t ri/- , IsJ Jk (1 Jy4 ■( Qdr (Ì a . i-A -U íl¿ K --t u-w Every Ticket sold for “ The Stars and Stripes in France"' Means Xmas Cheer for a U. S. Soldier forest (frotte ILxjnTsa A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Voi. 2 PURSES OPEN TO Y. M. C. A. FOREST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y. NOV. 15. 1917 No. 45 ters carried words of praise for the A son was born Tuesday to F m n ln V P C tn Y. M . C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maitland of ^ V C illip iU jc o U l W. I). Wheelwright of Port­ land, an orator of considerable J ° The home of Joseph Kemper of ability, declared that it was a The r< gular monthly business Verboort was gladdened yesterday With all members present, the Thu citizens of Western Wash­ question and a grave one as to meeting of the Woman’s club was ^y the arrival of a new son. city council last Tuesday evening “ Get next" to our overcoats. ington county, including Forest whether or not Teutonic "kultur” held at Langley hall Monday af­ gave first reading to the resolution . . . hould dominate the world and They are warm ones. A. G. ( , ■rove, are again doing themselves crush ()Ut (j,.mocra(.y . Mu(.h ternoon, with a good attendance Hoffman & Co. providing for increases in the pay I'roud in their response to the ap- pended on the American soldiers 1 and an unusually interesting pro­ MLs M k , Mary VanKouyhnet b a t ' h’ peal of the American and allied and they could not do effective gram. Three new members were , l local r , ai htt niit,] from those effected being Street Com­ the ho pital, recovering from missioner Watkins, who is to re- armies to give the Army Y. M. service unless the people at home ad mitted. Mrs. Jennie Kemp of Portland, an °Pe,aUon performer Sunday. ceive $85 per month; S. G. Mor- with amrnuni-; hacked them up ( ’. A . $.'15,000,000 to make more 1 he member.s of the C R. Lash- gan, chief engineer at power plant lion, food and comfort. The a former pre.^idint of the W. C. comfortable the lives of the en­ Army ‘ Y ” was in his opinion, a T U , and a member of Mr. am family are preparing to move $ 9 5 ; two assistants, $85 each; listed men in American training very important organization and Hoover’; food conservation army, to Tacoma next week and last Frank Baer, teamster, $75. This . camps and European battlefronts. was doing a glorious work in giv­ made a fine address on ' sweeping Thursday evening forty of Miss t resolution will be voted on at the The drive in this section started ing the American hoys a place to the platter clean,” giving the local Esther’s high school mates in- December meeting and if it car- eongrt gate, read, write and enjoy conservers'in the club some grxwi vaded the Lasharn home, fortified rjes> as seems likely, the increase Monday morning and the mini­ a few hour- amid clean, whole- pointers and taking hack to Port- W1,h plenty of eats, and spent applies to November salaries, mum quota of $1 500 is nearly some, peaceful sur oundings. lie land with her, according to yes- several hours very pleasantly at Bills amounting to $2,694.00 reached With a proper response a d v ise d giving liberally to the terday’s Oregonian, some equally music, games and dancing, follow- were allowed and the finance com­ by the few who have not yet con­ Army *'Y ” fund, so liberally that helpful hints which she is passing ed by a nice lunch. The young mittee was instructed to borrow people were chaperoned by Mr. money at the hanks to meet the tributed, Forest Grove’s share will the giver could fed the " h u r t ” of on to other clubs. his gift. Such hurts ought to be The club has adopted the fol- Paul Schultz and four of difference between the bills and be in by tomorrow night. ‘" f *1 . ,K teacher-. Following are the teams work­ a comfort to those who were not lowing themes for Mr>. Richard- the sum of $1,251 00 on hand. ing in this city: suffering physical pain on the bat son’s conservation committee, to n j si n 1 Treasurer Sparks recommended Team l- T. E. Isaacs, Cap­ tlefields, as are thousands of our be discussed and demonstrated I l 6 (l LFOSS O H M C ri 10 taking up three street improve­ the first Monda>’s in each month, n • m • a ni tain; H. E. Inlow, C. L. Moc oft, best boys and men. ment bonds and a warrant, total­ E I). West, R M. Stevens, W. Sevi rul hundred people heard ling better than $ 2 , 0 0 0 and the December, “ Complete Use o f/ v a il-; ------------- C. Renfer. the addresses and dozens of them council so ordered. A warrant | The program is practically com- ordered drawn for S. Team 2 J. M. Barber, Cap asked questions of M ajor Ken- «ble M aterials." Rates, ning as to various phases of the January, " U s e of C ereals." píete for the patriotic picture show A. Walker to pay damages done tain; H. R. Johnson, H. world-war, receiving courteous February. ' Meal Planning and Ac- an(j coacert be given at the his property when the sewer was W. J. R. Reach. count K eeping." 1 *. Dyke. Captain ¡¡answers to all their questions. Team 3 W. Star Theater next Wednesday and run through the Walker straw­ March, "H om e Managing.” berry bed. A. G. Hoffman, P. L. Schultz, M ; Next week the Express will pub- Thursday evenings for the pur­ April, "L a b o r S av e r»." M. Good, E. E. I lish the names of contributors. R. Johnson, C. Street committee reported that . May, "Conservation of Animal Pro­ pose of raising funds to purchase . Williams Christmas packages for the Amer- rocJ i t° r the improvment of Sev- ducts." An , Old Soldier Called ican boys in France. The show is en.l h street was hard to get and it „ , Team 4 Dr C. E. Hawke,, June, "Canning, Drying and Preserv­ W . II. Luster passed away at given under the auspices of the mif?ht be necessary to plank the Captain; M. J Fenenga J I* ing Fruits." local Red Cross Military Relief road and stop work until spring, Hurley, C. A. Littlcr Dr J S'I his home, near Strassel, on Sun- July, "Canning and Drying Vege­ day and the remains were interred committee and some of the lead- resolution authorizing the Bishop, Dr O Tucker.' u l , i' in Forest View cemetery at 111 tables." ing musicians of the county are to street commissioner to build a Team 5 Manch.' August, “ Textiles.” y; C a p .,oVlock last Tuesday morning, af i take part ’ cement walk just south of the S- tain; Mrs. E September, "Conservation of b. Rurlingham,' ,r • the home of Mrs. Mrs. J. W. After considerable effort, the °.n ¡,he W irtz Property, ,, . M Mrs' A * B- A .B . Todd, Rev. B. F Clay of j H ealth." r C/aples, Mrs. W Goff . 1 the H i||sboro Christian church of- All hou-ewives are invited to famous film of the European war, ' * *jr e |"Un