams, one of the above of an order bearing date October 15, milk condenser ai the county write your insurance. Will give ters, where all will r- eive c»>urte- named defendants: 1917, made by the above-entitled court you service that will he to your | seat. The new club will pay the ; ou* treatment. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E OF and the Hon. G. R. Bagley, judge debts of the »rid and take what i advantage. West side Main St,, thereof, and which order directed that OREGON: W H. H O LLIS, p operty the te Special Road Tax in M. B. B U M P , duly recorded map or plat thereof, now many counties in the sta'e have for the (rig dropp d out the h ot-; Residence Residence Hillsboro Districts Nos. 20, 24, 29, of record in the office of the recorder Forest Grove. been slow in sending in their share tom and again iun away. What ; of conveyances in Washington County. 56 and 58 Phone 444 Offices -H IL L S B O R O John said dare not be publi-lnd! of the Red Cross funds. If any Oregon, and as particularly described Notice is hereby given that a meet­ body in Washington county is in 1 in this highly moral journal, but j ing of the resident tax payers of Road I in deed from Paul Reimers and wife to N . HOFFM AN arrears, they will please dig up. , he is taking extra precautions that Districts Nos. 20, 24, 20, 56 and 58, I Magnus Block, and wife, recorded in Vol. 91 page 36, records of deeds of | piggy doesn’t escape again. Washington County, Oregon, is hereby so that this county can look Port and will be held at the follow- i said Washington County, Oregon, to­ Attorney A t Law Mr. and Mrs. E. I ) Stout last i called, land in the face and tell her to ing places in said Road Districts in gether with the tenements, heredita­ '.Saturday attended the funeral of Washington County, Oregon, on the ments. and appurtenances thereunto Patent Office Business Solicited look to her own collections. belonging or in anywise' appertaining. Lm J. Gray of Orenco, who the former’s grandmother, Mrs. 24th day of November, 1017, to-wit: - Oregon >e foreclosed and said mortgage be de­ Forest Grove, Dist. No. 20, Union Hall, 1 1*. M. failed to appear when called for Jess.c M. Blakesley, who passed Dist. No. 24, Hill Schoolhouse, 7 military service, has been in (he away ai Emanuel hospital, Port­ P. M. county jail for several days, hav land, on N ov. 8th aged 71 years, Dist. No. 29, Thatcher Schoolhouse, ing surrendered to the sheriff on leaving four daughters and a num­ 1 P. M. Dist. No. 56, Kunsas City School- N ov. 2d. Gray claims he was ber of grandchildren. The mother working at Hood River and did of deceased was the first while house, 1 P. M. Dist. No. 58, At Residence o f P. L. not receive notice to appear for woman born in Oregon City, so j LaFollett, 1 P. M. examination. An opportunity to Mrs. Blakesley may well be con­ to discuss the advisability of levying a Fruits and Vegetables in Season sidered among the pionetrs ol show the truth of his claims will special or additional road tax in said Oregon. districts Nos. 20. 24. 29, 56 and 58, be given him. Tiiat the late Louis P. Kerman, Washington County, Oregon, to deter­ Peter Blazin of Spring Hill, who mine what, if any, County Roads or P H O N E 701 was painfully injured by a South­ who died Sunday, was a lover of portions thereof in said road districts ern Pacific switch engine on June dom!) animals is shown by hi- shall be improved, in any special man­ South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore 15th, this year, when the engine will, which was filed Thursday. It ner, and the character and extent of struck and demolished his buggy bequeaths to Fred Rufner tools, such improvement or improvements they shall make thereon, and to levy on South A street, last week household furniture and $50 in cash and then »lirects that real brought --uit in the circuit court I H A V EN T S E E N GENUINE of Portland against the said rail­ and personal property be sold and N O ! ALL W E G RA V ELY T O B A C C O road company for $20,000 dam­ after just debts are paid and a COULD GET monument erected over his grave AROUND HERE IN Y E A R S ages. w a s o r d in a r y ! the residue lie deposited in a hank CELEBRATED The Hillsboro Masonic lodge IP L U G Saturday night conferred two de­ and be known as the Kerman en C h e w in g Plu£ grees on Wade Kdlin, the candi­ dowment for the protection of do­ BEFORE THE INVENTION dates father, S C. Killin. taking mestic animals in Washington OF OUR PATENT AIR-PROOF POUCH county. A trustee is to be ap­ the leading part in the ceremony. GRAVELY PLUG TOBACCO MADE STRICTLY FOR ITS CHEWING QUALITY A special dispensation was oh - 1 pointed by the county judge and WOULD NOT KEEP FRESH IN THIS SECTION. tained to permit the conferring of the income devoted to detecting NOW THE PATENT POUCH K E E P S IT violations and enforcing laws for two degrees in one night. Wade FRESH AND C LE A N AND G O O D the protection of domestic ani­ Killin’s regiment (the 14th U. S A LITTLE CHEW OF GRAVELY IS E N O U G H AND LA S TS LO N G E R T H A N A BIG C H E W infantry) is under orders to move, mals. The will was made Oct. 8, OF O R D IN A R Y P L U p . hence the desire to hurry up the 1 i) 17, and E. Land David Kuratli 'J?J3.9rnvc1yJit\icccCe. D axvuc .V*. “ u f W * 0 are naimd executors— Hillsboro conferring of degrees. Independent. Vincent Sweeney, who at one R E A L C H E W IN G P L U G time owned the farm now owned B IL L Y P O S T E R 'S B IL L by N i c k Rothman, up Gales BOARDS TELL Y O U Creek, but who left this section A B O U T IT j --------------- can be secured from us for Fall or nineteen years ago and is now Spring planting. Large Prune Trees . •• ((I « .,///*•««**. living at Grants Pass, visited ;he are very scarce this year on account of John Fletcher family and other the late spring and dry summer, there­ old friends last Friday. He went fore to insure getting the best trees money can buy do not fail to write us to the old farm, viewed familiar before buying s m a l l trees elsewhere. scenes and some that were en­ Iluy early and save money. tirely new to him, includ­ ing the new railroad that is being OREGON N U R SE R Y CO., built through that territory. I Orenco, Ore. % LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats J H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries G R AVELY’« Large Prune Trees