WORLD KAPPENINES OF CURRENT WEEK OUTLINES PEACE VIEW MEAT CONTROL FIXED Chancellor Slaton Position Regulations Intended to 1‘rovide Fair Alsace-Lorraine and Regarding Belgium Annexai ion Not Desired. la w Applica to l.ife Insurance, The­ ater Tickets, Stocks and Monda, worn WIN NEW Profit for Parker snd Protection to Producer and Consumer. Public Utilities, I'igarx'and Cigar­ Munich, Bavaria — The views o f Washington, l>. C. Ap;iointment of ettes Increased Postal Ratea Also J. P. Cotton, o f New York, as head of I Count von Hertling, the Bavarian pre­ Are in Effect. the meat divison, which, after Novem­ mier, regarding some o f Germany’s ber 1, w ill direct the license control of ! peace aims, were outlined l>y the pre­ the nation's |>acking and slauglitering Three-cent letter postage wont Into mier in a speech delivered recently be­ effect Friday of last week, as un addi­ industries, was announced Wednesday fore the main committee o f the Bavar­ tional measure to increase the- rev­ night by the food administration. Mr. , ian Chamber o f Deputies. Regarding enues of the United States during the Cotton will make his headquarters in Postal cards double In Chicago. Bavaria’s separate reply to Pope Bene­ war period. price. Every phase o f the meat industry, j dict’s peace note, he denied it meant The postage on letters will be at the as well as the consuming public, w i ll 1 Bavaria was pursuing an independent rate of 3 cents for every ounce or he represented on advisory committees j . .fraction thereof, excepting drop let- policy. declaring that the contrary was I tora mallod for llt,Uvory from of. now tieing organized. Brents o f Noted People, Governments “ Regulations under the license are; Wet Forres in Ituekeye State Have the case, the separate reply being sent flee at which they are posted, which being formulated," says a fixsl admin­ snd Pacific Northwest and Other Slight land New Mexico in Dry to indicate Bavaria's full support o f may be mailed at the rate of 2 cents istration statement, “ on the basis of an ounce or fraction. Th ngs Worth Knowing. the policy of the German empire. Column by Safe Margin. Postal cards are required to be pre­ a fair profit to the packer and protec­ “ In Belgium, we purpose to proceed paid 2 cents, and therefore 1-cent pos­ tion for the grower and consumer. The j with moderation and in full considera­ tal cards must have a 1-cent stamp af­ division is not to fix the price at which tion of the wishes o f the Belgian peo­ fixed to them In addition to tho lc o n t the farmer sells his stock. It has, I A t a meeting in Petrograd Saturday, New York The outstanding feature ple,” said Count von Hurtling, in dis­ stamp impressed on such cards. however, the duty o f directing ex^sirt representatives o f the whole Petrograd Private mailing cards with written o f the elections in the tinted States purchases o f beef and |s>rk products cussing peace conditions. messages sent openly In the malls will garrison passed under the guidance “ The surrender o f A tarce-Lorraine,” be transmitted at the rate o f 2 ccuts and proposes to use this power to sta­ Tuesday was the apparently assured and influence o f the Bolsheviki, the he continued, “ is under no circum­ each, payable by stamps to be affixed bilize the price, to *up|x>rt remunera victory for woman suffarage in New radical pacifist group. There was stances to be thought of, and the ma­ by the sender. tive prices to the farmer and, by the great excitement in the city. If less than 3 cents Is prepaid on excision o f speculation, to protect the York state by a majority o f approxi- jority o f the population o f the two 1 matcly 45,000. While the suffragists In the region o f the Black Sea coast provinces would not welcome such ac­ a letter or other first-class matter It consumer. the Russians have driven the Turks tion. A decision in the matter of the w ill be returned to the sender. If j were winning in the F.iuit, early re­ Isauc Bulletin on Potatoes. from their first line and advanced in form o f government to be given Alsace- known, for the deficient postage. If turns from Ohio indicated defeat for the sender is not known. It will. If some places to the third line, the War Lorraine cannot be arrived at in a North Yakima — A potato bulletin prepaid at least 2 cents, be marked them in that state. office announces. Large quantities o f hurry. A federated state cannot be with the deficient postage and sent to will be issued from this city by the Two states, Ohio snd New Mexico, arms and munitions were captured. created in a moment, like a shot fired its destination for collection of the bureau o f markets. United States de- from a gun. ” partment o f argiculture, t>cginnnig voted on prohibition. Incomplete re- amount due upon delivery. The first woman letter carrier, un­ The new rates are applicable to let­ Count von Hertling closed his speech turns from Ohio showed that the con­ this week. It w ill he prepared by uniformed, but with a government ters addressed for foreign delivery, badge, was seen in Washington Wed­ with a promise o f certain internal re­ as follows: Tho Bahamas, Canada. Robert I*. Ringer, representative of test in that state was very close, with nesday. She is on a light route, as an forms for Bavaria.” I am planning,” Cuba. Barbados. British Guiana, Brit­ tho department, who arrived here Mon- the drys leading by a small margin, experiment for women substitutes for he said, " f o r a more intimate co­ ish Honduras, Dominican Republic. day. The bulletin will be for free dis- The prohibitionists evidently hud car­ operation between men, owing to the shortage o f men. . _, . . _ the government , . and .Dutch West-'Indlea, England, Ireland, tribution and Mr. Ringer is co-operat­ ried New Mexico. The entire Republican state ticket the l hamber o f Deputies, and I a m 1 Scotland. Wales, Leeward Islands, ing with J. N. Price, county agent, to F ive ships with a tonnage o f about prepared to receive suggestions to this Mexico, Newfoundland, New Zealand give it as wide circulation as j*ossible. headed by Governor Samuel W McCall, 25,000 thus far have been placed by end. ’ ’ won an overwhelming victory in Maa- and Panama. the American government at the dis­ With all o f the above countries, by Hachusetts, while the Democratic state In the Bavarian reply to the Pope posal o f Italy for the transport o f sup­ which has been referred to in the Ger­ mutual agreement, the saino rate of ticket headed by Westmoreland Davis plies. Before the month is over an- man newspapers as having caused postage as that prevailing at homo for governor, was succeasful in V ir­ other 75,000 tons, it is said, w ill have “ some uneasiness, the assertion was was charged for foreign delivery. ginia. Postmasters havo been Instructed been turned over. Interest in the municipal elections made that: that the provisions of the order do not W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade; centered upon New York, where John “ Nothing could lie further from the Convinced that pro-German agencies affect the rates applicable to letters Hard w hite— Bluestem, Early Bart. F. Hylan, Democrat, defeated Mayor are at work to hinder the aircraft pro­ peace-loving German nation and the to foreign countries other than those duction program, officials believe a government than the thought o f an at- named, the rates for such remaining Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2,0.5, John I*. Mitchel, candidiate for re- drastic campaign against agitators may tack on other nations and the effort to at 5 cents for the first ounce and 3 Soft w hite— Pa louse bluestem, forty- election, by a plurality o f more than fold, White valley, Gold Coin, White 140,000. The entire Tammany ticket be necessary, reaching to the spruce extend its territory by violence. For cents for each additional fraction. On pleasures and necessities alike White rluh L ittle also was elected. The Socialist vote forests o f the Northwest, where the no victory and no gain o f territory the war tax falls. It even applies to Russian, $2.03. club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ showed a gain o f more than 400 per could in its eyes, even in the most dis­ wood for airplanes is being cut. life Insurance, to theater parties, to tant degree, counterbalance the fearful stocks and bonds, to public utility nora, $2.01. Red Walla — Red Rus­ cent over that east in the municipal H og cholera killed enough animals horrors of a war and the annihilation sian, red hybrids, Jones life, coppei, campaign four years ago. The bi­ last year to have fed one million sol- o f ethical and economical values nec- facilities, and to the manufacture of $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 partisan judiciul ticket in Chicago, de­ cigars and cigarettes. diers a meat ration for five and a half essarily connected with it. As a part of the war rovenuo meas grade, 6c less; other grades handled feated by a pluralty estimated at 80,- months, the department o f Agriculture 000, Socialist candidates standing on ‘ The policy o f the German emperor ure the tax Is designed to aid the by sample. announced Tuesday. This enormous j and o f the imperial government, which liberty loan In financing the nation's F lo u r— Patents, $10.20; valley, an anti-war platform. loss, the statement said, was unneces- ! always had in view the preservation struggle for democracy. The follow ­ $9.80; whole wheat, $10.40; graham, The attempt o f Senator Penrose, sary, as hog cholera to a large extent and assurance o f peace, often to the ing provisions of the measure have $ 10 . 20 . backing the so-called town meeting been furnished by Milton A. Miller. can be prevented. M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran. $30 candidates to oust the Vnre brothers very lim it o f what was compatible United States Collector o f Internal per ton; shorts, $33; middlings, $41; from control in Philadelphia on the Coal operators o f Colorado, Utah with German interest, therefore meets Revenue, for Portland: rolledd barley, $55*167; rolled oats, face o f returna up to midnight, ap­ and Wyoming have presented to the always with the fullest approval o f the Individual Incoms Tax. pears to have been unaurcessful, but priority committee o f the W ar Indus­ German ration and its chosen repre­ Reports to be made between January 1 $54. and March 1. 1911. on Income for entire Com — Whole, $83 per ton; cracked, ut that hour both sides claimed vic­ tries Board a request for a full car sentatives.” year of 1917 Kxemptlona— Married per­ tory. supply for mines in those states to meet sona, $2"00, «Ingle persons. It too Collec­ $84. furnish blank about Junuary 1 Hay — Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­ W illiam A. Magee, ex-Mayor of urgent fuel requirements, both for in­ WAR ON AUSTRIA NOW URGED tor can Corporations Income Tax. dustrial and domestic use in the inter­ Reports to be made between January 1 land: Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 Pittsburg, seemingly was defeated by and March 1, 1911, covering the calendar |ier ton; valley timothy, $23*/,25; al­ E. V. Baijooek, a wealthy business mountain section. Defense Society Asks Wilson to Call year 1917. falfa, $22.50*1,24; valley grain hay, man. Both are Republicans. Harry War Excess Proflta Tax. Because he opposed support of the Special Session o f Congress. $20; clovor, $20; straw, $8. L. Davis, Republican, was re-elected Reports to be made between January 1 government in its war policies and his Butter -Cubes, extras. 44*/444c|>er Mayor o f Cleveland. Charles W. Jew- and March 1, 1913, covering the calendar New York — Immediate declaration 1917, by Individuals, partnerships congregation called for his resignation, pound; prime firsts, 43*/,434c. Job- ett, Republican, was chosen Mayor o f and corporations Kxemptions— Individu­ the Rev. J. L. Taylor, pastor o f the o f war by the United States against als. and partnerships, $4.000; corporations. bing prices: Prints, extras, 48c; car- Indiana|M)lis. By electing George W. First Baptist church, leading one of Austria-Hungary, the use o f Austrian IS000. Rl&nks may be procured about loads, tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, Smith Mayor of Ixiuisville, the Repub- that denomination in Savanah, Ga., ships for the transport of Am erican ! January 1. lican party in that city scored their War Tax on Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, 61*) 52c. announced that he would leave his pul­ troops to Italy and the giving of *M Etc. Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ 1 first victory in ten years. John Gal­ possible aid to Italy in the present1 pit next Sunday night. Ore-half of this tax became effective ceipts, 62c |>er dozen; candled, 54*i vin, Republican, was chosen Mayor of colncldert with the passage of the act war, are demanded in resolutions' j Cincinnati. October ♦. upon the floor stock of all deal- 67c; selects, 58*/,60c. A dispatch to the London Exchange adopted here Thursday at a meeting of era. Inventory must be made as of that Poultry — Hens, large, 18 fit, 19c George F. Buck, Republican, defeat­ Telegraph from Amsterdam says Gen­ date and filed with the Collector of Inter­ the American Defense Society. nal Revenue at once. Forms may be pro­ per pound; small, 17 cents; broilers ed Louis P. Furhmann, the incumbent, eral von Berrer, commanding the The resolutions, which were sent to cured nt 210 Custom-house On and after 10 cents; ducks, 18*420c; geese, 10(4 for Mayor o f Buffalo, Wurttemburg armies on the northeast­ President Wilson, governors o f all November 1 all manufacturer*« or Import­ 12c; turkeys, live, 20*/ 25c. i Schuyler Merritt, Repuhilcan, was ern front, was killed Friday while vis­ ers must pay the full rate of tax on all states and senators and representa­ such art!« lea sold. Veal— Fancy, 15*/.16Jc ;>er pound. elected to congress from Connecticut iting the trenches near Riga. General tives in congress, urge that the Presi­ W ar Tax on Facilities Furnished by Pork— Fancy, 18J*»,19c per [xiund. i to fill the vacancy caused by the death von berrer had a prominent share in Public Utilities. dent call a special session o f congress Vegetables - Tomatoes, 76c*/$1.75 o f Ebcnezer J. Hill, Republican. T h is tax becomes effective November 1, the capture o f the Russian positions in to take the measures necessary to ren­ 1917; m onthly returns to be made there- per crate; cabbage, lj*/ 2 c p e r pound; ------------------------ this region. aft««r showing amount of business tran­ der assistance to laity. sacted, and tax to be paid tbarSOn at the lettuce, 50*/,75c [>er dozen; cucuml*ers, Warren K. Billings, under sentence The sending o f an “ overwhelm ing” rate of 3 per cent. Kxpresa companies 40*/,60c; peppers, 9*/, 10c j*er pound; EX-QUEEN SHOWN TRAITOR o f life imprisonment for murder grow­ force to France, because, the resolu­ are affe< ted lik e w is e and pay a tax of 1 cauliflower, 90c (a, $1.60 |asr dozen; cent for each 20 centa of the express ing out o f a bomb explosion in San tion says, “ the more men we send, the ■ barges. Al-o on passenger fares a tax sprouts, 10c per pound; artichokes, 90c Kaiser Kept Informed and Assured o f Francisco, in July, 1916, which few er w ill be slain,” it is counseled in o f 4 per cent on the amount paid for such perdoten; horseradish, 9c per pound; tr ansportation, except for commutation Greek Co-operation. claimed ten victims, was refused a the minute, which declares that, con­ seae«jn tickets on trips less than SO miles, garlic, 6*/8c; squash, l|c; pumpkins, hearing by the state supreme court on sidering the great numbers o f the men and on tickets ««stin g less than 35 cents lc ; carrots, $1.25*/, 1.50 j/er sack; Athens, Greece— Lengthy telegrams T a x In e v e r y case to be paid by the party his application for a new trial. The poured into the war in the last three p aying for such transportation. beets, $1.60*41.75; turnips, $1.5074 which passed between ex-Queen So­ state appellate court recently denied years by England and France, the War Tax on Insurance. phie and Em|*eror William during De­ 1.75. On life Insurance a tax of * centa on his appeal. sending o f as many as 10,000,000 from Potatoes $1.60*4,1.75 per hundred­ cember, 1916, and the early part of each $1000 Issued on and after November \ its population o f over 100,000,000 1, 1917. On marine. Inland, fire and cas­ this year, similar in tone to others that Belated returns to the food adminis­ would be no more than this country’ s ualty Insurance on same date a tax of lc weight; sweet potatoes, 8*(,3|c {>er have been deciphered, are now made for each SI or fraction of premium paid pound. tration Tuesday raised the total num­ proportionate share. public and show that the Queen again for such Insurance. Onions — Buying price: Oregon, ber o f pledges received in last week’s The minute urges that congress at War Excise Taxes. and again urge/! thut the Germans take $2.35, country points. On and after November 1, 1917. a tax of intensive food-pledge card campaign to its session be asked to declare that a Green Fruits— Peaches, 75*485c per the offensive on the Macedonian front. per cent on the aale price of all automo­ well above 7,000,000. Complete re­ state o f war exists also between the 3 biles, automobile trucks, automobile w ag­ Queen Sophie assured the emperor, her ports are expected to send up the total United States and Bulgaria and Tur­ ons and motorcycles, all piano players, box; apples, $l*t<2; pears, $1.75*4 brother, o f Greek co-operation. 2.25; grapes, $1.25*41.65; casabas, 2c graphophon« s, phonographs, talking ma- to 10,000,000, the administration’s key. chlnea and records; all Jewelry, real or per pound; cranberries, $13.50 per Field Marshal Von Hindenburg and goal, for the week, and extension of The resolution further urges the Imitation; all tennis rackets, golf clubs, barrel; quinces, $2.25*42.50 per box. Foreign Secretary Zimmerman, it ap­ baseball bats, lacrosse sticks, balls of all the campaign through this week in transportation to Italy o f a contingent kinds, Including baseballs, footballs, ten- Hops— 1917 crop, 26*zj27c per pound; pears, could not agree, however, on most o f the states probably w ill carry o f American troops and war material. ?*"• *olf. lacrosse, billiard and poo! balls the time the attack should he made, 1916 crop, 17*/>20e. it well beyond that figure. using all ships possible, including tables, ro'1 " an4 "' b,,,la^ po"-' 60c; valley, 55 ing a shortage »if ffsxl an»l munitions in Greece, prevented Greece from act­ tured Americans with food and cloth- 1 *!et^ ^ort^ tf1** c^mplete defeat of 2 p*-r «ent on cosmetics, pills, powders, *460c; mohair, long staple, 55c. lozenges, etc,; 2 per cent on chewing gum; ing. mg in the German prison camps have of Ita ly ’s armies w ill endanger her na­ tax In all these cases to be paid I>y the November 6, 1917. On January 10 the Queen telegraphed been made through the Red Cross, tional existence and imperil the is­ manufacturer, Importer, or producer, with Cattle— a tax of one-half these percentages on which has a committee in Switzerland sue o f the war for democracy” and stocks on hand October 4, 1917. Best beef steers............. $ 9.00*4 9.50 the Emperor telling him o f this f»xxl Good beef steers............. 7.00*4 9.00 and ammunition shortage, and con­ to send rations and other necessaries that “ to preserve Ita ly ’s existence and War Tax on Admissions and Dues. A tax of 1 cent on each 10 cents or Best beef cows............... at regular intervals. As the number to maintain her efficiency as a fighting fraction 6.00(4 7.00 cluded : thereof charged by any theater, “ May the infamous piga receive the o f Americans in German hands in­ force immediate moral and material moving picture show, etc., for admission, Ordinary to g o o d ............ 4.00*4 6.00 except in cases of theaters making a Best h e ife r s ................... punishment they deserve.” creases it may be necessary to make aid from her friends is im perative.” 6.50*4 7.50 maximum charge of 6 cents. A tax of 10 further provision for them through the 7.00*4 9.50 >er cent of the amount paid as dues or C a lv e s ............................ f Camouflage Skill Shown. nltlatlon fees In any athletic or social Bulls................................ Airplane Raida Damage. 4.50*4 6.75 Spanish ambassador in Berlin, who is club, when such annual dues are In ex- Washington, D. C .— Camouflage skill resa of $12 per year. The tax becomes Stockers and fe e d e r s .... caring for American interests there. 4.00*4 7.26 New York— What is lielieved to be of the Army Engineer Corps was effective November 1, 1917. Hogs— the first summary o f the results o f War Tax Stamps. The first arrests for smuggling un­ viewed Friday by President Wilson Prime light h o g s ............ $16.00*416.25 fires due to German airplane raids over Stamp taxes will apply to bonds, stocks, der the embargo section of the espion­ and Secretary Baker at a training deeds, notes, ent; _ of goods, wares, etc. Prime heavy h o g s .......... 16.85*416.00 London during 1916 was received here age act and the President’s proclama­ camp near Washington. A camouflage passage ticket to fore!| countries, power Bulk .............................. 15.85*416.00 by Robert Adamaon, from the Ixmdon attorney, and playfni g cards. Also a tion in connection with it, were made company put on a special exhibition, of tax of 1 .cent for "each 28 cents paid on P i g s ................................ 14.00(414.50 County Council. This report says there parcel post shipments, beginning with Thursday, Frank Stolaroff, a Douglas, showing how artillery, roadways, Sheep— were 128 such fires, rcaulting in loss 1, 1917. These stamps may be A riz., merchant, and six Mexicans be­ streams, and even troop movements are November purchaser] from the Collector of Interval Yearlings......................... 612.50(413.00 o f 36 lives and the injury o f 26 per­ ing taken into custody by customs offi­ concealed. Many secreta o f the game Revenue or from the Poetofflce. Wethers........................... 12.00*413.00 sons. Throughout the year there were War Estate Taxes. cers. The officers confiscated two developed by the American forces were 8.50(410.50 3104 fires, causing 158 deaths, the A war tax on all estates. the tax being E w e s .............................. wagonloada o f shoes and other mer­ demonstrated for the guests, including raduated and ranging from 1 per cent up Western lambs............... 14.00(414.50 summary says, and the property loss f chandise. o 10 per cent of the net worth of the several higher officers o f ths Army. Valley lambs................... 13.60^14.00 approximated $4,500,000. estate. Brief Resume Most Important Tammany’s Candidate Defeats Mitchell for Mayor. Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU PROHIBITION GAINING j NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT