WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK INFLICT MORE DEFEAT Well-Defined Plan o f Germans for Big Attack is Utterly Disrupted by Artillery Fire in Flanders. W eekly W ar Information Brief Stories Prepared Under the Direction o f the fommitte on Public Information and the State Council o f Defenae, and Published With­ out Charge by This Paper to Impart Knowledge Essential for the Common Good. E OFFERS OF PEACE British Front in France* and Belgium —The Germans attempted no counter National Unity is Aim of New Brief Resume Most Important attacks of importance along the new Miaa Martha Montague Ruascll Repre­ Ci President Approves Junior Red battle front during Friday night and League Just Formed. Daily News Items. sents Nurae Service. W'ork in Schools. both sides were taking a breathing Miss Martha Montague Russell, of President Wilson’s message on Jun­ spell after the arduous work of the last two days. The artillery o f cousre, ior Red Cross work in schools will la* Pittsfield, Mass., has been appointed maintained its ceaseless firing at var­ read to 22,600,000 school children. It official representative of the American Red Crons nursing service In France. follows: ious points. “ My Dear Mr. McCracken: I am She is attached to the Rod Crosa com­ A cold drizzling rain was falling Sunday morning, adding still more to very much interested to learn that you mission to France, and in addition to j the discomforts o f the men lying in the have taken up the work of organziing advising Major Murphy and his associ­ Events o f Noted People, Governments mud and water in this inhospitable a junior membership of tho Rod Cross ates on problems relating to this serv­ War Should End Dnlv When kaiser in zone. At some places along the line for work among the school children, ice, she will represent at l’aria head- Beaten Teuton Surrraa Would and Pacific Northwest and Other the Germans found themselves in such and I write to express my very deep quartern the 900 American nurses now Stop Spread o f Democracy. serving in France under the Rod Cross. Things Worth Knowing. exposed positions as the result of Fri­ interest in the movement. “ If you have an opportunity, will Since her arrival abroad Misa Russell days’ drive, that they appeared to have pullet! their defenses back a short dis­ you not bid the young people whom has been active in organising a system Washington, D. t*. A movement to tance to more favorable ground. Brit­ you are assembling in this organiza- j of enrollment for American nurses In Heavy snowfalls and severe cold are ish patrols, which pushed out into tion a very warm welcome from me Europe not affiliated with the Red lead and expresa public opinion on the reported from the Italian Alps fron­ enemy territory, found the forward and give them a message of the heart­ Cross. war was inaugurated here Monday by tier. Skiis and sledges already have shell-hole defenses in one section aban­ iest good cheer as they enroll them­ formation of the League o f National made their appearance and the winter doned. selves among the servant« o f the na­ Food is the First Essential in Winning Unity, representing church, political, the War. campaign has begun. labor, agricultural und industrial or- The prisoners already counted num­ tion and of the people everywhere who Many o f the en- need help and comfort and encourage­ The food administration fins issued ganizationa, to which Prenident Wil­ The Uruguayan government, which ber more than 4000. son gave his indorsement in an address \ the following: has severed diplomatic relations with ; emy’ s losses were suffered when at ment? “ I think they will all look back u|>on All the blood, all the heroism, all emphasizing the need for team play by Germany, has notified the German : least five divisions of troops which had charge not to leave the country until been massed for a pretentious attack this work they are undertaking as a the money and all the munitiona in the the forces of American thought and the Uruguayan diplomatic representa­ were caught in the British artillery happy circumstance of their school 1 world will not win this war unless our opinion. Welcoming the lenders of the move­ barrage and crushed in its overwhelm­ days. allies and the |>eople behind them are tives are safely out of Germany. ment at the White House in a brief “ Very sincerely yours, ing sweep. fed. Fifty thousand dollars for flood suf­ “ WOODROW WILSON.” Not only were thousands of men They will not bo fed, your saeriflee speech, the President expressed the ferers in China was cabled by the wiped out, but the well-defined plan of Schools are to be recruited as units I of blood and money will be in vain, we belief that American public opinion, American Red Cross. The entire the German high command for an at­ with membership fees of 25 cents for shall go hungry and a great cause will although understanding the war’s $200,000 suggested by Paul Reinsch, tack was utterly disrupted. each pupil. In addition, to stimulate be lost unless you stand guard each causes and principlea, needs guidance the American minister, will be sent in The c'Uapse of this scheme, the ex­ and educate children in the Red C ross, j ay ¡n yOUr home over your supply of to remember that the war should end the near future, it is announced. only when Germany is beaten and Ger- tensive defeat inflicted by the British plans are being made to utilize the wheat, meat, fats, sugar and milk. many’a rule of autocracy and might Poolville, Parker county, Tex., has and the heavy toll in the German ranks ! youthful members in the making of raised a $1246.50 reward to be paid ; are things which it is difficult to ex- the simpler articles and supplies need­ War Note« Show Important Kventa In are su|M*racdcd by the ideals of Demo­ cracy. for the delivery of the German kaiser ! plain to an army which has already ed in the hospitals abroad. Few Words. This ia the iaaue which the Ameri­ into the hands of the American author­ ! shown marked signs of deterioration in In order to arrange for the distribu­ can fieople should always keep in mind, Red Cross Will Erect Permanent Barn- ities. Practically every male resident morale. tion o f the available sugar in the world the President said, in order to avoid The diminution in the fighting spirit Hospitals. of the town contributed to the fund. an international sugar committee of being misled into by-ways o f thought ! o f the German troops along the Ypres Permanent buildings of a modern five members has been formed. The War department has contracted and the resultant scattering of force | battle front is generally admitted by type to supplant the tents and tempor- [ for ten carloads of Kansas jackrabbits of public opinion. Talk of early peace prisoners and has been evidenced in The W ’ar department and the f«ssl ary structures now occupied by the to be delivered at four army canton­ before Germany is defeated is one of the tactics employed recently. One Red Cross base hospitals in France are administration have arranged for full ments, it was announced at Hutchin­ the evidence* of misdirected thought, | German officer said that the worst e f­ co-ordination and co-operation in the urgently needed before winter sets in son, Kan., Tuesday by Koon Beck, a he suggested, and should not cloud the fect on the morale of the Germans was subsiatence problems that will arise according to cables received from Ma - 1 game collector, who obtained the con­ vision o f those who understand that occasioned by the British artillery fire, jor Grayson M. P. Murphy, Red Cross when all the army units are in the can­ tract. the United Statea is fighting now for which he characterized as too terrific commissioner to France, who has tonments. Increased wheat receipts have made for words. the same ideals o f democracy and free­ cabled the Red Cross war council to The American Red Cross announces dom that have always actuated the na­ it possible for Minneapolis flour mills ship quantities of building materials that Dr. Charles Ulysses Moore, of to operate at capacity for the first UR GE G O V E R N M E N T C O N T R O L tion. The President gave warning at once. Portland, Oregon, has been sent to that it should not tie forgotten that time this season, according to an an­ Increased suffering, owing especially France to reinforce the infant welfare German success would mean not only nouncement by Frank Carey, repre­ to the shortage of coal, will result un­ unit now at work there under the di­ sentative of the Food Administration Senate Committee Reports Defiant At­ prevention of the spread of democracy, less structures built to withstand the rection of Dr. William P. Lucas, of titude o f Paper Producers. Grain Corporation. but (sMtsibly the suppression of that cold can be erected before the rigors the University of California. already existing. Greece is nearly ready to put a large Washington, D. C.— A report rec­ of a French winter grip the country. The league, which will have head­ Unanimous approval o f the fcxsl ad­ and effective army into the field to co­ ommending government operation of The building problem is so serious in operate with the allies, according to the print paper and pulp industries France, owing to the scarcity o f tim­ ministration's tentative plans for the quarters in New York, chose as hon­ dispatches from the Athens foreign during the war and arraigning what it ber. that Major Murphy cabled for licensing of |>otato ship|>ers was the orary chairmen Cardinal Gibbon* and office to the Greek legation at Wash­ calls the defiant attitude o f print pa­ • immediate shipment of 2,000,000 feet outstanding development o f the meet­ Dr. Frank Mason North, president of ing in Washington o f upwards o f 80 the Federal Council of Churches; Theo­ ington. Lack o f equipment is being per producers, was filed Saturday by o f fir. large potato shippers, representing dore N. Vail, president of the Ameri­ remedied rapidly with the allies’ aid. the senate printing committee. It practically every important potato sec­ can Telephone & Telegraph company, will await action at the December ses­ Retail Delivery Methods Become More An Exchange Telegraph dispatch as active chairman, with Samuel Gom- tion of the United States. Systematic. from Melbourne says a whaleboat with sion. |iers, president o f the American Fede­ The report says the Federal Trade Mrs. Lucinda Wyman Prince, direc­ a crew of Germans from the raider ration of Labor; Charles Barrett, pres­ The commercial economy board of Seeadler has been captured near Fiji commission’s findings ‘ ‘ show beyond the Council of National Defense re­ tor o f education o f the national retail ident of the Farmers’ Educational and any question that the print paper in­ Islands. The boat contained a gun ports substantial progress in its cam­ drygoods association and director of Co-operative Union, and George Pope, and machine guns, the dispatch said, dustry, in its desire for excessive prof­ paign to reduce deliveries of depart­ the teachers’ training class in Sim- : president o f the National association and the Germans admit they were de­ its, had imposed a most unjust burden ment and other retail stores and cut mons College. Boston, has volunteered of Manufacturers, as vice-chairmen. tailed from the Seeadler to make raids. on the American press, which faces a down the abuse o f the returned goods her services to the United States food The object was stated as follows: serious disaster if relief cannot speed­ administration and has been appointed Within the few weeks " T o create a medium through which Leading Cuban sugar planters held a ily be had from the oppressive prices privilege. executive secretary in charge of in­ which have elapsed since the board the loyal Americans of all classes, sec­ conference in New York Tuesday and now exacted for print paper.” struction in food conservation in stores. ; tions, creeds and parties can give ex­ will go to Washington soon to appeal It adds that the commission, in its made its first request to merchants to ecnomize in their delivery systems to The council o f national defense has pression to the fundamental pur|xisc of to the food administration for “ a just recent investigation, exhausted every price” for their crop. Hannibal J. de resource at its command to obtain re­ aid in commercial readjustment for announced the reorganization under the United States to carry on to a suc­ Mesa, spokesman for the planters, said lief for the publishers, but has been war purposes its recommendation have the War Industries Board of the Auto­ cessful conclusion this new war for that Cuba next year will produce the able to get only a small measure of re­ been carried out in whole or in part in motives Products committee, which the independence of America and the largest cane sugar crop, about 3,300,- lief, owing “ to the defiant attitude 80 different cities with a combined will have advisory supervision on all ] preservation of democratic institutions 000 tons, of which, he declared, the assumed by the present producers of population of about 14,000,000 people. matters involving the use o f internal and the vindication of the basic princi­ United States and her allies would print paper and lack of authority of This means that more than a third of combustion engines, including the pro­ ples of humanity.” need every ounce. the commission to enforce its findings the total urban population o f the coun­ duction o f motor cars, trucks, and am -1 The league plans an active campaign try is already affected by the board’s bulances, tractors, motor boats and to educate Americans to the idea that Consumers’ reports to the food ad­ as to fair and reasonable price.” airplane engines. work. unity of throughl and purpose is as es­ Under the resolution introduced by ministration from 52 cities and towns sential to successful prosecution o f the Senator Smith, of Arizona, and report­ in all parts of the country shows wide out British and American supplies and war as co-operation in material preji- differences in bread prices. The low­ ed by the committee for passage, the within the next two or three months arations. Conferences o f leaders in est price reported was from Pleasant- Trade commission would be empowered all of them are expected to delcare the numerous organizations represent- to control the production and distribu­ ville, N. J., where a 16-ounce loaf ' « h 1 will he held frequently, statements England Sets Embargo on Supplies at flat embargoes to all countries. sells for 6 cents. The same size loaf tion of print paper and mechanical and This will hit England aH well as of principle formulated and attempt chemical pulp in the United States. Request o f U. S. More Pressure sells for 15 cents in Rock Falls, Ills., i Germany, but the British, who can will be made to direct public thought Eastport, Me., Red Bank, N. J., Mi­ Put on German Economics. draw on the United States, are in a through the medium o f the pulpit, ami, Okla., Nashville, Tenn., Laramie, 20.000 A IR C R A F T BEING BUILT [Hjsition to do without neutral goods, press, public platform and many kinds Wyo., and Newport, R. I. while Germany, cut off from the rest o f public, semi-public and private or- Washintgon, D. C .--G reat Britain’s of the world, cannot exist, officials ganizations. “ Eyes” to be Ready Soon as Needed The Peruvian congress is considering embargo on the export o f all supplies here say, if neutral shipments cease. by American Forces. the international situation as affects to the Northern European neutral coun­ To those familiar with the military 1 relations with Germany. The foreign Washington, D. C.—Twenty thous­ tries, just announced, was declared af­ and economic situation in Germany the j U. S. SH IP F I R E S ON ITALIAN minister and the minister of war have and airplanes for America’ s fighting ter every phase o f its possible effect new policy indicates that the allied ! been summoned before congress to forces in France, authorized in the was gone over in conferences between governments have come to the con­ Shots Follow When Submarine Fails to give information it desires. Answer Signals. $640,000,000 aviation bill passed by American and allied statesmen. clusion that by making every use of American officials, it was learned economic weapons the war will be i Washington, I). C.— Vice Admiral Although nearly one-half of the pop­ congress last July, actually are under Thursday, initiated the discussions and ended much more quickly than by mili­ Sims cabled the Navy department ulation of Glenwood, Wis., is o f Ger­ consturction. The necessary motors also are being insisted that the British step be taken tary supremacy alone. Tuesday that an American patrol ves­ man descent, the city council unani­ While the American and British em- ; sel, on duty at night in tho war zone, mously adopted resolutions demanding manufactured, Secretary Baker an- to make sure that there be no nullifi­ the expulsion of Robert M. La Follette nouced Friday, and the whole aircraft cation of the purposes the United bargoes cut off virtually all supplies to had fired on Hn Italian submarine program has been so co-ordinated States government had in view in p u t-; the European neutrals there still is the which failed to answer recognition sig­ from the United States senate. that when planes and motors are com­ ting into operation its own embargo. chance that some go