11,000 CATTLE BURN Big Kansas City Plant Kostrov «si in Early Morning Fire Vust Mords Koam Downtown Streets. Weekly War Information NATION WILL INSURE Plana for Placing Policiea Into Effect for Fighting lined Men W ill he Out­ Ages Range 15 to 65. GROUND IN BALTIC B rief Stories Prepared I ’ mler the Kansas City, M«>. Rc{>orta that the Washington, D. C. - Samples o f the Direction o f the Committee on fire which early Tuesday destroyed a insurance |H>licy which the government Public Informili ion and the State Council o f Defens«’. large portion o f the Kansas City S tock-! will write for its aoliliers and sailors yards an«l resulted in the «leath o f ap­ were made pubic Monday night by the proximately 11,000 cattle and 8300 General Pershing Pruiaea Work o f Red war risk insurance bureau o f the Croea in France. hogs was o f an incendiary origin per-1 Treasury department. Plans for plac­ The Rod Cr«««s commission to France ing the policies int«> effl’ct w ill be out­ sisted, though discredited by officials '■ has received the following letter from lined here Siam at a conference of of the corporation owning the yards. Ailjutant General Henjamin Alvoril, o f Treasury officials with representatives Insurance adjusters place the loss a t : General Pershing’s staff: o f the Navy and officers and I’lilint«-«! approximately $750,000, o f which i *’ Our army is keeping a war diary men at the 82 cantonments. $200,01*0 represents the buildings, pens which is t«> be the official record o f the Details o f the policy disclose that Sea and Air Fleet» Us«d in Fighting Events o f Noted P«s>ple, Governments and chutes destroyed and $550,000 the , war here. I have received an official risks w ill be written upon the lives of livestock yards. for PoHscsaion o f Gulf Entrance communication from the commander- nii’n and women between the age o f 15 and Pacific Northwest and Other Heavy insurance was carried both in-chief o f the American Expedition­ and («5 in all branches o f the army, That Loads to Petrograd. Things W«*rth Knowing. upon the buildings ami up«m the live­ ary Forces reading as follows: navy, marine corps, coast guard, naval stock. “ ‘ It is well to place on record the reserve, national naval volunteers, George R. Collett, general manager attitude o f the management o f the nurses and “ any other branches o f the o f the Stockyards company, believes American R« h I Cross in France. From United Stat«>s forces serving with the Petrograd German battleship* nir- Several Minneapolis flour mills w ill the fire to have resulted from natural * the beginning they have simply wante«l army and navy.” Announcement was j planes ami troops are uniting in the decline further orders until th«>se on causes and that the wind blew sparks to know what they I'ould do to assist in made also that “ rates at ages higher attack u|n>n the outer defenses o f hand have been filled. The action is from the first fire, starting the other the great work before the army. The or lower will be given u|«on request.” Petrograil, Ht the entrain’«« to th«’ Gulf in accordance with a request from the two blazes. The work o f clearing gentlemen at the h«‘ad o f the American Premiums, computed on a monthly food administration. away the debris for the reconstruction Red Cross in Franco are men o f greut basis, vary between 63 cents per $1000 l o f Riga. Fighting for the |toaaesHion o f Oesel Mata-Hari, the Dutch dancer and ad­ of the destroyed pens anil buildings be- | experience in hantiling large affairs in at age 15 to $8.35 | h t $100 at age 65. Islanil continues. Arensburg. its cap- venturess, who two months ago was , gan shortly after the fire had been ex- j the United States and they have e x ­ Between 21 anil 31 years the following ........ »*«1 city, ha» been occupied by the found guilty by a Paris courtmartial on tinguished. hibited wonderful resources in accom­ premiums w ill be charged |x«r $100«. enemy Receiving and selling were resumed plishing everything they have been o f insurance (the lim it being $10,000): the charge o f espionage, was shot at Naval ami air forces ari« energeti­ in the stockyards in the morning in all ( 0 (j0_> dawn Monday morning. Twenty-one to 23, inclusive, 65 cally sup|sirting the land operations classes o f livestock, exi’ept Stockers A copy o f this letter has been fo r­ cents; 24 to 25, 66 cents; 26 to 27, 67 The London taxicab drivers at a j and fetnlers in the cattle class, accord - , and are attacking the north and the warded to the W’ar department for cents; 28, 68 cents; 2'.* ami 80« 8® meeting recently decided upon a strike i ing to Mr. Colltet. | south o f the island. The south a«|uad- transmission to the headquarters o f cents; 31, 70 cents. next Monday, owing to the refusal of ! ron of enemy rruiaers, torpedo-boats There were 47,000 cattle in the yards the American Red Cross, by command During perusls o f total disability and trawlers attempted to force tho the Home secretary to sanction a 50 I at the cliwse o f business Monday, it was o f Major General Pershing.” the insurance will be paiil, not in one | entrance to Iris* channel. Its further per cent increase in fares. said, and while it was possible to lib­ lump sum, but monthly for 20 years, Four banner carriers o f the woman’s erate most o f them, so rapidly did the Subscriptions to Liberty Bonds ( lose shoubi the disability continue for that movements into the Gulf o f Riga are covered by Russian long-range artil­ party were arrested Tuesday in front flames gain headway that many were on OctolnT 27. period. Should death occur before 20 lery from the ¡Hlanil of Oesel. caught and burned. o f the W hite House. A ll four were Subscriptions for the liberty bonds years, the remainder o f the policy will s The northern group o f German war­ Hundreils o f freed cattle reache«! the in the group arrested 10 days ago and must reach the Treasury department, be paid at once to the beneficary. At ships dispatched a squadron of tor|xxii»- downtown sections o f both Kansas dismissed without sentence. Washington, I). C., a Federal reserve the age o f 25 the monthly installment lioats between th*’ islands o f Oe»el anti City, Mo., and Kansas City, Kan. According to a Copenhagen dispatch, bank or some incorp«>rateil bank or for the 20-year period would be $5.75 Dago which pressed hack Russian pa­ It was the third disastrous fire in Germany has offered to supply a cer­ the history o f the Kansas City Stock- trust company in the Unittal States per $1000 o f insurance. trol Ixmts in the direction o f the Moon- Provision is made for family allow­ tain quantity o f potatoes to Denmark. yards. The origin o f the fire has not (not including outlying territories anil aumi. Russian naval forces, reinforc- In exchange, however, Germany w ill been determine«!. The other two were possessions) on or before the close o f ances, for wounded and cripples, for j ing the patrol boats, accepted battle expect Denmark to supply her with ar­ caused by carelessly thrown cigarette business October 27, 11*17. The appli- compensation in case o f death or in- and the enemy r«’tir«-d. cations must be accompanied by a pay- j ur>' without cost anil for insurance at ticles o f which she is in need. A thir«l group o f enemy wnrshi|»i, stubs. little cost consisting o f cruisers ami tor|«edo- Cattle owners are having difficulty ment o f 2 per cent of the amount a|e veO' Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, presi­ . , In cases o f partial «lisability, the . aouth western ' . b o a t s , approached th< dent o f the National Woman Suffrage in identifying their animals from plied for, and subscijuent installments amount , o , f compensation is determined upon bonds allotte«! will be due as fol­ coast o f th«* Island o f Oi-sel an«) bom- party, w ill lead the woman’s parade in 1 among the great herd which was liber­ by a schedule to be based U|xm the ex­ lows: liarde«! part o f the coast. German New York City, planned for October ated when the fire destroyed more than tent o f the impairment o f earning ca­ 18 per cent on November 15, 1917. subitiurinea were observed seviTnl 27, under the auspices o f the New one-half o f the Kansas City Stock- pacity. Total disability payments are 40 per cent on December 15, 1917. times ut different places in the Baltic. York state organization o f the party. yards. By 7 o’clock the fire had been to be increased above the figures 40 |>er cent on January 15, 1918. The exisius from Petrograil, which extinguished. An explosion in the nitro-starch dry- On the latter date, accrued interest named in the policy where the insured has been noticeable since the fall of has dependents. house at the Du Pont Powder Works 1 in the deferred installments will also Riga, lias greatly increase«!. Since “ Where the injury or disease is at Gibbstown, N. J., resulted in the WAR COST $160.000.000 A DAY be payable. Snturilny the ticket offices have been caused by the wilful mise«»nduct o f instant death o f two workmen. A beseiged, many jiersons offering large third man is missing and probably 53,000,000 To Clear Cp Misunderstanding in Re­ the man,” the policy reads,” compen­ premiums for tickets. The situation Men Are Now- Engaged in sation will not be paid.” dead. Another man was seriously in- gard to Pay in the Navy. is aggravated by rumors which are World Conflict. The policies will !*• issued in multi­ jured. Starting at the very beginning it is ples o f $500, no policy, however, to be branded officially as unfounded, that passenger traffic will t>o stop|x’d Germany and Turkey have made an 1 New Y ork— Fifty-three million men possible for a young man by work and less than $1000. shortly, in view o f the expected evacu­ agreement whereby Turkey is to issue are engage«! in the war, which is cost- st uj y to have continuous and frequent ation by the government. paper money o f the equivalent value ing the belligerent nations o f the world advancement with increase o f pay. To No extensive evacuation is lookeil o f £50,000,000, against which t h e 1 at the rate o f $160,000,000 a day, his base pay there is always extra KERENSKY APPEALS TO NAVY for, as no immediate ilangrr threatens same amount o f German exchequer $6,500,000 an hour, and the United i pay for special duties and with each the capital. The new front is still 300 bonds is to be deposited in Turkish States is paying at least one-ijuarter enlistment his pay also increases. As staggering sum, according to j an instance o f this, a young man en­ Germans Mrnare| by Holding l ’art o f miles distant, and roads are impass­ banks, according to the Frankfurter 1 Dead laic in Russia. estimates made Tuesday by the Me- listing in the navy now receives the able. It is not believe«! a landing in Zeitung. j chanics’ National bank o f New York. I following pay: Apprentice seaman, forces Finland will be attempted, owing to I’etrograd — The German President W’ ilson saw s°!" The estimated daily cost at the begin­ ; $32.60 a month; seaman second class, which lande«i on Oesel Island in the ! the scarcity o f supplies there, and to diers go through all the thrilling work ning o f the war was $50,000,000 and a i $35.90 a month; and seaman $38.4*1 a Gulf o f Riga, under the cover o f 90 the fact that provisonii.g would be o f trench warfare, including “ going year ago it wras $100,000,000. This I month. From this post he may be- war veasels, had occupied up to 10 render«’«l difficult, with winter ap­ over the top,” cutting through wire country’s rate of expenditure is great­ | come a petty officer, receiving a pres­ o ’clock Saturday morning tho whole proaching, by the sea’s freezing. entanglements and using the bayonet er than any other nation, Great Britain The central committee o f the fleet ent war pay of $41.70 for third class, northern and eastern part o f the is­ in the “ enemy trench” Monday. The being second and Germany next. By has addressed to the sailors an appeal drill was carried out at the Washing- next August, according to the bank’s $46.50 for second class, and $52.00 land, were within 12 versts o f Arena- which has caused cessation o f the ton barracks by American engineers in figures, the total cost to the world w ill for first class. Rising to a chief fietty burg, on the southern Hhore, according meetings at Helsingfors. The semi­ officer, his present war pay is from to an announcement made by the Rus training there. be $155,000,000,000. Already ex­ $61.00 to $83.00, depending on his sian naval general staff. The Rus- official news agency says the first Two hundred and fifty lives were penditures have exceeded $100,000,- class o f skilled work. ! nians still occupy Serel Point and the naval engagements in the Oesel waters lost when the steamer Media was tor­ 000,000, o f which but a fraction has There are other and higher grades Svorb Peninsula, on the southwestern have shown that an appeal to the pedoed September 23 in the Western been translated into permanent na-1 0 f pay also several avenues open for coast. crews o f the fleet may be counted on Mediterranean, says a Reuter dispatch tional indebtedness. Interest on the promotion to commission. It now develops that the Germans with certainty. from Paris. The explosion o f the tor­ public debt is now calculated to be | did not occupy the I)ag«> Island, north pedo detonated the munitions in the more than 10 per cent o f the normal Secretary Baker Speaks for American ' o f Oesel and at the head o f the Gulf of CHICAGO WINS WORLD SERIES ship’s cargo. There were more than income of the German people, as corn- Boy on Field in France. j Finland. 500 passengers on board the steamer pared with less than one-half o f 1 per Premier Kerensky, in an urgent ap “ I f you want to sell bonds,” said including soldiers and prisoners o f war. | cent in the case o f the people o f this Secretary Baker, addressing the wo- p««al to the Baltic fleet to defend the Americans Capture Sixth and Deciding I country. Game at New York. 1 man’ s Liberty Loan committee, “ get fatherland “ in this hour o f tra il,” di Shipment o f 5000 bags o f flour for The developed national wealth of into your mind the face o f some plain vulged the fact that the garrison of Serbians in Austrian prison camps, the New Y ork— Like Ixwhinvar o f old, the allies is placed at $600,000,000,000 homely country boy — an ordinary Kronstadt, the chief fortress and m ili­ first of a series o f food purchases the Chicago Americans came out o f ; by the bank, while that o f the Teu- American boy- standing on a field in tary port o f Russia an«l the station o f the west and won the world’s series which the American Red Cross, in co­ i tonic powers is given as $130,000,000,- j France, with the noise o f battle going the Baltic fleet, 20 miles west o f Pet­ baseball championship Monday, «Je- operation with the Serbian govern­ I 000. on about him like a perfect hell. I rograd, by its attitude alreaily has feating the New York Nationals, 4 to 2, ment, is making in this country for About 53,000,000 men are today en­ Think o f him there as the boy to whom j weakened the defensive resources of in the sixth and deciding game o f tho r e lie f o f prisoners was announced in 1 gaged in the war. To what extent the i you are bringing support and succor by the fortress. 1917 diamond classic. Washington Tuesday. The Serbian entente allies have gained superiority Eight dreadnoughts, a dozi’n light ' co-ordinating back o f him the financial minister has deposited $500,000 to the For the first tim«« in almost a decade over Germany is shown by the bank in strength of his country; and as he ad- I cruisers, 40 torpedo boat and 30 mine­ the world’s championship banner will credit o f the Red Cross fo r the pur­ striking fashion. vances toward the front with his face j sweepers participated in the German flutter over the fans in th«« Middle pose. With no more than 2,000,000 o f The people West metropolis next spring when the high in the air representing our na- landing in Oesel Island. Returns late Monday night from the ! American manhood enlisted, the total Iowa special election to decide t h e ! m ilitary strength of the allies is 33,- i tion, we feel way down in our hearts: o f Petrograd received the news o f the series pennnnt ¡ h raised at Comiskey occupation calmly. park as evidence o f the Hii|x>riority of question o f prohibition by constitu- J 000,000, against a total for Germany, “ Yes, son; that is your part. The The newspapers publish interviews j the W hite Sox in the great National tional amendment in Iowa indicated a Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Tur­ success will be largely yours, but the responsibility is common, and you will with Rome o f the cabinet ministers and game. “ dry” victory o f 10,000 to 15,000. | key o f 20,000,000. The population o f A fte r winning the first two games These figures, generally from districts 14 entente allies, from which the ranks ' not find that the men and women o f others who agree that while the oper­ favorable to the drys, began to shrink o f their armies may be replenished, is the country at home are leaving you ation seriously affects Russia’s strate­ on their home field and losing the next gic position, it does not c«mstitute an two at the Polo Grounds, the Chicago as late reports came in from cities in altogether 1,300,000,000, against a unaided in that distant land.’ immediate menace to the Russian cap­ clan clinched the gonfalon with two the eastern portion of the state and at population o f less than 150,000,000 in W ill Keep Card Index Record o f Ev- ital. straight victories, one at Comiskey midnight prohibition leaders claimed the central European naitons. Premier Kerensky sent a telegram Park and the other at the lair o f the 'jt r j Soldier. victory by 15,000. Des Moines went The most comprehensive card-index to the commander-in-chief o f the na­ Giants. dry by 1410. Germany Calls Old Men. system will he inaugurate«) by the War tional armies in which he said: The New York club did not go down The Paris army medical service has Copenhagen— Germany has extended department following passage o f the “ Tell the redoubtable Baltic fleet to defeat Monday without desperate awarded 11 silver-gilt, 50 silver and m ilitary service to men 47 years of general deficiency appropriation bill that the hour o f trial has arrived. resistance. The battle was surcharged 75 bronze medals to workers in the age, and is calling up those who here­ supplying the necessary funds. Flans Russia expects for her safety a valiant with sensational situations and thrill­ American hospital in Neuilly. The tofore have escaped service on account have practically been complete«! for effort by the navy and I, as generalis­ ing plays, but the invatling combina­ recipients o f the medals are 37 men o f m ilitary unfitness. the creation in the department o f a simo, demand that the sailors make tion with the edge o f a one-game lead and 99 women. The army already included a large “ statistical division” with a foreign sacrifices.” waH not denied. number above the legal lim it o f 45 Ban Johnson, president o f the Amer­ years on the ground that, although no­ branch in Paris. Russians Plan to Fight. This division will keep a card-index Want Rabbit Far for Hata. ican League and a member o f the N a­ body above that age could be mobil­ Petrograd — A military conference Washington, D. C.— Five hundre«l tional Baseball commission, admits ized, yet no requirement existed for record o f every soldier o f the United that he has volunteered for military the discharge o f a soldier reaching States, whether on duty in this coun­ was held at main headquarters Sunday, thousand Oregon jack rabbits are «loom­ try or on the battlefields o f Europe. at which Premier Kerensky pre­ ed to slaughter, because the largest fe lt service in France. that age. Every man in the army, whether officer sided. hat manufacturer in the United States The London Daily Telegraph says it or private, will be indexed by name A program was adopted providing after conducting a long series o f exper­ U-Boat Menaces America. learned the Sultan o f Egypt died at and the records filed in alphabetical or­ for the systematic training o f soldiers iments covering a period o f more than noon Tuesday. Hussein Kemal was London— According to news from der for imme