The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 08, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 8, 1917
l- A n ie r lc iu troopa la France unUnnllnK machine »runs, which they are now manning In the first Hue
l. cliches; the mules urc to liuiil the guna to the front. 2— Col. Dan T. Moore of the field artillery who, when
>i aide to President Itoosevelt, blinded the colonel In one eye In a Itoxlng match. 3— Count (Jeorge von Hert-
ug, Bavarian premier, who I iiim tx‘en appointed Uertnan Imperial chancellor. 4— Night photograph of nn Austral-
n »lege tmttery In operation.
Mrs A. A. Hall is convalescing
l ■ i 'in at attack of the grip.
Mrs Ottice Shearer is slight’y
ic proved, but is still very sick.
Mrs. Mary Porter is coitfined
to her home with rheumatism.
Mrs. W. W. Goff. Mrs. Hinman
and Mrs. Caples have an attrac­
tive window full of Red Cross
supplies at the Goff hardware
Cornelius T. Richardfon, C D.
Miller, Loren Watkins and Johnny
Wirtz departed by team Tuesday
morning for the Wilson river, to
lay in their winter’s supply of
Woman’s Club
Thp regular business meeting of
the Woman’s club will be held at
Langley hall next Monday after­
noon at 3 o ’clock. The executive
board will meet at 2:30. A. G.
Whitehouse, Secretary.
Cook With Coal
Arthur Shearer is again on duty
The Forest Grove Planing M ill
at his store, after being confined to
has laid in a supply of good fuel
li s home with trouble with his
Sanford L. Wilcox, aged 27 coal and is prepared to supply
jaw, a f t e r having had some
wi dom teeth pulled.
years, passed away at the home consumers at a reasonable price.
Order by telephone No. 0232.
A regular meeting of the W. C. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T . U. will be held with Miss Jen- Ixmis Wilcox, in Scoggin’s Valley
You can get the Portland Ore­
ni • Armstrong, Friday. Nov. 9th, last Sunday, tuberculo is being
six days a week, by mail,
at 2:30 p. m. Topical program; the cause of dissolution. Funeral
and the Forest Grove Express,
report of annual state convention.
Vale church at 10:30 a. m. Tues­ for only $6.00 per year, if paid in
K. B. Pen field.
day, Rev. J. R. Welch and Rev. advance. For Oregonian seven
W. J. R. Beach of this city last Hatch officiating
Interment was days a week, add $2.00.
S .I unlay went to Portland and in the Hill cemetery.
W’ illiam Peterson of Roseburg
attended the funeral of A. E.
Rev. Ralph L. Putnam, Wilbur visited at the J. S. Buxton home
Porthwick, late department com­
pander of Oregon, G. A . R . De- Louis Thomas, Walter S. Wills I
--- --------- ;---
Ci ased served one enlistment in and Everett E. Burnworth are
Budget Meeting
t! e fourth New York artillery and this city’s contribution to a quota
There will be a meeting of the
• nother in the second New York of twenty-four registered men to
legal voters of school district No.
cavalry and was three time3 be called to Hillsboro tomorrow
15 at the Central building, Forest
wounded. He was 72 years of for examination for militery duty.
on Saturday, Nov. 17, at
age and leaves a wife and one son. Four or five of the men called
to vole on the question
S rvices were by the G. A R. and will be selected to fill places made
1 of levying a district tax.
t'.e remains were interred in the vacant by rejections in Washing­
G. A. R. cemetery.
ton county’s quota.
Dr. Lowe, Friday.