WORLD RAPPERS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events o f Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. A tornado swept over the southern section of Baltimore Tuesday night wrecking about a dozen dwellings and rendering others more or less uninhab­ itable. The Zeitung Mittag, o f Berlin, says the German chancellorship has been offered to the Bavarian premier. Count von Hertling, who has asked for time to consider the matter. American batteries are continuing to shell German lines at regular inter­ vals, the enemy following similar tac­ tics. No further official communique has been issued, but there has been no special activity. Russian soldiers who fraternalized with Germans were fired on by Rus­ sian artillery Wednesday, says the official communication. On all fronts the situation is unchanged, the an­ nouncement says. ITALIANS IN RETREAT on l dine Whole Isonzo Front Collapses I ’nder Pressure. Berlin, via London— The Austro- rman troops invading Northern Italy are standing before Udine, where the Italian headquarters have been liv , cated. The third Italian army made only a brief resistance to the advancing Teu­ tonic forces, from Wippaeh to the Ad­ riatic, and is now in retreat along the Adriatic coast. Cormons has been capture*!, and the Austro-German troops are approaching the frontier o f the Italian coast region. The number o f prisoners is increasing. The Italian front is yielding north of the broad sector which was pierced in the Teutonic attack, the weakening extending as far as Ploecken Pass. The entire Italian Isonzo front has collapsed before the forces under Gen­ eral Otto von Buelow. The second Italian army is retreating towards the Tagliamonte. A ll the roads are cov­ ered with columns in disorderly re­ treat, the crowds comprising both sol­ diers and civil population. Zurich— The m ilitary critic o f the Vienna Reiehspost says that thousands o f tons o f munitions and equipment for the offensive against Italy were brought to the front over a network of concealed roads; guns were placed in position at night time. The Italians observed nothing o f these maneuvers, which were carried out with the aid of the most modern technical devices. ‘ ‘ Evidently,” continues the writer, the enemy was deceived by the abso­ lutely unchanged appearance o f the country— an impression which the ad­ vancing troops did everything to pre­ serve.” King Alfonso held conferences with various political leaders, but the solu­ tion o f the cabinet crisis promises to consume several days. It is not ex­ A dispatch to the London Tele­ pected the new cabinet will be an­ graph from Rome says it is reported nounced immediately. from Berne that the Austro-Swiss The first German prisoner o f war frontier again has been closed and that taken by the American expeditionary the Germans are hurrying reinforce­ force died Wednesday in an American ments to the Italian war front. field hospital. He was shot when he Rome— Italians are checking the ad­ encountered an American patrol in No Man’s Land in front o f the American vance o f the Austro-German troops into the plains o f Northern Italy, the trenches. War office announces. Count von Luckner, commander of the German raider Seeadler, was cap­ Allies W ill Help Italy. tured September 21 off the Fijian Washington, D. C.— Lack of mater­ Islands by Fijian constabulary, accord­ ing to word brought by a steamer ar­ ial, munitions ana guns and unseasoned riving at a Pacific Port Wednesday troops on the right wing in the face of overwhelming Austro-German forces from a trans-Pacific port. coming from the Russian borders, are The new restrictions on the fur­ the causes assigned by technical ex­ loughs for German soldiers, necessi­ perts o f the Italian Mission here, for tated by the growing problem o f trans­ the Italian defeat in the Julian Alps. portation, cut down by one-half the There must be a reformation o f the number for men in the field and elim- fighting lines, they say, and a resump­ nated furloughs for troops garrisoning tion o f the Italian offensive cannot the occupied regions except for urgent be expected before next spring, the personal reasons or when leave is campaign meanwhile being o f neces­ granted for pressing farm work. sity on defensive lines. Members o f the mission are con­ Telegraphing from Petrograd, the correspondent o f the London Exchange fident that relief and assistance w ill Telegraph quotes General Verkhovski, be forthcoming from Ita ly ’s allies. Italy has an minister o f war, as rebuking “ those Men are not wanted. Munitions, steel, who have talked o f the disappearance abundance o f men. o f the Russian army.” The war min­ coal, cannon and last, but not least, ister declared these persons had fo r­ food, are what must be had at once. gotten that the Russians hold on their front no less than 130 German divis­ ions. Profiteering by retail dealers in foodstuffs w ill be made impossible after November 1, the food adminis­ tration announced Wednesday, under a plan to cut off supplies to those not satisfied with reasonable margins. Manufacturers, wholesalers and other handlers o f ff>ods, whose business w ill go under license, w ill not be permtted to sell to distributors who seek undue profits. Weekly War Information Austro-German Troops Make Advance SKIRTS UP AND SHOES DOWN Winter Outlook for Women o f U. S. Hard, According to Report. St. Louis — Between the dictum of Mr. Hoover that skirts must be shorter and narrower and the decision o f the Western association o f Shoe dealers, which has just closed its convention, that shoes must be shorter, what is a poor g irl to do, with a hard winter coming on? Here, at one fe ll blow, in a manner Andrew Bonar Law, Chancellor o f o f speaking, a considerable gap has the Exchequer, in the house o f com­ been create*!, by official orders, be­ mons Wednesday informed a ques­ tween the shoe tops and the skirt bot­ tioner that the approaching inter­ toms, and nothing has been devised to allied conference at Paris had been cover the hiatus, i f dimpled feminine summoned not to consider war aims, knees can be designated as a hiatus. but the conduct of the war. The ques­ In any event, the rubber-necking in­ tion arose out o f a report that the dustry w ill grow by leaps and bounds Russian Workmen’ s and Soldiers’ dele­ and forthcoming cold, windy days will gates were sending a representative to see much suffering, not to mention the conference to discuss war aims. sundry adorable curves and shapely The law making the National capital shanks. The Western Association o f Shoe dry November 1 was held constitu-1 tional in the local Supreme court Dealers decrees that “ The Liberty Thursday. The ruling dismissed attacks shoe” shall be three inches shorter than those now worn, That is getting o f liquor dealers. back to the days when women’s shoes Richard McColloch, president o f the came just above the ankles. It is es­ United Railways company o f St. Ixmis, timated that by this means the manu­ denied the request o f the local Red facturers can save one pair o f shoes in Cross that soldiers and sailors be al- j every 10, and this is a big item in lowed to ride free on streetcars. these days o f conservation. Co-operation o f Pacific Coast candy } Jewish Fund is Needed. manufacturers with the food adminis-1 tration’s sugar conservation w a s 1 New York — Jews from every im­ pledged in a telegram received by the portant community in the United food administration from W. B. Ayer, States attended a special assembly in Federal food administrator for Oregon. ! this city Sunday called by the joint distribution committee o f funds for President Menocal, o f Cuba, issued Jewish war sufferers to plan the final a proclamation Thursday night warn­ drive in the campaign to raise $10,- ing all foreigners who instigate or en­ 000,000 before the year ends. A reso­ courage strikes in the sugar-producing lution pledging “ undivided support to region that they w ill be considered the Jewish citizenship and the making pernicious foreigners and expelled of every personal sacrifice in defense from Cuba. of the ideals o f the N ation.” Teutonic Designs on Southern Brazil of Wide Scope. Brief Stories I'repan-d Under the Direction o f the Committee on Public Information and the State Council o f Defense. Women May Not he Called to Men's I’larcs, Says Writer. 0.0. TROOPS ENTER T Americans Welcomed by French With Great Enthusiasm. Discussing to whaV extent women w ill be called on " t o take men's places” in industry during the war, Ruth Karr McKee, taking Canada as an example, says: Canada has sent to the front one in Diplomatic Plot Against Argentine and Sector is One o f ()uieteat Along Front 20 o f her entire imputation. Not until Brazil in Time o f Peace Bared by America shall have sent five million or Where Final Training in Actual more men, w ill there bo a like condi­ Secretary o f State l^msing. Warfare W ill be Received. tion in the United States. It is the concensus o f thoughtful people that the war will not be a short one, that we must lay careful founda­ With the American Army in France Washington, D. C .--T w o more of tions, place our preparations on a level — American tr*s>ps are in the first-lino the notorious Count von I.uxburg’s that we can ho|ie to maintain for three trenches on the French front, Tho ar­ messages to the German foreign office years or even longer; yet no one ex­ from Buenos Aires were made public tillery fired the first shot o f tho war at pect* for a moment that America will fi o’clock on tho morning o f a recont Wednesday night by Secretary Lan­ send such an army to France. We day at a German working |>arty. sing. They provide official confirma­ may ex|>ect then that there will be There has been intermittent artillery tion o f Germany’s plan to control even less disturbance o f the regular Southern Brazil, shed additional light fighting since. fields o f men’s and women's occupa­ upon Teutonic intrigue in South Amer­ A helmeted infantry marched in tions here than in Canada. ica generally and reveal that Luxburg without the knowledge o f tho enemy The latest statistics available (about spiraled vainly for a squadron o f sub­ on tho same night through rain ami January, 1917) indicated that less than marines with which to awe some mud. Tho Frenrh soldiers in tho 10,000 women were employed in direct in-Americans and to flatter others. trenches welcome*! them enthusiasti­ displacement o f men in Canada. We cally. Tho nearest enemy trench is These dispatches, like others that can readily see then that there need be several hundred yards away. The sec­ have gone l>efore, were given out by no elaborate preparation to don men's tor is one o f the quietest on the front. Secretary l*ansing without diacussion regimentals and go forth to do their of their contents. The only comment It has not been taken over, being un­ peculiar work. was in this statement attached to the der the control o f troo|ia under the di­ Even greater, more heroic, is the copies; rection o f the French. task ahead o f ua — to keep on doing “ In view o f the fact thaCthe sub­ The Americans have shelled German much the same routine work we have (stsitions and troops, the enemy send­ stance o f certain telegrams addressed always done, only do more o f it, do it by Count Luxburg to the German for- | ing shell for shell. Tho first shell better and with a spirit o f willingness eign office has been published, the Sec­ case will be sent to President Wilson. and sacrifice that will make in every retary o f State makes public the ac­ The case is now in the (Mtasension o f community for a high standard of tual text o f the telegrams.” General Sibert. The shot was fired by patriotic, devoted loyalty to govern­ a red-haired gunner as his comrades in The messages follow : ment in state and nation. Not the the ranks and the assembled officers “ No. 63, July 7, 1917: Our a tti­ | least o f our service w ill be to find and cheered. Later a luncheon in the field tude towards Brazil has created the give expression to the spiritual values was attempted by American and impression here that our easy-going which alone make this conflict endur­ French artillerists in celebration o f good nature can be counted on. This able not the least will be to send our tho first Ameircan contact with tho is dangerous in South America, where loved ones into the conflict with a high enemy. the people, under thin vencen, are In­ courage that w ill make them invincible. The gun used in firing the first shot dians. A submarine squadron with was one o f the famous French 75s. On full power to me might probably still Food Conservation Drive to Start the second day the French shell«*! a save the situation. I request instruc­ October 28. German battery |K>sition, which was tions as to whether, after a rupture o f relations, legation is to start for home Women's and men's organizations, located by sound, and tho enemy re­ or to remove to Paraguay, or fiossibly municipal, county, state and nation, plied vigorously, projectiles falling Chile. The naval attache w ill doubt­ merchants’ and commercial associa­ close to the Americans who joined in less go to Santiago de Chile. tions, schools and churches are en­ the artillery duels. A ll the troojm w ill I k * relieved after “ L U X B U R G .” listed in the drive for food conserva­ “ No. 89, August 4, 1917: I am con­ tion, announced for the week begin­ a certain perils! by others. Thus tho vinced that we shall be able to carry ning October 28 and closing Novem­ American ex|*HÜtionary forces aro gettin g the benefit o f artual war con­ through our principal political aims in ber 5. South Am erica, the maintenance of Charles Hebberd, o f Spokane, work­ ditions. ojien market in Argentina and the re­ ing under the supervision o f Herbert organization o f South Brazil equally Hoover, national food administrator, is well, whether with or against Argen­ at the head o f the cam|mign in the 100,000 ITALIANS ARE TAKEN tina. Please cultivate friendship with state o f Washington. Mr. Hebberd is Chile. The announcement o f a visit asking the press o f the state to pub­ Austro-Germans Pierce Northern Italy of a submarine squadron to salute the lish short articles showing what is ex­ and Play Great Havoc. President would even now exercise de­ pected o f committees, organizations cisive influence on the situation in and individuals. Berlin, via I.ondon— The capture o f South America. Prospect excellent 100,000 Italians and more than 700 for wheat harvest in December. Liberty Ix>an Literature Sent Out in guns is rcjxirtcd in tho official com­ " L U X B U R G .” munication from general headquarters Million I/ota. A fte r the State department made More than one piece o f Liberty Ixmn Sunday night, which declares that the public the “ sink-withoui-a-trace” mes­ literature for each man, woman and Italian second and third armies are in sages, which caused Argentina to hand child in the United States will have retreat. The statement reads: Von Luxburg his passports, the Argen­ “ The Italian second ami third armies been distributed before the drive now tine government sent to Washington a are in retreat towards tho west. Our under way enda October 27. number o f the former German minis­ Embracing this vast amount o f ad­ pursuit is advancing rapidly from the ter’ s dispatches for deciphering. Up to vertising material are 7,000,000 fx»st- mountains as far as the sea. Whether the two now published were ers, 42,000,000 poster stamps, 5,000,- the present 100,000 prisoners and 700 among them or were obtained by the | 000 motor wind shield posters, 5,000, guns have been enumerated.” United StateH at the same time it j 000 Boy Scout folders, 12,000,000 but- Berlin, via Ixindon— The Austrians came into possession o f other tele­ i tons, 8,000,000 Liberty I.oan primers and Germans have forced their WHy grams forwarded to Berlin through the and 300,000 Boy Scout primers, 2,000,- through the mountains to the plains o f Swedish legation at Buenos Aires is 0000 “ source books” and about 10,- Northern Italy, capturing the town o f not disclosed. 000,000_copieB o f other kinds o f litera­ Cividale, the War office announces. Several days ago press reports from ture. Buenos Aires said a sensation had been Amsterdam--The occupation of Go- created there by the publication o f a More Postage Required on le tte r Mail rizia Sunday morning by Austro-Ger­ dispatch from Rio Janeiro saying the A fter November 1. man forces is announced in an official Brazilian foreign ¡minister had made Three cents for each ounce or frac­ dispatch from Vienna. The Italians known that translation o f the Luxburg messsages revealed a German plot to tion thereof w ill be required as post­ are said to have retired across the invade Southern Brazil. The Argen­ age on all first-class mail other than Isonzo. letters” after November 1. tine newspapers demanded that their "drop Rome — Units <5f the Italian second government either publish the dis­ Drop letters, that is, letters mailed patches or “ authorize their publica­ for delivery from the office at which army surrendered or retreated without posted, w ill require postage at the fighting, |>ermitting the Austro-Ger­ tion by a foreign government.” “ The reorganization” o f South Bra­ rate o f two cents an ounce or fraction man forces to break the Italian le ft wing on the Julian front and invade zil, referred to by Von Luxburg, is as­ thereof. Italy, says Sunday's official report. Postal cards must have two cents sumed here to refer to the activities of The Italians now are retreating in the Hamburg Colonization company, in postage. accordance with the plan prepared, connection with the large German ele­ ment already located in that section. Bovine Mascot is a New Departure in Arm y Pets. Italy Needs Medicines. Sevreal months before this dispatch Members o f one detachment of San Diego, Cal.— An appropriation was written there were reports o f United States troops have a cow for a o f $3,000,000 for the immediate relief plans for a German insurrection. o f the paucity o f drugs, medicines and The break between A rgentina and mascot. The right o f soldiers to keep cows medical supplies vitally needed in Italy Gremany which Von Luxburg appar­ ently was expecting in July, has not was considered by the government, was authorized by telegraph by Henry yet come and latest advices from and a decision handed down gave per­ P. Davidson, chairman o f the Am eri­ Buenos Aires do not indicate an inten­ mission to the troops to keep cows for can National Red Cross, according to a tion on the part o f Argentina to join the production o f milk for the detach­ statement at a Union church obser­ Brazil and other South American na­ ment mess, feed to be purchased with vance o f national prayer day. An ad­ ditional appropriation also will be au- money from the ration savings. tions on the side o f the allies. thoirzed to establsih an American am­ Lumbermen Get Order for Airplane Fir. bulance on the Italian front. Spirit Away Noted Preacher. Great Britain has placed with the Cincinnati, Ohio- Herbert B. B ige­ Naval Battle is Brief. low, head of the People’s church and West Coast Lumbermen’s association an order for 8,000,000 feet o f fir lum­ London— A German torpedoboat de­ prominent as a member and leader o f the people’s council, whose pacifist ut­ ber for airplanes and the United States stroyer was hit twice by shells from terances brought about the raid on his an order for 3,000,000. Italy recently British and French destroyers during office by federal authorities recently, placed an order for 30,000,000 feet for an engagement Saturday afternn be­ was seized Wednesday night in front this purfxme with a San Francisco cor­ tween six entente allied and three Ger­ o f the Odd Fellows hall in Newport, poration. It is uncertain whether tho man vessels and 17 German nirplnnes Ky., across the river from here, San Francisco corporation can fill such off the Belgian coast, according to an shoved into a w aiting automobile, a large order, and i f it cannot the admiralty statement issued Sunday. handcuffed and driven quickly West Coast Lumbermen’s association The three Germans were forced to w ill be asked to fill it. seek safety under the land batteries. away. AGENT WANTED SUBS FIRST SHELL IS FIRED