( Q n J - i yt , < ~T q Reach the Trenches by Christmas, Parcels Must be Mailed by Next Thursday, Nov. 15 th Sir? Voi. 2 Okiw IE xjutbs AN IN D EPEN D EN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOV. 8. 1917 No. 44 Grange Master Was Here Had a Fine Time The Eastern Stars Christmas Packages Hoover’s Helpers Saturday’s meeting of Gale More than a dozen Forest Grove wa* largely attended and Entertain Guests Modern Woodmen went to Port­ For the Soldiers Mean Business Grange the proceedings were of more than land Saturday evening to witness On Monday evening last the usual interest. Two candidates The American Red Cross so­ a monster class adoption at one If Herbert Hoover, the nation’s were initiated and the names of members of Forest Chapter No. of the Portland camp halls. Sixty- ciety has called on the Portland food administrator, could have seven others were presented for 42, O. E. S., gave a program and two new candidates were given the Chapter, under which the Forest looked in on the members of the membership. A number of guests, lunch at the Masonic hall to which degrees and there were more than Grove branch works, to supply Woman’s club’s “Conservation” present by invitation, enjoyed an a number of non-members had 300 Woodmen in attendance,many 5,500 Christmas packages for the committee at their session in excellent dinner and remained for been invited. The affair was given of them from thp state of Wash­ ington. Forest Grove had seven boys on Foreign soil, and 1800 of I*ingley hall last Monday after­ the afternoon meeting, when C. . E. Spence, master of the Oregon to raise funds toward the erection candidates in the group and one these packages should have been noon, he would have decided then and there that he and Uncle Sam State Grange, gave an excellent of a Masonic home in Oregon in of them, Paul Ringle, took a sent by Nov. 1st. Packages for had some real supporters in Forest talk on ‘ Why Every Farmer the near future. Mrs. Elizabeth prominent part in furnishing sport the local branch may be left at Grove. The meeting had been Should Be a Granger.” Mr. Williams, worthy matron, presid­ for the evening. A Dutch lunch the office of Judge Hollis, where called to demonstrate how meats, Spence urged the farmers to stand ed and delivered a very cordial followed the evening’s work and the Forest Grove boys got home they will be assembled and boxed fats, sugar and wheat products loyally behind the government in address of welcome. its food conservation campaign The first number on the pro­ about 3 o’clock Sunday morning. for shipment. Following are the might be spared to the soldiers by specifications, with probable cost, inducing civilians to use substi­ and counseled against killing off gram was the singing of a verse of tutes and the meeting was a suc­ stock that had not attained its “The Star Spang’ed Banner” by of packages: cess in this particular. Sixty full developm ent, if it was possi­ the entire audience, after which F irst P ack ag e (W ithT obacco) four young ladies from Pacific women attended and Mrs. C. T. ble to winter it. Larke khaki handkerchief or blue University sang a song so accep­ Richardson, chairman of the com­ bandana not less than 27 inches tably that, they were compelled to Paul Stark Seeley of Portland, square .................. ......................... $-.30 mittee, opened the meeting with sing another before the audience a member of the board of lecture (Cotton khaki Cloth may be sub­ an address, during which she told was satisfied. ship of the Mother Church, Chris why and how the American women stitu ted .) _______ inurt conserve. The chairman Miss Manche Langley w-as I tian Science, gave a very' interest­ Pad of writing paper, 7 by 10 in­ It’s time to celebrate! handled her subject very effective­ treated the same way when she ing lecture at the Forest Grove ches ................. i _____________ __.15 President Graham and other ly and was easily understood by Z .To reciter! Robert Service’s * Gum- Christian Science church Tuesday i package Envelopes evening. The gentleman is a pol- ! 1 penc;| all. Then those in the audience members of the Commercial club Boot Sam.” .05 were given six sample's of pastry, were very much pleased to learn Beth Crandall wa.> also recalled ished speaker, with a command- , P1. ying card8. checkerboard (not } or dom_ one made with lard and the other for an encore when she sang a ing presence and pleasant deliv-| larger than d of j jnoe8 five with substitutes. The sam­ y e s t e r d a y t h a t Washington solo and the crowd ju-t couldn’t ery. He said, in part: .25 h exhibit at the Land Pro­ The Discoverer and Founder of Chris- 3 packages Chewing Gum ples were numbered and each per­ ! d county’ get enough of Whitcomb P.iley’s .15 Science, Mary Baker Eddy, in her . ., , , „ son was asked to tell which num­ u cts Show, Rutland, had been quaint savings, as interpreted by tian work entitled ‘Miscellaneous W rit- Hard Candy carefully wrapped, or ber she likes! bi’st. Several of the awarded third place in a contest Mrs. A. B. Todd. in g s,” says of this science, “ Its genious • hard chocolate in tin f o il........... .25 lardless samples received more between fourteen counties of the is rig h t thinking and rig h t ac tin g ,” W ater-tig h t M atch Box, optional .25 Mi*8 Gentle’s violin solo de­ and district. While this is a in another or her works, “ No and 2 packages C igarettes votes than that made with lard. 'second ............... .25 served the encore it received, but Y es,” she says, “ The essence of this The shortening compounds were county exhibit, it was prepared when L. M Graham made a very Science 2 packages Bull Durham ____ ___ .10 is right thinking and right act­ donated by merchants and the mostly by Forest Grove men from interesting address regarding the in g .” ' 2 packages C igarette Papers ......_ .15 the state fair and county fair ex­ pastry was bakes! by Mesdames hibits, with additions made later proposition to build a Masonic In seeking an answ er to the question Haskell and Hawke. * 2.00 to think rightly, Christian Science ! by Mr. Graham and O. S Higby. and Eastern Star home in this how recognires th a t there m ust necessarily (If desired one postal addressed to Miss Minnie Myers furnished a Next Monday is Forest Grove state, the crowd did not recall be a basis or standard according to carrot pudding that was palatab e d a y at the Products Show and the him, although everyone was inter which thought may be m easured as donor and bearing tw o cent and nourishing, Mrs. George Han members of the Commercial club ested in what the speak* r said. rig h t or wrong, th e same as m athem at­ stam p) cock’s apple sauce cake was de­ ¡are arranging for a special train to He said the Masonic grand lodge ical law m easures with exactness the Second P ackage (W ithout Tobacco) or incorrectness of m athe­ L arge khaki handkerchief or blue licious, Mr*. A. G. Hoffman’* take a crowd from thi« city. had vqted at.its last session that correctness thinking bandana not less th fh .27 inches lima l>ean roll tasted as good as George G Hancock and W. C. ; when i .ie lodges raised a total of m atical With a correct understanding o f d i - ! square ______ _______ 30 meat and was much cheaper, while Brnfer have been appointed to $50,000 toward the home, work vine Mind as th e one intelligent cause, 1 Mrs B. F. White’s salmon loaf sell tickets, which will cost $1.08 should tie started on the building. and man as M ind's eternal idea, whose (Cotton Khaki Cloth may be sub- and Mrs. Richardson’s peanut for the round trip. They will Several localities had made offers real selfhood is goodness, as the basis | sti luted; for rig h t thinking, Christian Scier e of W riting Paper, 7 by 10 in­ loaf were so tasty that they made start out tomorrow morning. of sites for the institution and he ; shows man how to make *his tru th j Pad ches square.. ......................... ......... .15 hits with those partaking did not see w h y Washington : practicable in his daily profit ms. The I 1 package Envelopes ___________ .10 The Schultz store had on dis­ ! method is the supplrnlir r i consoious- county should not get busy. Levick-VonDoren 1 P en cil....... ..... ..... .............. .................. 05 j ness of the ten , > 1 m rtal se: se play a number of cereals and When Thomas Isaacs sang “ My ; of life and elf . w.th the true George W. Levick and Marinda “ laying cards, checkerboard (not cereal products that would go a Van Dor en were united in marriage Own United States,” he started etvr.-ial facts of spiritual life And man- larger than pad of paper) or long way to save the foods wanted by Rev. R. L. Putnam of this such a round of applause that it , hood, f t is a m ental transform ation > dom inoes_________ .25 by the soldiers. which gradually exchanges k m aten ai j city at the home of the bride’s would not abate until he ha* -ung * fqt 3 packages Chewing Gum................ .15 the spirituai sense of being. If the Express can procure parents, on David’s Hill, at 2:30 another number. H ard candy carefully wrapped, or I Jesus said. “ Except ye . . . be- them it. will next week publish last Sunday afternoon. Some fifty Refreshments of cake, cptffce .i-:e .i h ti'" i i isiren, ye shall not en­ hard chocolate in tin fo il...................50 the recipes for making the articles of the relatives and friends of the and ie cn ter the kingdom of heaven.” This Small mechanical puzzle w ithout demonstrated at the meeting. contracting parties attended the all by a veiv efficievt refresh­ show«*! ihut the kingdom of heaven glass, or steel trench m irro r........... 30 wss not a place but a sta te of conscious- ; At the next meeting (Dec. 3d) wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Levin ment committee. ness, to find which one m ust acquire the question of ¡-ubstituting other received many handsome e n n t the childlike qualities of love, gentle­ $1.80 Lie Stars proved themselves cereals for wheat in the making of in token of the esteem in vhich ness, humility, unselfishness, purity A rticles are to be neatly packed on very cordial n its ind deserved bread, muffins, etc., will be taken thty are held. A nice 1 and goodness. Thus we see th a t heav- i . , ... . ., . writing tablet, placed in center up Miss Minnie Myers will lead icecream and cake was s e n d I»} the hand-one silver offering they en is not a future state of regal refuge received. 1 but a present reward for righteous o f handkerchief, securely fastened and the discussion on “The Use of . the bride’s mother. ; thinking. Instead of dying his way into tied with red ribbon, with a C hristm as Available Materials.” ! heaven, man must think his way in, and card. Then wrap package in heavy light Both thtse young people < this is ju st as true this day and hour as well and favorably known in i1 ^ Will Talk of Trench Life when Jesus said it. It is these child­ brown manila paper, tie with red, of the county, the bride be­ like qualities of thought th at one needs green, or gilt cord and use Christmas There will be a public banquet part I to gain an understanding of Christian labels or Am erican Flag. ing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at the Methodist church par­ jChas. VanDoren and the groom Science, to gain the Mind of Christ, the ! Kindly m ark w hether package con­ In honor of the official visit of consciousness of Truth. lors at 6:30 tomorrow evening to the son of the late Chas. Levick. S. S. Walker, grand patriarch of “ On earth peace, good will toward i tains tobacco or not. The local Chap­ get the workers of the city together Mr. and Mrs. Levick will reside the Fncampment degree of Odd m en,” was the message th at heralded \ te r will gladly accept donations of Jesu s’ m inistry. For nearly 2,(XX* y ears , $1.85 and will pack and send a package to plan the Army Y. M. C. A. in the Thatcher district after they Fellowship, the I. O O. F. bodies these words and the prayer of t h e ! for each donation. return from a short wedding trip. fund campaign. Dinner 35c. of the city, including the Re- ! M aster: “ Thy kingdom come. Thy wi[l done in earth, as it is in heaven,” A trgat is in store for those who bekahs, held a joint meeting ! be Woman’s Club have been on the lips of Christendom, attend, as Sargeant-major Ken­ Monday evening to hear Grand j But w hat is the trouble? Something ; The regular business meeting of ning of the 50th Gordon High­ . Patriarch W’alker’s address, which has failed. Somewhere there has been I the Woman’s club will be held at landers, Victoria, B. C., who went proved very interesting and in­ ! a hitch. Something has been out of \ to France in 1914 and came home Langley hall next Monday after­ structive, being a synopsis of the gear. “ This people draw near me with A t o I Isaiah, saiah “ “ n and nH w ith The Military Relief committee eir m l o Aiitfi u th ," ** t w r r rote with recently as the result of wounds noon at 3 o’clock. The executive history of Odd Fellowship, a re­ th th eir lips do honor m e.” The trouble received in December, last year, board will meet at 2:30. A. G. cital of some of the good the order has not been with m en’s words, it has , of . the local Red Cross branch is is to be a speaker at the banquet. Whitehouse, Secretary. has accomplished and a plea for a been with m en’s thoughts. Rivers of planning to give a benefit per- words will not bring God’s kingdom to formance at the Star Theater on W. D. Wheelwright, president of There are on display in the greater effort to grow. earth in a thousand centuries; univer- . , . - VT_ . the Pacific Export Lumber Co., windows Other pood things on the pro­ sal rig h t thinking will establish it in a the nights Of a OV. -1 and —2, to of the Express office two will also deliver an address. monster potatoes, raised by Chris gram were musical numbers by day. And universal rig h t thinking i s , raise a Christmas fuild for the The speaking begins at 7:30 Peterson, on Spring Hill farm. S. A. and Charles Walker (violin no more and no less than every individ- boys in the trenches and Canton- and is free to the public, but those One has four branches and weighs and piano), vocal solos by Misses ‘o f 1 ™ nta- M eag er W atrousof the who desire to partake of the din­ over three and a half pounds, ¡Vesta Mertz and Margaret Cur- Christian healing a t a tim e when a Star went to Portland today to ner should secure tickets in ad­ while the other is slender, meas­ j tis, splendid readings by Miss severe accident threatened her life and make arrangements for one of the vance (of Thos. Isaacs or C. A. uring 14h inches in length and Jeanette Little and Mrs. John her entire tru s t had to he placed in popular patriotic war feature films Littler), as only a limited number weighs about two pounds. Mr. Templeton, a violin sololry Mr. glimpse of this spiritual law through and will probably close a contract of tickets will be sold and Mrs. Peterson took their son, Shipley and a nice lunch of cake whicn she was then healed was followed for “The Stars and Stripes in complete retirem en t from society France,” a two-reel feature that The Military Relief committee Henry, home from the hospital and coffte, served by the Re- by for several years in order th a t she is being received with much en­ of t he Red Cross branch today Sunday night and he is improving bekahs m ight the more dilligently devote her thusiasm If this film is secured, nicely from his recent shooting ac­ moved from the Hoffman store W. *K. Curtis presided at the tim e to the study of the Scriptures and a three-reel film will be secured to glean from them a fuller understanding cident. _____________ into more commodious and more meeting, which followed short of this law and its application to human go with it, making a five-reel comfortable rooms over Ander­ F. M. Stout of Portland visited sessions of both the Encampment needs. In 1876 the text-book of Chris­ show, to which will be added a and subordinate lodge. Several son’s store. his son, Ernest D., in this city tian Science, “ Science and Health with members of the Banks lodges were Key to S criptures,” was published by short musical program. The com­ yesterday^_______ ______ The Stribich Skating Rink will her, settin g forth the result of her mittee rents the play house for a in attendance. open at 7:30 Saturday evening of You can get the Portland Ore­ fixed sum, so that all above ex­ labors. this week for the season and will gonian six days a week, by mail, Roy Van Kirk, H. F. Wilson Christian Si-icntists honor and respect penses ___ goes into the Christmas be open every Tuesday, Thursday and the Forest Grove Express, and Albert and Robert Kirkwood,! Mrs. Eddy. They recognize her g re at fu n d Prices will be 15c and 30c work for them and for all mankind, > p ..n ri H n n n r H iiarr! and Saturday e v e n i n g s until for only $6.00 per year, if paid in the latter from Portland, left even the reopening and m aking plain of , «o y »COUts and H onor G uard further notice. Skates 25c, spec­ advance. For Oregonian seven Tuesday for a fishing trip to the the way for individual and u n iv ersa l, Ciirls will sell tickets. Buy S€V» tators free. It Nehalem. days a week, add $2.00. eral tickets. salvation. Interesting Lecture on Christian Science Washington County Wins Third Place e;i Three-Linkers Hold Big Celebration Christmas Fund for the Soldier Boys