SUFFERING FROM COLD Whole Wheat The Best Food Doctors K<*m-rally a^rce that whole wheat ¡ h best for the human body. “ Force” the universali breakfast food is a combination of selected whole wheat and the choicest bar­ ley malt--Nourishing,' strengthen­ ing, digestible, delicious. [.S u n n y fim ] At Your G ro ce r’s SHERIDAN BECKLEY COMP’Y, Inc. P ro d u ce B ro kers. («ah bu r"* In k»c*t «lui rMr krta. H ( k ; s i W r it « f.»r H h lp p ln , T » « . VEAL Nu t i l ' . « ~ EGGS ' (ommU«laiu APPLE? f Potalo«! ONION? ' 126 Front Street, PORTLAND, - Ksfrrtnr# - OREGON IllliernUi Savings Itarik. WANT PHEASANTS W t will p.iy PtMasaat*. for live China W ill slating M m and number. M AR M O T PH EASANTRY, MARMOT, OREGON Germany’s Penalty. W e all know what the l&st year and half of the Civil War meant to the If you shiver in frosty a Bouth; It well nigh annihilated their weather, if vou have cold hands youth. Hoys and old men were called and feet, if colds are stubborn to tho front, and half a century after the struggle the Bouth la only begin and frequent, then your blood , rilng to recover. This Is what another m ay be thin and impoverished. I year of the war will mean to Ger i many. On the western front, French, ; British, and American manhood will divide the cost of the battle In human life. But the German manhood will 1 have to defray It all and the tax will, , therefore, be enormously higher upon 1 the German. Germany, by using enslaved popula­ tions, by using prisoners, has been able to put a far greater percentage | of her manhood on the firing line has been correcting this condi­ than her opponents; this has enabled to hold off her enemies, and still tion for nearly fifty years. It her enables her to do It, but It has also p o s s e s s e s r a r e p o w e r s for compelled her to use up a far greater of her human capital and creating natural body warmth, ! fraction thus cripple herself In the after-war for charging s u m m e r b lo o d recovery.— From "Verdun— Riga— The with winter rich n ess and I Isonzo,” by Frank H. Blmonds In the Review of Reviews for Oc­ strengthening both throat American tober, 1917. SCOTTS iliU iS I O N and lungs. T h e N o r w e g ia n ro d liv e r o il In S c e tt's Em ulsion I n now r r fin c l In our o w n A m e ric a n U lio r iito r ir , w b i c b m a k e « it p u re and palatable. Scott & B ow n e. Illo o n ifleld .N J. 17-17 Just Basis for Blame. "You can’t complain If people criti­ cise you for letting your girl pay for Ice cream treats.” " I can complain that I was miss- treated.”— Exchange. t 1 SELDOM SEE a big knee like thi«, but your hor»e may la ve a bunch or bruise on hit ankle, hock, stifle, kriee or throat. Got a Line on Them. Two English laborers who were on the road to lilrrnlngham to get work will clean it off without laying up happened to meet an old Irishman the horse. N o blister, no hair breaking stones on the road side. They gone. Concentrated— only a few Inquired of Pat how long It would drops required at an application. f 2 per Prudent Precaution. take to get there. Pat simply looked bottLr delirrrrd. D n c r :!f y m t rate f.r iper *! in«?rncrioi "W h y are you not staying at home, an i B o o k » M fr e e A B S O R B I N 'h . J R .. cLe and- at them and made no reply. Thinking •cpC'.e liniment fr»r mankind. red ;ce« Painful Swell ngt. he was deaf they walked on. When my boy?” fciitarfed Gland«. W ent. B r; tea. Varicoae Vein«; alls/* "Th e doctor said pa had aphasia, Pant and inAaomat:>.n. P i s r #1 and 12 a bottle at arugfiau they had gone about 300 yards he called after them, so they came back. and we was afraid It was ketchin’."— or delivered. Made in the U. 5. A. i y ____________ ____ W. F. YOUNG, P.O.F., 403 Temple St.. Sprinffieid, Mass. “ Ye asked me how long it would Exchange. tuke to go tO lilrrnlngham?’’ “ Yes." they said. "W ell," said Pat. " it will take ye four hours." "W hy didn’t you tell us that be­ fore?” they asked. "W ell, now." said Pat; "how could I tell ye until I saw how fast ye could walk first?"— Pittsburgh Chronicle- Telegraph. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURI Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form or another, says a well-known author­ ity, because the uric acid in meat ex­ cites the kidneys, they become over­ worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney re­ gion; rheumatic twinges, severe head­ aches, acid stomach, constipation, tor­ pid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid­ neys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of wa­ ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com­ bined with iithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid­ neys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. C A R E F O R Y O U R S K IN 2 0 0 R o o m »« |(MJ H a itis N e a r R o th iJ a p o ta A b a o lu te ly 1 u rp roo f I H o te l H o y t And Keep It Clear by Dally Use of Cutlcura— Trial Free. A hot bath with Cutlcura Soap fol­ lowed by a gentle anointing with Cutl­ tornar Siath ami Hort .Sla . Porila ml. Ora. cura Ointment clears the skin or scalp 1.1)11 imi KH. yiionr. In most cases of eczemas, rashes and KATKS 71 c lu U. BI’KCIAL W«ak or Month Itching of children and adults. Make Cutlcura your every-day toilet prep­ arations and prevent such troubles. Granulated Eyelids, Free sample each by mall with Address postcard, Cutlcura, Sr»re Iv y «, Eve* Inflamed by Hook. Sun, Dumt husi W ind quit kly Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. . x y j . ^ ' relieved by Murine. I ty It In Y f r . f m^rJT'r’ C ^ r Eyes Ail J in baby'a Eyes. — Adr. ! TOUR LY t O Ne Smart i»f. Jest Eye Cornier t Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet Aik M a rise E re Rcm cdr Co., C h lew o a for a laxative— three for a cathartic. Marine Eye Remedy ^ ¡X S ^ S S S ^ ’m tiZ I r a S a lr a . in T u la * l b . Por / l»a* » / I * « h » r fr a a . True Almoet Anywhere. A story Is going the rounds concern­ ing the Inquiry In I>ondon Into the beat method of checking extravagance In restaurnnts and hotels, says Pear­ son’s Weekly. Among the witnesses before the committee was a certain stolid looking waiter. The particular article of food under discussion at the moment hap­ pened to he margarine, and ono of the members asked, Incidentally: "H ow do you call It In the restaurant business— ‘margarine’ or ’marjorlne’ ?" "Neither, sir," blandly replied the waiter; "w e calls it ’b u tter'!"— Ex­ change. — 1 -- ■■■■?; ■ .. B ig g e r P a y fo r Y o u . I l«h n k * - W a lk «r B u t in «« « Collagi*. Po rtla n d . O r«.. Usrgcwt in N o r th w m t. tra in « you in all bust- n*«m rournes. E n roll any tim e. F raa ( ntulog. Not Like a Hen. boarder who had been gleaning statis- boarder who had been cleaning statis­ tics from between tho covers of a patent medicine almanac, "lays more than a million eggs. Now what do you think of that?" “ I think,” rejoined the Cheerful Idiot, "that It’s a mighty lucky thing for the codfish that she doesn't have to cackle over every egg.”— Exchange. Keep your s a ilo r soldier or b o y su p p lie d . Give him the la stin g Second Mistake of the Kind. A passenger on a New York and Chicago limited train, upon looking under his berth in the morning, found one black shoe and one tan shoe. He called the porter s attention to the er­ ror. The porter scratched a woolly head in bewilderment. "W ell, an’ don't dat beat all." he said. ‘‘Hat's de second time dls maunin’ dat dat mis­ take's happened!” — Exchange. refreshment, the protec­ tion against thirst, the help to appetite and di­ g e s t i o n a f f o r d e d by Lawyer Keeps His Word. " I haven’t any case,” continued the client, ’’but I have money." "H ow much? We win! ill jh km Writ* fir prices ltd shipping tigs "Sixty thousand dollars." T hi h . F. N o r t h C i . pwih ««. ore; $utm, wi “ Phew! You have tho best case I ever handled." said the lawyer. “ I ’ll see that you never go to prison with that sura.” And the client didn't— he went there far THANKSGIVING «ml CHRISTMAS broke.— Boston Transcript trade. W rit« for prices. Ship u* your Veal. H i« « . Poultry. Ess*. Hides and Casoara bar!.. Tup prtaaa and fair treatment. A Culinary Necessity. He— It Is awful, this raise In bread. C L E A S B Y -H A N S O N C O . Bhe—L k me, John, bread’s got to 115 FRONT ST. PORTLAND. ORE raise, hasn’t It?— Exchange. Wrigley’s. HIDES, PELTS. CA8CARA BARK. WOOL AND MOHAIR. (t*s an outstanding fea­ ture of the w ar— “ All WANTED, TURKEYS the B ritish Army is chewing it.” AFTER EVERY MEAL V a t i, P ork . B W , P o u lt r y , B u tta r, E g g « « a d F orna P r o d u c e , to tfce OH K alaM e C . ardine house with a ree-s-I uf II rear* at Square Dealings, and be assured ef T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M C R O N K H I I F. 5-47 Freut Street B U Y D IR E C T ta t [0 w T o P o rliu d . Orasen - t .............- O w n P lu m b in g | By buying direct frarn ne at wholesale prtrea and ear* the planbar’« profite. Write oa to­ day your needa. W a will gira you our rock- bottom “direct-to-ye*” priesa, f. o. b. rail or boat. W a seta ally ears you from 10 to M per cent. All goods rearen teed. Northwest headquarter* foi leader Wate« Hr*teens and Foliar A Johnsen Engines. S T A R K -D A V IS C O . 21 2 Third Street. Portland. Oragou P. N. U. No. 43, 1917. LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because s few d.'ops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with­ out pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take o ff every bard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. I f your druggist hasn't any freesone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It Is fine stuff and acta like a charm every time. F la v o r L a sts t e s ili: J U IC Y F R U IT îiîïiû T C H E W I N G GUM ' v « i i « ih V.SAl’ PtQ -- ' d - . ' UNITED