('has F. Miller of Portland vis­ ited his family in this city over Sunday. Chevrolet “4 9 0’’ Cheapest A lu m in u m T w o-q u art equipped c a r In the world.1 Touring $715; roadster $700. S a u c e p a n a n d C o v er R egular Brice $1.35 Mrs. Clark of Portland visited T o Y ou r H om e M erch an t with the Ijishum family in this city Tuesday and Wednesday of It is true your patronage has brought profit to him; it ia just last week. as true that his investment and services in your community Rev. Father Buck expects to have brought profits to you. if you are a land-owner, ami great ONLY leave time today for his new convenience to all. You deserve his best service and he de­ charge some at Salem. The priest for serves your best patronage. “ Buy it at home." J this parish has not yet been an­ nounced. Rev. A. B. Patten of the local N IM B I* Safe Deposit Congregational A Strong: Bank church was yes­ ' F I D I II A L R I S E R V I Boxes for Bent terday elec ted assistant moderator in a Good Town SYSTEM coupon prnMIilail on at the sixty-ninth annual confer­ NOV- ence. held in Portland. 1917 Mrs. Claude Smith yesterday Mr-. ( has. Mlinkers visited entertained the Altar society of CONDENSED NEWS NOTES friends in Portland last week. St. Anthony church In keeping The second Libert v Loan has 'with the spirit of conservation, Dr. Lowe. Friday. Chevrolet—The product of Ex­ been oversubscribed a billion and this **'tety has eras, d to serve re­ a half dollars. Tell the Kaiser. freshments at its meetings. perience. Mesdames John Anderson. S. Mrs Lowery and two children Money to loan—Valley Realty Ridgley, J T. But er and Nora of Portland visited at the C. R Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf “ Wcar-Ever" utensils are made from only the best metal. McNamer were in Hillsboro Fri Lasham home in this city last A new line of fine box station­ week. Again ami again the hard sheet passes through enormous roll­ day to attend a meeting of the ery just placed on display at ing mills and is pounded hy heavy stamping machines. Relief Corps, Mrs. Anderson be- Mesdames Dunlap and Chal­ mg present as inspector for this Littler’s Pharmacy. Aluminum utensils nro NOT "all the same." Look for mers yesterday entertained the district. This is the season when sweaters M. the " W earE vcr’’ trade mark on tho bottom of every utensil. E. Aid society at the parson- are a comfort. John Anderson Refuse Substitutes! A fine assortment of leather has a fine line at reasonable a^e goods - music r o lls , hand liags. Paul Abraham, stationed a ‘ co ............. prices. 1 ir boxes, purses, tourists* R ep la ce u ten sils that w e a r o u t J. F. Forbis has donated to the \ ancouver with the military on- writing cases and dressing ca*es— w ith uten sils th at “W e a r-E v e r” Commercial club display for the 8*neer' ’ visited fnem.s in this city just received at the Hook Store Land Products show three kinds ^a ur( ' ; Do y o u r Christmas shopping of “ English” walnuts and two Jesse Sage and sisters. Misses now. Clip the Coupon kinds of filberts. The nuts are Clara and Alma, returned Tues Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Edwin G et your Saucepan A1 quality and should score a few day from Summit to spend th e , Swanton entertained their young points for the exhibit winter here. friends with a Hallowe’en party on Tuesday evening. The child-1 ren bobbed for apples and had their fortunes told Ice cream ,1 cake and cookies were served. F orest G rove , The members of Forest Chap­ ter No 42, Order of Easttrn St »r, have accepted an invitation to visit Martha Washington Chap ter, at Portland, on Monday, out Helen N t* w m a n ; Prayer Nov. 26th, and if there are enough Meeting -Edith I«tmb; Mission­ members to justify the expense a ary—Alta Soule; Social Dulciría -pedal tiain w ill be secured. I Brown; Music Mildred Scobee; Those who exj>ect to go should I Flower Mildred Seymour; Pub- notify Mrs D nnevilie. The twelfth Annual Western .... , , , , , , . ilicity—-O. L. Hutchens; War Ser- Oregon Older Buys Conference is vlcv_ ] j j Simpson. C ongregational Church N O V E M B E R 9 th to 1 9 th scheduled for Eugene on Novem­ Mr. P a tte n will preach S unday morn- ber 30th, December 1st and 2nd, A ttention, Rifle ( lui) l ing on “ T houghts o f God in Tim e of The new indoor target range in i W a r.” The te x t is p arap h rased in the under the direction of the Inter- refrain . “ His eye is on th e sparrow , j state Executive Committee Young Verts Hall has been compieteci Men’s Christian Association of and all members of the club should la n d I know He w atches m e .” Oregon and Idaho. take advantage of the chance to A t 7:30 p. m. the th em e will I n ?, j Be j "T h e Choice Young W om an: H er S tyle , The Conference is being put on improve their marksmanship and H er S o u l.“ A young p eo p le's or- j a War-basis, taking as its theme, sun* to bring 22 short rilles if you "The Challange of War.” Other can on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 j c h e stra will gladden this service. state organizations have felt the Ammunition fu nished. REV. A. B. PATTEN. «real m*d ui such a con:.Tine* „ j , „ (| C hristian Church and are hrowirig their influence , . I here will be a meeting of the Unified services, 9:45-11:30 a. m. most heartily in the promotion | P ro g ram Bible school, processional, plans. The Boys' Working Re- l"K;‘l voters of school district No. at the Central building, Forest ch ild ren ’s serm on, serm on. The m es­ serve. U. S A . under the leader- sage will be delivered by P resid en t It. ship of J. E. Brock way, state di Grove, on Saturday, Nov. 17, at I F. < lark of Pacific U n iv ersity , who rector; the State Sunday School 2 P **»•, vote on the question will p resen t the Arm 7 Y M. C. A. association, through Mr s . M. A. of levying a district tax. work. Tom e and h ear him . Song service and serm on a t 7:30 p. m. Danenhower, acting general sec- S u b ject, “ C hrist m the Pentateuch.” retary, are all co-operating mag Everybody welcome. j nlficently, with the Interstate Y R. L. PU TN A M . M inister. M. C. A. committee to bring to­ gether at Eugene on November Notice of District Road Meetings 30th the strongest group of high school boy leaders I hat has ever to Vote Special Road Tax in gathered in Oregon. The power­ Cars and Repairs Districts Nos. 20, 21, 29, ful influence of these b o y s , re­ 56 and 58 turning to their hom-s after the Our Specialty Notice is hereby given th a t a m e e t­ Conference should be felt for ing o f the resident tax p ayers o f Road D istricts Nos. 2D. 24, 29. 56 anil 58. months We have the exclusive sell­ W ashington County, O regon, is hereby Install Officers called, and will be held a t th e follow ­ ing rights for genuine Ford ing places in said Road D istricts in The Christian and Congrega­ parts. No other as good. W ashington County, O regon, on the tional Christian Endeavor so­ 24th day of Novem ber, 1917, to-w it: cieties, believing they could do a Dist. No. 20, Union Hall, I P. M. W e W a n t to Come in and g**t our prices Dist. No. 24, Hill School house, 7 greater work as one s o c i e t y , have P. M. before you have that joined forces and are working as a D r iv e H o m e Dist. No. 29, T h atch er Schoolhouse, united society. 1 P. M. the fact that, although Shoes R epair W ork Done They held their first installation Dint. No. 50, K ansas C ity School- houHe.l P. M. have advanced nearly 60 per of officers Sunday evening, when Dist. No. 58, A t R esidence o f P. L. the following officers were in­ cent, we have a large stock on LaK ollett, 1 P. M. stalled; hand and the advance will in no S to u t A u to C o. to discuss the advisability o f levying a Ha*ry Rornig, president; Sadie special or additii,rial road tax in said way interfere with our giving K. of F. Building d istricts Nos. 20, 24, 29, 56 and 5K, McCoy and June Walker, vice you a price much lower than any W ashington County, O regon, to d e te r- j presidents; Moreta Howard, treas- Phone, Main 426 other house in Washington coun­ mme w hat, if any, C ounty Roads o r urer; Alice Bollinger, secretary, portions thereof in said road d istrict« , ty. We have ALL THE MONEY shall be . improved, in any special m an- ' A ia irm c n Of Committees? l>>ok*| "J ner, and trie c h aracter and e x te n t of w e n e e d and do not care a rap mi provem ent or im provem ent« such im for big profits—just a reasonable the •y shall «hall make thereon, end to levy H ue h special tir additional ta x , not to amount to pay overhead expens­ exceed I ten mills on the dollar, on all es and cash down when you buy, taxable real and personal p ro p erty , In 1 said road district, as a m ajo rity o f auch ! and you will feel better and soon resilient tax payer« of «aid road dis- forget the price. Come to the trie ts shall deem advisable fo r th e p u r­ T his space ia reserved for i“ W e a r -E v e r ” B e L oyal " I lM .r u ! M Goff Bros. L a d ie s ’ “Classic” Coats Older School Boys to Meet At Eugene will be shown in our store We will have a large assortment of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats on above date. We urge you to come in and look them over. Every Coat in this season’s style, color and fabric. If you have not bought yo u r coat, now is the time; we can save you dollars. Bring the kiddies with you. C. E . R o y & FOREST GROVE SH O E STO R E C. V. B. Russell. «111*1 w r m u i l H I I ,') * ) I f , III. J ,, ' . F ord C o. pose of raising m oney w ith which to defray the expense o f auch special im provem ent or im provem ent« in said Road D istricts Nos. 20, 24 , 29, 50 and 58, W ashington County, O regon. Dated this 3rd day o f N ovem ber, 1917. I». B. R K A SO N ER. 44-2t C ounty Judge. Schultz Bure Food S tore. Rhone 061.