The City Fathers talk Husmess Make “Substitution” Your Motto administration of such service. the members to take have thousands of- tons of meat. W el m?,re interest in the schools and must use other body-building ! ^ P“ t anden- Mayor Paterson, our six c un- foo better M than the the treasurer's monthly report, a 1 egg, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 cup enemy. warrant for $1,750 was ordered Five n ew members, Misses 1 tablespoon chopped pars­ drawn to take up two $500 re- ^milk, Waggener, Willard and McDon­ ley ald, and Mesdames E S. Sparks 5 S J « L " tPar?an«e'toSr‘tS" Mi* Jnsredien.s and bakn in and C. E. Harke, kwere admitted. 1 a moderate oven until hrm. May month s rannmg expin«.. be served with tomato sauce Patriotic Instruction M. R Johnson, president of the 1 EDNA L. MILLS. The Patriotic In*tructor. De­ First National Bank, appeared p and convinced the council that . Emergency Home Demonstra- tr im e n t of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic, will be at the K. two fire escapes on the bank tlon Agent. of P. hall on October 17th, at 1:30 building were not necessary and To Advertise the County p. m. The Comrade* shou’d not he was told to go ahead and put Through the efforts of the Com­ . miss this opportunity to hear one on the south side only. Club, with the co-opera­ something to their advantage. Councilman Coon reported that mercial tion of the fair board and W. J. R BEACH. contractor M c G e e was well the County county Court, Washington -tarted with the grading of North county is to have an exhibit at the N O T E S A N T ) P E R S O N A L S Seventh street. Manufacturers’ and Land Pro­ The gas people asked permission ducts Show, to be held at the Dr. Lowe, Friday. to run their mains up the park­ new Auditorium, Portland, Nov. Mr. anrf'Mrs James McFarlane ing on the north side of Pacific 3d to 24th, inclusive. of Manning were in the Grove avenue and there was no objec­ The nucleus of the exhibit Tuesday. tion raised They expect to have will be the exhibit shown at the William Kappel of David’s Hill gas in the city by next Monday, state fair, augmented by grains, Tuesday sold his prune crop at Property owners on North grasses, fruits and vegetables do­ 9I t cents, the best price received Main street asked permission to nated by exhibitors at the county allow hydrants to run to drain fair, including the various granges. in recent years Oscar Ixjve and C. W. Mertz mains and several old soldiers This will make a good showing asked permission to allow their for the county, but the officers of have been representing the local light and water bills to run three the Commercial club want still K. of P. lodge at the grand lodge months. No action on either re­ more and persons having any­ meeting in Portland Monday, quest. thing good to add to the exhibit Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rice and After giving the cement side­ are asked to notify Secretary M walk oidinance its final reading, R. Johnson. A good exhibit at Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCracken council adjourned to next Tues­ this show will be worth consider­ leave today by autos, equipped able to the county making it and with camping outfit, for Berkley, day evening, at 8 o’clock. Washington county farmers will Calif., expecting to be away all winter. be benefit ted by this publicity. Veterans Hold Reunion J. A. Peterson, a member of the The a n n u a l reunion of the Woman’s Club Meeting local I. O. O. F. lodge, Monday Washington County Veterans’ as­ The members of the Forest sent the members a big basket of sociation, held in the court house at Hillsboro last Thursday, was Grove Woman’s club met last nice grapes and after lodge those one of the most enjoyable of all Monday afternoon in Langley members who had “pep” enough the similar gatherings by the hall, with a good attendance and to attend lodge enjoyed a feast. considerable business was trans Mr. Peterson makes his presenta- members. Adjutant General Williams and acted. It was decided to make; tion of grapes an annual affair. W. H. Hendershot of Portland , the next meeting (Oct 22) open It ¡s not given to many couples were present and made patriotic to the public On this occasion to celebrate their sixtieth wedding speeches, as did Rev. Smith and Miss Edna Mills, home demon- anniversaries, but Mr and Mrs. Mayor John Wall of Hillsboro stiation agent for Washington W. H. Perry of this city enjoyed Comrade Beach was particularly and Yamhill counties, will make a that distinction Saturday, when pleased with Mayor Wall’s ad- talk on “Conservation” and have they celebrated quietly and sanely dress, which was patriotic to a charge of the meeting, with a family dinner, attended by marked degree. Mrs. White, the new president, Mr. and Mrs. E. E Lyons and In addition to the fife and drum read to the members her address, son, Ralph. Mr. and Mrs Perry music, without which no reunion, in which she called attention to were married at Frankfort, Ky., on or encampment is complete, there the vast amount of good the club Oct. 6, 1857. Mr. Perry did his was singing and piano Tnusic ga- members could do for humanity, bit as a soldier in the 30th Ken­ lore, with a big basket dinner at The Woman’s club does not stand tucky infantry. They came to noon. The attendance was very in the way of patriotic service, Forest Grove nine years ago and good, in spite of the fair in this but, rather, offers an opportunity are among the city's most respect- city. for the intelligent and collective i ed citizens. v Our , u . armies .......... ...... . and . u - t allies u a v c . must Sbe