| land's sake help nn> through ” A real prayer. The spirit « is the spirit that must inspire ev- i ery man who gets a clear vision of ■7r> what this war means Chicago i Poet NOV *'I am sorry that you do not w ear a flag every­ day and I can only ask vou if you lose the physical emblem to be sure that you w ear it i n Y o i 'R H E A R T ; the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the world. ” President Wilson. NOTES AND Farmers Organize i WE SELL Lumber Cement Q L i n r g v l ies oc oilin Roofing » W e B uy fo r C ash and Sell C -H -E -A -P : \ \ : CO M M E N T S mher Yard ! county met at the County Court hundreds pf English and French. house in Hillsboro, Saturday, Nov Does this mean that Americans 3rd, to organize a county Agri The world at war! Caucasian pale are rated that much more import­ cui ural Council And Serb and Gaul and Roman And peacock bannered Mongol stand ant than the other alius? Now Paul V. Maris, state leader of As full united foemen that Uncle Sam’s b»>v> are in the county agents, from the Oregon To crush the viper of the North tight the Huns will get to know Agricultural col ege. And all his barbarous vices; their worth. They may not be and explained the was present p|ant an(j ar,imu| disease prev- pound of beef and has no waste, Dishonor, lust. organization a|,.nf ¡n the county High quality cottage cheese should caught in a trap next time. Black lies, distrust. and duties of the council He , abo Other problems will also receive have a clean, mild acid flavor and Blot out his shield's devices. It’s the man behind the man il.ne out in rso work that mi^ht consideration but these, in the a texture smooth and uniform The Teuton push in Italy behind the gun that keeps the >e ta-en up in the county Afterjopinion of the council, should re throughout. The reason many Is but a triumph fleeting; man behind the gun in the trench t t p an was presented and ^¡s* j ceive special consideration. Cadorna and von Maekensen people do not like it is due to the The farmer is the m in behind the cuss* < a • ommitteeon permanent Shall have another m eeting; The need of the government to fact that it is improperly made. It may be ducks to beat the Russ man behind the gun. Figure it organization was appointed ‘ have organized agriculture at this Milk, being a protein food, should W ith lines th at stretch and thin out out for yourself. the chairman, Wm. Schulmcrich. time was recognized by the eoun- be cooked at a moderate temper- But yet the Huns I Necessity, they say, is the] The 1 n recess and the pernia- agricultural work to all agricul- digestion, The W estern Hemisphere comes in ing the guilhtine. So be patien t, n' ' > r~anizution was perfected turai counties was endorsed. It To make cottage cheese: Place For full consideration; and officers elected, as follows: i wa- also the opinion of the eoun- thick, freshly soured milk over a and hold fast to the en< my spies, And this includes your Uncle Sam President, Wm. Sehulm» rich : while we think. ^cil that Washington county would pan of hot water, not boiling. With glory for a nation. vice president, A E. Wi-scott, take no backward step in this re- When the milk is is warm and the A stout true friend, a b itte r foe CHEER l P secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Clara K. And grimley unrelenting; gard a n d t h a t the movement curd separates from the whey, When thing- ar»> going wrong, Beck, His wealth and blood should receive unanimous support drain in a cheese cloth or bag and A mingled flood just smile. Many a battle has The council will act as an a»l- Delegates pr«*sent were as fol- dry. To serve add salt, pepper For victory presenting. been won by simply hiding the | visory hoard to the county agri-! |oW, ; L L Crawford, Buxton; and cream to taste. Or it may I* —Oregon Voter. fact defeat was near. jcultunst and is compo ed of rep-; Fer(] (]roner Scholls; F. C. Fluke, used in salad or in a cheese roast President Wilson will take no Don’t let the other fellow know resentatives from the several ag- Kinton-R G Scott Tigard' P EDNA L. MILLS, vacation; the chief executive, we how near broke you are. Your ricultural organizations in the | J ac0bstin, Helvetia; John Loftis, Fmerg»>ncy Home Demonstra find, is almost as busy as a news- c edit will be ten times better if |county. Communities not having p ump|dn Ridge- \ E Wescott tion Agent. paper man. y ouke - pmum ! organization-» will also he allowed West Dairy: Mrs Clara R Beck The truest test of civilization is Ding faces are bad omens ev Representation, according to plans I)i|lt.y; Wm. Schulmerich, Hills’ Street Commissioner Watkins made by the council at this meet-j boro; c F Koeler. 0rt.nco; W . has placed concrete guide posts at not the census nor the size of the erywhere. Cheer up the principal street intersections Long faces are depressing and ing cities, nor crops—but the kind of H Chalmers. Banks; J. Asbahr, help bring more disaster. Cheer j Out lines of activities undertakt n Cornelius; M. McDonald, Orenco. and if the auto jokers who broke men the county turns out. his wooden j>osts care to lun into by other counties were presented up. Otb»rs present w e r e Judge Germany may, as Michaelis r. Maris, and additional Reasoner, Paul V. Maris of Cor­ these the ga age men will have a Lamen'ations about the wea* her by say-, know what she wants, but or tb<1 crops w,]| not bring relief |ones were named that might be of job. vallis, C. W. Creel, entomologist, what is more to the point, the Crying over spilled milk never re-iinterest In this county. Members with U. S. Department at Forest Cook With Coal balance of the world knows what storefj tbe M ourning over of the council also named a num- Grove, and N. C. Jamison, county The Forest Grove Planing Mill she neecs._________________ losses never helped build new for- her of problems that should re- agriculturist has laid in a supply of good fuel Low prices paid farmers doesn't tunes. ceive consideration. F r o m the coal and is prepared to supply help the consumers The specu- You who are counting the rainy large number suggested, the coun- (ottajje Cheese Facts consumers at a reasonable price. lators must go before the consum- and cloudy days and forg-tting cil decided on the following as be­ Cottage cheese furnishes a con­ Order by telephone No. 0232. ers get any benefit, and that is all that the sun has ever shined i g of vital importance to the venient and economical means of there is to it. bette cheer up a hit. The weather county and should therefore, re- uring sour milk as a human food. You can get the Portland Ore­ gonian six days a week, by mail, will not be as bud if you feel good ceive speci » 1 consideration: The cheese is nutritious and an This may be crude, but never and the Forest Grove Express, 1. Field Crop Demonstrations. excellent substitute f o r mea‘. for only $6.00 per year, if paid in theless it is true, the biggest sneak a ^2ut ** Some things can’t be he’ped. This will iric u » * variety tests of Ea»-h pound furnishes as mur-h advance. For Oregonian seven and coward is the anonymous It is foolish to worry about them crops to be decided upon by local body building material as a days a week, add $2.00. writer. The devil is a saint com­ And those conditions that cun be committees, fertilizer tests, crop pared with such. helped are never made better by rotation , etc. If Mayor Hi Gill don’t clean up worry. I aiw Bound-Trip Fare« to 2. Canaria Thistle Control Seattle the military authorities So what’s the u«e of worrying The spread of this weed is becom I^and Products Show, Portland. threaten to quarantine the town ar auo Save your strength and ing so serious that .special work against soldiers. Better fumigate chet,r up._W estern Farmer for it- control was believed neces- Hi while they are at it. sary. A Patriot’s Prayer 3. Dairy Cattle Feeding. The Now it's the cigar men who Do the soldiers at the front dairymen in the council consid­ have raised prices. Well, so long ever pray . . . . . „ . , ---- ,— j . The question was er» d the high price of feed raised as , it is . luxuries . that are „ . at a „ ministers • • , „ , ■ meeting in a , . boosted, . . . asked new problems in feeding which there is no real ground for kick rp. . ,,, i ... . , Canadian city. This •> t e story sbou|(j recejve special study. ing. We shouldn t buy luxuries a returned army chaplain told in You will enjoy the diversity of Scenery 4 Dairy Show. In keeping during war times reply: with the dairy importance of the Many changes of Climate The German press makes more “One of the boys had been county, plans for an educational fuss over killing three Americans, given dispatches to carry over a Opportunity to visit San Francisco — dairy show are to be perfected. wounding five a n d capturing road exposed to the enemy fire, Los Angeles El Paso— San Antonio - 5. Monthly Exchange List. twelve than is generally made by He stood by his motorcycle ready New O rleans—or Salt Lake, Denver, etc. the same press over the killing of to start. He knew well the danger Farmers desiring seed, s ock, im­ plements, etc., or having these Choice of Routes and Trains. ar ticles for sal'* will be requested to list their wants with the county agriculturist, who will see to the publication of li-ts. 6. Potato S e e d Certification. Under the new management, this market has been “ Washington County Seed Pota­ stocked up with a tempting line of I,et us make up an itinerary and arrange your trip t o e s g r o w n in Washington County," will be undertaken in Ask any agent for particulars, or write this project and to insure the good quality of the seed it must Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. John M. Scott, come up to the standards of cer­ Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, General Passenger Agent, tification. Fruits and Vegetables. Portland 7. Mole and Gopher Control COME AND SEE OUR GOODS. Organized effort is necessary to Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal, rid the farms of these rodents. 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Pork. Hides, Poultry 8. Plant and Animal Diseases. Phone 0 3 01 and Eggs As the name suggests, organized effort will be made to combat i The Main Street f j j JINGLE NEWS Copeland & McCready i : r>fu 9 ” The Pacific Market Costs But Little More ‘® k <> East via California Four Trains a Day Portland to San Francisco Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . . Southern Pacific Lines