The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 18, 1917, Image 1

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Slu' ¿Finest Okmtp IE xjuthh
Vol. 2
Poor Attendance
at Bond Meeting
No. 41
Lady Odd Fellows
Celebrate Birthday
The members of Forest Rebekah
Thi* Express hope« the* po«»r at­
lodge No. 44, I. O. O. F., were
tendance at the meeting held in
hosts to their husbands and other
Verts Hall Tuesday night to hear'
at a celebration held in
Senator Dimirk and C. C. Mc­
the new I. O. O. F. hall last even­
Cullough discuss the Liberty Loan
ing, the occasion being in com­
is not an indication of the loyalty
memoration of the sixty-sixth an­
of the people of Forest Grove, for J
niversary of the institution of the
there were not to exceed fifty per­
Rebekah degree. Noble Grand
sons in the audience
Edna Ross presided at the
John A. Thornburgh, chairman
exercises, which were as follows:
of the local council of defense, pre-,
Piano duet, by Mrs. Aldrich
siiled at the meeting and M. R .,
Miss Dee Darling, which was
Johnson and J. P. Hurley, the j
very good.
other members, sat upon the1
Mrs. John Templeton, wh > al­
stage with the speakers.
does her share on any pro­
Mr. McCullough spoke first and
gram for the Rebekahs, did her­
outlined, briefly, the reasons why \
self proud with a history of the
it was impossible for the United
lodge from its beginning until the
States to keep out of the war and
l first of the present year, when it
retain its self-respect. The speak­
contained more than three-quart­
er said there were not less than
I «'»lumltlii univt-rxltjr w ar hospital Just format)} iakfii over h> (lie governm ent ns a receiving and evacuat- ers of a million members.
100 similar meetings being held in Im: ineillcnl
2 MaJ Gen. Sir J. K. «’upper, director general of the HrltlMh tank corps which Is doing such
Miss Vesta Mertz pleased the
Oregon and many thousands in efficient work center.
on the »minefields. :t G. T. K. Clrngosaian. a Ronton A rm enian, who has offered the governm ent a
other |iarts of the nation at that "free energy generator." which will he tested hy authority of congress. 4— Ruins of a French m anufactory, typical audience with a vocal 30 I 0 , Miss
Fay Templeton playing the ac­
hour, to show the Kaiser that the of the way In which the G erm ans destroy everything tn the d istricts from which they retreat.
American people w e r e behind
W. F. Johnson gave an artistic
their government w i t h their intent to show their high regard
Don’t Like Foreign “Weed” recitation
of one of Bob Burdett’s
money. If the l>oys who had en­ for Father Ruck and enjoy an ev-
C. D. Staley Monday received
humorous stories, and
listed were willing to risk theiriening under his hospitable roof,
lives, the stay-at-homes should prior to the popular priest’s re friends at Salem.
who is “somewhere in France,” Mrs. Anna Dixon gave a reading
certainly be willing to lend their moval to Salem. The evening M iss Mary Olmstead last Fri­ with the American expeditionary in her usual charming manner.
government the money nee«led, was sp nt at music and the dis­ day evening entertained the Sub­ forces. After informing his folks Miss Margaret Curtis contrib­
esjjecially at the good rate of in- position of a nice lunch, prepated marine club in honor of Miss that he w’as in g^xid health, Char­ uted a vocal solo, Mrs. Sylvia
terest offered, with the best secur­ by the ladies of the church. At Margaret Burns, who went to ley wrote, “For heaven’s sake, Bernard told (in rhyme) of the
ity in.the world. The people were a suitable time, Dr. Ward pre­ Portland Sunday to begin a course send me some American smoking bridal tour of one of the coaples
not asked to give the money to sented Father Ruck with a beau- in a business college,
¡tobacco; I can’t smoke the stuff holding membership in Forest
their governrrvnt, but to loan it. tiful and c o s t l y gold plated Several of the K. of P boys they have here.” Dad sent him lodge and Mrs. E. L. Humberg
Senator Ditnick, who is a son- chalice. In replying, Father Ruck made up a purse this morning, a pound of good old U. S. A. sang a solo. All these numbers
were well - rendered a n d were
in-law to Mr. and Mrs. John stated that no gift that his friends purchased a goodly supply of to­ makin’s.
Caplea, followed with a terrible; might have selected would be bacco and mailed it to Uncle Sam, Charley says the engineers had , 8ratefully received,^ as was Miss
more welcome than the one he to be forwarded to Emery La- a most wonderful trip, are in com- -^m-v Pechin s reading of Homer
arraignment of the German war had
and he promised
autocracy and charged that for to use just it received
s prayer,
in his church services Mont, Cecil Hughes and Charley fortable quartersand are glad they McKee
years these war-lords had been and always remember the kind Staley, with the American engi­ are doing their bit, instead of Then came a ghost drill by
waiting for an excuse to bring on friends who had purchased it.
neers in France.
waiting to be drafted. He does twenty ladies, dressed in sheets
a world war. Their was no more
The members of the Forest j not consider himself in a danger- and pillow-cases and carrying
excuse for starting a war over the P. W. Watkins, chief of police Grove volunteer fire department ous position, but says he cannot jack-o-lanterns, that was a trifle
assassination of the crown prince and street commissioner of this
u proud bunch today and they saj more, on account of the strict “spooky,” but interesting. The
of Austria by a crazy subject*of city, last Friday stood for a sec- have a right to be, for they have censorship. He is a K. of P. and program was in charge of a com­
Serbia than there was for the ond on the brink of death and he J Ust received a nice, big, red hose reports that a number of them, in- mittee of which Miss Jeanette
United States to declare war on verily believes he owes his life to wagon, purchased from the city eluding a captain (a former grand Little was chairman.
Russia when President McKinley very plebean implement—a com­ of Portland at a small fraction of lodge officer) have arranged to After the drill the crowd re­
was assassinated by a crazy sub­ mon shovel. He was plodding first cost. The wagon is good as hold meetings e v e r y Monday turned to the old I. O. O. F. hall,
the committee on refresh­
ject of Russia.
around in the ground near the new, but was replaced by a motor night, to keep alive, on foreign where
had prepared an abundant
Before America entered the city
truck and sold to the firemen of soil, the K. of P. spirit,
of sandwiches, pickles,
war, Kaiser Wilhelm had boasted in a water pipe, when, presto! the this city. It is heavier and a little
pie and coffee. It was
to Ambassador Gerard that when shovel dropped o u t o f sight, better arranged for a hose wagon
this war was over he would stand
the one formerly used. Chief The twenty - seven registered an evening profitably spent.
no nonsense from the United looking at the place where he 1 than
and J. C. Smith went Holsteins belonging to the CarnaJ Widows’ Pensions Are Increased
States. It was now up to the had jabbed mother earth with the Lenneville
last night and bronght tlon Stock Farm, of Seattle.whteh By the provisions of a new pen-
people of America to see that shovel, Mr. Watkins discovered a
majority of blue ribbons
when the war is over Germany rather large opening and investi-, the wagon out early this morning. won the Washington
bl11 P“ 8**1 by the extra ses-
is not in a position to fulfill the gation disclosed the shovel had At the regular communication , u te fair>j bave be€n and
sbipped by sion, recently adjourned and al-
Kaiser’s threat.
He stated that at their first fallen into an old well, almost ol Forest (’.rove Chapter No. 42. ress t0 Columbus, Ohio, to be read>' si8ned bJ* the president, the
payday the Or e g o n hoys at forgotten by Mr. Watkins. The O K. S , last Monday evening, entered ¡n tbe National Dairy minimum pension of widows of
Camp Greene, North Carolina, well had been boarded over some there was something do,ng-every sbpw k h reaaonably certain army or navy officers or enlisted
had purchased $51,950 worth of years hack and the earth had body was busy It was the time tbat tbe3e wester„ Holsteins will men who served during the war
Liberty bonds and the boys at covered the boards, which had be­ set aside for the finishing of the
the rebellion, the Spanish-
Fort Stevens had subscribed for come rotted and weak, so that twenty five “Housewives” t h e make a good showing against of
war or the Philippine
$68,900 worth.
only a jab of the shovel was nes- ladies are going to send to th e' those raised in the east.
insurrection is to be $25.00 per
At the close of Senator Dimick’s essary to break through. As the
;ul«lress, Chairman Thornburgh well is fifty feet deep and filled boys who have gone to the front C. H. McKay arrived Friday month The bill does not lower
announced that Forest Grove had within three or four feet of the top from Forest Grove and vicinity, from Great Falls, Mont., forai pensions above that amount, and
done more than her share in the with water, Watkins shudders was surprising fo see how neat ! visit with his mother, Mrs. Archie goes into effect with the present
first Liberty Loan, in the Red to think what would have hap­ the Brothers could sew on McKay, and his children, who quarter.
Cross drive and that she would pened to him, had he stepped ly
gave a
hooks and eyes and buttons. The have been living with their grand-
make good on the second loan. onto the weak covering, instead committee
served refreshments of mother since the death of their
sending his shovel on the ex­ shrimp salad,
The speakers were repeatedly of
of relatives Saturday evening, the
sandwiches, cake, moth about two months
applauded, especially when they enough to make one shudder, coffee and grapes
______________ 6 I guests, in addition to her immed-
pressed down hard on the war- without seeing the well.
family being the members of
Before you buy a piano or iate
Forest Grove Woman’s Club phonograph,
dogs of the Kaiser.
family, Mr. and
see the line of these Mrs. J. S. N. Allen
Hoffman, Mrs. Reba
You can get bonds (on easy Mrs. C. L. Peterson of Spring An open meeting will be held in
payments) from any bank or post­ Hill was in the city yesterday to the Star theater, Monday, Oct. IinstrumenU at lhe Book St°re. Secour and son, Edwin, and Mr.
you ca n always save Chas. Strong of Monmouth, a
master in the nation.
see her son, Henry, who was ac-
a^ 0 cl°ck’ Miss Edna Mills, where
very close friend of the Allens.
cidently shot hy Earl Fleischmann Food Conservationist for Washing- money.
Visited Father Ruck
antf Polk
Last Thursday night a score of on Oct. 6th. She found Henrv!ton*Yamhil1 anc*
Po,k counties,
the friends of Father Buck called doing nicely at the Forest Grove w'^ speak °n Food Conservation,
at that gentleman’s domicile with hospital.
I As Miss Mills fully understands
The city council has designated Saturday, Oct. 20, as
her work, we hope the theater
clean-up day and citizens are asked to clean up their prem­
will be filled to hear her. The
ises, placing all incombustible material in sacks, securely
public is cordially urged to come,
tied, in the parkings in front of their places. Such material
as this is a topic in which, at this
A Liberty Bond pays four per cent interest. It is the
time, we are all asked to co-oper­
will be hauled away, free of charge, by the city team.
best investment in America. It is free from all state and
local taxation; and free from national taxation up to $5,000.
Abbie J. Whitehouse, Secy.
Have You Bought a Liberty?