KAZAN i live In every limarle of his hotly, Ka Min stinsi, scarcely breathing. More than once this lack of dem onstration JOAN LEARNS THAT THE LOVE OF KAZAN IS A VERY had urged Joan's husband lo « arti her. But the wolf that «a* In Kazan. Ills GREAT PRIZE INDEED, AND SHE SHOWS HER » lid a lo o fn e s s , oven Ids m ating «Uh Gruy W o lf had made her love him AFFECTION FOR THE DOG m o re. S h e understood, nnd hud faith, in him. K ’ n (¡rand mother’s Recipe to Kazan, a vicious Alaskan sledge dog, one-quarter wolf, saves the lu the days of the last snow Kazan Hrsliirt 1 Color, ( ¡I omm and life of Thorpe, his m aster, and Is taken along when the m aster goes to had proved himself. A neighboring AttrarUvrni'HM. Civilization to meet hi* bride and return with her to the fro/eu country. trapper had run over with Ids team, Even Thorpe Is afraid to touch Kazan, hut Isohel, the «log's new mis­ uud the baby Joan bud toddled Up to, Almost everyone know s th a t Hagt. By tress, wins his affection at once. On the w ar northw ard M et'ready. u one of the Mg huskies. There was s T ea ami Hulphur, properly compound J a m es dog-team driver, heats the m aster Insensible and attacks the bride. tierce simp of Jaws, u scream of horror | e«l. brings back tin* n atural color ami \* O liver K azan kills McOready. tlees to the woods. Joins a wolf pack, whip» from Joan, a shout from the men us lustre to the hair w hen failed, streak the leader, takes a young mute, Oray Wolf, and a few nights later O urwood they leaped tow ard the puck. But H a­ . .1 or gray. Yeara ago tin« only way drives off the pack which hud attacked I'lerre, u sick tnun. his daughter nno wa* abend of them nil. In u gray to got this m lxturo was to m ake It at Joan, aiul her buby. Kazan, luted by Joan's kindness, stays near her. streak that traveled with tb# speed «if homo, w hich Is in ussy and trim! I'lerre dies. Joun and Kazan sta rt to pull the sle«lge to the settle­ a bullet ho was at the hlg husky'a Home Now adays, by asking at any re for ''W y e th ’s Wage anil Hul ment. Joan fnlls exhausted and cold. ' throat. When they pulled him off. tha drug sto Copyright by tb* Bobb*-M*rrlU Company. Com pound.” you will get a large husky was dead. Joan thought of that phur of this fam ous old recipe, lm now, ns the baby kicked and tousled bottle CHAPTER IX—Continued. proved by the addition of o th er In —9— grcdteiita, for About bo cents under the sta rs and the uioon, keeping Kazan's head. he followed In the trail of the team , K azan stopped In the trail. He cam e ith (.¡ray W olf slinking behind him. faithfully to her loneliness, and never D on't stay g ray t T ry It! No one back then and sat down upon his w They ran possibly tell th a t you darkened traveled until d a rk ; and then, once responding w ith her own tongue haunchee beside her. w aiting for her under the stars and the moon that liad to the huut-ealls of her wild brothers your hair, as It dora It ao naturally Another Im portant evsnt bobs and evenly. You dam pen a apouge nr to m ore and speak. But she was very followed the storm , the tuuu still urged nnd sisters In the forests uud out ou up for Kazan, snd the wolf aoft brush with It and draw this still. He th ru st his nose Into her loose on his team. It was deep lu the night the plains. U sually she would snarl at dog assum es s new pride and through your hair, tak in g one small hair. A w hine rose In his throat, and when they cam e to another cabin, and the Voice, nnd som etim es nip Kazan dignity. It's all told In the nest stran d nt a tim e; by m orning the gray suddenly he raised his head and the man heat upon the door. A light, lightly to show her diapleusurc. But Installment. hair disappears, and a fte r an o th er ap sniffed In the face of the wind. Some­ the opening of the door, the Joyous today, ns the Voice cam e a third time, plication or two, your hair berom i a thing cam e to him w ith that wind. He welcome of a m an's voice, Jo an ’s sob­ she slunk.buck Into the darkness of a beautifully dark, gloaay and attraetlv e |T O Ilk C O N T IN I i.l> l m uzzled Joan again, but she did not bing cry— Kazan heard these from the fissure betw een two rocks, and Kazan W yeth's Sage and Hulphur Com stir. Then he w ent forw ard, and stood shadow s In which ho was hidden, and saw only the fiery glow of her eyes. pound la a delightful toilet requisite in his traces, ready for the pull, nud then slipped buck to Oray Wolf. Kazan ran nervously to the trail DRINKING WATER IN GUTTERS for those who d esire dark h air and a looked back at her. Still she did not In the days and weeks th a t followed their feet had worn up to the top of youthful appearance. It la not Intend­ move or speak, and K azan's whine Joan's homecoming the lure of the cuhin the Sun roek, and stood undecided. All However, the Ladlee of the Andean ed for the cure, m itigation or prevrn lion of dlaeaae. gave place to a sharp, excited bark. aud of the w om an's hand held Kazan. day, and yesterday, he had been un- Capital Alto Bathe In It. The strange thing In the wind came As he had tolerated I’lerre, so now he easy nnd disturbed. W hatever It was A Forw ard Guest. to him stronger for a moment. He tolerated the younger man who lived that stirred him seemed lo be In the H ostess to H er H usband How Inut begun to pull. The sledge runners w ith Joan and the baby. He knew air, for he could not see It or hear It fbugue, capital of the ('olum btan you are. John You m ust real had frozen to the snow, and It took that the m an was very dear to Joan, or scent It. But ho could f«*ol It. He province of Tolliua. claim« i!,.HUU tentlve ly look a fte r Mr. Blank b ette r he’s every ounce of his strength to free and that the baby was very dear to went to the fissure aud sniffed at Gray “eouls,” but the count takes much for helping him self to ev erything Boston town T ranscript. them . Twice during the next five min­ hint, us It was to the girl. It was Wolf. U sually she whined couxlngly. grunted. It 1« a «quart........ u tes he stopped and sniffed the air. not until the third day th at Joan suc­ But her response today was to draw of almost wholly thatched «>nu-*t#ry T he third tim e th at he halted. In a ceeded lu coaxing him Into the cubln— back her lips until be could see her building*. Its «hie streets ntroeh 4» y R epartee See Saw. cobbled und Its few slilewulk* worn T he needle d rift of snow, he returned to Joan's and that was the day on which the white fangs. been m aking plerc side again, and whined to aw aken her. man returned with the dead nnd fro­ A fourth tim e the Vole* came to perilously slippery nnd barely whi# Ing rem ark* to had the shirt. zen body of I’lerre. It was Joan's T hen he tugged again a t the end of them fulntly, and she snapped fiercely enough for two feet nt one#. "1 know your fell said the his traces, and foot by foot he dragged husband who first found the name on at some unseen thing In the darkness A stream of crystal-clear w ater latter. "It la to ace purpose.” th e aeatny aide of the collar he wore, nnd they begun the sledge through the drift. Beyond between the two rocks. Kazan went gurgles do« n every street through lit. i i r t a n n the d rift there was a strA ch of clear calling him Kazan. again to the trull, still hesitating. Then cobbled gutters, lulling the travel- Ju st a Suggestion. Ice, and here K azan rested. D uring a H alf a mile away, at the sum m it of I he began to go down. It was a nur- weary to sleep anil furnishing n con­ lull In the wind the scent cam e to him a huge m ass of rock which the Indiuns row, winding trail, worn only by the venient mean* of «ashing photographic "My M>y.” said Mr. O rahroln, seri­ called the Sun rock, he and Gray stronger than before. films. Ws drank less often, however, ously. "I wnnt you to acquire a com after w# hud strolled up to the end petenry." At the end of the clear Ice was a W olf hud found a hom e; nnd from narrow break In the shore, w here a here they w ent down to their hunts of tha m ountain and found (lire# n o n e "W ell. dad. If you tre a t me right In will, your dream will com e tru e.” creek ran Into the m ain stream . If on the plain, and often the girl s voice too handsom e ladles bathing lu the rea- your B irm ingham A ge-ilerald reached up to them, calling, ''K u zu n . Joan had been conscious she would ! ervolr. K azan!” have urged him straight ahead. But K azan! It 1« a peaceful, roomy pine#, where K azan turned Into the break, and for Through all the long w inter Kazan everyone h a s unlim ited spue# on the ten m inutes he struggled through the hovered thus betw een the lure of Joun grassy, gentle slop.- to put up his little snow w ithout a rest, w hining more and the cabin—and Gray Wolf. chalky, straw -roofed cottage, yet nil and more frequently, until at last the Then cam e spring—and the G reat toe the street line a* If fearful of miss­ Every w o m a n '* b u rd e n * a r e ll c h tr n r d w hine broke into a Joyous bark. Ahead Change. ing anything that m ight unexpectedly w hrti stir tu rn * to tb « rig h t m ed ic in e If of him, close to the creek, w as a small pass. Foreigners seem to b# a great h er n l a t e n r e I* m u d« glo om y by the CHAPTER X. cabin. Smoke w as rising out of the novelty, and I could find no satisfac­ c h ro n ic w e a k n e s s, d e lic a te d e r a n g e ­ chimney. It was the scent of smoke tory reason why so many Ibaguenoa m ent*, a n d p ain fu l d le o rd rr a th a t afflict T h t G reat Change. th a t had come to him In the wind. A The rocks, were blind, unless they hnd overin­ h e r aex, ah« will find re lie f a n d e m a n c i­ the ridges aud the val­ n fro m h e r tro u b le In !>r. I ’le rre '* hard, level slope reached to the cabin leys w ere taking dulged them selves lu the national gtuue p F atio on a w arm er glow. a v o rite P re sc rip tio n . If she'* o v e r ­ door, and w ith the last strength that The poplar buds were of staring.—H arry A. Franck, In the w orked, n erv o us, o r " r u n - d o w n ,'' «he to burst. was in him, K azan dragged his bur­ The scent of balsam ready Century Magazine. find* n ew life a n d a tr e n g th I t 's a p o w e r­ aud of spruce den up that. Then he settled him self grew ful, In v ig o ra tin g tonic a n d n e rv in e w hich heavier in the air each day, nnd back beside Joan, lifted his shaggy all through the w ilderness, In plain and w ua d isc o v e red an d u se d by a n em in e n t E ucslyptus Leaves. p h y sic ia n fo r m a n y y e a ra In all caae* of head to the dark sky and howled. Eucalyptus are evergreens, which forest, there was the rippling m urm ur " fe m a le c o m p la in ts ” a n d w e a k n e s s F or A mom ent later the door opened. A of shed their bark hut not their leaves, y o u ng girl* ju s t e n te rin g w o m a n h o o d , the spring floods finding their way m an cam e out. K azan's reddened, to H udson's bay. In th a t great bay but they are not shade trees. The] for w o m e n a t th a critic a l “ c h u n g e of life;’* snow-shot eyes followed him w atch­ there was the nim ble und crash of the leaves are placed In Inclined rnther In h e a rin g - d o w n s e n s a tio n s , perlcMllc.il u lce ra tio n . In fla m m a tio n , a n d ev ery fully as he ran to the sledge. He Ice fields thundering down In the early than In horizontal positions, nnd the pains, heard his startled exclam ation as he break-up through the Roes W elcome— __ M -- passage of light Is hut little o bstruct­ k tio in n d " red will a ilm b e e n n e t, fit th o e r " cu F a re. v o r it e P r e s c r i p ­ bent over Joan. In another lull of the the doorway to the Arctic, and for th at j ed. For this reason, sm aller trees nnd T h e " P r e s c r i p ti o n " c o n ta in s no alcohol, wind there cam e from out of the mass reason there still cam e w ith the April | sold In ta b le t o r liquid fo rm Hatia bushes nnd grass grow underneath, a pic n d to Is I»r P ierce. Invullde' H otel, B uffalo, of furs on the sledge the walling, half- wind an occasional sharp breuth of ( and the woods In places assum e the N. Y , fur lu rg e tria l pkg sm othered voice of baby Joan. appearance of n Jungle from which | A deep sigh of relief heaved up from w inter. the tow ering sh afts of trees. It O ught to Know. K azan had sheltered him self against K azan's chest. H e was exhausted. th a t wind. Not a breath of air stirred D arted Swiftly in the Direction of the arise A recently com m issioned second Is Interesting to note that prim itive H is strength was gone. H is feet were In the sunny spot the wolf-dog hud lieuten an t wits drilling hla com m and Cabin. type* of eucalyptus, a* well a* the torn and bleeding. But the voice of | chosen for him self. He w-as more com­ an Indianapolis street. or m ore m odern type*, have In Som baby Joan filled him w ith a strange fortable than he had been at any tim e pads nnd cln« s of anim als, for the Sun 1 young w ent w rong and the sol­ leaves, pointing to u tim e dier* ething rock was a huge crag that rose alm ost j horizontal foutui thetn*elv#a trying to happiness, and he lay down In his . . . . ... In the geologic paat when the clim ate traces, while the m an carried Joan and i durln* tbe s' x “ 1o nth* °* te rr,^ e w ln' sheer up for n hundred feet above the was m ore congenial and no precau­ m arch over a six foot fence. T he lieu ten an t halted th e com pany the baby into the life and w arm th of i ter- and 03 he slePl h* dream ed, tops of the spruce nnd bnlsutn, lta bald the cabin ! G ray Wolf, his wild m ate, lay near crest catching the first gleam s of the i tions to conserve m oisture need be tuk- and said: "M en, why don't you do w hat I w ant A few m inutes later the man reap- him flat on her belly, her forepaw s sun In the morning und the lust glow en.—N ational Geographic Magazine. you to do Instead of w hat I tell you reaching out, her eyes and nostrils an of It In the evening. G ray Wolf had peared. He was not old, like Pierre keen and alert as the smell of man to do?”— Indianapolis News. Big Profit In Onions. Itadlsson. He cam e close to Kazan, | could m ake them . For there was that first led Kuzun to the security of the Komnn Sklvlckl of Sunderland con­ retreat nt the top of the rock. and looked down at him. tinues to be favored of fortune or by ''M y God,” he said. “And you did : smell of man, as well as of balsam When lie reached the bottom he no hi* own foresight. He held on to hi* and spruce, In the warm spring nlr. longer th a t—alone !” hesitated, but darted sw iftly lu onions when all hla wise Yankee H e bent down fearlessly, unfastened • Sbp *uzed anx,0U8,y sometimes the direction of the cabin. Because friends said "sell," and has got the him from the traces, and led hItn "‘eadlly, at ^ azaD a " of th at Instinct of the wild tliut was highest price $7 u bag of own gruy spine stiffened when she still In him, he alw ays approached the 100 pound*. \\ on ben record, tow ard the cabin door. K azan hesl- the price got up to cabin with caution. He never guve tated but once—alm ost on the thresh- saw ,he tnwny hulr alon* K aznn'R $.'l Ids Ynnkee friend» dropped in and old. He tam ed his head, sw ift and back brlstle at 8ome dr,;am vlslon' warning, nnd for a m om ent Joan was told Koman that It was dangerous a le rt From out of the m oaning and Sbe whload 8oft,y as bls upper ,lp startled when she looked up from her hold on any longer, and they repeated to w alling of the storm it seemed to him j *nail* d h s ^ showlng h i. long, j h l t e baby and suw Kazan's shaggy head w arnings at $4, $r> and ffl, but still Symptoms of M ore Serious th a t for a moment he had heard the fangs. But, for the moat part, Kazan and shoulders la the open door. The the lay quiet, save for the m uscular baby struggled und kicked In her de­ Roman kept some of them till the last, Sickness. 0btce of Gray Wolf. tw itching» of legs, shoulders and light, and htdd out her two hands with If there Is any last when crop» are T hen tha cabin door closed behind muzzle, which alw ays tell when a dog cooing cries to Kazan. Joan, too, held going up on a crop failure, Roman him. m ade a net profit of $7.000 on hla on­ Washington Pnrk, 111.— " I am the Is drsam and as he dream ed there out a hand. Back In a shadow y corner of the cam e to lng; In 1001, nnd ho m ust have done mother of four children and have suf­ the door of the cabin out on cabin he lay, w hile the m an prepared the pialn a blue-eyed girl-woman, with “KazHn 1” aha cried softly. "Come ions fered with fi-maln much better than th at this yeur.— som ething over a hot stove for Joan. a big brown braid over her shoulder, In, Kazan 1” trouble, backache, N ortham pton Gazette. It was a long tim e before Joan rose who called through the cup of her Slowly the wild red light In Kaznn's nervous »pi ll» and from the cot on which the m an had hands, "K azan, Kazan, K azan !” eyes softened. lie put a forefoot on the blue*. My chil­ Doctors Don't Know Everything. placed her. A fter th a t K azan heard The voice reuched faintly to the top the sill, and stood there, w hile the girl dren's loud talking her sobbing; and then the man m ade of the Sun rock, and G ray W olf flat­ urged him uguln. Suddenly hla legs "I thought you told me that your and romping would doetor hud ordered you to quit drink­ her eat, and for a tim e they talked. tened her ears. Kazan stirred, nnd In seem ed to sink a little under him, his m e bo nervous make ing?” said Smith. Then the stranger hung up a big blan­ another Instant he was aw ake and on tall drooped and he slunk In w ith that I could just tear "Aw, these doctor» don’t know whnt ket in front of the bunk, nnd sat down doggish nlr of huvlng com m itted a everything to pieces his feet. He leaped to an outcropping they are tulklng about," replied clSse to the stove. Q uietly K azan .. . .. „ , crime. The creatures ho loved were Brown, us he stirred his highball. "I nnd I would ache nil slipped along the wall, and crept un- Ied*e' PnimnK ,he a,r flnfl l ik i n g far In the cabin, but the cnbln Itself he over and feel no nick quit drinking for two duys and I didn’t der the bunk. For a long tim e he ! out 0Ter ,h * pln,n th at Iay be,ow them - hnted. He hated all cabins, for they feel u bit better.” that I would not could h ear the sobbing breath of the i Over the plain the w om an’s voice all breathed of the club and the whip want anyone to talk cam e to them again, and K azan ran to bondage. Like nil the sledge-dogs, he girl. Then all w as still. to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkhnm’a He Disliked Laziness. The next m orning he slipped out the edge of the rock and whined. Gray preferred the open snow for a bed, and Compound and Liver I’illa re­ A fter a day or two In a hustling, Vegetable through the door when the man opened W olf stepped softly to his aide and the spruce-tops for shelter. stored me to health and I wnnt to thnnk It. and sped sw iftly into the forest. laid her muzzle on his shoulder. She Joan dropped her hand to hla head, hustling w estern town a tram p shook you for the good they hnve done mo. I the dust from hla boots w ith o snarl, H alf a m ile aw ay he found the trail had grown to know w hat the Voice and a t lta touch there thrilled through had quite a bit of troublo anil “They m ust be durn lazy people In have of O ray Wolf, and called to her. From m e an t Day and night she feared It, .him worry but it does not affect my youth­ th at strange Joy th a t w as his re­ this town. Everyw here you turn they the frozen riv er cam e her reply, and m ore than she feared the scent or w ard for leaving Gray W olf and the ful looks. My friends say ‘ Why do you offer you work to do.” sound of man. he w ent to her. look so young and well ? ’ I owe it all wild. Slowly he raised his head until Vainly O ray W olf tried to lore him Since she had given up the pack and his black muzzle rested on her lap, nnd to the Lydia E. Pinkhnm remedies.” Safe to Bo Around. back into th e ir old haunts—aw ay her old life for K azan, the Vole® had he closed his eyes while th a t wonder- —Mrs. R obt . STOPIEL, Sage Avenue, "How la your husband getting on from the cabin and the scent of man. become G ray W olf’s greatest enemy, ful little creature th at m ystified him Washington Park, Illinois. L ate th a t m orning the man harnessed and she hated It. It took K azan from so— the baby—prodded him w ith her with hi» golf?" his dog», and froth the fringe of the her. And w herever It went, Kazan tiny feet, nnd pulled hla taw ny hair. "Very well, Indeed. The children If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the foreat K azan saw him tuck Joan and followed. these baby-m aullngs even «re allowed to watch him now." Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, the baby am ong the furs on the sledge, Night after night It robbed her of m He ore lov«d than the touch of Jo an ’s hand. as old P ierre had done. All th a t day her m ate, and left her to w ander alone M otionless, aphlnzilke, undeiuouatra- The dry »ea»on range of tem perature Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. In Cube Is from 00 to M degree«. ffiHMBBMBaBBBgaBfiBB f i A WOMAN’S lU KDKNS IN THIS WAH .¿ ■ c a g f « ” __ r e r.o o h l n o n u t ri o p o v a o n H zl n ri ! u na NERVOUSNESS AND BLUES