r lent was a tusk. The ropes were stiff drifts. Kazan and the sledgs hecains and frozen, and when she hud finished only a dark blotch to her. And the«, one of her hands was bleeding. She all at once, she saw that they war« piled the tent on tIt** sledge, amt then, leaving her. They were not more than half covering her face, turned und twenty feet ahead o f her-*-hut th« looked hack. blotch seemed to he a .rust dlatnnre Pierre Uadisson lay on Ida Imlanm away. Every bit of Ilfs and strength bed, wItli nothing over him now but In her body was now bent upon reach­ the gray sky und ths spruce-tops. Kn- ing the sledge and baby Joun. Mill less limit i! Kitlnoyg fed like san stood stiff legged und sniffed the It seemed an Interminable time be­ leml or Hlmltler tdr. Ills spiue bristled when Joan fore she gained. With the sledge only bothers. went back alowly and kneeled beside all feet ahead o f her, she "(niggled the blanket-wrapped object. When she for whnt seemed to her to hs an hour Moat folks forgot that the kidneys. returned to him her face was white before she could reach out and tomb nnd tenac. and now there waa n strung« It. With a moan she flung herself for­ Ilk« the bowels, get sluggish und clog­ ged und need u flushing occasionally, and terrible look In Iter eyes as site ward. nnd fell upon It. Win- no longer else we have backache und dull misery stared out across the hurren. She heard the walling of th« storm. Hhe lu the kidney region, severe headaches, put him in the traces, and fastened no longer felt discomfort. With her rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, add about her slender waist the strap thni face In Hie furs under which Imby Joan stomach, sleeplessness und all sorts Pierre had used. Thus they struck WM burled, liier« (M M t« h«r with Of bl adde r disorders, KAZAN ONCE MORE PERFORMS A GREAT SERVICE AND out for the river, floundering knee-deep swiftness anil Joy u vision o f wartuih ' si mpl y must keep your kidneys lu the freshly fallen and drifted snow. and home. And then the vision fsded ?r , Jve u' " 1 WINS JOAN’S LIFE-LONG AFFECTION. “ »• moment you Halfway Joan stumbled In u drift and away, nnd was followed by deep night. feel an nehe or puln In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad fell, her loose hulr flying In a shimmer­ Suita from any good drug store here, ing veil over the snow. With a mighty Synopsis.— Knznn, a vicious Alaskan sledge dog, one-quarter wolf, take a luhlespootiful in a glass of wa pull Kazan was at her aide, and his What happens to Joan and h«r saves the life of Thorpe, tils master, and is taken along when the (er before breakfast for a few days cold tnuzsle touched her fuoe as she baby after ahe falls unconscious and your kidneys w ill then act fine. master goes to civilisation to meet his bride and return with her to the drew herself to her feet. For a mo­ This famous suits Is made from Ihn on the sledgo is told graphically frozen country. Even Thorpe Is afraid to touch Kazan, who has been ment Joan took his shaggy head be­ acid of grapes und lemon Juice, com­ In the next Installment. made savage by brutality, but Iso be), the dog's uew mistress, wins tween her two hands. bined with llthta. and is harmless to his affection Instantly. On the way northward. McCreadjr, n dog team flush clogged kidneys and stimulate "W o lf I" she moaned. "Oh. W olf I" driver. Joins the party and at night beats the master to Insensibility I Tu III. C O N T I N U E D . ) them to normal activity, It also neu­ She went on. her breath coming and attacks Isobel. Kazan kills McCready, flees to the woods. Joins tralizes the adds in the urine so it no pantlngly now, even from her brief ex­ a wolf pack, whips the leader, takes a mate, Orny Wolf, and soon a f­ longer Irritates, tit um ending bladder ertion. The snow was not ho deep on terward drives off the pack which had attacked IT^rre, a sick man. GOT RID OF ACHING TOOTH disorders. the Ice of the river. But a wind was his daughter. Joan, nnd her baby. Kazan submits to adoption through Jud Hulls Is harmless; Inexpensive; rising. It came front the north und Frenchman Driven to Heroic Act, makes u delightful effervescent llthla kindness. Pierre is nenr death. east, straight In her fnce, nnd Joun water drink which everybody should When There Seemed to 0 « No bowed her head as she pulled with Ka­ take now and then to keep their kid­ Other Method of Relief. zan. H alf n mile down the river she neys clean, thus avoiding aerlous com­ plications. CHAPTER V III—Continued. awakened her with its cry of hunger. stopped, and no longer could she re­ Here Is a yarn told to the uusuapect- A well known local druggist says he She opened her eyes, brushed back the press the hopelessness that rose to lug p e o p l e of Butti by on« of Lon sells lots of Jud Suits to folks who be­ Kazan's alert eyes saw Pierre start thick hair from her face, and could see her lips I d u sobbing, choking cry. suddenly. He rose from his seat on whore the shadowy form o f her futher Forty miles! She clutched her bunds j Wellman's building moving crow o f Au­ lieve In overcoming kidney trouble gusta. One of tin* Wellman crow of while it is only trouble. the sledge and went to the tent. He was lying at the other side of the tent. at her breast, and stood breathing like drew back the flap and thrust in his He was very quiet, upd she was one who had been beaten, her buck to house-movers wus formerly a street cur The Situation. Lust evening he hud a head nnd shoulders. pleased that he was still sleeping. She the wind. The baby was quiet. Jonn conductor. Frenchman friend who on one occa- Clark l would like more salary, knew that the day before he had been went buck nnd peered down under the “ Asleep. Joan?" he asked. “ ,*'rrtbl" toothache. He saw sir, as I am going to get married. “ Almost, father. Won't you please very near to exhaustion, and so for furs, and what she saw there spurred "lon Employer Sorry, but I'll have to re come— soon ?" half an hour longer she lay quiet, her on again almost fiercely. Tw ice the hola lu the Frenchman's tooth and •luce it. I um going to get married ndvlsed the man to have it out. His “ After I smoke.” he said. “ Are you cooing softly to the baby Joan. Then she stumbled to her knees In the drifts friend went out to do so, but found all myself. Boston Transcript. she arose cautiously, tucked the baby during the uext quarter of a mile. comfortable?" “ Yes. I'm so tired—and—sleepy— " in the warm blankets und furs, put on After that there was n stretch of the dentists' shops closed, owing to the No Doubt Of I t Pierre laughed softly. In the dark­ lier heavier garments, and went out­ wind-swept Ice. und Kazan pulled the 1* te,K*** v * ,b*’ ,lour- “ Is young Smith well furnished with The Frenchman bore the pain ns long side. ness he was gripping at his throat. sledge alone. Jonn walked at hla side. mental paraphernalia?" “ We're almost home. Joan. That Is By this time It was broad day. and There w as a pain In her chest. A thou­ as he Could aud then resolved on heroic "Yes. indeed; his pa got him the our river out there— the Little Beaver. she breathed a sigh of relief when she sand needles seemed pricking her face, remedies. He went to his room, took most expensive makes of 'em."— Ex I f I should run away and leave you to­ saw that the storm had passed. If was and suddenly she remembered the ther­ out a powder flask nnd poured out change. night you could follow It right to our bitterly cold. It seemed to her that mometer. She exposed It for a time some gunpowder, which he Jammed tn- cabin. It's only forty miles. Do you she had never known It to be so cold on the top o f the tent. When she looked to th« Mg hole in his tooth; then he || ^ y j £ SO FT W H I FF IIV S 'I)**! _ X a . J ... « . I... _ Is ....... O il . 1 . I.iit In t . ■»• Ik f I t u n (1 l i l i i i u i eat 11/ ( I t r u « i l • * * * ■ * ’ I hear?" in all her life. The Are was com­ at It a few minutes later It was 30 de­ put in for u (use u piece of silk thread und plugging up the hole over the pow­ pletely out. Kazan was huddled in n grees below zero. Forty m iles! And “ Yes—I know— " Clear Skin and Good Hair by Using Cuticura— Trial Free. “ Forty miles— straight down the round boll, his nose tucked under his her futher had told her that she could der, sturted the fuse und blew that river. Yon couldn’t lose yourself, Joan. body. He raised his head, shivering, mnke It— nnd could not loso herself I tooth ucross the room out of tils Jaw 1 Joe says Hint be can vouch for the The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Only you’d have to be careful of air­ as Joan came out. With her heavily But she did not know ttint even her moccasined foot Joan scattered the father would huve been nfrald to fnce truth of tin- statement, for next morn- Ointment to soothe and heal. Besldea holes in the ice.” these fragrant, super-creamy emol­ “ Won’t you come to bed. father? ashes and charred sticks where the tire the north that duy. with the tempera- [ Ink the Frenchman came downstairs lients prevent Httlo skin troubles be­ had been. There was not a spark left. ture at 30 below, and a moaning wind with a smile on bis fuce, sll pain gone coming serious by keeping the pores You're tired— and alribst sick.” "Yes— after I smoke," he repeated. In returning to the tent she stopped bringing the first wurnlng of a MU- (»'"1 "bowed him the hole In ht* Jaw free from obstruction. Nothing better zar(j [ made by the blasting o f bis tooth.— at any price for all toilet purposes. “ Joan, will you keep reminding me to­ for a moment beside Kuzan, and pat­ ted his shaggy head. Free uninple each by mall with The timber wns far behind her now. K e n n e b e c J o u r n a l. morrow of the airholes? I might for­ Book. Address postcard. Cuticura. "Poor W o l f s h e said. "1 wish 1 Ahead there was nothing but the piti­ get. You can always tell them, for Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. the snow and the crust over them are had given you one of the bearskins I" less barren, nnd the timber beyond Makes Sales Record. — Adv. She threw back the tent-Aup and that wns hidden by the gray gloom of whiter than on the rest o f the ice, and O f the 5,000 electric Irons put out I f there had been trees, on trial by an electric company recent­ like a sponge. W ill you remember— entered. For the Arst time she saw the day. Unwise. her father’s face in the light— and out­ Joan’s heart would not hnve choked so ly nt Youngstown, <>., only three came Your right to blow your horn may he the airholes— ” side, Kazan heard the terrible moan­ with terror. But there was nothing— back. “ Yes-s-s— ” The men in the sales depart­ A fact beyond dispute; Pierre dropped the tent-flap and re­ ing cry that broke from her lips. No nothing but thut gray, ghostly gloom, ment believe tlie company's policy of But it's not wise, to aay the least. To go upon a toot. turned to the Are. He staggered as one could have looked at Pierre Radis- with the rim of the sky touching the requiring customers to return Irons son’s face once— and not have under­ earth a mile away. — Boston Transcript. he walked. themselves Is responsible for this oti- “ Good night, boy.” he said. “ Guess stood. The snow grew heavy under her feet vluble record. The Irons lire put out A fter that one agonizing cry Joan again. Always she was wntchlng for on 15 days’ free trial, und If the cus­ Fd better go in with the kids. Two days more— forty miles— two days— ” Aung herself upon her father's breast, 1 those treacherous, frost-conted trnps tomers ask for terms the payment Is Kazan watched him as he entered sobbing so softly that even Kuzan’s in the Ice her father hnd spoken of. spread over two or three months. the tent. He laid his weight against sharp ears heard so sound. She re­ While It Is thought thut tunny Irons the end of his chain until the collar mained there in her grief until every would be lost through this method, the shut off his wind. His legs and back vital energy of womanhood and moth­ records show thut I he money for only M an y a man him fulh-n down beca us e a twitched. In that tent where Radlsson erhood in her girlish body was roused four Irons out of the 5.IXX) could not teat o f h i" w a t e r show ed un mis ta kably to action by the wailing cry of baby had gone were Joan and the baby. He be collected. The people who hud ac­ thut h«- had kidney d !"e u "e knew that Pierre would not hurt them, Joan. Then she sprung to her feet T h e k id n e y " are the si-svengers and cepted these four Irons on trial moved but he knew, also, that with Pierre \ und ran out through the tent opening. out of town before the first payment they w ork d a y nnd nig h t In se pa rating the poisons f ro m the blood. T h e i r signals Radlsson something terrible and im- 1 Kazan tugged at the end of bis chain was due. of distress ure easily recognised and I n ­ pending was hovering very near to | to meet her, but she saw nothing of clude such sym p tom s as backache, d e ­ them. He wanted the man outside— j him now. The terror of the wilderness pressions, drowsiness, Irritability, h e a d ­ No Chance for Humorist. is greater than that of death, and in by the fire— where he could lie still, dizziness, rheum atic twinges, Twenty-three thousand seven hun­ aches, an instant it had fallen upon Joan. It dropsy, gout. and watch him. dred and sixty-one persona tried to tell “ T h e v e r y best w a y to resto re the In the tent there was silence. Near- | was not because of feur for herself. It what love la, when n New Orleans pa­ kidneys to their normal state o f health was the baby. The wailing cries from er to him than before came Gray and such s y m p to m s , " says I>r. per held a prize answer contest on Pierce, cur ,,f e Inv the tent pierced her like knife-thrusts. alids' Hotel, Buffalo, S. Y . W o lfs cry. Each night she was call­ ; that subject recently. And then the " I " to d ilnk plenty o f w a t e r and obtain And then, all at once, there carne to i ing earlier, and coming closer to the fro m you r fa v o r ite p harm acy ■ smalt 1 prize went to this one: “ Iaive la th« am ount o f An -u-rle, double strength, camp. He wanted her very near to her whut old Pierre had said the night j doorway through which the humnti soul which Is dispensed by alm ost e v e r y drtig- him tonight, but he did not even whine before— his words ubout the river, the pusses from aelfisliuega Into gervlc« glxt " You will find A n u ric mor e potent than llthln. dissolve uric acid s s w a t e r In response. He dared not break that airholes, the home forty miles away. and from so'ltude Into kinship with nil does sugar. strange silence In the tent. He lay “ You couldn't lose yourself, Joan.” He j Send l»r. P ie rc e 10c fo r trial pkg nnd humanity!" Southerner« are Just that ask fpr a d v ic e If there Is need still for a long time, tired and lame had guessed what might happen. sentimental that the person who wrote She bundled the baby deep In the from the day’s Journey, but sleepless. "L ove Is what makes two utthurn halra Natural Conclusion, The fire burned low er; the wind in the furs and returned to the Ar bed. Her grow where there wns only one red “ It says hero that tho famous green tree tops died a w a y; and the thick, one thought now was that they must one,” probably got stung.” — Springfield corn dance of tho Hemlnoles Is do- gray clouds rolled like a massive cur­ have Are. She made a little pile of : RepuMIcan. j scribed by an eye-witness as a wild, tain from under the skies. The stars birch bark, covered it with half-burned I grotesque series o f leaps and contor- began to glow white and metallic, and bits of wood, and went Into the tent ! w - m i- - xj j » i lions to the weird muslo of a dlrge- No Gigglers Need Apply. Hk«-. mournful chant.” from far In the north came faintly a | for the matches. Pierre Radlsson car- [ A request for a "young lady stenog- "B m p— then It must he a enms be- crisping, moaning sound, like steel ried them in a waterproof box in a rnpher, thirty to forty years old, past tween one o f these hern classic out- sleigh runners running over frosty pocket of his bearskin coat. She the giggling and flirting age,” has I>«« d door dances and a boy with a green snow—the mysterious monotone of the sobbed as she kneeled beside him received by W. it. King, manager of apple stomach ache.” — Florida Tlmes- He Wax Very Quiet. northern lights. After that it grew again, and obtained the box. As the the United States Employment bureau. Union. steadily and swiftly colder. Are flared up she added other bits of But she found now that all the Ice and The employer says he wants a woman ----------------------------------- --------------- Tonight Gray W olf did not compass wood, and then some of the larger snow looked alike to her, nnd that who has to work for n living nnd who herself by the direction of the wind. pieces that Pierre had drngged into there was n growing pain hack of her wants to leave the city and go to a She followed like a sneaking shadow ! camp. The Are gave her courage. eyes. It was the intense cold. small country town. The salnry of- ! over the trail Pierre Radlsson had Forty miles— and the river led to their The river widened Into u smnll lake, ferisl Is $40 a month.— St. Louis I'ost- made, and when Kazan heard her home! She must make that, with the and here the wind struck her In the Dispntch. again, long after midnight, he lay with baby and Wolf. For the Arst time face with such force that her weight his head erect, and his body rigid, save she turned fo him, and spoke his name was taken from the strap, nnd Kazan Elk Becoming a Nuisance. fo r a curious twitching of his muscles. ns she put her hand on his head. A fter dragged the sledge alone. A few Elk frotti the Yellowstone purk were There was a new note in Gray W olfs that she gave him a chunk o f meat Inches of snow Impeded her an much shipped to Washington, largely for Voice, a walling note in which there which she thawed out over the Are, I Made an Autom obil e ns a foot had done before. Little by their sentimental value, hut It has E xp e rt o f T h le Man In was more than the mate-call. It was and melted snow for tea. She was Juat Seven Weeka. little she dropped hack. Kazan been found that these animals can Thg Message. And at the sound of it not hungry, but she recalled how her D O Y O U W A N T T O BE forged to her side, every ounce of his make themselves considerable o f a AN EXPERT iCazan rose from out of his silence father had made her eat four or flve Autom ob il e D river magnificent strength in the trace«. By nuisance. It Is said that In a short nnd his fear, and with his head turned times a day, so she forced herself to Autom obil e Repairm an the time they were on the river chan­ time dumngo to the extent o f $20,000 A u tom ob ile Saleaman straight up to the sky he howled ns make a breakfast of a biscuit, a shred nel again Joan was at the back of the hns been done to the apple orchards Gaa T r a c t o r E ng in eer the wild dogs of the North howl be­ of meat and as much hot tea as she Statio n ary Engin eer sledge, following In the trail mode by of that state by these animals. and earn from $100 to $500 fore the tepees of masters who are could drink. per month? I f you ha ve Kazan. She wr s powerless to help newly dead. tw o hands nnd n com mon The terrible hour she dreaded fol­ him. She felt more and more the lead­ Dried Buttermilk on the Market. sense education, I can Pierre Radlsson was dead. lowed that. She wrapped blankets en weight of her legs. There waa but m ak e you an e xp e rt In Commercialized dried buttermilk 1« from nix to eight we ek*, closely about her father’s body, and one hope— and that was the forest. I f a new feed. The Arst carload o f It i, P W J « by my "K ree C H APTE R IX. tied them with bablche cord. A fter they did not reach It soon, within half reached Chicago for a company which Trial. W r i t e today f o r booklet and a letter fro m that she piled all the furs and blan­ an hour, she would be able to go no controls the output o f 20,000,000 that w ill mak e you & Out of ths Blizzard, kets that remained on the sledge close farther. Over and over again she pounds annually. It 1« to h« used for r i n r A v from the «tart . A D C O X A U T O A N D G A S E N G IN E was dawn when the baby snuggled to ths Are, and snuggled baby Joan moaned a prayer for her baby as she special mixing feed for fattening pool- ... _ SCH O O L. t to Joan’s warm breast sad deep down in them. Pulling down ths struggled on. She fell la U m mow- try tad bogs.— Chicago Herald. 38» B u r n e ld e S t r e e t , P o r t la n d , O r« . « FOR KIDNEYS cJ> O LIV E R . CVRWGDD ¿sr. THE LAST EXAMINATION OF WAR’S DRAFT.