Slip IPiirrat (Srmtp txprpaa v Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Henfer, Editor ami Publisher. Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, at the no Oregon, under the Act of March X, 157V Subscription Kales On Credit $1.00 v>ne year .50 Six months .25 Three months THURSDAY. OCT. 25. IsMT “ l am sorry that you do not wear a fisc every day and I can only ask you if you lose the phxsical emblem to l>e sure that you wear it i\ YOl'K H E A R T ; the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the work!.” President Wilson. Paid in advance One year Six months Three Months N O T K S A N 1) C O M M E N T S Every D - r"/ , BGF~ is â shot at * U BOAT JIM DALE oung Jimmy Dale, I across our street, Is just a gawky lad. He grew so fast, the doctors said, His heart was mighty bail; They wouldn’t let him do much work “ ' Or any hearty play But, just the same, they drafted Jim. Ami Jim h;ui gone awav. :i\ was sort of a great, big kid . to Jim And fooling all the w hile .40 So, when they ordered him to camp. He wynt there with a smile. Jim Dale ia in the army now, Lank legs, bum heart and all. To fight like other drafted men That got the country’s call. God, yes! Jim 's heart may drop him dead Or he may live to be Shot all to pieces “over there” 1 W hat odds to you or me? By thunder! it’s these odds to you! If kids like Jim can go. With smiles to fight our wars for us We can put up the dough. If we can buy a bond or two An«! don't, while Jim, f>oor cuss. Goes smiling off to death or wounds Then hell's too good for us! Ellis Parker Butler. you can buy. This nation is still a democracy and wt* must sacri­ fice for each other to keep it a»; but if you in sist on eating things that should go to the fighters, Uncle Sam may have to a* ume the roll of step-father and t- li you : ju>t how much you can ram d> wn j your throat. And Uncle Sam would very much hate to do that. By W. T. Perkins, Portland, Ore. tinies of the nations should give The U S. War D etrim ent has TWO COLLEGE BOYS (Dedicated to the Liberty Loam serious consideration to the terms, announced.that it will pay 50c a Two boys left home with just for on the that we sign will in commutation of rations at money enough to take them depend for pact generations the peace day Ye Sons of Freedom, bring to me O . A . (!., instead of th e 30 c e n ts through college, after which they and future of the whole world. With flaming hearts and bended knee originally promised. 'Phis is paid defended entirely upon their own * The stake is the greatest that the Your offering to Liberty ! human race has ever played for; in plac • of ra ions to advanced efforts. patience and confidence are all members of the reserve officers’ Ye are my sons; my bounteous breast They attacked the collegiate' that we now need in order to I k * training corps, chiefly the juniors Hath nourished you, and on you prest I problems successfully, passed the certain of winning Its richest gifts; nor sought I rest. graduation,received their diplomas We are fighting it to ” destroy an and seniors. Payment is from the from the faculty, also commenda­ institution.the continued ex stence time th e ls>ys sign up to th e end Gaze now upon thy golden fields; tory letters to a large shipbuilding of which would render permanent of the year, through vacations and Mark how the earth its fruitage yields firm with which tney desired em- j peace impossible. That is our all This mak*‘s fifteen dollars a ployment Beneath the star-strewn Flag that shields. aim, stated in a sentence. month for the year. Freshmen Ushered into the waiting-room war Portland Oregonian. Behold thy cities, proud and strong; and sophomores get uniforms, but of the htad of the firm, the first ; Behold thy homes, where evensong not rations, during the training was given an audience. He pre WAR PROSPERITY sen ted his letters. Ascends to heaven, free from wrong. The Oregonian has heard of period ‘•What can you lo asked the two citizens of a thriving county A desire to comply with the My noble sons! Awake! Arise! man of millions. in Eastern Oregon who have each city council’s "clean up” order Behold sad Europe’s smoking skies; “ I should like some sort of a flocks of twelve hundred sheep. Gird ye my limbs ere Freedom dies. Ernest Brown a badly cut clerkship.” From th ese sheep during the cur­ cost leg Saturday, when he swung a ‘•Well, sir, I will take your rent year these sheepmen have gunny sack filled Think now of Belgium’s fields of red; broken name and address, and -hould we realized €>ach $17,000 in cash, by glass against his left with Behold where stricken France hath bled; leg. the sale of wool and lambs. They 3 3 ^ Remember Lusitania’s dead. have anything of the kind open have not parted with a single ewe will correspond with you.” sheep. My sons! my sons! your hearts I know; As he passed out he remarked to his waiting companion, “You It is a fair estimate that in an Bring, then, thy gifts and let me go can go in and leave your address ” ordinary year the returns in wool With blazing sword, to meet the foe. and lambs from a flock of 1200 The other presented himself and ewes would be from $.‘1000 to his papers. $1000, and the owner would have Liberty Bonds pay more inter- one doubtful case, for nea ly “What can you do?” was done well. est than the banks will pay after twenty years leave to wind up an ask,d Here, then, is an excess profit of ‘I can do anything that a green $13,000 the first of next year and they are estate has been refu-ed.” $14,000 for each of can do, sir,” was the reply. these lucky to sh-emen, free from taxation up to $5,000. It is always best to be loyal to hand made out of The magnate touched a bell, the war. Except for the See the point? That’s why Sec­ your country. You feel much which war they called a superintendent would have been struggling retary McAdoo wants the small better and your conscience will be “ Have you anything to put a on 15-cent, or 20-cent wool along and investors to own these bonds. clear, and you know you are right. man to work at?” $1 50 or $2 lambs. The London Daily Chronicle No one should make a preten-e of “We want a man to sort scrap- We should say that the sub­ replied the superintendent. scription in war bonds from every says: “The war has reproduced living in the United States unless iron,” And the c Ikge graduate went such sheep and wool profiteer the tragedy of Enoch Arden in not he can unhold the Stars and to sorting scrap-iron. ouitht to be at least $5000. Port­ a few cases. Recently the wife of Stripes and be a true American, One week passed, and the presi­ a young officer—whose death had J. D Brown, president of the dent. mee’ing the superintendent, land Oregonian. been presumed by the war office— Farmers’ Union, and G. E. Spence, a^ke i, “How is the new man get­ A full line of the famous Me 2 nd LIBERTY LOAM Kinlev 10c sheet mu^ic at the married a clergyman. Now she master the State Grange, have ting “ O on?” has received a letter from her hus­ jointly of issued h ,” said the boss, ‘he did his Book Store. a letter asking the work so w ell, and never watched band, written from a prisoners’ farmers of Oregon to purchase the Hock, that I put him over the camp. It should be a warning liberally of Liberty Bonds. They gang. against rapid remarriages. The call attention to the fact that Your Money and Your Temper on In one vear t h i s man had courts are loath to presume death by purchasing a pair of the first Liberty loan many farm- reached the head of a department without very exact evidence. In an advisory position with the ers were not in position to buy and d ia m Dollar o n Lenses d are Htanilaril, and are management a salary repre­ heavily, but th e y have received sented by four at figures, while his Diamond and scientifically ground by the finest lens m anufactur­ such good prices for their crops, whilom companion was “clerk” in ers the world to supply the necessary curvature the^e men say, that they -hould a livery stable, washing harness to the eye lost by deneient accommodation. Nine cases out of ten can be fitted from their different give their government all the aid and carriages. Western Farmer. foci. If yours is the tenth case and requires the possible. TEMPORARY PEACE services of an oculist, you will he told so. Appearance: They are equal in appearance, Say, Mister Big Eater, do you NOT DESIRABLE style and finish to the $6.00 kind of II karat gold. know that overeating kills more Those who eagerly catch at ev- Price a little lower than the lowest, for an article of this finish ami ap|iearartro, anywhere in people in the United States than ^ pl‘a for P^ce which emanates the world. • -- undereating’ Don’t you think it from Berlin and who constantly Quality, a lilt I p better than t hr I ipn I that has would be better for you and the call for a definition of our war ever been placed before the public at thin price. B U ,Y A Make no vnintake, the IHnrnond lh»|lar Speetn- nation if you stopped eating just aims’ would ,Jo weI1 to keep In Umted States G tm n n em Bo« of tire and KyeKlaiHia afe «nod enoiiKh for anyone. a little before you reached the mind these wordsof GeneralSmuts, Hundred* of thousands of customerM now wearing and Up limit of your capacity and left a the great Boer leader, uttered in SECOND these glasses will testify as to their quality little to Jack and Bill and Sam, an interview wi t h t he Paris and durability. for b a ij my have given up so much to go Journal: iberty o p who across^the pond and fight for you “ But before thinking of peace MADE IN and I? Don’t think that because we must be certain of having fin- 0 you have bought a Liberty Bond ished with military imperialism, ALL STYLES The Rexall Druggists dolp Your Country and Yoursolf and donated to the Red Cross Before accepting any peace, those FOREST GROVE, OREGON that you have a right to eat all who are charged with the des­ America Speaks DIAMOND Spectacles Eye Glasses SAVE YOUR EYES $ z. IT Per Pair L L /1 9 1 7 VanKoughnet & Rcder