F ' '' - LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats j “YOU" Quality, Style, Fit and LaHting Satisfaction Help Hy Boy Win the War** f \ The long-standing dependability o f this concern is back o f everything you buy for men and l/oys wear " V . rn n, _ • i, ., , Morrison at Fourth and Two Stores in Portland m Third strret. OU Y A I lidepty BONO S & H STAM PS "Th« K u p p e n lie irn er era Il oliar in P o r tla n d ." kühn , President. I r. Y ' given with all pur­ chase«. T h e s e are good for cash dis­ count*. county agricultural agent, who is and further relief as rnay seem ju*t dared the first lien upon said real responsible for forming the organ- and equitable to the Court. property;.and that such decree, order COMIKNSKII NEWS NOTES •/.ation. “ Plans are already un- This summons is served upon you by said real premises and the whole there- N e v e r T o « O ld der way to issue o u r directory publication by order o f Honorable a nd°th a't'all * the "ngh t ^ t m e i n terest! Joli printing phone 821. t o l i e o f U s e early in th e winter. One condition George R. Bagley, Judge o f the above estate, and demand which any o f the o f membership is th at every mem- entitled Court, which order was made defendant* may have in or to said Money to loan Valley Realty premises or any part thereof, be for­ Emil Erick, the oldest living b< r must engage in the rai ing of the 8th day of September, 1917. Co., Forest ( ¡rove, Oregon. 19-tf ever barred and forclosed; that such pensioner on t he Southern Pacific’s registered stock. decree provide that the real premises H O L L IS & G R A H A M , ( »ood hardwood kegs and bar­ be sold in order to satisfy the demands Honor Roll, has invested his sav- Mr. Ward reports that the use Attorneys for Plaintiff. rels for sale at the Pacific Market. o f the plaintiff as the court may find mgs in Liberty Ronds. Erick is i‘»f.cotton-eed cake will be given a Forest Grove, Oregon, due and as above prayed for; that if Mr and Mrs Arthur Shearer First publication Sept. 13; last pub­ said premises do not sell for a sum suf­ 70 years of age, and entered the ,r*a.* ^ stockmen this winter, spent Saturday and Sunday with and already the first community lication Oct. 25. ficient to pay the demand o f the plain- railroad service on November 21, friends in Portland. shipment of two car loads has ----- --------------------------------------------- tiff then that plaintiff have a deficiency SUM M ONS judgment against the defendant, W. T. Ed Davis and family, who are ISM, several years before the been received. Stockmen of this In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Simmon' ' {*>r 8Uch deficiency; that any golden spike linked California and district are as progressive in mar­ living at Newbt-rg, visited friends , ... . . ~ . person party to this suit or other- )regon. for Washington County. wise may become the purchaser o f said in thi- city Sunday. the rest of the country with the keting their surplus stock as in B. A. Kliks, plaintiff, premises at such sale and that such producing it, and Mr. Ward has Mrs. Wintiifred Aldrich and first transcontinental railroad. purchaser be let into the immediate vs. just sent the checks out for a re­ daughter, Hazel ( 'armaek. motered Emil Erick is a Frenchman by cent. shipment, and took a com­ W. T. Simmons, George Mather and possession o f such premises by the LaVerna Mather, his w ife; Harriet *8eriff o f Washington County, Oregon, to Po tland Tu(*seay. birth “ My heart yearns to be munity shipment of cattle to M. Iyevinger; Sarah Williams; G. L. f " d for such other and further relief u ‘ I Popt,and 20. Mr John Anderson and Mrs. over there.” he says simply Lindsley, administrator o f the estate court. seem meet and proper John McNam* r visited friends in would give my life willingly for o f Magnus Block, deceased, defend- ,n *be Premises. France if it would avail, h u t! The Express prints butter wrap- ants. This summons is published by virtue Portland Tuesday. figure that America can do more pers with non-poisonous ink. To Sarah Williams, one o f the above order bearing date October 15. George G. Hancock, real es­ than I can for France, and so 1 ------------------------------------------- named defendants: 191.7» I7l*d® by th« above-entitled court tate, farm loans and fire insur­ lend to America my savings.” SUMMONS IN T K N A M E OF TH E S T A T E OF a Jdw h iS i oSier S S t J t t E ance, n»*w Anderson block. 5<* In the Circuit Court o f the State o f ijK tA iU N . this summons be published once a week The veteran was for year- an You are hereby required to appear for *— s i x --------- f— a n d j consecutive _______ Oregon for Washington County successive Charles and Andrew Dickson of engineer on the old Seventh street Graham, Administrator o f the 8n the 8Umof $150. Tuesday. it«s 45,000 regular employes. in the above entitled Court and suit on to be allowed as plaintiff’s reasonable FFIC E A stylish line of Indies’ Misses’ j or before the last day o f the time pre- attorney fees herein, and the costs and I scribeii in tne order for publication o f disbursements o f this suit, and that In First National Bank Building ami Children’s Coats just arrived L o c a l B a r b e r s I n c r e a s e j this summons, to-wit: On or before the that certain mortgage executed by the Telehones at Anderson’s. They are very Cl t expiration o f six weeks next from and defendant W. T. Simmons, to the t n d r g e s i o r ijC l-V lC C after the date o f the first publication plaintiff. B. A. Kliks, and which is re- Residence 332 Office 333 good for the price. . . . , , 1 of this summons, vix: the 13th day o f cordt*! July 29th, 1915, in Vol. 74, page _________________ 298. o f the records o f Mortgages o fj D. D. & M. B. B U M P Washington County Oregon, and being ; a mortgage on the following described Attorneys at L aw real premises, to-wit: A il o f Tract, Four, and Tract Nine, and the East I Loans and Real Estate half o f Tract T h r e e o f Chehalem ■ Mountain Orchards, as shown upon the . . D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMP, duly recorded map or plat^thereof, now > Residence Residence Hillsboro o f record in the office o f the recorder pore8t Grove o f conveyances in Washington County, ph„r e 444 Offices -H IL L S B O R O Oregon, and as particularly described ______________ in deed from Paul Reimers and w ife to Magnus Block, and wife, recorded in J N .H O F F M A N Vol. 91 page 36, records o f deeds of ,) r by Agnes Moore and Enoch Moore to Washington County, Oregon, to- Attorney A t Law Heard Trimming “ *>c' the Hollis Title and Investment Com- gether with the tenements, hérédita­ i r e . panv, a corporation, and by said ments. and appurtenances thereunto Patent Office Business Solicited Plain Shampoo 2i)C. Hollis s Title and Investment Company belonging or in anywise appertaining, 50c. assigned Egg and Lemon Shampoo Oregon >e foreclosed and said mortgage be de- Forest Grove, to this plaintiff, thereby con 50c. ! veying Lots Nine and Ten in Block Olive Oil Shampoo Seven in South Park Addition to Forest | Fitch Shampoo | Grove, Washington County, Oregon, as 35c | security to their said note o f even date Face Massage by Hand c - therewith for the sum o f $850.00 with Neck Shaving *x ' interest at seven per cent per annum, Shaving, Holidays,(when open ; be foreclosed and said real property l a j v| o c « 1 sold in the manner prescribed by l a w nail n a y i ............................ the payment o f the sums Tonics .................. i ¿ o l . f ound due plmntiff. anti the costs and know how good they are. Shops will close at 7 p. m., ex­ disbursements o f said sale and o f this (I A. Bryant, the photographer, cept on Wednesdays at 8 p. m. suit. That the defendants and all persons last week received from the fac­ and Saturdays at 10 p. m. It claiming by, through or under them, tory the latest and largest enlarg or any o f them, he forever barred ami ing machine on the market and is precluded from any interest or title in or to said premises, and for such other now prepared to enlarge pictures C e n t r a l O r e g o n t o B e I to almost unlimited s.ze. The, P u re B re d S to c k C e n te r machine is much speedier than anything heretofore put on the O. A. C., Corvallis, Oct. 22 — market. Central Oregon promises to be-! For smut on wheat use Blue come famous as a pure bred live­ Slone, 20c per lb,; 10 lbs., $1.70. stock breeding center. Leading Littler’s Pharmacy. stockmen of Crook county have The Forest Grove high school formed the Cenical Oregon Pure football boys defeated the Van­ Bred Livestock association to pro­ couver high team last Friday in mote the raising of pure bred live this city by a score of 25 to 0. stock, establish a reputation for Next Saturday the locals have a its products, and issue annually a harder job cut out for them when directory of its members. they collide with the ‘‘ Mack’ ’ “ The largest stockmen in Crook team. Game called at 2:30 on the county are officers and directors of P. U. field. Admission two hits. the association,” says R. A Ward, A number of Forest Grove and Hillsboro Odd Fellows will go to Ranks next Saturday evening to . „ .. . . . . , can be secured from us for rail or assist in t he conferring of four OP- spring planting. Large Prune Trees grees. When the Ranks Odd Fel- are very scarce this year on account of lows g e t through with the present the late spring and dry Kiimmer there- . ,|| ___ « » . » „ . „ j fore to insure getting the best trees class there will be a I hree-cornt red m o n r y ,,a n ( IUy d o n„ t fail to write us tie between Ranks, Hillsboro and t,e fort. buying s m a i . i . trees elsewhere. Forest Grove— 112 members each. I Buy early and save money. At the last meeting the members /\»,rip/»M N ilTPslL’ P V i ’ Pt of the Ranks lodge voted to pur-1 U K E liU IN iN U K f> r »K i 1>U., Orenco, Ore. •hase $500worth of Liberty Bonds. Large Prune Trees H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season PH O NE South Main Street 701 - Forest Grove, Ore ________ O L D P ELY TON G R A VELY M ADE TH E F IR S T PLUG O F TO B A C C O T H A T EVER W AS M A D E ------------- HL SZL G R A V E L Y ’« NO M A N EVER M A D E [A S g o o d CELEBRATED ~ Chewing Plu£ BEFORE THE INVENTION OF OUR PATENT AIR-PROOF POUCH GRAVELY PLUG TOBACCO MADE STRICTLY FOR ITS CHEWING QUALITY WOULD NOT KEEP FRESH IN THIS SECTION NOW THE PATENT POUCH K E E P S IT FRESH AND C LE AN AND G O O D A LITTLE CHEW OF GRAVELY IS E N O U G H A N D LA S T S LO NG ER TH AN A BIG C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y PLU G Co. Dumit.VA.