The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 01, 1917, Image 8

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Banking Is Our Business
The First National Bank
of Forest Grove, Oregon
offers you the facilities of an up-to-date banking
house. Accounts of individuals and firms are
cared for in first-class shape.
A Strong Bank
in a Good Town
' fed eral reserve
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Rent
The teachers are at institute
at Hillsboro and the kids are
Money to loan—Valley Realty happy.
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
Albert Boos broke his right
Mrs. Dan Pierce, who has been hand while cranking an auto
a sufferer from the grip, is report Tuesday evening,
ed improved today.
A new line of tine box station-
Mrs. Flora Putnam of Corvallis ery just placed on display at
vi it id Mr. and Mrs. W. F. John- Littler’s Pharmacy,
son Friday and Saturday.
Harley LaMont is now driving
George G. Hancock, real es- the Dan Pierce truck. Earl Hedges
tate, farm loans and tire insur- having gone to Portland to work,
ance, new Anderson block. 50
This is the season when sweaters
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hill and are a comfort. John Anderson
Misses Anna and Mena Tolke has a* fine line at reasonable
visited the parents of the latter prices.
near Buxton Sunday.
Harve Baldwin returned home
The local members of the \Y. from Central Oregon Sunday and
R. C. are meeting every Friday is laying brick on the new Hoff­
afternoon over Anderson’s store man block.
to sew for the Red Cross.
Hallowe’eners let citizens off
For men’s shoes that fit well very light last night and, so far as
and wear long, talk to John An­ the Express has learned, no serious
derson. He especially recom­ damage was done.
mends the William Marvin shoe.
Verna, the nine-year old daugh-
Mr. and Mrs. S. G Morgan and
M r‘and Mre/Julius" Wehrley and !«« °< Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pierce,
children took a trip over t h e i f bm.tted to an operation hriday
for the removal of tonsils and ade­
Columbia highway Tuesday.
noids. She is again back in school.
The new Round Oak combina­
Charley Van Dorn has just com-
tion range burns gas, wood and
coal. It must be seen to be ap- pkted 120 feet of cement walk for
predated. See it at the Gordon W. F. Johnson and is putting in
a concrete retaining wall for D.
Hardware store.
X. Morris.
I have a water-heated suit of
v* ry pleasant rooms, suitable for
two men, for rent. J E. Deeks,
corner 1st street and 4th avenue
Basil, the 12-year-o!d son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Underwood,
operatid on at the Forist
Our Specialty
Grove hospital last Thursday and
is doing nicely.
We have the exclusive sell­
John Heisler, jr., has sold his
ing rights for genuine Ford
farm to a man named Weston,
parts. No other as good.
who moved from Portland Tues­
day. John has moved onto the
Come in and get our prices
Keck property, on the Greenville
before you have that
Walter Watkins is in a peculiar
dilemma. He wants to join the
navy and is not heavy enough. If
he eats heavily to gain weight, he
will be going contrary to the wish­
K. of P. Building
es of Hoover and if he don’t he
Phone, Main 426
won’t get a chance to “swat” the
C a r s a n d R e p a ir s
Repair Work Done
Stout Auto Co.
I have been in the Shoe Game
for a long time. Just now we
are in the “ Shoe Millinery” bus­
iness. When it comes to asking
$7.50 to $15 for a pair of $3.50
to $4.50 shoes, it’s ‘going some.’
All above $3.50 to $5 is simply
paying for a very foolish “ fad .”
But, owing to conditions, we are
putting in a line of the fancy
stuff for $5 to $7.50. You pay
$9 to $15 for them in the cities.
If you must have them, we can
save you from $3.50 to $5 per
pair, at
C. V. B. Russell.
When You Buy a
Gas Range
Why Not Buy the Best?
e are not blowing up our Stoves more
than they deserve when we say they are IN A CLASS
BY THEMSELVES, as 80 per cent of the (¿as Ranges sold in
the city of Portland are the A-B Stoves. Why? Because they
are absolutely guaranteed against RUSTING. The others are
NOT. Our Ovens are lined with Asbestos, thereby saving Gas.
The others are NOT. Our Oven Doors are glass - you can see
your pies and cakes baking. The others are NOT. We have a
genuine SIMMERING burner. The others have NOT. Why
not buy the BEST ? It’s by far the cheapest in the end.
If your kitchen is small, we can sell you a combination Uni­
versal Wood and Gas Stove. This stove must V seen to be ap­
preciated. One oven is used for both (¡as and Wood. We will
trade for your old range.
We have a Sample to Show You.
Goff Bros.
Phone 683
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Forest Grove
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Dr. H. R Kauffman hud busi-
ness in Portland today.
A son was born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lilly of
Gales Creek.
High-grade guaranteed h o t
water bottles at reasonable prices
at Littler’s Pharmacy.
Anyone d e s i r i n g first-class
board and room inquire at Van-
Koughnet & Reder’s.
Mrs. Jessie Covert left the local
hospital a week ago today and is
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S Buxton, where she
It will die if you don't boost it
appears to be gaining strength.
The best way to boost it is to READ THE
A fine assortment of leather
goods— mu-ic rolls, hand bags,
Take an ACTIVE INTEREST in the town’s affairs.
co'lar boxes, purses, tourists*
writing cases and dressing ca-es—
just received at the Book Store
the local merchants.
Do y o u r Christmas shopping
Cook With foal
You can get the Portland Ore­
Christian Church
gonian six days a week, by mail, ( Unified service 9:45-11:30 a. m. Pro-
The Forest Grove Planing Mill
and the forest Grove Express, gram: Bible school Htudy j>cri<>*f: Pro-
laid in a supply of good fuel
for only $6.00 per year, if paid in j cession«!; Communion; Children’s Her- cou| an(j is prepared t() supply
advance. For Oregonian seven mon; Messane: "Divine Order in Mis­
consumers at a reasonable price.
days a week, add $2.00.
I ■ions.'* Everyone come prepared _
Miss Elizabeth Weitzel enter- make a pledge for State Missionary Order by telephone No. 02.V2.
tain* d , fourteen
boys and
girls last! , w ork.
Farm Gians Wanted
Song service and sermon 7:30 p. m.
Saturday afternoon in honor of Subj f ..The Attribute8 of God/.
Can furni-h you farm loans at
her 10th birthday anniversary. Come worship with us.
a low rate of interest. Hollis &
Mrs. Weitztl served refreshments
K. L. PUTNAM, Minister. | Graham.
and the youngsters had a fine
Specials—at the Pacific Market
Seasonable Specials
Five pounds lard, $1 40; 10 lbs.
Cotton union suits. $1.25.
Quota Almost Filled
$2.75; Carnation coffee, as
White cotton u n i o n suits,
long as it lasts, 30c per can. Re­
Six more drafted men were to- $1 50.
member. we are headquarters for
! day cert ified to the state board
la te st in cloth hats, $2 50.
¡celery, fruits and vegetables, as
by the Washington county board,
Work sox, 3 pairs for 25c.
well as choice fresh and salt
as follows:
meats and poultry.
Rockford sox, 2 pair for 25c.
Chas. H. Schmidlin, Waldemar
C. E. ROY & CO.
Public sale bills printed at the
A. Prahl, Henry Hanson, Steven
Kemper, Henry Vandercouvering
and Edward H. Kauffman.
) This w o u l d fill Washington
county’s quota were it not for the
fact that four men have been re -1
turned by the military authorities.
Just what will be done regarding
these four is not clear to the local
boar* 1.
Having purchased the Burn-
worth fish market, east of fhe
Schultz store, I invite all citizens
in search of nice fresh fish to call
on me. G. I. Gibson.
Be a
Life Saver
Let “ Hazelnut
A t S rh u ltza
Phone 061