The (bounty Fair Prize-Winners Following ¡in* tht* name« of ex hi hi torn at the county fair who won prizes: Juvenile Poultry Department Rhode Island Reds— B st cock, Lloyd Shotwell; hen, Lloyd Shot- well 1st, Kdwin Fries 2d ¡cockerel, 1st and 2d pullet, Ilah Shotwell; trio, Lloyd Shotwell 1st, Kdwin Fries 2d. Brown Ijeghornx Cock, Dilita Shoiwell 1st, Laurel Shotwell 2d; hen, l,aurel Shotwell; pullet, U lita Shotwell. Bantams l/iyal Mann 1st, Kl- wood Wilson, 2d, Marion Sayres 3d. I ’¡«eons ( >eo. Vanderzandcn. Hares Buck, Victor Bryant 1st, Lloyd Harper 2d, Cecil Shot- well 3d; doe, Victor Bryant 1st, Floyd Harper,2 d ,Geo.Tigard 3d; pair, Victor Bryant 1st. Floyd Harper 2d, Geo Strieck 3d. Guinea Rigs Clara O ’Neill 1st, Veryl Hines 2d, Willie Hiatt 3d. L'onard Reh 1st, Pius Moore 2d, Francis Schwall 3d. Be-t Piece of Scroll saw Work Francis Schwall 1st, Leonard Reh 2d and 3d. LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats Quality, Style, Fit and Lanting Satisfaction Cooking IiOaf Light Bread F/iuise Van­ The long-standing dependability of this concern is dehey 1st. Dorothy DeShazer 2d, back o f everything you buy for men and boys wear Helen Reeher 3d. Tw o Store« in Portland Third Slr„ , Baking Powder Biscuit Clara Case 1st, Gladys Sidwell 2d, M el­ S & H STAM PS vin Swift 3d. given with all pur­ chases. T h e s e are Brown Bread Katherine Hig­ "T h e Kuppenhelmer (Ü B K IH N . good for cash dis­ Ilouae In P ortlan d ." Preaident, by 1st, Margaret Taylor 2d. counts. K. U K »., 11-1-17 Loaf Cake Jean Craft 1st, Avis Sating 2d, Lloyd Kerr 3d. the first lien upon said real Layer Cake Veretfa Perry 1st, t*d Plants—Carl Brodersen 1st, with deposits of more than a mil­ clared Donald Sehoolc'aft 2d, Ruth lion dollar«. W. S. Short, vice- property; and that such decree, order Irene Marr 2d, Helen Marsh 3d. said real premises and the whole there­ Munkers 3d president of the bank, is a Kansas of sold in the manner prescribed by law Dozen Cookies Beta Pollock man. M *» Short and Mrs A . J and that all the right, title, interest, Basketry 1st, Mamie DeFleming 2d, Ad - Collins of Sabetha are sisters. estate, and demand which any of the Raffia Basket R u b y Sewell line Vandehey 3d. defendants may have in or to said 1st, Martha Johnson 2d. Kathryn Vancouver is an agricultural and premises or any part thereof, be for­ D o z e n Chocolate Creams industrial city The former Sa­ ever barred and forclosed; that such Margaret Hiriman 1st, Mary Ber­ Jackson .'ki betha banker .-»eems to have gotten decree provide that the real premises Reed Basket— Martha Johnson. nard 2d. in on one of the real live banking, be sold in order to satisfy the demands Collection of Basket W ork— properties on the coast. Person­ of the plaintiff as the court may find Dozen Divinity Fudge Jose­ due and as above prayed for; that if phine Bothman 1st. Maijorie Gil- Martha Johnson. ally Roy looks in splendid health said premises do not sell for a sum suf- Special on Ladder — Howard and pep.” hy 2d, Clara Case 3d ficent to pay the demand o f the plain­ Barnhill. tiff then that plaintiff have a deficiency Dozen Chocolate Carmels judgment against the defendant, W. T. SUM M ONS Velm.i Gailey 1st, Josephine Both­ % Viewed Proposed Koads In the Circuit Court o f the State of Simmons, for such deficiency; that any man 2d. person party to this suit or other­ Oregon, for Washington County. In company with County Judge G a rd e n in g wise may become the purchaser of said Canned Fruit Florence Snider premises at such sale and that such Hate Karly Potatoes Howard 1st, Ivy Snider 2d, Reta Pollock Rcasoner and Commissioner Mat- B. A. Kliks, plaintiff, purchaser be let into the immediate vs. Wall 1st, Fianris Schwall 2d, 3d. teson, John T. Fletcher of this W. T. Simmons, George Mather and possession of such premises by the Fred Cummings 3d. Canned Vegetables Ivy Snider city visited the county poor farm I.aVerna Mather, his wife; Harriet sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, Plate Burbank Potatoes How­ 1st, Kthel Bates 2d, Reta Pollock one day last week and, after din­ M. laivinger; Sarah Williams; G. L. and for such other and further relief as Lindsley, administrator of the estate to the court may seem meet and proper ard Wall 1st, Donald Schoolcraft 3d. ner, made a trip over the two of Magnus Block, deceased, defend­ in the premises. 2d, Elizabeth Swan ton 3d. Best Collection of Jellies Mary proposed r o u t e s bet ween t he This summons is published by virtue ant«. Plate of L ite Potatoes Wm. Thiele 1st, Gladys Hölscher 2d, To Sarah Williams, one of the above of an order hearing date October 15, coufity seat and Portland Mr. 1917, made by the above-entitled court Wenzel 1st, Kay W olf 2d and 3d. Florence Snider 3d. named defendants: and the Hon. G. R. Bagley, judge Fletcher says if the railroad cro ly­ IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E OF Field Corn Fay Rosencrans thereof, and which order directed that Pickle* Ret a Pollock l t, OREGON: this summons he published once a week 1-t. Helen VanKleek 2d, Wilfred Marie Krieger 2d, Ivy Snider 3d. ing on the Orenco route could be You are hereby required to appear for s i x successive a n d consecutive Kmmel 3d. eliminated, that would be an ex- and answer the complaint filed against weeks in the Forest Grove Express, a Sewing and Needlework you in the above entitled suit on nr be­ Sweet Corn Howard Well 1st, Dressed Doll Kloise Barker c llent route to Portland, a> much fore the expiration of six weeks from newspaper of general circulation, printea and published at Forest Grove, Walter Vandehey 2d, Walter Dil­ 1st, Kathryn Jones 2d, Gladys work has been done on the roads. the first publication of summons here­ Oregon. le y 3d. Sidwell 3d. He was surprised at the mileage in, which date of first publication is Date of first publication, October October 18th, 1917, and you are hereby Pop Corn Irene Murr 1st and Embroidered Pieces Pearl Hen­ of rock roads in the eastern end required to answer on or before Fri­ 18th, 1917. Date o f last publication, 2d, Raymond Spiering .‘id. derson 1st, Hazel Simon 2d, Eve­ of the county, as he had not vis­ day, November 30th, 1917; and if you Nov. 22nd, 1917. CH AS. J. TAFF, fail so to appear or answer, the plain­ lyn Me Fee ter- 3d. Three I-irgist Stalks of Corn iter! that section fur twenty years. tiff will apply to the above entitled Attorney for plaintiff, residing at Walter Behruman 1st, Walter Fancy Handbag Fsther Boyd, A t the county farm Mr. Fletch­ court for the relief demanded in plain­ McMinnville, Oregon. 41-6t. Vandehey 2d, Harry Peterson 3d. 1st, Gladys Sidwell 2d, Bes-ie tiff's complaint, which relief briefly er visited with Joseph Stewart, stated is as follows: For a judgment Six Best Onion George Snider Smith 3d. with whom he crossed the plains and decree that plaintiff recover from 1st, Oscar Hewitt 2d, Fred Cum­ D R . H. C. F O R T N E R Sofa Pillow Lena Vandehey in 1864, and th«* old boys had the defendant. W. T. Simmons, the sum mings 3d. 1st, Augusta Wedking 2d, Esther quite a visit, talking over hap- of $1650, with interest from January Successor to 26th, 1917, at the rate of eight per cen t1 Table Turnips Kdward Van­ Heinrich 3d. DR. H. W . V O L L M E R ; penings of long ago. per anrrum until paid, the sum of $150, j derZanden 1st, F. VanderZanden Specimen Cross Stitch Dora to be allowed as plaintiff’s reasonable Cross ryes are always a souice attorney fees herein, and the costs and j 2d, Howard Wall 3d. O F F IC E I VanderZanden 1st, Evelyn Larson ¡of embarrassment to a child so disbursements of this suit, and that In First National Bank Building 'Fable Beets Walter Dilley 1st, 2d, Francis Schwall 3d. that certain mortgage executed by the Telehones Kdward VanderZanden 2d, Pearl afflicted and are often the cause defendant W . T. Simmons, to the! Sample Garment Mending Kngleman 3d. Mable Marsh 1st, Iiene Marr 2d, of defective vision. John T . was plaintiff, B. A. Kliks, and which is re­ Residence 332 Office 333 corded July 29th, 1915, in Vol. 74, page I Mangle WurtZel Beets Joseph Alice Hoard 3d. taken to Dr. Lowe by his par­ 298, of the records of Mortgages of Reh 1st, Walter Dilley 2d, Carl Hand Made Apron Evelyn ents. Glasses p:e-cribed by him Washington County. Oregon, and being j D. D. & M. B. B U M P Brodersen 3d Wall 1st, Florence Bryant 2d. a mortgage on the following described straightened his eyes and gave real premises, to-wit: All of Tract; Attorneys at Law Table Carrots Howard Wall Ix*ila Fuller 3d. Four, and Tract Nine, ar.d the East ; him much better vision than he Dt, Youngster from Verboort 2d, Darning Irene Marr 1st, Ellen Loans and Real Estate half of Tract T h r e e of Chehalem | had ever enjoyed. Dr. Ixiwe's Mountain Orchards, as shown upon the . Walter Dilley 3d. Zwiener 2d, Alice Hoard 3d. D. D. B U M P , M. B. B U M P , recorded map or plat thereof, now 1 Watermelon Lucile Cook 1st, Machine Made Apron — Mar thoroughly accurate examination duly Residence Residence Hillsboro record in the office of the recorder Joseph Reh 2d, Walter Dilley .‘id. garet Martin 1st, Helen Marsh 1 showed the cause and he knew of Forest Grove. of conveyances in Washington County, Phone 444 Offices -H IL L S B O R O Musk Melons Walter Dilley 2d, Anna Hillect 3d. how to make and fit the glasses Oregon, and as particularly described I in deed from Paul Reimers and wife to 1st, Joseph Reh 2d, Irene Pollock Hand Made Dress— Margaret which effectively removed it. If N. HOFFM AN Magnus Block, and wife, recorded in J 3d. Anicker. ¡you have a cross eyed child don’t Vol. 91 page 36, records of deeds of I-irgest Purnpkin Fred Cum­ Machine Made Dress — Alice fail to consult Dr. Lowe when he said Washington County, Oregon, to­ Attorney A t Law gether with the tenements, heredita­ mings 1st, Walter Dilley 2d, Kv- Hoard 1st, Sophia Wehrly 2d, is at Forest Grove Hotel Friday, ments. and appurtenances thereunto Patent Office Business Solicited elyn VanDomelin 3d. Lena Vandehey 3d. Nov 9th Remember the day belonging or in anywise appertaining, - Oregon Largest Squash, Hubbard type *e foreclosed and said mortgage be de­ Forest Grove, Embroidered Pillow Slips— and date. Scores of references. Clift York 1st, Geo. VanDom- Gladys Anderson 1st, Loui-a Van­ elm 2d, Wm. Snider 3d. dehey 2d, Christine Bernard 3d. Among Old Friends Summer Squash Billy Back- Hand Made Scarf— I,aura Fiske The Sabetha (Kas ) Herald of man 1st, M yrtle W olf 2d, Avis 1st, Mildred Fiske 2d, Anna Han­ Oct. 18th contained the following, Saling 3d. son 3d. regarding the members of the Cucumbers Francis Schwall Embroidered Centerpiece I .aura 1st Augusta Wedking 2d, Marie Fiske 1st. Mary B«rnard2d, Anna Hesseltine family, former residents of that city: Fruits and Vegetables in Season Strieck 3d. Hanson 3d. “ Sabetha wrtll lie delighted to Cabbage -Jason Ihrig 1st and Specimen of Drawn Work -A l­ learn that Mr. and Mrs. Roy 2nd, Fay Rosencrans 3d. ice Peterson. Hes eltine and daughter Marjorie Celery J S. Canady. Bead W ork— Ralph Lyons P H O N E 701 will remain in Sabetha a week. Tomatoes Jason Ihrig 1st. Tatting— Gladys Anderson 1st, Roy is now president of the Van­ Grace Hughes 2d, Francis Schwall Josephine Peters 2d, Bertha Spier- South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore couver National Bank, the hugest 3d i ing 3d financial institution in that city Sunflower Harold Higby 1st, Crochet— Irene Marr 1st. Esther Walter Behraman 2d, Victor Bry­ I Boyd 2d, Esther Henrich .‘kl. ant 3d. Flowers OLD HICKORY WAS W H Y, TH A T W AS i G R A V E L Y ’« Best Marketable Pumpkin Ice­ MIGHTY PARTICULAR P R ESID EN T ANDREW Best Collection of Asters- Ber­ CELEBRATED land Crispen 1st, Emiel Duyck 2d, tha McClaughry 1st, Henry Pet­ ABOUT HIS TOBACCO JACKSO N’S FAVORITE Waller Dilley 3d. CH EW Chewing Plu§ erson 2d, Julius Spiering 3d. Best Marketable Squash Lew- BEFORE THE INVENTION Best Collection of Dahlias— is Stanton 1st, Fred Cumming 2d. Johnie Gates 1st, Mrs. J. T . York OF OUR PATENT AIR-PROOF POUCH GRAVELY PLUG TOBACCO Henry Peterson 3d. 12nd and 3d. MADE STRICTLY FOR ITS CHEWING QUALITY Woodwork WOULD NOT KEEP FRESH IN THIS SECTION. Best Collection of Different Va­ NOW THE PATENT POUCH KEEPS IT Bird .House — Theodore Wills. rieties— Albert Reamy 1st, Rosa FRESH AND CLEAN AND GOOD Chair Gordon Gates 1st, Kd­ | Bucher 2d, Kinton Pupil 3d. A LITTLE CHEW OF GRAVELY IS ENOUGH AND LASTS LONGER THAN A BIG CH E W ward VanderZander 2d, Lawrence Collection of Native Woods— OF O R D IN A R Y PLUG. VanderZanden 3d. Amos Martin 1st, Francis Jones {fravety Jbfau'cc Co D* miu £. K l “ ’.VV?"*0 Table Sidney Pindy 1st, Ray­ 2d, Joseph Reh 3d. mond Johnson 2d, Kinton School Collection of Seeds of Cultivat- Pupil 3d. Toy Albert Menkens 1st, I»eo GETS THROUGH, A L O T O F / \ Anicker 2d, Lenard Reh 3d. OTHER PEOPLE W ILL BE g e t t i n g PARTICULAR TO O Useful Device — Martin Kn- , can be secured from us for Fall or K.-iu chede 1st, F. G. Starrett 2d, Vic­ Spring planting. I.urge Prune Trees are very senree this year on account of tor Bump 3d. the late spring and tiry summer, there- Hand Carving Chas. Vande­ ! fore to insure getting the best trees hey 1st, Robert Harblson 2d and money can buy do not fail to write us before buying S M A L I. trees elsewhere. 3d. Buy early and save money. Individual Collection Gordon I O R E G O N N U R S E R Y CO ., Gates. Collection of Scrollsaw W ork— Orcnco, Ore. a^/cnC & tâoçC b. H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Large Prune Trees