NOTES AM) PERSONALS Chevrolet The car that makes Oregon roads level. F. S Whitehou-e and family HtUl’Il*. motored to Portland Saturday. Sis* (hut now dollar fountain Margaret McFeeters visited Quality, Style, Fit and Lasting Satisfaction pen at VunKoughnvt & Reiler’a. with friends in Portland over Sun­ The long-standing dependability of this concern is The Carnation company in now day. back of everything you buy for men and boys wear paying $2.90 per hundred for I)r. and Mrs H. R. Kauffman Two Stores in Portland m Third Ktreet. milk. were visiting over Sunday with S & H STA M PS Paul Heck of Dllley had im­ the doctor’s brother at American given with all pur­ portant business i n Portland lake. chases. T h e s e are good for cash dis­ Monday. Chevrolet Cars are “all-round” counts. M s. Jno. Huchannn and daugh­ good cars they are mechanically ter, Harhara, were Portland visit­ sound, and they answer every de­ the first lien upon said real automobile ran over a five foot dared or« Saturday. property; and that such decree, order mand of the owner. bank and upset, trapping all the said real premises and the whole there­ Aden Keen of this city has been C. R Dasham, who has be* n of sold in the manner prescribed by law passengers under the car. They and that all the right, title, interest, calk'd to do jury duty in the II employed at American Eake as a . ,, ~ ... .. _ n ^ managed to extricate themselves estate, and demand which any of the Nov.7.-—Bet- . and . call the ambulance S rvice . defendants S. court at Portland. plumber, visited with his family () A. . ( . . Corvallis, may have in or to said . . . premises or any part thereof, be for­ ter bodies for all young men and Saturday and Sunday Charles Strong, who is attend­ ever barred and forclosed; that such physical fitne-s for the strain of ornPany* provide that the real premises ing O. A. C., was calling on fi i< nds John Bellinger, Jr., who has military hardships and the big in- High-grade guaranteed h o t decree be sold in order to satisfy the demands in the (¡rove Saturday. been working at Astoria for some ter-collegiate gam' «, are the aims water bottles at reasonable prices of the plaintiff as the court may find for; that if due and as above prayed for Chevrolet The ear that one time, was visiting his pari nt>, of the athletics required of stud- at Littler’s Pharmacy, said premises do not sell for a sum suf- Mr. arid Mrs. John Bellinger, a can enjoy a trip in to Portland ficent to pay the demand of the plain­ rntfl fn*n* tiff then that plaintiff have a deficiency few days la t wei k. and return, on high gear. judgment against the defendant. W. T. T he b.g and over developed ,n the C|rcuit Court of the state of for such deficiency; that any Ceorge (¡. llanciH-k. real es­ J S. Thomp on, Walter Ros- huskies that need no “building" Oregon, for Washington County, Simmons, fierson party to this suit or other­ ta te , farm loans and lire insur­ wurm, W R. Chalmers and John are no longer grabbed up on their B. A. Kliks. plaintitf, wise may become the purchaser of said ance, new Anderson block. 50 Allen are Forest Grove’s contri­ first appearance on the campus premises at such sale and that such V M - purchaser be let into the immediate Miss Mary (¡reer airived last bution to the circuit court jury and given the “too-much" treat- W W. T T- Simmons. George M ather and possession of such premises by the Mather, his wife; Harriet Satuiday from Bend, Ore., for a summoned last w»-ek by Sheriff rm-nt necessary to ‘ win the game.” LaVerna of Washington County. Oregon, M. I.evinger; Sarah Williams; G. I.. sheriff for such other and further relief as visit with her brother, Wm. II. Applegate. Lindsley, adm inistrator of the estate and to the court may seem meet and proper Instead every man is given a of Magnus Block, deceased, defend­ Greer. in the premises. Miss Helen McE'd »wney ent*-r- special examination to find out ants. summons is published by virtue Julian Patten, son of Rev. and tained sixteen gnl friends Satur­ what he most needs and then the To Sarah Williams, one of the above of This an order bearing date October 15, defendants: Mrs. A B. Patten, is spending a day evening at the home of her kind of drill that develops it. and IN named 1917, made by the above-entitled court THK NAME OF THE STATE OF and the Hon. G. R. Bagley, iudge couple of weeks with his parents grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. a signed to play with hi. college- OREGON: and which order directed that in this city. V. B. Ru-sell, at a parly in honor male, the game he likes and need-' You are hereby required to appear thereof, this summons be published once a week for s i x successive a n d consecutive Miss Esther Fenenga, who ha-> of her sixteenth birthday anni­ If defective . . in bodily vigor he is 1and an8Wer the comP|" " t filed m *ai~ t weeks in the Forest Grove Express, a in the above entitled suit on or be- newspaper of general circulation, been seriously ill with the mumps, versary. Nice refreshments fo'- given special CO rectiv e exercises you fore the expiration of six weeks from printed and published at Forest Grove, lowed several hours at gam s. Two hun Ir. d rn-n are now taking in, which fin,t publication of summons here­ Oregon. ii much improved and expects to date of first publication is Date of first publication, October Mr. and Mrs. II R. Bernard corn C tive cxe Ciscs. be out in a few days October lSth, 1917, and you are hereby 18th, 1917. Date nf last publication, The foundation games not only required to answer on or before Fn- spent Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. (ll»*nn Payne of Nov. 22nd, 1917. , . , . . . day, November 30th, 1917; and if you CHAS. J. TAFF, Hillsboro attended the entertain­ Mrs. Eun ce Rogers, and husband, strengi hen «the body and clear th e faji so to appear or answer, the plain- disclose the tiff will apply to the above entitled Attorney for plaintiff, residing at ment given by the Eastern Stars at McMinnville a n d , because mind. but incidenta'ly . . ... for the relief demanded in plain- 41-6t. Monday would be Mr Bernard’s special athletic qualities, if any, ., court tiffs complaint, which relief brielly McMinnville, Oregon. Monday evening. birthday anniversary, Mrs. Rogers ! that each man has He is then Stated is as follows: For a judgment Vera Schiffer, who teaches in . , I, • . • and decree that plaintiff recover from him up a swell birthday din­ graduated natura"y into rhose in- the defendant, W. T. Simmons, the sum DR. H. C. FORTNER Middleton, was home last week got sports that he is .. best 26th, of $1050. with interest from January including a cake, surmounted ter-collegiate Successor to while sh attended the teachers’ ner. , , , 1917, at the rate of eight per cent DR. H. W. VOLLMER by a hundred or more little llttC 'l for, where he is in posit on per annum until paid, the aum of $150, institute at Hillsboro. to do th e b est for the school a-:d to be allowed as plaintiff’s reasonable OFFICE . . . . . . j attorney fees herein, and the coats and Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Duncan candles. to (10 it W ith th e le a -t Strain and disbursements of this suit, and that Mrs. G F. Taplin at a party In First National Bank Building and Mr. and*Mrs. C. R. Easham Friday afternoon entertained a in ju ry to him elf. T h e military that certain mortgage executed by the Telehones . . . . , defendant VN. T. Simmons, to the motored to Hillsboro Sunday and few of her friends The lad I s value of I his work IS seen in th e plaintiff, B. A. Kliks, and which is re- Residence 332 Office 333 visited friends in the hospital. succesi of . the , Fl ench in A . captur- 29S, corded July 29th, 1915, in Vol. 74, page brought their fancy work and de­ of the records of Mortgages of The Oregon I.and company re­ licious refre hments were served. Itig one of the strongest forts on Washington D. D. & M. B. BUMP Oregon, and being ports the sale of the Martin Cox The ladies entertain«d were: Mrs. 1 the western front almost without a mortgage on County, the following described Attorneys at Law . . , , real premises, to-wit: All of Tract property, corner Third avenue and Hill, Mrs. Loomis, Mrs. Ras j th , e loss of a, a. ter having pour> and Tract Nine, and the East Loans and Real Estate Third street, to Ernest T ucker. ’ musen, Mrs. Pringle, Mrs. Heath, 1 “re-hearsed” for th e exploits for half of T ract T h r e e of Chehalem . Mountain Orchards, as shown upon the M. B. BUMP, D. D. BUMP, For men's shoes that fit well Mrs. Eva Abbott, Mrs. Dinghy, many week. duly recorded map or plat thereof, now Residence Residence Hillsboro and wear long, talk to John An­ Mrs. Buchanan) Mrs. Meresse This work , is directed by * * the . de- . of of convevances re(*ord in th« ill °iHceL1jf the recorder Forest Grove. . *, W ashington County, Offices -HILLSBORO derson. He especially recom­ and Mrs. Humphrey. partment Oi I hysical Educational Oregon, and as particularly described Phone 444 mends the William Marvin shoe. Miss Fay Templeton was hos­ men, in charge of Dr. i A. i 1). in deed from Paul Reimers and wife to J N.HOFFMAN „ ’ . , • Magnus Block, and wife, recorded in The Hillsboro cannery is now tess to the Junior class of the Browne, who has succeeded in Vol. 91 page 36. records of deeds of school to p’ay- sai,i Washington County, Oregon, to- working on a contract of thirty- high -chool at her home on Hal­ getting ,, th e whole Attorney At Law . . . , . gether with the tenements, heredita- two tons of pumpkins, being put lowe'en night. The large attic ing. C c- ipe-ating With him are rnents. and appurtenances thereunto Patent Office Business Solicited or in anywise appertaining. into tins for export. Some pump­ had been converted into a verita- the departments of Health, . th- belonging - Oregon >e foreclosed and said mortgage be de- Forest Grove, kins, that. ___ ________ tablr witches’ tower. Ears of corn Mihtary, and the inter-collegiate The new Round Oak combina­ hung from the rafters, while the sports under Coach Jos. A. Pipal. tion range burns gas, wood and walls were hung with black cats Woman Injured H. T. GILTNER coal. It must be seen to be ap­ .witches and other Hallowe’en cm Mrs. Hillsboro Charles McClearv, of preciated. See it at the (Jordon blems. The time was parsed in Hillsboro, sustained a fractured Hardware store. fortune telling, games and music. leg and a cut on her forehead Sun­ Joe A. Wiles would like to Refreshments of doughnuts, cidi r il: y n gi t in an automobile acci­ Fruits and Vegetables in Season write your insurance. Will give and nuts were served. The chap­ dent on the Canyon road near you service that will be to your erones were Miss Hunkens. Miss the Portland city limits. She was advantage. West side Main St,, McDonald and Mr. Fleischmun. taken to St. Vincent’s ho pital. P H O N E 701 north of Tucker’s garage. Mrs. McCleary, her hu-band, Your Permits South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Mrs. S. E. Show returned Thurs­ On and Get after son-in-law and two others were November 15 if day from an extended visit to var­ you want to buy explosives you on their way to Portland when the ious points in Nebraska. On her must get permits from county JZL way home she visited a sister of clerks or their deputies. County DO YOU MEAN TO Mr. Show’s» at Seattle ORAVELY’ -S Clerk Kurulli Tuesday wired TELL ME THAT IS , CELEBRATED Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Me Washington the following as dep­ THE OLD GENUINE GRAVELY TOBACCO! Eldowney have decided to forgive uties and their commissions and C h e w in g Plu^> and forget and were reunited by blanks will arrive in a fi w days— Rev. J. M. Barber at the Barber E. X. Harding, Gaston: A. B home last Friday evening. Spitler, Timber; Ralph Kinton, E. I). Stout has presented his Banks; Chas IE Fry, Beaverton; wife with a handsome Ford sedan E. M. Brooks, Scholls; J. H. as a birthday present and Mrs. Schamoni, Tualatin. Stout has promised her hosts of If the Clerk finds it necessary ,PJ3 firm *i/y JT Co. D a \* uc . / a . to appoint more he will do so.— friends rides in the new car. BELIEVE BILLY Jess Caples of Portland, who Flil shorn Argus. POSTE.:?, T H A T recently purchased the A. C. N E W POUCH IS Alexander farm, west of town, A PE A C H be secured from us for Fall or was in the city Monday, arrang­ can Spring planting. Large Prune Trees ing for the plowing of the land. are very scarce this year on account of late spring and dry summer, there­ Mrs. Chester Wright, who has the fore to insure getting the best trees spent the summer here for the money can buy do not fail to write us Inlying trees elsewhere. benefit of her health, left Tue>day before t/tV I Huy early and save money, for her home at Tumalo, Oregon. She is much stronger than when OREGON NURSERY CO., Orcnco, Ore. she came here. Chevrolet Hills an* no 'oh- **Thr K lip prnhrim er I I ouhc In Portland.** b (. h < . II I Gl ft H I I f V P I « IV Athletics For All But Too Much For None Staple and Fancy Groceries B E F O R E T H E IN V E N T IO N ! O F C U R P A TE N T A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G R A V E L Y P L U G TO BACCO N A D E S T R IC T L Y F O R IT S C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y W O U LD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T IO N N O W T H E P A T E N T P O U C H K E E P S IT FR E S H ANO C LE A N AND G O C D A L IT T L E C H E W O F G R A V E L Y IS E N O v i C H A N D L A S T S L O N G E R T H A N A B IG C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G . Large Prune Trees sm all