» üllff Jíiirrat (Srmtp Sxpr State leader of County Agricul­ tural Agents. He will assume his duties at once, with headquarters Publish««! «v«ry Thursday at Forait (irove, Oregon. in the Court House at Hillsboro. W. C. Hen far, Editor ami Publisher. Raised on a general and dairy Kritirad hh si-cond < I u » h m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at tin- poatoifira at Foraat (irove, farm in Oregon, Mr. Jami-on was Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1H79 graduated from the Oregon Agri­ cultural College in 1914 He was Subscription Kate* a member of the College Stock i'aid in advance On Credit' One year II.•»« One year 11.00 Judging Team while in college, Six montha .00 Six montha . .70 and did considerable work on he Be a Tiiree Muntila .25 Three montha .40 college farm. I.ater he assi ted his father in running a truck and small THURSDAY, OCT. 20. 1017 fruit farm in Western Washington. For almost two years following Life Saver ‘‘I am aorry that you do not wear a Ha« every his graduation Mr. Jami-on wa« day and I can only aak vou if you loae the phyaicul tester for the Clackamas County emblem to he aure that you wear it IN vodR SAVE THE LIFE OF THE TOWN. Il K AKT ; the heart of America aliali interpret the Cow Testing association. While heart of the world.” President Wilaon. It will die it you don’t boost it t h e r e he di d a considerable amount of official testing for ad­ The best way to boost it :j to READ THE N O T E S AN I) C O M M E N T S vanced registry for several large HOME PAPER CAREFULLY breeders of dairy cows. Take an ACTIVE INTEREST in the town’s affairs. In August, 1916. Mr. Jamison SPEND YOUR MONEY IN TOWN with became fit d agent for the Dairy Division of the United State« De­ the local merchants. partment of Agriculture, having his headquarters in Pullman His immediate t-upervisors whereby the Christmas mail to the Thu Portland pap rs have been Forest Grove boys will be »here, in Wash. Farm Loans Wanted this work recommend«d him as American Expeditionary F o r c e s in Can furni very slow to give Forest (»rove as well as a number from Banks. one of the strongest farm loan« at men under Europe is to be delivered by Christmas a low rate of h you credit for Liberty Pond sales and It appears the Elliotts are not their supervision, which interest. Hollis & covered morning. 402t at least one of said papers (the in much of h hurry to brii g to all of the nor1 hern and western W ithout the fullest co-operation on Graham. News) Monday mghi placed For- trial the suit against the city of states. part of the public, it will be im­ You can get the Portland Ore­ Mr. Jamison’s anpointm -nt the gonian six days a week, by m..il, e-d (»rove in a list of town which Forest Grove for collection of pay comes possible to accomplish this result. as the result of an agree­ and the Fore-t Grove Expres-, for the so-called sewer, for the The three essential respects in which had not reported any bonds sold. case has been continu d three ment reached between the Exten­ for only $6.00 per year, if paid in ; the public can aid in assuring a happy The editor of the Portland W wh times It was to have started be­ sion Service of the College arid Christmas at the front are: MAIL advance. seven mny have thought he was telling fore Judge Morrow, in Portland the County Court of Washington E A R L Y . A D D R E S S INTELLI­ days a week, For add Oregonian $2.00. the truth, but there are people in last Monday, but w as again con­ county relative to the placing of a GENTLY AND PACK SECURELY. of the College and For this reason it is urgently requested Portland who could have told him tinued one week. The city has representative the United Stales p»rtmentof that all persons having Christmas mail Former City Engineer Kirkwood, that far back as a week ago to- his assistant, Vinton Robinson, Agriculture in the D c urty. Food for the soldiers and Bailors and the day Forest Grove had sold $35,- and Inspect«’« M .crurn and Me Bill No. 1. passed at the recen' iViflP It units attached to the army in 000 worth of bonds of the second K-nzIe on expense at Portland, ses ion of Congre s, ea ri>d with civilian O O Europe observe closely the following Liberty Loan. H**ie is the proof: w .¡ting for the trial of the ca.se it a provision wh* reby th • Fed directions: era! Government is to aid in the 1. Mails to reach the soldiers • in i "Portlsm l, Or«., Oct. IK. maintenance of such a representa­ Franee by Christmas morning must be "F irst National Hunk, tive in every important agricul­ mailed "F orest Grove, Ore. not later than November 15. tural county in the United States. 2. Every "CongratulHtions on your splendid must bear con­ The administration of Oregon’s spicuously the package progress. Forest Grove one of the few words CHRISTidAS cities in Oregon whose subscriptions Having rect ived a number of allotment of the fund m.id- avail­ MAIL, the complete address of the BUY A able for this purpose i« vested in are one-third of quota. Am quoting inquiries as to the food values of person for whom it is intended, and, Urn«! Stales Govern men Bond ?f the Extension Service of the College. you as example. so-called "Eureka clover ” C. Mr Jamison will be maintained in the upper left-hand corner, the name "LIBERTY LOAN PUBLICITY, the W. Creel, in charge of the local for the remainder of this year with and address of the sender. SECOND "P e r C. C. Chapman, bureau of entomology, wrote the 3. Every parcel must be so packed "Vice Chairm an.” Federal funds a’one, and begin­ and wrapped as to admit of easy in­ Agricultural College for ning with Jan 1, 1918, if the work spection by pie postm aster. NO parcel Forest (»rove is asked to take Oregon information on the subject. The is continued, wil be upport*-d by $100.000 of the bonds and the reply he ceceived follows: be dispatched to France which has a joint county, state and govern­ will Express ventures the assertion "D ear Mr. Creel: not the postm aster’s certificate th at it ment fund. The county’s share of that by Saturday night of this Responding to yours of October 1 .rn. this fund will be $1600 00 the • contains no prohibited articles. so-called Eureka clover is not a state will contribute a l i ke A. S. BURLESON, week, when the campaign closet», The clover. It is the plant which was ex­ amount, and $1000 of Federal Postm aster General. the people of this cry will have ploited about 1H93 to 1897 under the money wi I be used if ne**dtd. Patrons are cautioned against plac- ’ OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD done fully twenty-five per cent name of Sachaiine. The scientific I*. 1917 ing RED CROSS stam ps more than is asked of them, as name is Polygonum sachalinense. It is While turning onto Pacific ave­ stickers, other than stamps, or on other the Pt. L . Pt. A . . . they did in the Army Y. M. C. ! very much lower in food value than is nue from A street about 6 o’clock ADDRESSED SIDE of mail m atter, as U. 6:20 r. G. a m A IT. 7:40 m 6:50 a 8:07 indicated by an analysis made many Tuesday evening, on a motor­ , such m atter is thereby rendered un­ A. contributions, the first Liberty 1 years a m 7:05 8:30 a m 8:15 9:32 ago by the Oregon Experiment Earl Harper attempt'd to mailable. In the use of Christmas 8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 I/tan, the Red Cross donations Station and which is quotes! liberally in cycle, go between the curb and Joe stickers care should be taken not to 9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 and the Library Fund donations. the advertising m aterial with reference Wiles’ Chevrolet, with the result the parcels therew ith, as sealed 12:30 p m 1:45 3:30 p m 4:40 Up to noon today $100.000 in 1 to the plant. The analysis was made that the motorcycle struck Joe’s seal 5:00 5:30 p m 6:45 p m parcels at the fourth 3:45 bonds had been sold in this city. on the leaves, although it was not re- front wheel, with dire results to clasa rate are of unmailable 5:05 m 6:25 6:15 m 7:30 postage. Pasters or stick­ 7:40 p m 9:05 7:20 8:40 m Will the Portland News please set jsirted as such and it did not include the smaller machine, which sus ers which resemble postage stamps are its readers right regarding the ! the woody coarse stems which make up tained a demolished front wheel not permissable on the out side of any 9:45 p m 11:00 11:15 p m 12:i« ‘ roll of shame” it published last a rather large portion of the plant. and other damage- The rider mail m atter. S. P. ELECTRIC TIME CARD Monday? "The plant is a very persistent per­ was badly shaken up and didn’t Arr. Pt. L . Pt. . F. G. Arr. F. G. and is difficult to get rid of. I know much for a few minute?. Parcels for the Expeditionary Forces I 8:35 7:50 t7:15 a m a m 8:35 The First National Rank is ennial abroad may not be registered or in- j am told by parties living in the vicinity He sustained a bad cut on the t7:20 • m 8:45 t9:15 a m 10:32 again paying for a space in the of the man who exploits this plant that head and oth< r bruise« about the sured. s9:30 a m 10:45 a m 12:15 information concerning t9:41 a m 11:10 11:00 Express to advertise Liberty the cattle do not particularly relish it body. Witnesses declare Harper the Additional 2:15 3:30 preparation and mailing of parcels 12:35 P m 1:50 t3:30 P m and that they do not consider it a val­ was running very fast and it was Ronds. A monthly payment plan uable m 4:50 P t2:00 P m 3:20 forage plant. It is tender to evident from the place where he may be obtained from m 7:00 5:40 is advertised this week and Mr. frost and 3:40 R. P. WIRTZ, P m 4:55 t6:15 p p m 7:35 st uck the auto that he took the is rather slow in getting Johnson, president of the bank, started. It tends to spread by under- wrong side of the street Postm aster. t4:22 P m 5:50 8:00 p m 9:20 t6:22 P m 7:45 til :15 P m 12:35 informs (he writer that if people • ground root stalks and makes its best 2:20 9:35 P m 10:50 ssl:00 P m Public sale bills printed at the The W orm T urned. prefer’they may make small week­ growth at a season when pasture and “You haven't done very well this Express office. ly payments— anything reason­ t—Thru s - S a t ss—Sat & Sunday forage are usually abundant. said the boss "Your orders able. in fact, to get a bond in ev­ j other It was very extensively experimented month.” feiv and far between.” ery home in Forest Grove and 1 upon in Canada, Australia and the were “Pm sorry," said tbe traveling sales­ vicinity. Mr Johnson does not • United States about 1893 to 1898 and in man. “but”— take kindly to the slurring re­ no place has its culture been continued "I don't wnut excuses. 1 want or­ marks of a Portland paper and he as a forage plant. It is used as a ders.” is anxious to see Forest Grove buy : common weed in Japan. Just then the door ojiened. and the more bonds, per capita, than any “ Probably the most conclusive evi­ secretary entered and passed In u card. "Humph," said the boss. "Jam es other town in Oregon. Read his dence against this plant is th at of yield Henry, salesman for the General Prod­ proposition on the last page of 1 which was secured I believe under Ger­ ucts company! he know I this issue. man conditions and where the yield never see traveling Doesn’t men at about eight to sixteen tons per "He says he Is In a hurry this to hour?" leave Here is another jolt for the was acre. It is therefore a persistant per- town and would like to explain his dear public: Reginning with Nov. j ennial, difficult to get rid of, it is not proposition to you He will be brief.” 1st, this year of our Ixird and a legume and therefore does not build "I can't see him now. I'm busy. Tell by sending out of town for your printed mat- the soil and when grown under reg­ him to wait." high prices, freight way bills bear l up “When shall 1 tell him to call again?" ter-and you may not save a cent. Let the ular conditions and harvested as a reg­ a war tax of 3 per cent and rail­ ular crop it does not yield more forage “Tell him to wait there and I'll see EXPRESS quote you a price before you buy way tickets are taxed 10 per cent, than the ordinary types of forage plant him In about an hour. Now, then, young man. why Is It th at you fell with the exception of commuta­ which are better in quality and better down this month?” printing without seeing it. By patronizing tion (family) tickets. The rail­ I suited to our conditions. the Express, you get to see a “proof” of "Because all the business men I roads must stand this tax or pass Very truly, called on Insisted on treating your your job before it is printed--and your money it on to the public. They have salesman the way you treat their».”— GEO. R. HYSLOP, picked the public for the goat. stays in Washington county, where you have Professor of Farm Crops. Exchange. The local camp of Modern a good chance of shaking hands with it again. Woodmen will have ten candi­ Come in and let us talk it over. dates to vote on a t tomorrow night’s meeting, as the result of a week’s soliciting by Deputy Henry The appointment of Mr. Neal Atlee He will continue the work C. Jamison as Couhty Agricul­ a part of next week. On Satur­ tural Ag e n t f or Washington To the Public:— Phone 821 Forest Grove, Ore day. Nov. 3d, all the camps with­ county has been approved by the The time is approaching to give in fifty miles of Portland are in­ Board of Regents of the Oregon thought to bringing Christm as cheer to vited to bring their candidates to Agricultural the American soldiers and sailors College, and is an­ abroad. that oily and have them initiated at a monster class adoption. The nounced by Mr Paul V. Maris, Arrangements have been perfected Æm PECULIAR TACTICS OF PORTLAND NEWSPAPERS “Eureka Clover” Not Equal to Clover m Dated Sept. t p t it f p p t You May Save a Few Pennies Agricultural Agent Christmas Mail Is On the Job For American Forces Abroad The EXPRESS g