The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 11, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 2
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 11, 1917.
N o. 40
Claude Smith had business in
Portland Saturday.
Mr». C. L. VanKoughnet and
Money to loan— Valley Realty
daughU r,‘ Alma, visited friend* in Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
Portland over Sunday.
At a meeting of James B. Math­
Mrs. David Sparks is visiting
Mrs. B. Britton of Boring, Ore , her parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Cas­ ews post, Department of Oregon,
was looking after business matter per Becker, at Wood burn, the |G. A. R., held in this city Oct.
in Forest Grove Friday.
father being quite ill.
, 3d, the following resolutions were
George G . Hancock, real es­
Nobby new hats for men and adopted :
tate, farm loans and fire insur­ boys just arrived at John Ander­
"Whereas, The unsettled con­
ance, new Anderson block. 50
son’s You must see them to dition in labor industiies is pro­
ducing disloyalty through the
Orders taken for good, diy sec­ know how good they are.
ond-growth fir wood, for immed­
Ed Sayres, city electrician, ex­ United State«, stagnation in all
iate delivery. Goff Bros 35-tf
pects his mother, M*s. Alice E. ¡shipyards and is anarchic in its
to arrive today from Day- fundamental organization to the
Miss Leone Smith of Fern Hill
for a six weeks' visit. extent that it will eventually par­
left Monday for Corvallis, where
she begins her senior year at O.l C. J. Roberts, who came to alyze all industries in the United
States unless suppressed, and
A. C.
Forest Grove a month ago from
Whereas, The loyal and patri­
Littler’s Pharmacy has just re -. Kansas and joined Walter Ros-
ceived a big shipment of Hygenic wurm in the purchase of the Pa­ otic red-blooded veterans of 1861
Tooth Paste; the best made; try cific Market, received an offer to 1917, who stand shoulder to
from an oil company to come to shoulder in every endeavor and
California at a tempting salary who cherish every desire to pro­
Mrs. Anna Hogue and Mrs.
and last week disposed of his in­ mote the best interests of the
Ruth left Saturday for Monrovia,
terest in the market to M r. Ros- government of the United States
Calif., where they will spend the
wurm and, with his wife and in the prosecution of the war for
three children, left Monday for liberty and democracy,
A son was born at the Forest Coalinga.
Resolved, That we respectfully
Grove hospital Saturday to Mr. j
a«k the thorough eradication of all
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bunting disloyalty wherever found and, to
and Mrs. George Ke sler of Cedar
Saturday moved over from Wood- promote our industries to their
burn and have taken possession of
Miss Mable Hustage of Tigard the Griffith property, on A street, fullest extent, we ask that all dis­
was in this city Friday having' where Mrs. Bunting will conduct loyalists be interned during the
dental work done and attending a Iroarding house while her hus­ continuance of the war; and be it
the fair.
band assists their son in looking
Resolved, That we stand for
Y ou’ll find all the best makes a'ter a farm in Patton Valley.
if it takes the last dollar,
of heating stoves andirons and The Buntings conducted a hoard­
man, the last heart beat.”
fire-place sets at the (Jordon ing house at Woodburn and, be­
Haidware Store. Come and see. cause of the excellent table they
Sunday’s Oregonian carried a
picture of Willis I. Buxton of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giguere, set, always had their house full.
C. C Calkins of the O. A. C., Moro, Sherman county, son of
-on and daughter departed Satur­
has been investigating the Phil Buxton and grandson of H.
day for Woodland, Calif., where
they expect to make their home prevalence of smut in the grain of T. Buxton of this city, who has
Washington county for the past made such excellent progress in
on a farm.
Joe A. Wiles would like to week, set himself up a dry goods electrical engineering that the
write your insurance. Will give box in the agricultural tent at the government has sent him to Har­
you service that will be to your fair Friday and did considerable vard for a special course. He en­
advantage. Upstairs in Ander­ missionary work among the farm listed in May, this year, and was
ers. He found considerable smut shortly afterward sent to Goat
son block, room 2.
in the grain he investigated, b u t, Island, where he attracted atten­
The funeral of Miss K-^telle not nearly so much as there would tion by his proficiency in radio
Goodin, who-was so seriously in­ have been had the season been a w o r k . __ ____
jured in an auto accident at Hills­ wet one.
J. A. Watrous and son Fred de­
boro last week tha she died Wed-
Harold B e l l Wright, whose parted last Thursday for the for­
noday, was held Saturday.
great story, “ The Eyes of the mer’s old home, Wellsboro, Pa.
You can get the Portland Ore­ World,” is to be seen heie in the Mr. Watrous, senior, has not been
gonian six (lays a week, by mail, form of Clune’s beautiful ten-reel in the best of health recently and
and the Forest Grove Express, cinema production, is the most Fred thought it best to accom­
for only $(>.00 per year, if paid in 1 popular author in America. This pany his father.
advance. For Oregonian seven book has had a sale of over one
days a week, add $2.00.
J. N. Hoffman is one of the
million copies. The average sale
Main street property owners
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Roe and of successful books is about 15,000
with the councilmanic
sail, Bruce, and Mrs Bert Ross copies; the average of ‘ best sell­
flivvered over to Canby Sunday ; ers” about 60,000; Wright’s eight order to remove steps that project
and brought back with them Mrs. novels have averaged about 900,- onto the sidewalk, having taken
L. C. Misz, who has been visiting I 000 and have totalled nearly 8,- j this move in regard to the steps
her parents at Canby for the past 000,000. At Star Theatre next leading into the Express office.
Monday, 2:15 and 8:15 p. m.
six weeks.
Job printing—phone 821.
Civil War Veterans
Denounce Disloyalty