f y P H lO tl v v iliv m Oswego black cement, KiveH a beautiful glazed finish, 70c per sack. Beat on earth, live, Edge grain Cedar, $2.75 M Shingles-- Everything under roof ; J j | J [ H f l l ) 0 1* No. 2 Sheeting and Shiplap, $12 per M LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats Quality, Style, Fit and Lasting Satisfaction The long-standing dependability of this concern is hack of everything you buy for men and boys wear Two Stores in Portland <»U8 KUHN, President V. a. Ex., io 11*17 sZ T " ^ S & H STAM PS given with all pur­ chase*. T hese are good for rash dis- count*. Pea Fowl— R. O. Stevenson, first C pair. Walter Roawurrn, all awarda on Buff Cochin Bantama, White Cochin Ban­ tams, Black-tailed Jap Bantama, Silver Seahright Bantam* and bight Brahma The Main street Bantam*. Special*— Be*t collective exhibit of poultry, Walter Roswurm; lieat display by amateur, J. H. Shearer; heat male, (Mediterranean clasH), G. M bittle- halea; beat female, same class, Paul beat male, American class, Smith; from the Congregational, Schuele; CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Mrs. I). C. Clark; beat female, Mrs. D. Misses Jennie and Lizzie Arm­ C. Clark; best — English class, G. Some new box writing papers strong; from the Christian, Mrs. M. bittlehales; male, best female, Asiatic just received by VanKoughnet A Logan; Superintendent of Litera­ class, A. E. Gardner; best male bird in ture, Mrs. Scott; Anti Narcotics. show (White leghorn cock), ki -I* r. G. M. Mrs. Henry Sagabord of Gard* Mrs. I»gun; Press, Mrs. Penfield. bittlehales; best female bird in show (Brown l,eg. Pullet), Paul Schule; best ner is a guest of Mrs. Sherrett at VV7IIEN you trim your outfit down to military POULTRY AWARDS hen in show, (Partridge Wyandotte), tlie I«iughlin hotel. bedrock, W-B Cut Chewing scores a bull’s- Mrs. D. C. Clark; l>est display, Walter Mrs. Rudolph Schultz was Fri­ (Continued from page One) eye. A soldier gets more from his pouch of W-B Roswurm; best pen in show, Mrs. D. C. day called to Kansas by the death third lien, second pullet, firat pen; H. | 'Clark; than from a bulky ordinary plug—rich leaf plump best parti-colored male, Mrs. D. of her father, Mr. Murnett. full of sap, all tobacco satisfaction, every shred Bryant, third rock, first and third pul­ | C. Clark; best parti-colored female, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Oliver of let and nerond pen. Mrs. D. C. Clark; l»est solid-colored of it. And the water-proof pouch keeps it clean Portland. «*rt Evans of the U. Anconaa Mr*. W. I). Quick, all male, G. M. bittlehales; heat solid- and fresh in the pocket of his khaki. S. army t vliss Murke of Port­ award*. fe m a le , A. Bryant; best land visit« *rs. M. T. Sherrett S. S. Hamburg* Walter Kuawurm. | colored M.J« ky WEYMANBRUT0N COMPANY, 1107 BrotJw.y, New York G fr solid-colored pen. Rose Crest Poultry at the I miu i Sunday. Ilrat ciM-k, (ir»t, second and third hen, Farm; best 5 cockerels, one breed, G. Miss Pearl Hall, who has been nerond pullet, firat pen; It. O. Steven- M. bittlehales; l»est display of capons. disbursements of said sale and of this B. R. Crafts, F. B. Crafts, John Swartz G. M. bittlehales; best 5 females. Rose taking training a t th e Hood aon, firat cockerel aiyl firat pullet. and Elsie Swartz to A. H. Wolfard, and Samaritan hospital, Portland, is Partridge Wyandotte* Mr*. I). C. | Crest Poultry Farm; best pullet, A. suit. said A. H. Wolfard assigned to these That the defendants and all persons home for a rest of indefinite dura­ Clark, all awards. ! Bryant; best display pigeons, B. H. I claiming by, through or under them, by plaintiffs, conveying all of the south­ tion, her health showing signs of Silver - l.aced W’yandottes — J. II. Mitchell. i or any of them, be forever barred and west quarter and the west half of the C. F. Butler of Newberg was the j precluded from any interest or title in northeast quarter, Shearer, all award*. breaking. both in section 9, Rev. Hiram Gould, formerly in buttercup* Mrs. M. II. Parkin, all judge. or to said premises, and for such other township 1, south of range 4, west of (Woman’s Dep't. next week.) charge of tin* M. E. church in this award*. j and further relief as may seem ju st. the Willamette Meridian and containing city now pastor of the Mashfield Single-Comb R. I. Red* R. H. 1 and equitable to the Court. 240 acres, according to the government church, visited his many friends Greer, first cock, firat cockerel, firat Forest Grove Shoe Store Says This summons is served upon you by- survey, in Washington County, here this week. Mrs. Gould is and aecond hen*, firat pullet, first pen; Good advice appears to be one publication by order of Honorablej as security to their said note Oregon, of even visiting their son, V. V. Gould at Walter Roawurm. second cockerel, of the few things that have not George R. Bagley, Judge of the above date therewith for the sum of $1500.00, third hen, aecond and third pullet, aec­ advanced in price. Our shoes entitled Court, which order was made with interest at 8 per cent per annum, Newberg. ond |>en. have advanced, hut we are sell­ and entered at Hillsboro, Oregon, on j be foreclosed and said real property- Professor and Mrs. W. T. White them at a very small margin. September, 1917. Fletcher, son, Donald, and daugh­ pullet. Orpington* G. M. Littlehales, ing sold in the manner prescribed by law to You save quite a bit if you will the 8th day of HOLbIS ter, Elizabeth, of Portland visited Harred Rock* Frank Saunders, first give & GRAHAM, satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees order. We have a at the home of Mr. Fletcher's tock, first and second cockerel, first, large us line a trial Attorneys for Plaintiff. , and costs, and the proceeds of said sale and youths’ Grove, Oregon. I be applied to the payment of the sums parents in this city Sunday. Mr second and thiad hens and first )>en; J. shoes that in are hoys’ sold from 50c to First publication Forest Fletcher is an instructor in James T. Neff, second cock, thin! cockerel, ;H5c under any house Sept. 13; last pub- j found due plaintiffs, and the costs and Washing lication Oct. 25. disbursements of said sale and of this John high school. first, second and third pullets, second ; ton county. (Agent in for Berg­ suit. SUMMONS Next Wednesday evening the pen. man’s Portland - made shoe;) it’s That the defendants, and all persons In the Circuit Court of the State of members of Forest Rebekah lodge White Minorcas William Tupper, the best — worth $12.50; we claiming by, through and under them Oregon, for Washington County. will hold an anniversary celebra­ all awards. or any of them be forever debarred 1 Roy Hesseltine, and Dora M. tion, with Odd Fellows and child bight Brahmas A. E. Gardner, all sell for $11.00. ^ IK-.seltine, plaintiffs, and precluded from any interest or ren as guests. The celebration awards. Farm Loans Wanted vs. title in or to said premises, and for will be held after the regular bus­ Mallard Ducks— Walter Roswurm, all Can furni-h you farm loans at B. R. Crafts, and Jane Doe, (first j such and further relief as may awards. iness meeting. low rate of interest. Hollis & name unknown) Crafts, his wife, F. j seem other just and equitable to the court. Fawn Indian Runners—G. A. Bryant, a Graham. B. Crafts, and Jane Doe (first name ' 40-2t This summons is served upon you by W. (’. T. 1!. unknown) Crafts, his wife, and John I publication by order all awards. of the Honorable Swartz and Elsie Swartz, his wife, ! SIMMONS At a meeting of the VV. C. T. Wild Geese—R. O. Stevenson, first George R. Bagley, Judge of the above defendents. In the Circuit Court of the State of U. the following officers were ap­ pair. entitled Court, which order was made To B. R. Crafts, and Jane Doe (first Oregon for Washington County, Wild Turkeys—R. O. Stevenson, first pointed vice presidents: From the and entered at Hillsboro, Oregon, on name unknown) Crafts, his wife, F. j b. M. Graham, Administrator of the Methodist church, Mrs. Alice pair. September, 1917. estate of Adah H. Moore, deceased. B. Crafts, and Jane Doe (first name j the fifth day of HOLLIS & GRAHAM, Plaintiff, vs. Enoch Moore and Alexa unknown) Crafts, his wife, John Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Swartz and Elsie Swartz, his wife, Riene Moore; Lelia Agnes Moore. 35-7t Forest Grove, Oregon. Edith M hj - Moore and Grace Ramage the above-named defendants: Moore, heirs at law of Agnes Moore, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF j DR. H. C. FORTNER | OREGON deceased, Defendants. To Enoch Moore, Alexa Riene Moore, You are hereby required to appear Successor to belia Agnes Moore; Edith May Moore and answer the complaint filed against DR. H. W. VOLLMER and Grace Ramage Moore, heirs at law you in the above entitled court and suit Is a pleasant Winter Route. Travel in comfort on or before the last day of the time OFFICE of Agnes Moore, deceased: through a land where it is always Summer. In the name of the State of Oregon; i prescribed in the order for publication In First National Bank Building Telehones You are hereby requiVed to appear and of this summons, to-wit: On or before answer the complaint filed against you the expiration of six weeks from and- Residence 332 Office 333 in the above entitled Court and suit on after the date of the first publication of this summons, viz: the 6th day of Sep­ before the last day of the time pre­ D. D. & M. B. BUMP There’s San Francisco, San Jose, Del or scribed in the order for publication of tember, 1917, and if you fail so to ap­ Attorneys at Law Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Santa this summons, to-wit: On or before the pear and answer th e plaintiff, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the expiration of six weeks next from and Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Real Estate after the date of the first publication relief prayed for in his said complaint, D. D. Loans BUMP, M. B. BUMP, Venice and many other charming Re­ of this summons, viz: the 13th day of to-wit: That the plaintiffs have judg­ September, A. D. 1917, and if you fail Residence Residence Hillsboro against the defendents, and each Forest Grove. sorts, and much beautiful scenery en­ so to appear and answer the plaintiff of ment will apply to the Court for the relief them, for the sum of $1500.00, with in­ Phone 444 Offices—HILLSBORO roll te. prayed for in his said complaint, to-wit: terest thereon at the rate of eight per that plaintiff have judgment against per annum from the 8th day of J N . HOFFMAN said defendants, and each of them, for cent May, and for attorney’s fees ir. the sum of $850.00 with interest there­ the sum 1916, of $100.00 and for his costs on at the rate of seven per cent per Attorney At Law annum, from the ¿1st day of February, and expenses incurred in this suit: Patent Office Business Solicited 1917, and for attorney's fees in the sum That the mortgage described in the of $100.00, ami for his costs and dis­ plaintiffs' complaint herein executed by Forest Grove, Portland to San Francisco. Standard bursements in this suit: - Oregon and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Cars, That the mortgage described in Plaintiff's complaint herein executed Solid Steel Equipment. Particularly by Agnes Moore and Enoch Moore to the Hollis Title and Investment Com­ attractive at this season of the year. pany, a corporation, and by said Hollis Title and Investment Company assigned to this plaintiff, thereby con­ veying bots Nine and Ten in Block Ask your local agent for particulars Seven in South Park Addition to Forest Fruits and V egetables in Season Grove, Washington County, Oregon, as security to their said note of even date John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland therewith for the sum of $850.00 witfl interest at seven per cent per annum, be foreclosed and said real property P H O N E TOI sold in the manner prescribed by law to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore and eftsts, and the proceeds of said sale applied to the payment of the sums found due plaintiff, and the costs and Yours, for Business, Lumber Yard ÎH C O O O O J o o a t V l « IT » * ^ Ü m 7 T « g 7 o Q Ü * » T C a » ~ ) Copeland & McCready East via California Three Daily Trains H. T. GILTNER 0 Southern Pacific Lines Staple and Fancy Groceries