These Are the Days for the People to LOOK TO THEIR NEEDS AM) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BEST PRICES Commencing: Saturday, Sept. 29th, and Continuing for 30 days, we will soil Stoves and Ranges at the following prices, which are 10 per cent and more below Portland prices. After our present stock is exhausted, we shall have to advance our selling prices from 10 to 15 per cent. Regular Price, $2.25; our price for this sale $1.75 We are adding to our big stoek a full line of DINNER WARM, as we find no one in town carrying Queensware We have had it ordered three months, but have only received one pattern. We hope to get a number of others shortly. ECONOMIZE! That's the watchword of today. If every family in the United States cooked on a MONARCH RANGE, thousands of tons of fuel daily would be saved for other useful purposes. It is an actual fact that a Monarch Range needs less fuel to do its work and the reason lies in the manner of its construction. You’ll find a Monarch built so it stays just as tight during its whole life-time as when new—because it is made tight, not with putty, but by riveting the steel plates to the Malleable Iron The original COLE’S castings. That is why Malleable Iron is used—so it can be Air-Tight Stoves riveted and produce a range that “stays satisfactory." 25-inch - $15 00 and $21.00 Our price for the next 30 days, only $80.00. 21-inch - - $12.00 and $16.50 We have the MISSION HEATER in three sizes—19-inch, $17,75; 21-inch, $19.75 and 24- ineh, $22.00. The COMFORT, a new wood heater, with front door — 20-inch, $16.50; 22-inch, $18.50. On all our Heating Stoves we will give a discount of 5 per cent for Spot Cash during this sale and when our stock is exhausted, prices will have to be advanced. Forest Grove Phone 683 Goff Bros. Cornelius Phone 284 Have new Wh i t e sewing For smut on wheat use Blue 2'*c per lb.; loThs , $1.70. machine to trade for good cow. S’one, Littler’s Pharmacy. E. U, Cate. 2t For Rent—Furnished or un­ Oscar Burnworth has sold his furnished house, good location. fish market to G. I. Gibson and Hollis & Graham. traded E. U. Cate out of a stock Walter, the ten-year-old 37*3t son of of second-hand household goods. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Johnson of After the rtgular meeting last Cherry Grove, died of appendi­ night, the members of Washing­ citis at the local hospital last ton Encampment, I. O. O. F , and night. The remains will he sent visitors from Banks and Gaston, tomorrow to Cherry Grove for in­ terment. enjoyed an oyster supper. ™ n , O p al H eater is cast-lined, with Heavy cast top and bottom ; has swing top feed and extra- large side feed door, to ac­ commodate large pieces of wood. 20-inch - $14.75 22-inch - 10.85 Prof. Frank C. Taylor is still quite ill and is not responding to treatment as rapidly as his many friends would wish. A stylish line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats just arrived at Ander-on's. They are very good for the price. A fine large room, suitable for two men., for rent; no hoard. In­ quire of J. E. Decks, corner First st. and Fourth ave., south. 40-tf Having purchased the Burn- worth fish market, east of the ■ ■ sn sB m Schultz store, I invite all citizens Honor Guard Christian Church T71 1 t h e r e f o r e i t i s , in search of nice fresh fish to call Special business y meeting o f th e service« begin 9:46 m. every on me. G. I. Gibson. 40-tf H o n o r Guard w ill he held in lo rd 's (lay. Promptness ia a charnel- If you want to know why the Friday, Oct. 19 th iatie of these servirla. The B i b l e government is asking the people a L t a n 4 g p. le y m. H a Al ll, l members u rg ed to Hchiad un