|aoi= = 3lfaoi= b 1fäöS faoi= ± 3lfö1[c^oL^3liö1lcziioi=3fao c^ > liä ö B 1 [ä Ö D l Gas Ranges 0 A Liberty Loan Bond in Every Home in Forest Grove and vicinity is very desirable and entirely possible. If you are not now ready to care for yours, we will be glad to arrange with you some plan suitable to your requirements and to safely care for YOUR bond in our vaults, if you desire. Here is a Suggestion worthy of more than passing notice: Five dollars a month for nine months and one payment of $5.75 wilf*make you the possessor of a $50 bond, with all interest coupons attached. Ten dollars per month for nine months, and one payment of $11.50 will give you a $100.00 Bond The cut to the right shows the cele­ brated A-B Range. A-B is a contraction of the names Alexander A’ Berry, the found­ ers of the A-B Stove company, and discern­ ing purchasers have learned that it also stands for the Highest Development of the Stove Makers’ Art. A patented feature of the A-B Gas Range is the glass oven door, which enables you to see your baking all the time and does away with the necessity of opening the door, thus avoiding waste of heat and the chance of causing your baking to “fall” by the jarring of the oven door. The broiling pans of the A-B gas range are pressed from solid, seamless sheet steel and then coated with a beautiful en­ amel, which does not peel, crack or become grimy. Grease has no etTect upon it and soap and water will make it bright as new. The White Porcelain Dirt Trays are as easy to clean as a new china plate. The Burners-This is a vital part of the Range and nowhere does the A-B gas range show itself to better advantage. Patent­ ed features keep the flame from floating, consequently gas bills are materially reduced and the flame is always blue and hot. We connect the stoves in your house, ready to work. Goff Bros. Forest Grove Phone 683 — !Q iz 5 1 i& O I ^ lit— ------- 3liÔl|Ç=JOE=S][01l C = 1 0 P llt 10C Z=ZZ?|[ä0CZ3l M. T. Sherrett visited hisbet- I)r. I>owe, Nov. 9. Catholic Church t* r half in this city Tuesday, re­ Mrs Emma McKinney of Hills­ Mass will b in Cornelius next turning to his work in Dougras boro, sister to Mrs. Hugh Smith Sunday, Oct. 2Hth, at 8:00 o'clock, with all interest coupons attached. Think it over. Come county Wednesday morning. of this city, was elected grand in and see us. We will arrange some plan to furnish you in Forest Grove at 10:80. Before you buy a piano re- chief of the Oregon Pythian Sis­ and a bond without profit to ourselves. This will probably be the last phonograph, see th • line of ihe.se ters at the conv ntion recently The deferred payment plan puts you on a par with instruments at he Book Store, held in Portland Mrs McKin- Mass Father Buck will say in the person who pays at once. Y'ou get 4 per cent on where you can always save ney is one of the owners «if the Forest Grove before taking up his your payments as you make them. money. Hillsboro Argus and is very prom- duties as pastor of Salem, and ev- The Stout Auto company re inent in the social and fraternal | eryone ¡s most cordially invite«!, We will be glad to serve you. p >rts the sale of a Ford truck to work of the town. W. L. Sherman of the eastern end While the members of James Christian Church of the county. B. Mathew p o st, G. R , Wen* Th«? will »|M'Hk next I.uni's Fred Watrous, who accom- in session last Thursday, enter- day at the 11 o’clock hour on "The panied his father to Well-boro, tabling their patriotic instructor F<**l Conservation ('omjmign” which A Strong Bank i Pa., several weeks since, returned the m« mbers of the Relief C o rp s begins Oct. 28-Nov. 4. What is our FO R EST GROVE, O R E. in a Good Town. \ Monday and reports that his appeared and spread a very pala part iii thia camp» gn? Come and tind father stood the trip nicely. table banquet for the old boys. out. Harve Baldwin, who has been much to the surprise and delight The young peoph* are urged to attend N O T E S A M ) P E R S O N A L S F. X Ballinger, living east of working with his brother, Oscar, of the Union C. K. meeting at the Con­ the latter. 1 he members of the town, was looking after bu iness Coips.- re holding a meeting to­ gregational church at *1:30 p. m. Song at Condon for the past two day, to be followed with a lunch service and sermon this city Monday. Anyone d e sirin g first-class in Dick 7:30 p. m. Subject: of Greenville was months, is exported home in a at 4 o’clock. board and room inquire at Van- in town Wilcox **Go«l, the F ath er.” Kveryliody wel­ and bought a few days, accompanied by Oscar. Koughnet & Reder’s. 42 2t_ big chunk yesterday come. of Liberty Bonds. The members of the Forest Ot.to Erickson celebrated the Charles F. Miller of the Port­ R. J. Eastwood R. I.. PUTNAM. Minister. and Ed Catch­ Grove <• ub I , PLnJnK (> . 1,8 lfle, ,H‘JV IP*« age at r> are asked to as- < land revenue office visited his ing, who have been helping build semble Rifle Hillsb'»ro last night by and mvit.ng Y Wrt- r?*rts hall at 7:30 to- the Specials—at the Pacific Market family in this city over Sunday quarters for soldiers at American morrow at a' evening L ks of Multnomah Wash- to assist in put- Five pounds lard, $1 40; 10 lbs. Having purchased the Burn- Lake, have returned home. i' g on count es to a banquet, rifle practice ting up targets for lard, $2.75; coffee, as worth fish market, east of the Mrs. Eva Abbott Tuesday af­ Do your hit. served in the parlors of the Com­ long as it lasts, Carnation 30c per can. Schultz store, I invite all citizen- ternoon entertained two dozen club. Portland Elks came i member. we are headquarters Re­ in search of nice fresh fish to call ladies at cards, serving a very nice Mrs. Frank Cory and daughter. mercial in a -pecial train, bunging a band I celery, fruits and vegetables, for as on me. G. I. Gibson. 40-4* luncheon between 5 and 6 o'clock.! Mrs Carr, of Chicago visit «1 their with th<*ni. Elks from this city well as choice fiesh and salt South Dako'a friends, the were Otto Parsons, Albert Ahl- meats and poultry. I have a water-heated suit of Joe A. Wiles would like to od It members of the VanKoughnet gren, Willis Goff, C. E. Roy, W. v ry plea.-ant rooms, suitable for write your insurance. Will give family, today, «nroute to Cali­ t »men, for rent. J. E. Deeks, M. Pollock, John Wirtz; E. D. Notice to Bond Holders service that will be to your fornia for th*- winter. corner 1st street and 4th avenue you Stout, an«l Claude Smith advantage. West side Main St„ Notice is hereby given that south 41-tf north of Tucker’s garage. Corporal Enoch I. Will of com­ City of Forest Grove, Or«'gon, pany G. 361st infantry. Saturday A Worthy Cause Refuriding Bonds Nos. 3 ami I, surprised th«.* W J R. Beach A number of the ladies of the dated Nov. 15, 1915, are cal)erning. n this city next Satu d i\ for the stop. Nov. 15, 1917. Mrs. S A Walker was operat benefit of the home, so if you are EDWIN S. SPARKS, ed «in at a Portland hospital Tues approached, do what you can to | 42-2t City Treasurer. I have been in the Shoe Game day and, at last reports, was do help the cause along. Miss Manehe for a long time. Just now we Men Wanted ing as well as could be expect ed Langley has been asked to take are in the “Shoe iMillinery’’ bus­ Mr. Wa'ker went with the patient1 a collect on of frui s and v«ge- for sawmill and yards; wag«.*«, iness. When it comes to asking and returned home ye-terday tabl* s for the home and donations $3.00 per day and up. Apply to noon. $7.50 to $15 for a pair of $3.50 < f this kind may be left at h< r Haskell - Carpenter Company, Cherry Grove Ore, 42 2 to $4.50 shoes, it’s ‘going some.’ Joe Wiles has ha«l his bungalow law office. All above $3.50 to $5 is simply moved fr>m First avenue, no th. ammammmmmmmmtmmmsmamammmmmmKmammmmmmKmmmmmmm to a lot he purchased on Pacific paying for a very foolish “fad.’’ 99 avenue, between C and D sleets. But, owing to conditions, we are He thinks in time he will learn putting in a line of the fancy the way to the new home, al­ stuff for $5 to $7.50. You pay though it bothered him a little at $9 to $15 for them in the cities. first. If you must have them, we can Mrs. J. T. Hay arrived Mon­ save you from $3.50 to $5 per day from Seattle for a visit with pair, at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fletcher, ami yester*lay Mrs. THE FOREST GROVE SHOE STORE Walter Sargent, another daughter, came from Gales Creek to spernl C. V. B. Russell. the week with her parents and sister. First National Bank SHOE STORE Let “ Hazelnut At §>rlfultz*a Phone 061 Butter YOUR BREAD